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Winter 2012

Greetings Horizons Friends,As we head into the depths of winter, I find myself reminiscing about our glorious summer days on the shores of Lake Fairlee and long to be back at Horizons. Of course, splashing at the waterfront, rocking on the front porch, paddling up Snake River, and playing games in the great meadow all provide warm memories that bring a smile. But I realize that what I miss most is being a part of the special Horizons community where work and play together with shared goals and values.In the week leading up to the opening of camp we not only take time out for plenty of fun team-building activities to create strong connections among the staff, but we also make sure we have plenty of time to think about what values are important to us at camp and how we can make those ideals a daily part of life at camp. For example, at Horizons we value living simply in a natural setting without relying on computers, iPods, cell phones, or other electronics to provide entertainment. We believe we can depend on ourselves and each other for fun, learning, and support. We start each day by creating our own music singing together in assembly and we learn to entertain ourselves using our own imaginations maybe with a little help from some silly costumes, crafts materials, or inventive games; all without ever being plugged in!

Before camp even begins we decide what kind of community we want to be. Thinking about how we want to treat each other, our campers, and the campus, we answer, “If we are the staff we want to be: What will we be doing? What will we be saying? How will we be feeling? And how will we handle difficult situations?” We then share all of our ideas and write down what is most important to us. That way we can check back throughout the summer to see if we are meeting our own expectations for the community we want to be.On the first day of each session, counselors and their campers follow a similar process to intentionally create a positive community feeling within their group, sort of a family within the larger camp community. They ask themselves: What kind of a group do we want to be? What will that look like? And how are we going to handle it when we aren’t being that kind of group? Together they use their answers to write a social contract which they all sign and hang on the cabin wall to refer back to if needed.So right from the start we have determined how we will respect and support each other as we play, work, explore, laugh, learn, and face new challenges together. The emphasis at camp may seem to be about what we do: sailing, hiking, kayaking, singing, swimming, etc. But the true focus of camp is really about who we want to be. This is why I’m always excited, year after year, to return to Horizons, a place where we easily build friendships and have fun as we strive to create the best camp community possible! I hope you too can be a part of the Horizons community for the summer of 2012!Aloha,

Tracey McFaddenDirector, Horizons Day Camp

H rizonsNewsletter

D ay C a m p

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Insidethis issue of the HORIZONS newsletter

News from Horizons Campers 3 - 6

Greetings from Horizons Staff 7- 14

Aloha Foundation Calendar 15

Contents Pages

To submit YOUR NEWS, for either our annual newsletter or just to say, “ALOHA,” drop a line to:

Horizons Day Camp2968 Lake Morey RoadFairlee, Vermont 05045

email: [email protected]

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

If you’re on Facebook, follow Horizons at

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Newsfrom HORIZONS Campers

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Page 3

For Halloween I was a cat. Two of my friends were too. Our school has a Halloween dance. All of the cats were there. It was fun. Sincerely, Eadie

Aloha! Horizons,Four people I know attended Horizons last summer. Two of them did the first session, Tessa Stewart and Hannah Chipman, both were in the Wolves. I was in the Wolves too. Hannah and Tessa are in my grade and in my class so I see them a lot. Then the two other people are boys, Peter Burnham and Patrick Osborn, and also in my grade at school. There is another girl, Grace who was in my cabin. I recently had a soccer game against her! I also recently saw a girl named Sarah and Gracie’s sister, Maggie. I played soccer this season and did swimming at UVAC (Upper Valley Aquatic Center). I do swimming year round! I play piano and I have a recital coming up (maybe, depending if I’m ready!). I also play recorder (the same teacher as piano). I helped my dad rake the leaves. There were a TON of leaves! But it was still fun! I really look forward to coming back to Horizons next year!!!! It’s beautiful there. Sincerely your camper, Alice Garner

Hello Camp friends,I have had a great fall. I love school and I really enjoyed playing soccer this year. I am about to start basketball. It is really my favorite. Can’t wait until next summer! Your friend, Samuel Hastings

Dear Horizons Friends,I really miss Camp Horizons and can’t wait to come back next year. In the fall, I played soccer for a Lightning team and hiked to Lonesome Lake. I hope all my friends are having a good year.Sincerely, Jack Burnham

I wondered why the Frisbee kept getting bigger.

