Download - William Blake By: Jake Daniels-Flectner Core ¾ May 26, 2009.


William BlakeBy: Jake Daniels-Flectner

Core ¾May 26, 2009

What the anvil? What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp?  

When the stars threw down their spears, And water'd heaven with their tears,

Did He smile His work to see? Did He who made the lamb make thee?  

Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?”,(


Works Cited1. 23 April 2009 [William Blake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Retrieved 3/18/09]2. [Day by William Blake Retrieved 3/19/09]3. [The Tiger, by William Blake Retrieved 3/19/09]

Author’s PageJake D-F is a 12-year-old guy living in Watsonville, CA. (He just recently moved.) He goes to

Mission Hill Middle School and is in the 6th Grade. He lives with his two parents and his little sister, Emily. He has 5 pets (not including his sister’s lizard). He has 2 dogs and 3 cats. The male dog is

named Dakota and the female dog is named Izzy. Chance and Nickles are his boy cats, and Lily is the girl cat. Nickles and Lily are twins and they look alike. Chance looks different, because he is

from a different breed.Jake also likes playing many fun online games such as Platform Racing 2, and Roblox. He

also uses cool programs like Garageband. Jake really likes to snowboard near Lake Tahoe in the winter. He also scooters and bikes around his neighborhood, usually in the summer. Jake also makes many comics, and likes to draw. His friends and him make up comics every so often.

To find out more about Jake (Before he moved), go to: . (This is his report assignment for his class.) To see his classes’ website, go to:

Tiger! Tiger! Burning bright Oh, great Tiger

In the forests of the night In deep junglesWhat immortal hand or eye What inordinacy object

Could frame thy fearful symatry?

Could defeat you?

In what distant deeps or skys

What far place

Burt the fire in thine eyes? Where you created?On what wings dare he

aspire?What risks will he take?

What the hand dare seize the fire?

Who dares to defeat him?

And what shoulder, and what art,

From his shoulder’s power,

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

It could only defeat itself

And when thy heart began to beat,

And when he was born,

What dread hand? And what dread feet?

His hand and his feet where like

What the hammer? What the chain?

A hammer and a chain.

In what furnace was thy brain?

What would he do with them?

What the anvil? What dread grasp,

With his grasp like an anvil,

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

Would he use it for evil?

When the stars threw down their spears,

When he was in great danger,

And water’d heaven with their tears,

And was in a big mess,


William Blake’s “The Tiger”

Did He smile his work to see?

Was the creator impressed with his work?

Did He who make lamb make thee?

Was the creator of the Lamb the same creator of the Tiger?

Tiger! Tiger! Burning bright Oh, great Tiger

In the forests of the night In deep jungles

What immortal hand or eye What inordinacy object

Could frame thy fearful symatry?

Could defeat you?


This poem “The Tiger” must be about a Tiger in the jungle,

and all of its qualities. I also noticed that in one line, there is a

He, which must be God. The poem must be referring to how

God made the Tiger, from differences comparing to a lamb.

The Tiger in this poem seems to be a metaphor to a hunter,

or a warrior. Lines in the poem that support this are like

“What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful

symmetry?” or “And when thy heart began to beat, What

dread hand and what dread

feet?”. Lines like these show the

strength and power of a Tiger, which

makes the reader truly believe it. I

also think that this poem’s rhyme

pattern is A, A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, F,

G, G, H, H, I, I, J, J, K, K, A, A, B, C.

This is a poem with a lot of rhymes,

but it has some hidden difficulties in

the rhyme beat.

Tiger! Tiger! Burning bright 7 This is a poem that I madeIn the forests of the night 7 We all know the meter is right

What immortal hand or eye 7 It makes the poem shine outwards,Could frame thy fearful symmaty? 8 Because people like me are bright!

In what distant deeps or skys 7 If you can read this whole poem,Burnt the fire of thine eyes? 7 You can really feel the pace

On what wings dare he aspire? 7 Because the numbers are factWhat the hand dare seize the fire? 7 And please don’t have a big race.

And what shoulder, and what art 7 Unlike the poem “The Tiger”,Could twist the sinews of thy heart? 8 This poem doesn’t ask much questions.

And when thy heart began to beat, 8 I just want to make a clear fact,What dread hand? And what dread feet? 7 Which does suit this poem best in.

What the hammer? What the chain? 7 You may think this poem has no theme,

In what furnace was thy brain? 7 But you are certainly wrong,What the anvil? What dare grasp 7 Because there is now a theme,

Dare its deadly terrors clasp? 7 I just made one up now, ha!When the stars threw down their spears 7 You proboally want to know,

And water’d heaven with their tears 7 But I’ll tell you at the endDid He smile his work to see? 7 Because it is the top part,

Did he who made the lamb make thee? 8 There is no advice that I can lend!

Tiger! Tiger! Burning bright 7 This is a poem that I madeIn the forests of the night 7 We all know the meter is right

What immortal hand or eye 7 It makes the poem shine outwards,Could frame thy fearful symmetry? 8 Because people like me are bright!

Jake D-F

MeterWilliam Blake’s “The Tiger”