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Women’s Intercultural Center NOV. 9-15, 2014

The compassionate Instinct How can I be of assistance Practice of being real 7 ways to get happy Go Blue on the Border New Mexico True Heroes Crowdrise Giving Tower Holiday Challenge What people are saying about us


A gut-level feeling of inferiority, inadequacy and low self-worth are feelings that shackle many women. They are tied up in knots, bound by

this terrible feeling of inferiority and chained to a deep sense of worthlessness. Low self-esteem paralyzes a woman’s potential. At the Women’s Intercultural Center (WInC) we see the awful impact of the feelings of inferiority. Low self-esteem causes a paralysis of an individual’s potential. Many women struggle with this. Imagine the haunting self-doubts, the dragging disappointments about who they are, and what they can be. Low self-esteem begins in the crib, follows you to kindergarten, and worsens during the teen years. In adult life, it seems to settle in like a great fog that blankets an entire city. Sometimes it lifts a little but it returns to engulf and drown you. Unfortunately, this is a plague among the women that come through our doors. When I first came to WInC, I doubted my ability to lead this organization given the fact that I had worked in male dominated careers. I was offered to go to a retreat and it was one of the most enlightening experiences of my life. I was surrounded by an incredible diverse group of successful women from around the globe. And as I experienced my first feminine leadership retreat I listened to them share their lives and experiences. According to their own statements, they had happy children and financial security. However as the week

progressed and we continued to share more information about our lives these women felt a downward pull of feelings of low self-worth. It is at this moment that I asked myself if women who by the world’s standards are viewed as successful and accomplished feel this way, how deeply are women who aren’t as privileged damaged by low self-esteem? The downward pull of feelings of low self-worth leads to a battle of depression. Their lives become frozen by fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of comparison, fear of risk taking… They settle in to a life far below their potential. Having a low-esteem picture of one-self as inferior and unable can make any person self-destruct. Dreams become destroyed and the individual’s potential is lost. At WInC we have a bold and beautiful dream of educating, empowering and engaging women to thrive. We want more than to give them a fish so that they can feed their family for a day; we want more than to teach them to fish to feed their family for a lifetime…we want to put them in charge of the lake where they fish so that they in turn can feed seven generations of their family. It’s time to have bold dreams. It’s time for you to get involved in our work in a far and greater way. What’s holding you back? Together we can all realize our full potential. We can lend a hand to the women who are filled up with fear and doubts, inferiority and inadequacy. Everybody can do something and function as a giver through the work that we do whether it’s giving your time as an instructor for a class, workshop or training or through financial support. There really is a variety of ways that you can get

involved with our work. The way you get involved with our work may even be of your own design like Annette, a domestic violence survivor that decided to give her time to develop a half a day workshop specialized to bring about Domestic Violence Awareness which we have scheduled for the end of the month. Read her story on page 6. We want YOU on our team! Why not give us a chance? Working on the dream,

P.S. To find out how to join our team call us at 575-882-5556 or visit us at

Letter From the E.D.

A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.



A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

Compassion is vital to human survival, it manifests itself through nonverbal signals. A distinct signal of compassion can soothe others in distress, allow people to identify good-natured individuals with whom they’d want long-term relationships, and help forge bonds between strangers and friends.

Feeling compassion is one thing; acting on it is another. At the Women’s Intercultural Center (WInC) when we encounter people in need or distress, we often imagine what their experience is like. We take on the perspective of another. Doing this is the most important aspect in our ability to address that person’s needs and enhance that person’s welfare.

Compassion is deeply rooted in the WInC community. At the Center it has a biological basis in our brains and

bodies. We communicate compassion through facial gesture and touch, and these displays of compassion serve vital social functions. Compassion is deeply rooted in what we do.

We make room for compassionate impulses to flourish. We provide opportunities in our operations and in featured comments in our social media networks that can help us do just that.

Through our one on one dealings we model compassion with our participants, volunteers, community members that walk through our doors and others identified by our partners.

Our true strength lies in the compassion that we have for others. When Fernie Herrera, Codes Enforcement Officer for the City of Anthony, came to us seeking assistance for needy families he had encountered during his site visits we jumped into action. The WInC Community gathered blankets, heaters and clothing for the children.

The gathering of donations was spearheaded by Toni Jacquez, WInC Participant and former Board Member. She searched through what was available in our thrift store, enlisted her closed friends and enlisted her catechism class from Berino. Thanks to the generous donations to the Center’s thrift store and the work of everyone involved, we were able to provide what the families needed. “Where It Starts.”

