Download - Wilson James Security Management Brochure


the ‘no compromise ’ security partner


[Wilson James] is a first-class security company that continues to maintain

high levels of client satisfaction with many prestigious, high-profile accounts.

The company is committed to continual improvement in its systems and the

service it provides, which helps to maintain it as a benchmark company

for the sector NQA Inspector for the ACS


When it comes to protecting your business, the stakes

are high. There’s a constant risk of losing information,

assets or revenues through fire, theft or fraud. And

security breaches can result in negative publicity and

irreparable brand damage.

Wilson James can protect you

Wilson James delivers the industry’s highest quality

security services based on one key element: investment

in people. Through fair pay, excellent training,

management support and a maximum 48-hour

working week, we ensure our teams are keen,

attentive, competent and dedicated to minimising

risk across your business.

As well as redefining service quality, Wilson James

delivers excellent value for money. We can help

identify inefficiencies in your current security provision,

re-engineer costly working practices, and suggest

innovative technology solutions that reduce your

staff overheads.

Through our unique approach, Wilson James is

delivering great results for industry-leading customers.

We have contract retention rates of more than 95

percent, and unprecedented, low staff turnover of

less than 10 percent. Based on our performance and

commitment to quality, it’s no surprise that 100 percent

of Wilson James customers would recommend us.

Th e i n d u s t r y ’s h i g h e s t q u a l i t ys e c u r i t y s e r v i c e s

The Wilson James reception team consistently more than fulfil their responsibilities.

It is to their credit that there are so many compliments and notes of

thanks from members of staff

Client, BG Group

Wilson James security services

Wilson James delivers the highest quality security and

guarding services in the industry. Through consultancy,

we assess your existing provision and design a solution

that is tailored to your specific needs.

We have experience of delivering security and guarding

services to clients in an array of settings, from corporate

offices and galleries, to airports, warehouses and data

centres. Key services in our portfolio include:

• Security management

• Security guarding

• Remote and on-site CCTV and alarm monitoring

Wilson James front-of-house services

Through excellent training and working conditions,

Wilson James brings you the most effective, best

presented front-of-house staff. Our offerings span:

• Reception and concierge

• Switchboard and helpdesk

• Chauffeurs and drivers

• Mailroom and porterage

O u r s e r v i c e p o r t fo l i oh i g h e s t q u a l i t ys e c u r i t y s e r v i c e s

Wilson James value-added services:

At Wilson James, we strive to offer customers the

best-value security provision in the industry.

To achieve this, we take an in-depth look at your

existing security services and identify key areas of

inefficiency. We then suggest innovative working

practices and technologies that automate routine

tasks, improve security and reduce staffing overheads.

Specifically, we increase efficiency and value through

our suite of Wilson James value-added services,

which include:

• Service re-engineering and consultancy

• Risk assessment and auditing

• Electronic counter measures/bug sweeping

• Protection for executives

The Wilson James reception team consistently more than fulfil their responsibilities.

It is to their credit that there are so many compliments and notes of

thanks from members of staff

Client, BG Group

“ ”

Wilson James has been a leader in innovation for our company Client, Linklaters ”“

d e l i v e r i n g e x c e l l e n c e a t e v e r y l e v e l


S e t t i n g n e w s t a n d a r d s fo r s e c u r i t y p rov i s i o n

Excellent pay and working conditions

Wilson James employees receive good rates of pay and

we remain the only company in the industry to work

a maximum 48 hours a week in accordance with the

Working Time Regulations. Part of our core philosophy

is to offer a good work:life balance, which helps to

increase job satisfaction and minimise employee

churn, ensuring the best possible security solution.

Leaders in training

Wilson James is committed to delivering the highest

quality security and front-of-house services in the

industry. To achieve this, we offer you training that

consistently exceeds industry standards. The result is

a team of attentive, high quality, fully-skilled security

staff that deliver consistently excellent service to

your business.

“ ”Wilson James has long proven

itself to be fully committed to

developing its staff at all levels Course Director,

The People Develoment Team


The first thing that hits you is

the quality of Security Officer

that Wilson James employs.

The working hours are great and

the teamwork between all shift

members is something I haven’t

experienced before Steve Povey,

Security & Support Manager

Effective contract management

Wilson James Business Services Managers are rarely

expected to manage more than eight contracts each.

With time to focus on the strategic direction of

your contract, and supported by Customer Service

Managers, they ensure every team member is inspired

and motivated to achieve the best possible results.

“Annual Technical Refresher training for every member

of the team ensures knowledge is kept fully up-to-date.

And, uniquely to Wilson James, all staff participate in

our Customer Experience Day training which promises

your visitors a warm and professional welcome.

d r i v i n g i n d u s t r y i n n o v a t i o n


Our manager is strongly supported by his

management team at Wilson James and is

effectively part of our team. This contract

represents a solid, long-term relationship

that continues to offer new and creative

opportunities for service enhancement Client, Electronic Arts

Wilson James: Driving the security industry forward

Stuart Lowden, MD, and other members of the

Wilson James board, are working tirelessly to

drive up standards across the security industry. As

contributors to a number of key industry bodies,

they are lobbying for better working conditions,

better training and better pay, both for the benefit of

employees and clients.

