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Copyright 2002, Intel Corporation, All rights reserved.

Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring Alan Mainwaring, Joseph Polastre, Robert Szewczyk, and David Culler IRB-TR-02-006 June, 2002


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Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat MonitoringAlan Mainwaring1 Joseph Polastre2 Robert Szewczyk2 David Culler1,2

1 Intel Research Laboratory, Berkeley

Intel Corporation


2 EECS Department

University of California at Berkeley


Abstract—We examine the requirements of environmen-tal monitoring in the context of two wildlife habitats: GreatDuck Island and James Reserve. Based on the requirementsfrom the researchers studying these habitats, we propose asensor network architecture for this class of applications,discuss the hardware design: sensor platform, enclosure de-sign, and sensor calibration. Available energy emerges asthe resource dictating performance characteristics of var-ious services: data collection, communication, sensor net-work retasking. We evaluate the tradeoffs between differ-ent approaches to implementing several sensor network ser-vices. The ultimate goal of our work is to provide life scien-tists with a reliable and predictable sensor network kit.


Habitat and environmental monitoring represent a classof sensor network applications with enormous potentialbenefits for scientific communities and society as a whole.Our technical interests in these applications are four fold.First, they focus attention on developing an appropri-ate sensor network architecture for a domain rather thanan idiosyncratic instance. Second, they provide a con-text in which some problems have simple, concrete so-lutions while others remain open research areas. Third,an application-driven approach separates actual problemsfrom potential ones, and relevant issues from irrelevantones. Finally, collaboration with scientists in other fieldshelps to define the broader application space as wellas specific application requirements, allows field testingemerging systems, and offers objective evaluations of thetechnologies. The impact of sensor networks for habitatand environmental monitoring will be measured by theirability to enable of new applications and production ofnew results that would otherwise be too difficult to real-ize.

The instrumentation of natural spaces with networkedsensors enables long-term data collection at scales orresolutions that are difficult, if not impossible, to ob-tain otherwise. The intimate connection with their im-mediate physical environments allows sensor networks

to provide localized measurements and detailed informa-tion that complement the macroscopic measurements andanalysis. The integration of on-board processing, localstorage and networking allows individual sensor nodes toperform complex filtering and triggering functions, andapply application- and sensor-specific data compressionalgorithms. When local processing is combined with co-operative in-network processing, more complex tasks, likestatistical sampling, data aggregation, and system healthand status monitoring, become possible [1], [2].

Several qualitative differences from traditional instru-mentation make sensor networks attractive for habitat andenvironmental monitoring. The complete integration ofcomputing, networking and local storage with sensing andactuation produces smaller, low-power devices. Increasedpower efficiency gives applications more flexibility in re-solving fundamental design tradeoffs, e.g.between sam-pling rates and battery lifetimes. Low-power radios withwell-designed protocol stacks allow generalized commu-nications among network nodes, rather than simple point-to-point telemetry. The computing and networking ca-pabilities allow sensor networks to be reprogrammed orretasked after deployment in the field. Moreover, nodeshave the capability to adapt their operation over time inresponse to changes in the environmental as well as thecondition of the sensor network itself.

This paper develops a specific habitat monitoring appli-cation, that is representative of habitat and environmentalmonitoring applications in general. It presents a collectionof requirements, constraints and guidelines that serves asa basis for the resulting sensor network architecture in thereal-world. It describes the core components of the sensornetwork for this domain – the hardware and sensor plat-forms, patch gateways, basestations and databases. Thedesign and implementation of the essential network ser-vices, including power management, communications, re-tasking and node management, can be evaluated in con-text.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.

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Section II discusses the requirements of our habitat mon-itoring application. Section III presents a sensor networkarchitecture that includes the core system components andinterfaces. Section IV discusses the design and imple-mentation issues facing the hardware and software mod-ules. Section V presents the required network services inthe light of available energy. Section VI documents ourprogress and experiences to date in developing and de-ploying two sensor networks in the field, and section VIImakes concluding remarks.


The challenge from a systems research perspective isfinding representative applications that further the devel-opment of a sensor network architecture and focuses at-tention on the core system issues. Equally important, re-search prototypes must be sufficiently robust to allow col-leagues in the life sciences to use them to good effect.Multi-disciplinary collaborations are essential for identi-fying core application requirements, as well as for assist-ing with the deployment of prototype systems, long-termusage and monitoring, and providing objective feedbackon their strengths and weaknesses.

A. Field Stations and Research Overviews

We have selected two locations for field testing in-situsensor networks for habitat monitoring. Both sites are as-sociated with institutions with ongoing field research pro-grams that have well established on-site infrastructure andlogistical support.

