Download - Within the plot and structure of Othello, we will also be identifying and analyzing various themes and symbols Before we begin our visual interpretation.


Within the plot and structure of Othello, we will also be identifying and analyzing various themes and symbols Before we begin our visual interpretation of themes and symbols, take out your notebook or a piece of paper and at the top of the page write: Othello: Themes and Symbols On the left-hand side of the page list the following categories: ( Dedicate at least a page to each category) Theme n. A common thread or repeated idea throughout a literary work. Sometimes themes are deep, difficult to understand, or even moralistic. Generally, a theme has to be extracted as the reader explores the passages of a work. Symbol n. An object or action in a literary work that means more than itself, that stands for something beyond itself. By looking at this painting, can you guess what might be one of the themes in Othello? Still interpreting theme.... What does this visual represent? Does this picture relate to Othello? Explain your thinking. Yes, this is a theme too... Just wondering: Do you think children this age are aware that they are committing a deadly sin? What do you think is going on between the two characters below? This representation is also an identifiable theme in Othello. Do you recognize the actors? CHECKING IN BEFORE MOVING ON TO SYMBOLS Goats, monkeys, black rams, white ewes. All of these animals symbolically represent characters in the play. IF SOMEBODY CALLED YOU AN ANIMAL, HOW WOULD IT MAKE YOU FEEL? Location! Location! Location! Greetings from Venice! Wish You Were Here! Love Desdemona xoxox What does where we live say about us?. Greetings from Cyprus! Wish you were here! Love Othello xoxox How does this location compare to Venice? What is the name of the symbol below? What do you think it represents in the play? WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE FIGURES IN THE PAINTING? WHAT DOES THE COLOR OF THEIR GOWNS REPRESENT ? WHAT IS THIS? WHAT CAN BE INTERPRETED FROM THIS SYMBOL? WE WILL ALSO IDENTIFY WHO COMMITS ONE OR MORE OF THE DEADLY SINS IN SHAKESPEARES, OTHELLO FINI