Writing in Risk Magazine, Terry O’Neil of The

Security Watchdog says: “There is only one man

capable of trying to lead this industry to a better

future and that is Stuart Lowden. [Stuart] has tried

to set the industry on a new course post-licensing

by embracing the terms of the Working Time

Regulations for his staff. Why don’t some of the

major companies follow that lead?”

Award-winning health and safety practices

At Wilson James, our health and safety record is among

the best in the industry, ensuring we can protect your site

and people effectively. We have an excellent track record

with a reportable accident rate currently of 0.26% per

100,000 hours worked.

Adding value

We lead the way in the application of new technologies and

deliver a range of added value services that can help you

manage your premises more efficiently and cost-effectively.

The purpose of these services is to:

• Implement innovative technology solutions to

reduce manpower requirements

• Maximise the effectiveness of on-site employees,

based on improved working conditions, increased

motivation and better management

• Extend the role of Security Officers to value-added

tasks such as monitoring health and safety

• Provide security training innovations that improve

knowledge and skills


Wilson James employs a highly

professional management team who

are genuinely passionate about quality.

We have formed an exceptional

partnership (and) this is reflected in

our decision to reappoint Wilson James

Client, Linklaters

Exceeding industry standards

We are accredited to all relevant ISO standards for

security guarding, quality management and environmental

working, positioning us to deliver the best services to

your business. We have also been an Investor in People

since 2003, are an NSI Gold company and have been the

first to receive the NSI Contract Quality Marque standard.

If you choose to work with Wilson James, we will

protect your business from the very first days of

your new contract.

Critically, we will provide a dedicated Mobilisation

Manager to ensure a smooth, on-time transition

from your previous provider. What’s more, we

are experts when it comes to integrating and

re-motivating employees based on the TUPE

process, ensuring we never lose critical staff or

knowledge during contract set-up.

Following initial staff training to keep morale

high during changeover, we ensure you receive

consistently excellent, uninterrupted services

through ongoing staff motivation. We also

operate a Staff Welfare and Development

Programme which is a tool for regular

dialogue with staff.

Before the transition, we develop and deliver a

detailed mobilisation plan. This is then used as the

agenda for weekly report meetings, ensuring that all

key transition milestones take place seamlessly, on

time and on budget.

A s e a m l e s s t r a n s i t i o n t o W i l s o n J a m e s

The mobilisation team was

extremely knowledgeable

in TUPE regulations and was also

sensitive and compassionate to

individuals’ concerns. The whole

process was extremely well managed

and our security operations were not

impaired at all. Overall a successful

and trouble-free transfer Client, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Wilson James anticipates

and listens to us as their

client and really went

beyond the call of duty to

support the set-up of

the contract Client, Rio Tinto


In Wilson James I have a partner

that supports me unequivocally in

striving to achieve excellence in

all that we do

Client, Carillion

British Security

Industry Association

(BSIA) membership

Because Wilson James is a member of the BSIA,

you can be sure that we are financially sound and

that our people and processes comply with or

exceed all relevant industry standards. Above all,

you can be sure you are working with a security

provider that is committed to excellence across

all areas of service delivery.

D e l i v e r i n g e x c e l l e n t c o n t r a c t p e r fo r m a n c e

Wilson James strives to deliver excellent performance

throughout every stage of the contract lifecycle, based on:

Frequent performance reviews

These take the form of annual, quarterly, monthly and

weekly meetings, as well as ad-hoc communications.

Performance reviews are used to increase service levels

by implementing best practices, addressing changing

needs and measuring achievements against key

performance indicators.

Leading service level agreements (SLAs)

Before the contract begins, we sign a comprehensive SLA.

This covers issues such as timekeeping, attendance,

training and response times. We will agree the relevant

key performance indicators with you up front, and

monitor them throughout the contract lifecycle.

Service benchmarking

At Wilson James, we benchmark every aspect of our

service to support continual service improvement,

from service delivery best practice and pay, to benefits,

productivity and performance.

24/7 support

We have managers and mobile night support teams on

duty 24/7, enabling us to react quickly to service

requests outside office hours. These teams are backed up

by a national, 24-hour communications centre which holds

detailed escalation plans for each of our customers in the

event of an unplanned incident.

Access to the Wilson James bench team

To ensure we can react swiftly to the ever-changing needs

of our customers, we have a bench team of fully-trained

Security Officers. Typical duties of the bench team

include emergency cover in response to an on-site

incident or ad-hoc support for planned internal or

external events.

p u t t i n g k n o w l e d g e i n t o p r a c t i c e

Next steps…

To find out how Wilson James can help you optimise security provision and minimise business risk,

contact 01628 535600, email [email protected], or visit

QualityWork:life balance

Value for money

Service re-engineeringTraining and development


Focussed on service

Integrated solutions


Technology innovators

n e w w a y s o f t h i n k i n g , n e w w a y s o f w o r k i n g


Darwin House

Bourne Park

Cores End Road

Bourne End



Tel: 01628 535600

Fax: 01628 535601

email:[email protected]

Osprey House

Pacific Quays




M50 2UE

Tel: 0161 877 6999

Fax: 0161 877 9669

Centrex House

1 Simpson Parkway

Kirkton Campus


West Lothian

EH54 7BH

Tel: 01506 497895

Fax: 01506 497896

21 Whitefriars Street



Tel: 0207 353 4171

Fax: 0207 353 4169