The first location is Great Duck Island (GDI). GreatDuck Island (44.09N,68.15W) is a 237 acre island located15 km south of Mt Desert Island, Maine. The Nature Con-servancy and the State of Maine hold much of the islandin joint tenancy. Research on their property is conductedunder a cooperative agreement with the College of the At-lantic in Bar Harbor, Maine.

Ongoing research on Great Duck Island focuses on ba-sic ecology – the distribution and abundance of plantsand animals – in relation to the diverse assortment ofmicro-climates and habitats. Of particular interest arelarge breeding colonies of Leech’s Storm Petrels and otherseabirds. Sensor networks that measure basic environ-mental parameters such as light, temperature, humidity,and pressure will provide long-term, baseline data. In-frared sensors may capture individual entrance/exit eventsas birds move in and out of their nesting burrows in theground. In the future, additional sensors will support spe-cific studies, such as using a small washdown scale placedinside a sample of burrows for monitoring nest occupancyand egg development.

The second location is the James San Jacinto Moun-tains Reserve (JMR), Idyllwild, California. The JamesReserve (33.48N, 116.46W) is a 29 acre ecological pre-serve, representing just one of the University of Califor-nia System Natural Reserve System’s 34 land holdings.These reserves are available for university-level courses,research, and public outreach programs.

As part of the NSF Center for Embedded NetworkedSensors, research at the James Reserve is investigat-ing sensing infrastructures for a range of habitats, fromstreambeds to forests to desert landscapes. They are ex-ploring multimedia sensors for both natural and artificialenclosures, such as nest boxes and bat caves. Other workwill focus on monitoring ecosystems over time, includingthe response of vegetation to climate changes. Additionalwork will explore acoustical sensing of birds for identifi-cation as well as estimating populations.

B. General application requirements

1) Internet access: The sensor networks at GDI andJMR must be accessible via the Internet. An essentialaspect of habitat monitoring applications is the ability tosupport remote interactions with in-situ networks.

2) Hierarchical network: The field stations at GDI andJMR need sufficient resources to host Internet connectiv-ity and database systems. However, the habitats of scien-tific interest are located up to several kilometers furtheraway. A second tier of wireless networking provides con-nectivity to multiple patches of sensor networks deployedat each of the areas of interest. Three to four patches of100 static (not mobile) nodes is sufficient to start.

3) Sensor network longevity: Sensor networks that runfor 9 months from non-rechargeable power sources wouldhave significant audiences today. Although ecologicalstudies at GDI and JMR span multiple field seasons, in-dividual field seasons typically vary from 9 to 12 months.Seasonal changes as well as the plants and animals of in-terest determine their durations.

4) Operating off-the-grid: Every level of the networkmust operate with bounded energy supplies. Although re-newable energy, for example solar power, may be avail-able at some locations, disconnected operation remainsa possibility. Both GDI and JMR have sufficient solarpower to run many elements of the application 24x7 withlow probabilities of service interruptions due to powerloss.

5) Management at-a-distance: The remoteness of thefield sites requires the ability to monitor and manage sen-sor networks over the Internet. Although personnel maybe on site (personnel is available year round at JMR butjust 2 to 3 months each summer at GDI), the goal is zero

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on-site presence for maintenance and administration dur-ing the field season, except for installation and removal ofnodes.

6) Inconspicuous operation: Habitat monitoring in-frastructure must be inconspicuous. It should not disruptthe natural processes or behaviors under study. Remov-ing human presence from the study areas both eliminatesa source of error and variation in data collection, as wellas a significant source of disturbance.

7) System behavior: From both a systems and end-user perspective, it is critical that sensor networks ex-hibit stable, predictable, and repeatable behavior when-ever possible. An unpredictable system is difficult to de-bug and maintain. More importantly, predictability is es-sential in developing trust in these new technologies forlife scientists.

8) In-situ interactions: Although the majority of in-teractions with the sensor networks are expected to be viathe Internet, local interactions are required during initialdeployment, during maintenance tasks, as well as duringon-site visits. PDAs serve an important role in assistingwith these tasks. They may directly query a sensor, ad-just operational parameters, or simply assist in locatingdevices.

9) Sensors and sampling: For our particular applica-tions, the ability to sense light, temperature, infrared, rel-ative humidity, and barometric pressure provide an essen-tial set of useful measurements. The ability to sense addi-tional phenomena, such as acceleration/vibration, weight,chemical vapors, gas concentrations, pH, and noise levelswould augment them.

