Download - Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    Read Write

    Philippines DC Personnel X Affected

    Philippines DC Delivery

    Performance GroupX X Implementer

    Access TypeInvolvementList of Users

    Access Control List

    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

    2011 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 1 Last modified by: User

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    Analysis Log Template

    Version: 2.0

    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

    2011 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 2 Last modified by: User

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log


    Source Requirement/s

    Source Component/s

    Sub-process / Process

    Related Metric/Measure

    Metric/Measure Value

    Analysis Type

    Triggering Event

    Assignable Cause?

    Root Cause Analysis Summary

    Reference # of the Detailed RCA (in Detailed RootCause Analysis)?

    Action to be Taken


    Expected Date of Completion (ETC)

    Root Cause Category

    Processes Impacted


    Source File for SPC Charts

    Detailed Root Cause Analysis - Tab

    Section Field

    Indicates if the triggering event is an assignable cause. Refer


    Description of the identified actions to be done based on the r

    root causes have corresponding action.





    Responsible Person for the Action Items

    Expected Date of Completion of the Action Items provided

    escr p on o e rgger ng even an ocumen a on o roo

    provided in the Reference Document column if a full-blown C

    Ensure that the root cause analysis summary captures the an




    Name of the document where the action taken or the addition

    Examples of reference documents are:

    - CI Plan documenting the specifics for the action item

    - QM Plan with the details

    Type of Analysis. Valid values are:

    SPC Analysis

    In-Progress Metrics Analysis

    Completed Metrics Analysis


    Value of the Metric or Measure that triggered the analysis

    Category of the identified Root Cause. Refer to the Job Aid G

    Provides the Reference # of the detailed RCA that was conduTab


    Date when the analysis was done

    Sub-process and/or Process that was analyzed

    Trigger for analysis. Valid Values are:

    Process is not stable - Refer to the Job Aid Process Stability

    Process is not capable - Refer to the Job Aid Process Stabilit

    For Process Improvement

    Organization Goals not met

    Regular Monitoring

    Requirement/s causing the triggering event

    Component/s causing the triggering event

    Identified metric that triggered the analysis


    Impacted Process of identified Root Cause. Refer to the Job

    Provide the source / reference / link / file names of the SPC C


    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

    2011 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 3 Last modified by: Us

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis LogReference #


    Source Requirement/s

    Related Metric/Measure

    Metric/Measure Value

    ANALYSIS Root Cause Analysis / 5-Why(s) This column documents the results of the Root Cause Analysi

    be documented in the Root Cause Analysis Summary in the

    Document the Causes / Answers to "Why?" in the yellow box

    One Root Cause must be discussed per column set (5 Why c

    Identified metric that triggered the analysis; this must be the s



    The Reference number will be used in Column M of the Analy

    Date when the analysis was done; this must be the same as t

    Requirement/s causing the triggering event; this must be the

    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

    2011 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 4 Last modified by: Us

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    to the Job Aid Common Cause vs. Assignable Cause for the

    esults of the root cause analysis; ensure that all identified

    cause s . e erence o an ac ua epor can e

    R was executed.

    alysis documented in the "Detailed Root Cause Analysis"

    al details of the analysis have been documented.

    uide for Classifying Root Causes for the details.

    cted and documented in the "Detailed Root Cause Analysis"


    nd Process Capability for the definition.

    and Process Capability for the definition.

    Aid Guide for Classifying Root Causes for the details.



    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

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  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    is (5-Whys Analysis) . These will be the root causes that will

    nalysis Log tab.

    s provided.


    ame as the one indicated in the Analysis Log Tab

    sis Log Tab

    he one indicated in the Analysis Log Tab

    same as the one indicated in the Analysis Log Tab

    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

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  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

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  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

    2011 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. 8 Last modified by: User

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    GDN for Technology - Philippines

    Project Name:Windchimes BMG Testing

    Date SourceRequirement/s


    Sub-process /Process

    Related Metric / Measure Metric / Measure V

    5/10/2013 Budget Budget BAC Cost Variance% -2

    5/10/2013 Budget Budget BAC Cost Variance%


  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log

    Root Cause Category Processes Impacted Reference Source File for

    Unclear / Incomplete / Incorrect

    ProcessProject Planning

    Unclear / Incomplete / Incorrect

    ProcessProject Planning


  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    8D Report

    Detailed Root Cause Analysis

    Ensure that you h ave considered askin g quest ions regard ing dif ferent Root Cause Areas (i .e. People, Staff ing, Tools, Docum ents, Meth

    Problem Details

    Reference # Date Source Requirement/s Related Metric / MeasureMetric / Measure


    10-May Budget Cost Variance% -0.2883

    Failed to update 1304 BAC

    10-May Budget Cost Variance% 0.0189

    After rebaselining Cost Variance

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    8D Report

    al row. Note that the formula must be copied when adding n ew rows.


    Will be automatically filled out based on information from the

    Analysis Log Tab

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    8D Report

    Why? Why? Why?

    Analysis on Root Cause 2

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    8D Report

  • 7/28/2019 Windchimes - BMG Testing Analysis Log Template


    Analysis Log


    2.0 8-Mar-13 edlyn.s.lachica Approval of the updated template

    1.4 8-Mar-13 edlyn.s.lachica 1) added "Reference #" in the Detai led Root Cause Analysis" tab to be used to indicated

    conduct of RCA in Column M of the Analysis Tab.

    2) Updated Read Me Tab

    3) Renamed Column M of the Analysis Log Tab to "Reference # of the Detailed RCA (Detailed

    Root Cause Analysis)?"

    4) Added conditional formatting to column M - red fill means need to provide input

    1.3 28-Feb-13 edlyn.s.lachica 1) Updated the Comment in the "Root Cause Analysis Summary" Field in the Analysis Log Tab

    to indicate Ensure that the root cause analysis summary captures the analysis documented in

    the "Detailed Root Cause Analysis" Tab instead of "Combined Cause&Effect and 5Whys".

    1.2 21-Feb-13 edlyn.s.lachica 1) Provided a formula in the Problem Details Section of the Detailed Root Cause Analysis

    Column to link required information from the Analysis Log.

    2) Added instruction on how to add row and column in the Detailed Root Cause Analysis Tab

    3) Updated the Read Me Tab

    1.1 20-Feb-13 edlyn.s.lachica 1) Included the "Detailed Root Cause Analysis" Tab2) Updated the Read Me Tab

    3. Updated the RefTable Tab to update the dropdown list in the Analysis Log Tab

    4) Added "Metric/Measure Value" and "With Documented Detailed RCA (Detailed Root Cause

    Analysis)" fields in the Analysis Log Tab

    5) Renamed "Analysis Summary / Details of Root Cause" field to "Root Cause Analysis


    1.0 29-Jul-11 PEX - M&A 1) Updated Read Me to remove note under Root Cause Category and Processes Impacted:

    This field is required ONLY for In-Progress and Completed Metrics Analysis;

    2) Included dropdown for related metric/measure;

    3) Updated Root Cause Category dropdown list to remove Lack of Implementation and Lack of


    4) Created reftable/updated validation

    5) Applied ADM cleansing guidelines

    6) Removed Project Code0.1 24-Apr-09 SEPG Initial version.

    RE Approval of Updated Analysis Log Template.htm

    Modified: 7/7/2013 6:04 AM

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