The Compassionate Instinct In separateness lies the world's great misery, in compassion lies the world's true strength. --Albert Schweitzer

Fernie Herrera, Codes Enforcement Officer of the City of Anthony, stops by WInC seeking help for needy families in the community.



A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

For days after receiving a response email from our Executive Director on her request to volunteer, Annette Leyva racked her brain asking herself "How can I be of assistance, what skill do I have to perhaps teach? What kind of volunteer do I want to be"? She had many passions like gardening, refurbishing old furniture, oil painting and loved to encourage women young & old of their inner strength. At one time Annette found herself broken, her former husband had her to that point. She thought she could never ever feel whole again. She says, “God sent me the right people to help me, my good friend Donna Villegas (who passed away on New Years Eve this year). She was closer to me than my sisters. Through Donna I met Martha Turner and Gerald Martin. With their help I shed a lot of pain (years and years

not just the relationship I had been through) and rejection and negativities.” After relaying her story she went on to ask “What was it that I most desired to do with this life?” She prayed every day for that path to be revealed to her. Almost a full year went before she knew what to do. She wanted to be the voice of (one voice of many) women and children who suffer from domestic violence and abuse. She felt an inner voice telling her to start at the Women’s Intercultural Center (WInC). She said, “I have been where most of these women have been who suffer from verbal, mental, emotional, physical and even sexual abuse. Yet, I HAD to go through all that to understand the loss, mental anguish, low self esteem and the worst is the feeling like you don't want to live anymore. I have been made stronger and my heart belongs

to my Father in heaven and I listen to what He says to me. So, I am to do this because I have prayed for this path, I have lived it and now I have to begin to help others.” “I have been told by God everything I need is inside of me. The Truth, the conviction and my Faith is what drives me. If I need anything else God will send me the people I need to understand and follow through with whatever needs to be done.” she continued relating her message to our Executive Director and our Program Coordinator. It was at this point that she no longer struggled with what she could bring to WInC because she had included everything of herself in this conversation. Her last sentence before awaiting for our Executive Director’s response was, “I have been told your Center is where I need to begin and since God deems it so, it will be.” It was this initial conversation that led to our Executive Director’s request for Annette to develop a workshop on the Dynamics of Domestic Violence based on her experience. Annette worked closely with Mary in working out the details of the of the workshop. And hence, her work in gathering the right individuals to lead each session of the workshop has been completed. The Dynamics of Domestic Violence Workshop will be held on Saturday, November 29, 2014 from 10:30 am to 2:30pm. We encourage you to come and understand the patterns of psychological abuse, participate in a self defense demonstration and in learning how to heal the mind, body and soul. For more information on the workshop call us at 575-882-5556.

Annette Leyva’s path towards making a contribution to WInC.



We have been taught to appear in certain ways to get the approval of others. Many have fallen prey to the image makers who tell us how to dress, what colors are “ours” and how to be politically correct. The pressure to fit in is strong. The really great people we admire, the ones who have contributed to our greater good, are always those who refuse to comply! They invariably are radical thinkers, fearless individuals who at the same time allow for others to also stand out. Shakespeare said it best “to thine own self be true and as the night follows the day, thou canst be false to any man.” Those who know who they are, are not confused about what is theirs to do! They are able to enroll others by simply being present with their energy

and vision. This is what happens at the Women’s Intercultural Center (WInC). We embrace the uniqueness of every individual that crosses through our doors and encourage them to bring it to the table. We encourage them to shine!

Our WInC community is encouraged to learn from each other. This does not mean that we copy each other or dress like each other. You are encouraged to bring your own true self and individual creativity into what we learn from each other. WInC is the place where you are allowed to be seen and known for who you truly are.

Practice of Being Real

A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

7 Ways to Get Happy Here are some of the things we've learned and teach our participants that you can do right now: 1. Show up for your life mindfully 2. Kick your addictions 3. Find work you love 4. Live simply and liberate your time 5. Find and celebrate gifts—yours and those of others 6. Give the gift of your time 7. Choose gratitude

Sustainable happiness is enhanced when everyone is doing well. Trust and well-being become a generative cycle. Interconnectedness—and even love—is unleashed.



A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

“Go Blue on the Border” World Diabetes Day Press Conference

As part of the Bi-national Diabetes Committee (BDC), the Women’s Intercultural Center (WInC) participated in the “Go Blue on the Border” World Diabetes Day Conference. The press conference was held to encourage health care professionals to join the annual campaign, Go Blue on the Border, as part of the Diabetes Prevention and Control Movement. The goal of the campaign was to raise awareness about Diabetes by encouraging the entire community to wear blue on Friday, November 14 in support of World Diabetes Day. BDC representatives from El Paso, Cd. Juarez, Las Cruces and Anthony provided a regional diabetes overview which included updates on Diabetes data, successful programs and strategies.