C. Data models

Although a large number of sensors can easily producemore data than the network can deliver to a relay nodeor the site’s basestation, archiving sensor readings for off-line data mining and analysis is essential. The reliableoffloading of sensor logs to databases in the wired, pow-ered infrastructure is an essential capability. The desireto interactively “drill-down” and explore individual sen-sors, or a subset of sensors, in near real-time complementlog-based studies. In this mode of operation, the timelydelivery of fresh sensor data is key. Lastly, nodal datasummaries and and periodic health-and-status monitoringrequires timely delivery.


Having defined application requirements we now de-scribe the system architecture, the functionality of indi-vidual pieces and how they address the requirements setforth in section II.

The lowest level of the sensing application is pro-vided by autonomous sensor nodes. These small, battery-powered devices are placed in areas of interest. Each sen-sor node consists of two logical components: (1) a generalpurpose computational module and (2) an application-specific sensing module. This separation makes the plat-form more flexible because different habitats may requiredifferent sensor suites.

Each sensor node collects environmental data primar-ily about its immediate surroundings. Because it is placedclose to the phenomenon of interest, the sensors can of-ten be built using smaller and cheaper individual sensors.High spatial resolution can be achieved through dense de-ployment of sensor nodes. Compared with an approachwhich uses a few high quality sensors with sophisticatedsignal processing, this architecture provides higher ro-bustness against occlusions and component failures.

The general purpose computing module is a pro-grammable unit that provides computation, storage, andbidirectional communication with other nodes in the sys-tem. It interfaces with the analog and digital sensorson the sensor module, performs basic signal processing(e.g.simple translation based on calibration data), and dis-patches the data according to the application needs. Com-pared with the traditional data logging systems, it offerstwo advantages: it can be retasked in the field and it caneasily communicate with the rest of the system. In-situ re-tasking allows the scientists to refocus their observationsbased on the analysis of the initial results. For example,while at the beginning of the deployment, we might wantto collect the absolute temperature readings, after the ini-tial interpretation of the data we might realize that the in-formation of interest is contained in significant tempera-ture changes that exceed a defined threshold over time.

Individual sensor nodes communicate and coordinatewith one another. The cooperation can take several forms.The sensors will typically form a multihop network by for-warding each other’s messages, which vastly extends con-nectivity options. If appropriate, the network can performin-network aggregation (e.g.reporting the average temper-ature across a region). This flexible communication struc-ture allows us to produce a network which delivers the re-quired data while meeting the energy requirements. Weexpand on energy efficient communication protocols insection V.

Ultimately, the data from each sensor needs to propa-gate to the Internet. Bringing direct wide area connectivityto each sensor path is not feasible – the equipment is toocostly, it requires a lot of power and the installation all re-quired required equipment is quite intrusive to the habitat.Instead, the wide area connectivity is brought to the base

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The Internet


Base Station


Remote User




On-site User


station, where we can provide adequate power and hous-ing for the equipment. The base station communicateswith the sensor patch using a wireless local area network.Such design is particularly advantageous since often eachhabitat involves monitoring several particularly interest-ing areas, each with its own dedicated sensor patch. Eachsensor patch is equipped with a gateway which can com-municate with the sensor network and provides commer-cial WLAN connectivity. The WLAN access point is co-located with the base station. In addition to providing theLAN connectivity, the gateway coordinates the activitywithin the sensor patch, and provides additional compu-tation and storage. The extra resources at the gatewaycome at a cost – providing enough energy to sustain theunit pushes its size to roughly the size of a car battery.

A valid alternative would be to provide the local areaconnectivity through the sensor nodes. One would simplyplace a series of nodes along the path between the sensorpatch and the base station; each node in the series acts as arelay. Robustness of such link could achieved though a re-dundant connectivity. Each design has different character-istics with respect to expected robustness, bandwidth, en-ergy efficiency, cost, and manageability. We do note that

this alternative only addresses link-level issues; a morepowerful gateway node still has an important role to play.

To provide data to remote end-users, the base station in-cludes WAN connectivity and persistent data storage forthe collection of sensor patches. Since many habitats ofinterest are quite remote, we expect that the WAN con-nection will be wireless (e.g.two-way satellite). The basestation will typically take a form of a WAN connection, in-terfaces to the sensor network gateways, a persistent stor-age component, and a general-purpose computer. The setof components needs to be reliable, enclosed in environ-mentally protected housing, and provided with adequatepower. In many environments such conditions can be pro-vided relatively easily at a ranger station.