Then it hit me.

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More Newsfrom HORIZONS Campers

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Page 4

I started 5th grade and have enjoyed my new school. I’ve been busy with Lightning Soccer and I’ve been learning how to play the trumpet. My parents have been busy running me from activity to activity. It’s been a great school year and I look forward to the holidays spending time with my family. I hope to come to camp next year. Hunter Bienvenu

I have been up to: practicing swimming, having play dates with my friends, having a sleepover with 7 kids there, trick-or-treating on Halloween, eating my candy, and watching the NYC Marathon. I planted two pines tree seeds with my dad. Lily Welch

I got a new pet. It is a Venus Flytrap. It is very cool. Love, Rachel McLaren

Dear Horizons,I have been having a good time. In 4th grade we start playing recorders which is fun. I have been in touch with some Horizons campers that are going to school. I’ve been continuing ballet lessons and piano lessons too. I have had a wonderful Halloween and I hope to see old and new counselors this summer.From, Isabel Bray

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More Newsfrom HORIZONS Campers

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

To Horizons camp,I went to Boston and went to a Red Sox game. It was boring I have to admit. The Red Sox lost so badly. When we left it was 6 to 0! And then we left and went home. But I liked it! It was my first time.From Donovan Cole

I can’t wait until next year. I liked it so much I hope to come for two sessions next summer. We got a basketball hoop and are practicing up for Knock-Out next summer. Too bad there aren’t enough of us here for a good game....Jake Randall

I got my first deer. It was a 4 point 120 pound buck on the first day of youth weekend.Chris Phelps

Dear Camp Horizons,I love this camp! I can’t

wait to go again next summer! I hiked Mount Major. I have also been doing gymnastics. My teacher’s

name is Mrs. Surpless and I am in first grade this year! A favorite

memory of camp that I have is when I got to ride on the

motor boat! See you next summer!Sophia Meyer

H aveO nlyP ositiveE xpectations

Why doesn’t the elephant use the computer?Because it is afraid of the mouse!

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I have been busy with karate, cello, and school but I wish I had a chance to play “Capture the Beast” again! Will Vaccaro

Dear Horizons Day Camp,I have seen some of my friends from Horizons at soccer, school, and at Dartmouth hockey games. I play REC soccer in Norwich, VT. I have hiked to the top of Wildcat Mt. right next to Mt. Washington. There was an amazing view at the top. Hope to see you soon, Peter Burnham

I took my last wakeboard on Lake Fairlee on October 14, my birthday. I started my fourth year of Ice Hockey. See you next summer,Wyatt McLaughlin

Hi, It’s me, Kylie Zubkoff. I’m in Florida this year. I wish I could go and see you guys, but I’m in Florida, so I will just send letters.

More Newsfrom HORIZONS Campers

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

What is the same size as a elephant, yet weighs nothing?

An elephant’s shadow!

before you speak:

THINKT is it true?H is it helpful?I is it inspiring?N is it necessary?K is it kind?

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Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Hey everyone! Isn’t it crazy to think that it’s already winter? I for one am not a fan of the cold. Makes me miss summer that much more! I am halfway through my sophomore year at Gordon, and so far it has been a crazy year. I was in a friend’s short play this past fall which was lots of fun, and now I’m trying to arrange to go study abroad in Italy next year! It’s all

very exciting. There’s also a chance that I may go on a missions trip to Brazil with my school next summer, and if that’s the case I may not be able to come back to Horizons. If that happens though I’ll be sure to come and visit because I miss you all so much! Hope everyone else’s years are going well too. LinnetP.S. I got a pixie haircut in October, so you might not recognize me if you see me!