Ten years ago it was estimated that one person was diagnosed with diabetes every 10 seconds. These days, experts said, it's more like three people are diagnosed with the disease every 10 seconds. Adults today also could be the first generation of parents to see their children die before them, because of the disease or complications from it. Dr. Rosalba Ruiz-Holguin, chronic disease unit coordinator for the Alliance for Border Collaboratives, said it's important that all the health agencies work together to bring about change. "We need to collaborate and know what is going on in our region," she said. Henry Brutus, Representative for Paso

Del Norte Bi-national Health Council, stated, “It is vital to the well-being of our community to raise awareness about Diabetes. Wearing Blue on the Border will be a fun and exciting approach to raise awareness about diabetes, while at the same time, energizing community members to become educated on how to prevent the disease.”

Dr. Rosalba Ruiz-Holguin

Showing support for the “Go Blue on the Border” campaign



A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

The brave women that have found out how much of a work out the Twerk Yourself Fit class is with only 30 minutes. Brenda said even after the work out she felt her legs burning which means the exercise she did was still working on her even after the class was done. Try out the class from 8:30-9:30am M-F.

Gift bag made out of an old map.

People always

stop by to ask us

about our Spanish Citizen-


WInC Volunteer, Brenda Irigoyen, helps out in our thrift store.


Zumba participants

waiting for their class to start.

Communal lunches at WInC helps us

accomplish a lot of our operational



A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

Mary Carter, Executive Director of the Women’s Intercultural Center (WInC), was chosen as a finalist in the search for four New Mexico True Heroes! The search is being conducted by the New Mexico Tourism Department. A panel of judges from around the state have looked through all of the nominations and declared her a finalist for recognition by Governor Susana Martinez and the Gildan New Mexico Bowl. In recognition for being chosen as one of the finalists, she received a certificate. The certificate states: The State of New Mexico and the Gildan New Mexico Bowl hereby recognize Mary Carter as a New Mex-ico True Hero finalist and present this Certificate in appreciation of all you do to make Anthony a better place to live, work and raise a family. Mary is humbled and honored to have been selected as a finalist.


Petra and Sara, participants of the Women’s Intercultural Center’s (WInC) Spanish Citizenship Class, swore their allegiance to the United States on Friday at the Las Cruces Convention Center during a naturalization ceremony. After taking the citizenship oath, both Petra and Sara were all smiles. Petra and Sara posed with the U.S. Magistrate Judge and their Instructor, Olivia Contreras, after re-ceiving their certificate of citizenship. Congratulations to Petra and Sara for attaining their goal of becoming U.S. Citizens. And congratulations to Olivia Contreras for her continued 100% record of success in preparing her students to pass the U.S. Citizenship Exam.


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

For more information on the campaign and to volunteer to lead a fundraising team please visit: or call us at 575-882-5556.


We're super excited to let you know that we're part of the CrowdRise Giving Tower Holiday Challenge. The Holiday Challenge is a friendly fundraising competition launched by craigconnects, Fred and Joanne Wilson and MacAndrews & Forbes. To give back, they will be donating $250,000 to charitable organizations this holiday season. The organization that raises the most during the Challenge will receive a $100,000 donation to their cause. Second place will win $50,000, third $25,000, fourth $10,000 and fifth place will re-ceive a $5000 donation to their cause. We're out to raise as much money as possible for our cause so we can win the $100,000 grand prize donation. We think we can win and to do so, we definitely need your help. We're looking for our amazing supporters to go one step further than just donating and to actually fundraise for our campaign. Imagine the impact we can have if each of our supporters got their friends and family to donate to our cause. And, it's super easy to do, all you have to do is Go Here and click 'Fundraise for This Campaign.' In seconds, you'll have your own fundraiser that you can share with everyone you know. If for some reason you can't fundraise for our campaign, when the Challenge launches on November 25th, please Click Here and give whatever you can. Every donation makes a difference, no matter how small and everything is appreciated. Please email CrowdRise at [email protected] if you have any questions at all and they'll help solve everything. Thanks so, so much for your support. The Women’s Intercultural Center (WInC)


A place where WOMEN learn and work together to develop their SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, ECONOMIC, and POLITICAL POTENTIAL.