The architecture needs to address the possibility of dis-connection at every level. Each layer (sensor nodes, gate-ways, base stations) has some persistent storage whichprotects against data loss in case of power outage. Eachlayer also provides data management services. At the sen-sor level, these will be quite primitive, taking the formof data logging. The base station will often offer full-fledged relational database service. The data managementat the gateways will fall somewhere in between, offering

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some database services, but perhaps over limited windowof data. While many types of communication can be un-reliable, when it comes to data collection, long-latency ispreferable to data loss. For this kind of communication,a “custody transfer” model, similar to SMTP messages orbundles [3], may be applicable.

Users interact with the sensor network data in twoways. Remote users access the replica of the base sta-tion database (in the degenerate case they interact withthe database directly). This approach allows for easy inte-gration with data analysis and mining tools, while mask-ing the potential wide area disconnections with the basestations. Remote control of the network is also providedthrough the database interface. Although this control in-terface is is sufficient for remote users, on-site users mayoften require a more direct interaction with the network.A small, PDA-sized device, referred to as gizmo enablessuch interaction. The gizmo can directly communicatewith the sensor patch, provide the user with a fresh set ofreadings about the environment and monitors the network.While the gizmo will typically not take custody of anydata, it allows the user to interactively control the networkparameters by adjusting the sampling rates, power man-agement parameters and other network parameters. Theconnectivity between any sensor node and the gizmo doesnot have to rely on functioning multihop sensor networkrouting, instead the user will often communicate with themote network directly, relying on single hop proximity.We expect that this device will be extremely useful dur-ing the initial deployment and during retasking of the net-work.


A. Sensor Network Node

In our deployment, we are using UC Berkeley motes asthe sensor nodes. We are relying on the latest member ofthe mote family called Mica [4], which provides severalimprovements over the previous generations. Mica usesa single channel, 916MHz radio from RF Monolithics toprovide a bi-directional communication at 40kbps, an At-mel Atmega 103 microcontroller running at 4MHz, andconsiderable amount of nonvolatile storage (512 KB). Apair of conventional AA batteries and a DC boost con-verter provide a stable voltage source, though other re-newable energy sources can be easily used. Small size(approximately 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.5 inches) and wireless com-munication capabilities allow us to deploy the motes in re-mote locations without interfering with the existing habi-tat.

B. Sensor Board

To provide meaningful data to scientists, we designedand manufactured an environmental monitoring sensorboard, shown in Figure 2. Named the Mica WeatherBoard, it provides sensors that monitor changing environ-mental conditions with the same functionality as a tradi-tional weather station. The Mica Weather Board includestemperature, photoresistor, barometric pressure, humidity,and passive infrared (thermopile) sensors.

Each sensor was chosen from a list of possible candi-dates with similar characteristics. The barometric pres-sure module is a digital sensor manufactured by Inter-sema. The sensor is sensitive up to 0.1 mbar of pres-sure and measures the absolute pressure range from 300 to1100 mbar. The module is calibrated during manufactur-ing and the calibration coefficients are stored in EEPROMon the module. The pressure module includes a calibratedtemperature sensor so that the barometric pressure read-ings may be temperature compensated.

The humidity sensor is manufactured by General East-ern. It is a polymer capacitive sensor factory calibrated towithin 1 picofarad (±3% relative humidity). The sensingelement consists of an electrode metalization depositedover the humidity sensor polymer. The sensor is mod-ulated by a 555 CMOS timer to sense the charge in thecapacitor which is filtered through by RC circuit. The re-sulting voltage is amplified by an instrumentation ampli-fier for greater sensitivity over the range of 0% to 100%relative humidity.

The thermopile is a passive infrared sensor manufac-tured by Melexis. Heat from black bodies in the sensor’sfield of view causes a temperature difference between thethermopile’s cold junction and the thermopile membrane.The temperature difference is converted to an electric po-tential by the thermo-electric effect in the thermopile junc-tions. The sensor does not require any supply voltage. Thethermopile includes a thermistor in the silicon mass. Thethermistor may be used to measure the temperature of thecold junction on the thermopile and accurately calculatethe temperature of the black body.

The photoresistor is a variable resistor in a voltage di-vider circuit. The divided voltage is measured by theADC. The final temperature sensor is a digital calibratedsensor that communicates over the I2C bus. The charac-teristics of each sensor can be seen in Table I.