Hi everyone!School has started and I’ve really missed all of you camp people! I started my second year of high school and it’s so much fun. I’ll be in three different musicals this year and I can’t wait. On days I miss Horizons I wear my staff shirt to school and I always feel better. I went to visit Molly B and Garrett at their school a little while ago. I can’t wait for next summer! See you all then!Amanda

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Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Hey Horizons, I was recently accepted into a study abroad program and will be leaving for Chile in late February. I’m very excited for this opportunity and look forward to it quite a bit. However, the program lasts about 5 months, so I won’t be getting back until the middle of the summer. Perhaps I can work for the second half of the summer. If not, I look forward to seeing all the campers and staff the summer after that!Aloha, Henry

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Hey!I have been busy at school trying to fulfill my major requirements in Multicultural US Lit, and Theatre, as well as co-captaining my college’s swim team. This year I have broken two varsity records. I broke the mile record and the 1,000 yd freestyle records. I am currently counting down the days till summer, it promises to be another fun one! ~Maggie

I started at Colby College this past August. I’ve gotten involved in the Outing and Environmental Clubs here at school. I also volunteer at an Organic Community Market on Thursdays. On Fridays, I go to an elementary school to mentor a second grade girl. It’s the best part of my week :). My classes are great and I’m really loving biology. I plan on doing a lot of skiing and guitar playing during January term. As far as camp, I am really looking forward to this summer. I miss the Falcons like crazy! I can’t wait to be back on Lake Fairlee enjoying the summer sun. I hope all the campers are having fantastic school years and I can’t wait to see them this June!Cheers, Ari


There is


in the


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Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

I am looking forward to another great summer at Horizons and think of all my camp friends often. I’m excited to introduce some new games to Field Games and play the old favorites again like Mush Ball! Preston Randall

Hello from Michigan. I have shared stories of our many adventures this summer with my friends out here. They cannot believe how much fun and excitement we have at Horizons including seeing snakes, porcupines and a bear. I told them about the lemon squeeze on Mt. Ascutney, but lacking large boulders, I had to arrange chairs for them to squeeze through which was not quite as impressive. I am looking forward to many new adventures at Horizons 2012. Keep in touch, Beth Page 9

This has been a great fall. After camp ended I returned to coaching high school volleyball. We had a great season and ended the season winning the Vermont State Volleyball Championships!! I was so

proud of my girls. It felt weird going back to “real life” after camp, but I’m enjoying the fall and looking forward to winter. After winter comes spring, and then comes summer and camp! I miss my Chipmunks and hope they are all enjoying first grade this year. See you all soon!! Erin Renninger

Hi, Everyone,This fall I’ve been chasing my son around while trying to watch football. My favorite memory from last summer was probably just spending time on the waterfront with Lisa, Chris, Riley, and all the campers. Next summer I look forward to more of Tim’s shenanigans as well as finding a better hiding spot for the counselor hunt! Hope everyone is having a great New Year. Sincerely, Brendan

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Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Aloha Horizons!I’ve had a wonderful fall! I had a splendid season with my soccer team; we even made it to the state championship! I have also been enjoying my a cappella singing group at school, where we just had our first concert. I loved seeing Katrina and Kelsey in the musical The Boy Friend. It was wonderful to hear how their school year was going and see them in action on stage. I enjoy seeing Isaiah, Molly, and Marina at school and it is always fun to chat with them about camp. It’s also always exciting to see and talk to campers around the upper valley, especially Blue Jays! I had a wonderful summer. I miss singing in the assembly hall each morning, playing drip drip drop on hot days, and pin the arrow on the target on rainy ones. Last summer I particularly enjoyed making target skirts, the extremely wet (but fun!) overnight with the Bobcats and Jaguars, the counselor hunt, and painting myself blue for the all camp capture the flag game! I loved last summer and I hope to be back at camp again next year to see many returning campers as well as some new faces.Miriam Whittington

I am busily teaching another great year of first grade! As the snow starts to fly, I look back on those sunny days in the Archery field when I complained that it was too hot! I am hoping to get together with Mariam and Lyss in the near future.Emily J.