This week two great organizations closed, Newspaper Tree from El Paso and the New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition. The ability to secure funding is getting harder and harder every year. In the last few years we have been streamlining our operational costs to keep us alive. However, we need your help more than ever to maintain our doors open and continue making an impact in the lives of the women that walk through our doors. In addition, to being able to provide the specialized services needed by the communities we serve. We cannot do it without YOU. Our featured way to help WInC is on page 16, please consider starting a fundraising team for our Crowdrise Giving Tower Holiday Challenge which kicks off on November 25th. For more information call us at 575-882-5556 or visit To find out other ways to support our cause please visit us at Cash donations can be made on our website at just click on the Donate button or mail your donation to PO Box 2411, Anthony, NM 88021 Remember every little bit counts. Special thanks to the following individuals for their item donations: 1. Irene Sonora & the Sonora Insurance Group; 2. Toni Jacquez, Las Pepas & the Berino

Catechism Class for helping us provide blankets, clothing and heaters for families in need;

3. Teresa and David Fisher; 4. And our anonymous donors that drop off item

donations at the Center.


“Thank you for your support!” ~ Blanca Garcia, WInC Zumba Instructor “I'm Very HONORED to be in such a great organization & love the people around me!( to help them feel & be fit U guys are my inspiration in LIFE especially u Mary Carter! U are always in my heart for your kindness, helpfulness, ADVICE,& laughter it always brightens my day! Thanks!” ~Veronica Villa, WInC Twerk Yourself Fit Instructor after seeing her photo on the cover our WInC: Week in Review Magazine. “During my time at the Women's Intercultural Center I learned of the center's mission to empower women and people in general. I assisted mostly with compiling a guide with resources for the community. This gave me the opportunity to see the needs of the people and how the center can refer them to the proper resources. I believe this agency is doing their job in meeting the community's needs from different aspects including the need of volunteers to complete community service. I enjoyed my time and hope to be able to be a participant in the future. ~Stella Palomares, WInC Intern “I want to thank you for your insightful message about living our lives according to what we wish our legacy to be. It is such a poignant reminder of what is most important. Thank you also for answering my letter to you several years ago. It has been a pleasure and a privilege learning about you and your amazing work at the Women's Intercultural Center.” ~Alanna Morin, WInC Partner and Donor


Interested in teaching a class, scheduling a workshop, presentation or training at WInC? We are always searching for Volunteer Instructors to teach in their areas of expertise. For more info, contact Magali Al-maraz, Program Coordinator at 575-882-5556 or via email at [email protected].

dates to remember For additional information please contact us at 575-882-5556 or the contact number listed next to the event announcement.


Thursdays, through December 4th: Medicare Advantage Plan Review from 10:30am to 4pm. Open enrollment is here

again, Irene Sonora and her team will be available to meet and discuss your specific needs. Please bring any and all booklets you have received in the mail regarding 2015 benefit changes.


Mondays: Stained Glass and Mosaic Workshops from 10:00am-12:00pm given by

stained glass and mosaic artist Ana Luisa Arias. Discover the fun of stained glass & mosaic with workshops for beginners, intermediate or advanced students. No experience is needed. Most materials provided, but you can also bring personal items to incorporate into mosaic and stained glass project! Learn to cut glass & mosaic and explore design elements and even create a beautiful mirror or picture frames to take home! Make a beautiful cross using bits of glass to create your own unique design! Holidays are around the corner and you can learn how to make a very special gift made with your own hands for that loved one! The first project will be Christmas ornaments and crafts!! You will learn how to do every technique used to make ornaments and we will continue with new and different ideas!! Workshop fee is $20/workshop or $60 for all four workshops. The fee includes basic materials and access to ba-sic tools. For more info or to register call Magali Almaraz at 575-882-5556.


Jewelry Sale by FMO from 10am to 12 pm. You'll go gaga for FMO's jew-elry. Purchase your holiday gifts all

while helping one of our participants sustain herself economically and donating to the Women’s Intercultural Center at the same time.


Friday: Breanna’s Birthday Celebration, Dance and Toy Drive from 6-12pm. Come celebrate this young lady’s birthday

and help her make her wish come true by brining a toy for her to distribute to children spending Christmas at local hospitals in El Paso and Las Cruces. Help her bring a smile to a sick child. If you are unable to attend, the Women’s Intercultural Center will be accepting toy donations in Breanna’s behalf. For more information contact Magali Almaraz at 575-882-5556.



Thanksgiving Day Potluck Celebration starting at 12pm. Come relax, go with the flow, enjoy the

company of your peers as well as their favorite dishes and most importantly let’s gather to-gether to give thanks for the many blessings we have all received.


The Dynamics of Domestic Vio-lence from 10:30am to 2:30pm. Be informed and aware of the violence

that happens everyday in our communities. Stand united with us to end domestic violence and child abuse.



Women’s Intercultural Center WHERE IT STARTS

303 Lincoln Street / PO Box 2411 Anthony, NM 88021

575-882-5556 Fax: 1-866-285-7245