The sensors were chosen with great care to ensure lowinterchangeability and high accuracy. Each sensor has lessthan 3% variation when interchanged with others of thesame model. The accuracy of each sensor is within 3% ofthe actual value. Through calibration, the interchangeabil-ity and accuracy can be reduced to below 1% depending

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Sensor Accuracy Interchangeability Sample Rate (Hz) Current (in mA)Photoresistor N/A 10% 2000 1.235I2C Temperature 1 K 0.20 K 2 0.150Barometric Pressure 1.5 mbar 0.5% 10 0.010Barometric Pressure Temp 0.8 K 0.24 K 10 0.010Humidity 2% 3% 500 0.775Thermopile 3 K 5% 2000 0.170Thermistor 5 K 10% 2000 0.126


on the requirements of the application. Higher accuracyresults in a longer time to deploy the nodes due to calibra-tion. Out of the box, the nodes will be accurate for mostapplications. Due to the interchangeability and accuracy,the sensors can be deployed in the field quicker and littleor no calibration is needed prior to deployment.

The unique combination of sensors can be used for avariety of aggregate operations. The thermopile may beused in conjunction with its thermistor and the photore-sistor to detect cloud cover [5]. The thermopile may alsobe used to detect occupancy, measure the temperature ofa nearby object (for example, a bird or a nest), and sensechanges in temperature in the object over time. If the ini-tial altitude is known, the barometer module may be usedas an altimeter. Strategically placed sensor boards withbarometric pressure sensors can detect the wind speed anddirection by modeling the wind as a fluid flowing over aseries of apertures (one such method is described in [6]).

In addition to the sensors on the Mica Weather Board,we included an I2C analog to digital converter. Separat-ing the ADC from the main Mica processing board pro-vides greater flexibility in developing components to re-duce power consumption. The ADC uses less power thanthe Atmel processor on the Mica, may be used in paral-lel with processing or radio transmission on the Mica, andcan be operated in various low-power and sleep modes.Additionally, The sensor board includes an I2C 8 by 8power switch permitting individual components on theboard to be turned on or off. Each switch can be oper-ated independently of each other–further reducing powerconsumption.

The Mica Weather Board was designed with interop-erability in mind. The Mica includes a 51 pin expansionconnector. The connector has the ability to stack sensorboards on top of each other. Instead of allowing eachboard to compete for pins on the connector, we developedan access protocol. The Mica will change the value of aswitch on the sensor board using the I2C bus. By mon-

Fig. 2Mica Hardware Platform: THE MICA SENSOR NODE (TOP LEFT)



itoring the status of the switch, the sensor board knowswhen access to the Mica’s resources has been granted.When a board has access, it may use the power, interrupt,ADC, and EEPROM lines that are directly connected tothe microprocessor and components on the Mica process-ing board.

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C. Energy budget

Habitat monitoring applications need to run for ninemonths. Mica runs on a pair of AA batteries, with a typ-ical capacity of 2.5 ampere-hours (Ah). However we canneither use every drop of energy in the batteries nor arethe batteries manufactured with identical capacities frombatch to batch or from manufacturer to manufacturer. Wemake a conservative estimate that the batteries will be ableto supply 2200 mAh at 3 volts.

Assuming the system will operate uniformly over thedeployment period, each node has 8.148 mAh per dayavailable for use. The application chooses how to allocatethis energy budget between sleep modes, sensing, localcalculations and communications. We note that since dif-ferent nodes in the network have different functions, theyalso may have very different power requirements. For ex-ample, nodes near the gateway may need to forward allmessages from a patch, whereas a node in a nest may needto merely report its own readings. In any network, therewill be some set of power limited nodes; when these nodesexhaust their supplies, the network is disconnected andinoperable. Consequently, we need to budget our powerwith respect to the energy bottleneck of the network. Toform an estimate of what is possible on a Mica mote witha pair of AA batteries, we tabulated the costs of variousbasic operations in Table II.

Operation nAhTransmitting a packet 20.000Receiving a packet 8.000Operating sensor for 1 sample (analog) 1.080Operating sensor for 1 sample (digital) 0.347Reading a sample from the ADC 0.011EEPROM Read Data 1.111EEPROM Program/Erase Data 83.333


The baseline life time of the node is determined bythe current draw in the sleep state. Minimizing power insleep mode involves turning off the sensors, the radio, andputting the processor into a deep sleep mode. Addition-ally, I/O pins on the microcontroller need to be put in apull-up state whenever possible, as they can contribute asmuch as 100 µA of leakage current. Mica architectureuses a DC booster to provide stable voltage from degrad-ing alkaline batteries. With no load, the booster drawsbetween 200 and 300 µA, depending on the battery volt-age. While this functionality is crucial for predictable sen-sor readings and communications, it is not needed in the

sleep mode. Furthermore, the current draw of the micro-processor is proportional to the supply voltage. We mod-ified Mica motes with a Schottky diode, which allows usto reliably bypass the DC booster while reducing the sup-ply voltage in sleep modes. The modification allows us toachieve between 30 and 50 µA current draw (battery de-pendent), which reduces the energy available for tasks to6.9 mAh per day.