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RulesFor Doing Good:

Do all the good you can,In all the ways you can,To all the people you can,In every place you can,At all the times you can,As long as you ever can.

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Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Hi Horizons Friends - It seems like yesterday I was walking across the bridge heading to the waterfront - it is so clear in my mind. I can hear the laughter of campers over on the playing fields, hear the whistle blowing down at the waterfront for a buddy check, and smell the fresh pine trees blowing in the summer breeze. I see the sail boats and kayaks out on the lake - what a beautiful sight. I keep all these memories close to my heart as I move through the school year, looking forward to another awesome and fun filled summer. Just a few more months away. See you in June. Love to all, Maureen

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Hi everyone! This fall I spent two whole weeks driving across country by myself, from New Hampshire to California. I now live in Southern California, just outside of San Diego. I am very much enjoying the sunshine, and certainly don’t miss the snow! Summer ‘11 was a lot of fun, and I hope everyone is doing great. Big HELLO! to all the Falcons out there especially. Take care everyone!! Best, Emily D.

Irony.The opposite of wrinkly.

I hope everyone has had a great extended fall and now that the snow is finally here we can have some winter fun too. I’ve enjoyed seeing many campers smiling faces around town and I can’t wait to see those same smiling faces all over camp. Let the count down to Horizons 2012 begin!Aloha, Anne Perry

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What have eyes but can’t see?Needles, storms and potatoes.

Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Hey Horizons!I haven’t done anything too exciting activity wise this fall besides work, but this January I am going to

Europe for four or five months. I will be visiting friends in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Wales, and then heading to Paris for a four month French Immersion Program. The program will include taking classes at the Sorbonne University, teaching English to elementary schoolers, and living with a host family. Hope to see everyone at Horizons when I am back next summer! Clark

Hi all,Life has been BUSY since my return to Philly in August but I have thought of you all often. I am playing tennis two times a week these days (my partners couldn’t believe the shape I was

in after a whole summer in VT!) and am once again teaching music full-time at Temple University. My students are great this semester, but they don’t have nearly as much energy as all of you! I just got back from Thanksgiving on a cruise in the Bahamas- look for me as Elton John on YouTube! Ted

Hi Friends,I hope everyone had a happy holiday season and are back into into the swing of school. So far I have enjoyed a very busy senior year of high school. I had a great soccer season and am currently in the middle an exciting basketball season. This fall my entire high school put on a production of “The Boyfriend” for which I was head costumer. We put together over 100 costumes from 1920’s France! During these long dark winter days I miss playing Sink The Navy on our sunny lake and working with the Wolves to decorate the coolest cabin at camp! I hope to see everybody next summer for more fun on the lake.Cheers, Kelsey

What has fifty heads and fifty tails?Fifty pennies.

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Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Hello Horizons Friends! The Renninger family has been very busy transitioning into the start of the school year. Elliot began his year at Mid Vermont Christian School, and has made new friends, ran a fast mile, and is having a great time so far! Tenrick and Greyson have been working hard memorizing states and capitals, working on skip counting, and enjoying many field trips including puppet shows, musical perfomances, and Fort # 4! Our family is looking forward to an upcoming overnight trip to Battleship Cove!! We hope you have a wonderful winter, and we will see you sometime when the sun shines daily and the weather is warm!! Aloha, Todd, Jill, Elliot, Tenrick, and Greyson

Hey all! I have been missing camp so much lately! Especially down at the waterfront with all of you. This school

year has been extremely busy. I have been playing soccer, basketball and am getting ready to join a rock climbing team. I can’t wait for more snow so I can start skiing! It should be a great winter, I’m looking forward to the rest of the year, and always thinking about camp especially all the amazing kids in the sparrows group, I miss you all and hope you are having a fantastic year! Katrina

Hey All!I hope everyone’s been enjoying their year as much as I have! I’m preparing to spend next semester in Spain and am SO excited, but will be thinking of Horizons and the people there

when June rolls around. Have a blast this winter and hopefully see you all soon! Aloha, Lyss

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Greetingsfrom HORIZONS Staff

What’s the news? Tell us what’s happening!

