Download - WKAC - Roughs - Page 23

Page 1: WKAC - Roughs - Page 23

Dr p: you want me to use my superior

knowledge of genetics to modify

regular fruit and veg into replace-

ment superheroes? I have to say, this

is quite an ingenius plan; as morally

despicible as it is wickedly creative...

dr p: ..of course i can do it - i’m in. but

we need equipment... a lab...

AT: i can use my connections in the

mayors office to... redirect any crates

of medical supplies and equipment we

might need from incoming shipment... as

for lab-space, i think I’ve got an idea...

< this one time when he was drunk, I’d heard

huggy pear talking about a secret room in

his basement he used to use back when his

club was a broth-el - apparently no-one

else knew about it >

Huggy:Huggy:’s not much really, but it’s well

hidden - i don’t need to know what you get up

to in here man, just in case I have to deny

any involvement, if you now what i mean!

at:’s perfect!

< he tells me that he ain’t gonna tell nobody, but

I can’t take the risk, we’ve come too far... >

at: sorry huggy...

< i blew his brains out right there in the alley... the

power from the gun... it felt good. but this was no

good, soon the cops would be sniffing around... we

had to move the lab. >

compuer: audio file repair is now complete

CC: computer: play audio file...

day 01

< so earlier i went to the warehouse

like we’d arranged - I asked him what

he thought of my idea >

at: “ so whaddya say doc? i figured if

anyone could pull off this scheme, it’d

be you... can you do it?”

day 02

< the doc said he needed test sub-

jects, and the major had been on my

ass about sorting out the homeless

problem in tabasco (apparantly it was

hurting his votes) so i thought i’d kill

two birds with one stone... >

< i gave ‘free nutrients’ leaflets to every

homelss piece of trash I could find, soon

they were queing up to the back entrance of

huggy’s club (it being during the daytime,

huggy was fast asleep and none the wiser) >

day 03

<...and then it was lights out time. the

doc was happy, plenty of ‘test subjects’

he called ‘em... i thought it was all

pretty creepy, but it’ll all be worth it to

impress the don, when he see’s the

result, he’s going to freak! >

day 06

< potential disaster today - huggy comes stubbling into

the lab looking for ‘a spare keg of beer’ or something

- anyway, when he see’s Dr p,s experiments, he freaks out

and runs for it...>