D. Electro-mechanical Packaging

By their nature, habitat monitoring sensors are exposedto the environment. Packaging for environmental sensorsmust protect the device, while minimally obstructing thesensing function. Mica motes by their design are fairly ro-bust mechanically, with the battery case firmly integratedwith the main sensor board, and the mounting holes forsecuring the sensor boards. To provide weather-proofing,we coat the entire sensor package with paralene sealant,which protects all exposed electrical contacts from expo-sure to water. The sensors remain exposed to protect theirsensitivity. Each coated node is then enclosed in a trans-parent acrylic enclosure. The enclosure must be venti-lated again as not to distort the sensor readings; its pri-mary function is to provide additional protection againstmechanical failures and to raise the sensor off the ground.Acrylic packaging was chosen because it is infrared andradio frequency transparent, which won’t obstruct sensorreadings or wireless communication.

E. Patch Gateways

We chose CerfCube, a small, StrongArm-based embed-ded system, to act as the sensor patch gateway. Eachgateway is equipped with a CompactFlash-based 802.11badapter. Porting functionality to CerfCubes is fairly easy;they run an embedded version of Linux operating system.Permanent storage is plentiful–the gateway can use theIBM MicroDrive which provides up to 1 GB of storage.Supplying adequate power for this device is a challenge,without power management features this device consumesabout 2.5W (two orders of magnitude more than the sen-sor nodes). Currently we’re considering a solar panel pro-viding between 60 and 120 Watts in full sunlight con-nected to a rechargeable battery with capacity between 50and 100 Watt-hours (e.g.sealed lead-acid). Researchersfrom Intel Research and JPL have demonstrated delay-tolerant networking using CerfCubes and motes[3] whichwill fit very well with the overall system architecture.

F. Base-station installation

In order to provide remote access to the habitat monitor-ing networks, the collection of sensor network patches is

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connected to the Internet through a wide-area link. JamesReserve is already equipped with a T1 line. On GreatDuck Island, we connect to the Internet through a two-waysatellite connection provided by DirecWay. The satellitesystem is connected to a laptop which coordinates the sen-sor patches and provides a relational database service. Wehad to solve a number of challenges to turn a a consumer-grade, web-oriented service into a highly reliable general-purpose network connection. The base station needs tofunction as a turnkey system, since it needs to run unat-tended and during that time we do expect unscheduledsystem reboots. At this point we have resolved many ofthe engineering issues surrounding this problem – shortlyafter the system boots we can find it on the Internet andaccess it remotely.

G. Database Management System

The base station currently uses Postgres SQL database.The database stores time-stamped readings from the sen-sors, health status of individual sensors (e.g.battery status)and the network as a whole (e.g.connectivity and routinginformation) as well as metadata (e.g.sensor locations).

H. User Interfaces

We expect that many user interfaces will be imple-mented on top of the sensor network database. GIS sys-tems provide a widely used standard for analyzing geo-graphical data. Most statistics and data analysis pack-ages, such as Matlab, implement powerful interfaces torelational databases. Finally, we expect a number of webbased interfaces to provide the ubiquitous interfaces to thehabitat data.

At this point, the gizmo design for local users is notwell developed. We expect that the design will be basedaround an iPaq PDA running Linux. The device will in-terface with the mote network through a CompactFlash-based interface to the mote [7]. A second CompactFlashslot can be used to connect to the wireless LAN.


All of the components in the system must operate in ac-cordance with the system’s power budget. As we pointedout in section IV, each node has a budget of 6.9 mAh perday. Since Mica processor alone draws approximately 5mA, we can afford to run the processor for at most 1.4hours per day, 5.8% duty cycle if no other operations areperformed by the mote. In a running system, the energybudget must be divided amongst several system services:sensor sampling, data collection, routing, health monitor-ing and network retasking.