Hello to the best camp in the world!I have been busy teaching and conducting this fall. I conducted the Thetford Chamber Singers and just had a great concert! We even received a standing ovation so that feels really good! I think fondly on this past summer and although I know that it is time for me to do other things I still think of all the great times we had together. Your smiles, positive energy, hugs, laughter and caring are all so special and I know that you will continue to make it a great camp. I look forward to visiting this summer and wish you all the best of luck! Warm Regards, Anna

Hey there, Chippies! I hope your school year has been interesting. This year I started 9th grade. High school is pretty boring especially when we study Shakespeare in English. One of my new classes is Orchestra (I play the clarinet) and it’s been really fun. Our conductor is from Russia and has the coolest accent. Aside from school, I played soccer in the fall and this year I started Nordic skiing, which isn’t going so well. Translation: I’ve fallen too many times to count. I can’t wait to see everyone again this summer!Siobhan, Horizons Apprentice

Hello Horizons Friends!When camp ended and I had to move home, I was extremely bored! I missed wading in the lake, “cleaning” the porch after snack, chasing chipmunks (the animals, not the campers!), lying on the front porch, and running around the woods and great meadow with my friends Lilo and Luna. But most of all I missed getting lots of pats and attention from all the campers and counselors! Lucky for me, I love snow and winter and can’t wait to go snowshoeing with Tracey. Then before I know it, it’ll be time for another happy dog summer at Horizons. And I promise not to jump out any upstairs windows again!!! Wags, Zeke

I have missed living in Vermont. I have been enjoying this year’s group of sixth graders in my school library. I started taking archery lessons and although I am not as good as my children, I have earned my “Master Bowman” patch. I send special holiday greetings to the swimmers, both the department members and the campers. I haven’t seen any chipmunks swimming recently but am glad to know they know how. Elizabeth Vaccaro

Hello Horizon friends, I thought of you this fall when watercoloring with a group of friends, enjoying all the colors of green and brown during a woodland hike, and, most of all, when cutting kumihimo forms for Annie’s and my Brownie troop. I wish you a beautful, creative winter! Look for all the colors of the snow! Maf

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The Aloha Foundation Calendar

Summer 2012

HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!Do you know a child who would like to learn to shoot a bow and arrow, sail on the lake, hike a mountain, or make new friends? If so, let us know! We are always looking for ways to interest new families in the value of camping and the Horizons program. If you know of families who might be interested in learning more about Horizons or the other Aloha camps, we can send you brochures or give them a call. Please contact me at [email protected] or call the foundation office at (802)333-3400.

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HORIZONS:Session 1: July 2 - July 13Session 2: July 16 - July 27Session 3: July 30 - August 10

Aloha, Hive, Lanakila, and Hulbert:Full Season: Wednesday, June 27 to Wednesday, August 15First Session: Wednesday, June 27 to Sunday, July 22Second Session: Tuesday, July 24 to Wednesday, August 15

Aloha Hive Elfin Program: Tuesday, July 24 to Saturday, August 4Young Women’s Leadership Expedition: June 29 to July 19Northern Maine Wilderness Expedition (co-ed): July 8 to August 2

We Have A Spot Saved For You!As a returning camper we will save a place for you at Horizons until February 1st when we open enrollment up to new campers, starting with those who were on the waitlist last year. Last summer we had to waitlist campers for every session. If you’re hoping to return to Horizons this summer, please register soon so you won’t be disappointed if your age group or session is already full.

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Horizons Day Camp2968 Lake Morey RoadFairlee, Vermont 05045

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White River Junction, VT

Question:How do you attract elephants?

Answer:Hide in a bush and make a noise like a peanut.

THE ALOHA FOUNDATION, INC.Tel.: 802-333-3400Fax: 802-333-3404

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