A. Data sampling and collection

In habitat monitoring the ultimate goal is data collec-tion; sampling rates and precision of measurements areoften dictated by external specifications. For every sen-sor we can bound the cost of taking a single sample. Byanalyzing the requirements we can place a bound on theenergy spent on data acquisition. We trade the cost ofdata processing and compression against the cost of datatransmission. We can estimate the energy required by datacollection by analyzing data collected from indoor mon-itoring networks. Let us consider an experiment wherea mote collects a light sample every minute. The sam-ple is represented as a 16-bit integer, but it contains a 10-bit ADC reading. Assuming that each packet can carry25 bytes of payload, unprocessed data requires between72 (if 10-bit samples are used) and 116 packets (if 16-bit numbers are used). While this service does not puta burden on the leaf nodes, the routing nodes near theroot may need to retransmit the messages from every leafin the network, roughly two orders of magnitude more.Anecdotal evidence presented Table III suggests that thisvolume of data can be easily reduced by a factor of 2-4 by applying a delta compression and a standard com-pression algorithm (e.g.Huffman coding or Lempel-Ziv).The compression performs even better when applied to alonger run of data. Far better results can be obtained withsignal-specific lossy compression techniques (much likethe GSM voice compression schemes). Other methods in-clude distributed compression involving correlating net-work data amongst similar nodes and using Coset codes[8]. Often the signal model is unknown a priori, but canbe obtained through the analysis of the initial data. Wecan then use the network retasking service to program thesensors to communicate the data of interest.

Once we have allocated the energy for sampling thesensor and communicating the results, the remaining en-ergy is devoted to maintaining the network – MAC proto-cols, maintaining routing tables, forwarding network mes-sages, and health monitoring. These tasks can either betightly scheduled or run on demand. On one extreme, thesystem is scheduled at every level, from TDMA access tothe channel, through scheduled adaptation of routes andchannel quality. Overhead costs are upfront and fixed. ATDMA system is expected to perform well if the networkis relatively static. On the other extreme, we use a low-power hailing channel to create on-demand synchroniza-tion between a sender and a receiver. The service over-head is proportional to the use of the service. This ap-proach can be more robust to unexpected changes in thenetwork, at the expense of extra cost. Finally, a hybridapproach is possible, where each service runs in an on-

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Compression Huffman Lempel-Ziv Burrow-Wheeler Uncompressedalgorithm (pack) (gzip) (bzip2)8-bit sample 1128 611 681 136510-bit sample 1827 1404 1480 170716-bit sample 2074 1263 1193 27308-bit difference 347 324 298 136510-bit difference 936 911 848 170716-bit difference 839 755 769 2730



demand fashion, but the time period for when the demandcan occur is scheduled on a coarse basis.

B. Communications

The communications service consists of the communi-cations resources including hardware and a set of rout-ing and media access algorithms. The routing algo-rithms must be tailored for efficient network communi-cation while maintaining connectivity when required tosource or relay packets.

A simple routing solution for low duty cycle sensornetworks is simply broadcasting data to a gateway dur-ing scheduled communication periods. This method is themost efficient–data is only communicated in one directionand there is no dependency on surrounding nodes for re-laying packets in a multihop manner.

Many of the hard to reach research locations are be-yond the range of a single wireless broadcast from moteto gateway. Accordingly, a multi-hop scheduled protocolmust be used to collect, aggregate, and communicate data.

Methods like GAF [9] and SPAN [10] have been usedto extend the longevity of the network by selecting rep-resentatives to participate in the network; thereby thesealgorithms reduce the average per node power consump-tion. Although these methods provide factors of 2 to 3times longer network operation, our application requires afactor of 100 times longer network operation. GAF andSPAN don’t account for infrequent sampling but rathercontinuous network connectivity and operation. Instead,we propose augmenting scheduled multihop routing orlow power MAC protocols with GAF and/or SPAN to pro-vide additional power savings. GAF and SPAN are inde-pendent of sampling frequency, whereas our applicationrequires increased power savings that may be achieved byadjusting the communication frequency.

The research challenge of the routing problem is find-ing a power efficient method for scheduling the nodessuch that long multihop paths may be used to relay the

data. We propose the following approaches for scheduledcommunication:

• After determining an initial routing tree, set eachmote’s level from the gateway. Schedule nodesfor communication on adjacent levels starting at theleaves. As each level transmits to the next, it returnsto a sleep state. The following level is awaken, andpackets are relayed for the scheduled time period.The process continues until all levels have completedtransmission in their period. The entire network re-turns to a sleep mode. This process repeats itself at aspecified point in the future.

• Instead of a horizontal approach, awaken nodesalong paths or subtrees in a vertical approach. Eachsubtree in turn completes their communication up thetree. This method is more resilient to network con-tention; however the number of subtrees in the net-work will likely exceed the number of levels in thenetwork and subtrees may be disjoint allowing themto communicate in parallel.

Alternatively, we have experimented with using lowpower MAC protocols. By determining our duty cycle, wecan calculate the frequency with which the radio samplesfor a start symbol. By extending the start symbol whentransmitting packets, we can match the length of the startsymbol to the sampling frequency. Other low power MACprotocols, such as S-MAC [11] and Aloha [12] employsimilar techniques that turn off the radio during idle peri-ods to reduce power consumption. The difference is thatinstead of having a large power and network overhead ofsetting up a schedule initially, the overhead is distributedalong the lifetime of the node. Both approaches are equiv-alent in power consumption, the decision for which to usedepends on the end-user interactivity required by the ap-plication. A potential tradeoff of using a low power MACis that transmitted packets potentially wake up every nodewithin the cell. Although early rejection can be applied,scheduling prevents unneeded nodes from wasting power

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processing a packet’s headers.

C. Network Retasking

As the researchers refine the experiment, it may be nec-essary to adjust the functionality of individual nodes. Thisrefinement can take several different forms. Scalar param-eters, like duty cycle or sampling rates, may be adjustedthrough the application manager. Even such simple ad-justment allows the researchers to focus their efforts inmore interesting areas. Most of the time such updates canbe encapsulated in network maintenance packets. Morecomplex functionality adjustment may be implementedthrough virtual machines like Mate [13]. Virtual machine-based retasking seems ideal when the much of the under-lying functionality is implemented through underlying na-tive functions, as is the case in making routing decisions,or processing data through a predefined set of filters. Vir-tual machine programs can be fairly small (many fit in asingle packet). Finally, the entire code image running ona mote may be replaced with a new one. One would usethis method when a drastic retasking of the applicationis necessary; for example if it were necessary to install anew signal-specific compression algorithm to cope withthe volume of data. The reprogramming process is quitecostly – it involves reliably transmitting the binary imageof the code (transmission on the order of 10kbps of data)to all nodes that need to be reprogrammed, and invoking areprogramming application which runs the node for about2 minutes while drawing about 10 mA. To relate this to theenergy budget: we can afford to reprogram the nodes ev-ery day during the 9 month life cycle if reprogramming isthe node’s only task. While significantly more expensivein absolute terms than virtual machine reprogramming, itcan pay off over the period of a few days since it can exe-cute code more efficiently.

D. Health and Status Monitoring

A major component of use to the application is one thatmonitors the mote’s health and the health of neighboringmotes. Health and monitoring is essential for a variety ofpurposes; the most obvious is retasking. The duty cycle ofa mote may be dynamically adjusted to alter the lifetimeof a particular mote.

Health and monitoring messages sent to the gatewaycan be used to infer the validity of the mote’s sensor read-ings. Although the health messages are not critical forcorrect application execution, their use can be seen as pre-ventive maintenance. For this reason, we implement ahealth and monitoring component that does not rely onreliable transport like other data (such as the mote’s log or

data summary statistics), but ensures low latency. Healthmessages are sent rather infrequently (about once per hourdependent on the duty cycle) with no guarantee on theirdelivery.


We have deployed two small scale sensor networks inJames Reserve and Great Duck Island. These systemshave nearly all core architecture components described insection III including Mica nodes, sensor boards, weatherresistant packaging, base station, relational database, andwide area connectivity. We plan to add an intermediatetier of WLAN connectivity to multiple sensor patches thissummer.

The initial deployment of motes at GDI and JMR didnot include any calibration among the sensors. In order toprovide greater accuracy and consistency amongst sensorreadings, we feel that developing an calibration or auto-calibration procedure would be a useful tool for establish-ing a reliable sensor network in field applications.

Our current focus is on energy efficient strategies formultihop routing. In the next few weeks we will evaluatethe globally scheduled communication and the demand-driven low-power MAC. We are confident that we will beable to quantify the design tradeoffs and extend the cur-rently deployed prototypes with the services described insection V.

Our intention is to develop and package a habitat mon-itoring kit. This kit will be completed in six months andmade available to scientists and researchers. Our goal isto tackle the technical problems and meet the applicationrequirements set in section II through the proposed archi-tecture in section III and services in section V. The cre-ation of this kit will allow scientists to reliably collect datafrom locations previously unaccessible. The data is madeavailable to scientists through the data store and interac-tive devices (such as the gizmo or other user interface),effectively abstracting the underlying technical details ofthe system.


Habitat and environmental monitoring represent an im-portant class of sensor network applications. We are col-laborating with biologists at the College of the Atlanticand the James Reserve to define the core application re-quirements. Because the end users are ultimately inter-ested only in the sensor data, the sensor network systemmust primarily deliver the data of interest in a confidence-inspiring manner. The low-level energy constraints of thesensor nodes combined with the data delivery require-ments leave a clearly defined energy budget for all other

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services. Tight energy bounds and the need for predictableoperation guide the development of application architec-ture and services.


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