Download - Wildcoast Wildrun 2011 - Event Guide: 15-17th Sep

  • Wildrunner Events 2011 2

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  • Wildrunner Events 2011 3

    Welcome to the Wildcoast Wildrun 2011! Three days of running 112km of the most magnificent coastline in South Africa awaits you! We have no doubt you are as excited as we are

    Few words can describe the physical and emotional high of this journey ahead of you. Its not just the magnificence of this wild and untouched coastline that will blow your mind; but the combination sharing this life changing experience with the people you meet and the friends you make along your journey from Kei Mouth to the magnificent finish at the Hole-in-the-Wall.

    This is a short guide with a little about everything for your convenience. If there is anything you are not sure about, or anything you need, please dont hesitate to ask one of the Wildrun crew, who will be only too happy to assist.

    We look forward to getting to know you in the next few days, and from all of us, we wish you an injury-free and unforgettable Wildrun journey.

    Run wild!

    Owen, Tam & the Wildrun team

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    So whos who on the crew for 2011? Owen Middleton Race Director

    The Boss. Owen dreamt it up and made it happen, so here we all are! If you dont already know Owen, youll normally find him somewhere in the mountains with his loyal companion Shadow. Trail running is his passion and his lifestyle and bringing it to everyone else is his mission. Ask Owen about trail running!

    Tamaryn Jupp (Tam) Event Manager

    The Real Boss. If you dont know Tam by now, then you will pretty soon. She is the backbone of the Wildrun, and will put a smile on your face any time of the day. Anything you need during the run, Tam will sort it out. Be sure to ask Tamaryn about her upside down snorkeling experience

    Chris Goodwin Hospitality Manager

    Mr Hospitality. Chris sets the bar in travelling with style and class, running active tours throughout Africa and in far flung parts of the world for big international travel companies via his company Active Africa. A better host and downright nice guy - you cannot find. Ask Chris about his passion for mountaineering, and in particular, spooning on a very tight ledge high up on the vertical faces of Mt


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    Dave van der Byl Course Manager Owens primary-school mate, Dave runs his own instant lawn business called Green Buffalo by day. Springbok body boarder and horse rider, sh*t-hot mountain biker and converted trail runner. Dave spends the rest of his time seeking thrills on a trail, either by bike or by foot. Mountain biking is his passion, but trail running is fast becoming his favorite pass-time, and he is annoyingly good at

    it too

    Paul van Spronsen Communications manager Mr Communicator, Paul is a member of HAMNET, the amateur radio emergency communications division of the SARL. He enjoys travel to wild and far off places in his trusty Toyota. Paul enjoys tinkering with all manner of gadgets from GPSs to radios and has put together the mobile Super Poodle for this years Wildrunnot to mention the Yodeling Yargi dont ask us, ask Paul

    Conrad Seymour & Eugene Miller Medical Team The body mechanics. Conrad and Eugene own a specialist events medical business in Port Elizabeth called Eastern Cape Medical Response. Eugene and Conrad are just real nice guys, and dont be shy to ask them for help! They are tasked with dealing with any medical issues and emergencies. Be sure to ask Conrad about the time he almost had a real 4x4 Ambulance

    Jacqui Goodwin Registration & Timing Chriss better half. A lively intellect earned through a doctorate in molecular biology, combined with a passion for all things outdoor, means that Jacqui can engage you in philosophical debate while hardly breaking a sweat on a bike or hike! Jacqui also guides

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    active tours throughout Africa and internationally. When at home, Frank and Pepper (cute, but insane!) keep her busy!

    Mark Voges Race Sweeper Self professed beach bum, Mark has the most uncanny ability to be ready for any adventure unless the surf is up, in which case that will take priority. By day, Mark is a geographer, conservationist and jack of most trades, master of none. Mark also recently qualified as a field guide, specializing in Fynbos and coastal marine walks. The only thing Mark is not so keen on is

    shark cage diving he wants to carry on surfing for a while still!

    Genevieve, Chris & the massage therapy team The No-Pain, No-Gain team Yup, chances are you will end up on one of their tables at some stage! These guys will work out all those niggles and make you feel ready for the next day. Genevieve and Chris together are a formidable team and have worked on other multiday trail running events like the Lesotho Wildrun & the Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon.

    Andrew (D4 Productions) & Kelvin Event Media Andrew Kings sporting ability makes him and his D4 film crew the best team for the job of capturing the essence of the Wildrun. Andrew has filmed both the Lesotho and Wildcoast Wildruns. Kelvin Trautman is South Africas most talented and creative adventure sports

    photographer, and together with his extreme fitness makes him the only photographer out there that can run and shoot for the whole day

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    So you made it to Kei Mouth what now?

    Event Registration Wildrun registration takes place from 11h00 to 19h30 at the pre-race HQ - The Thatches (see map of Kei Mouth). At registration you will need to sign the event indemnity, the Dwesa Nature Reserve indemnity, and hand over your original medical form before collecting your:

    Official numbered adidas Wildcoast Wildrun 2011 race bag with goodies Your Wildcoast Wildrun race number, map card & passport Other useful and relevant goodies from sponsors

    Event welcome & briefing The event welcome and briefing will take place at 19h30 at the pre-race HQ The Thatches (again, see map of Kei Mouth).

    We will take you through important event logistical & safety information and instructions, as well as lead you though day one of the Wildcoast Wildrun.

    This is for your safety & information, so please be present at this briefing.

    Dinner at the Green Lantern Dinner will be at the Green Lantern Restaurant from 20h00 (200m from The Thatches, see map).

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    General info on Kei Mouth

    One small shop with the basics, no Woolies, no Spar - and closes at 16h30!

    One petrol station that also closes at 16h30 Two pubs, both serve basic meals

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    Wildcoast Wildrun Schedule of events

    Wednesday, 14 September

    Pre-run in Kei Mouth *Transfers from East London Airport to Kei Mouth are approx 1hr

    11h00 Wildrun registration opens at The Thatches, in Kei Mouth (see map, previous page)

    12h10 First transfer departs East London Airport for Kei Mouth The Thatches

    16h00 Second transfers depart East London Airport

    17h45 Third and final transfers depart East London Airport

    11h00-19h30 Wildrun registration at The Thatches

    19h30 Wildrun briefing, overall and for day 1, at The Thatches

    20h00 onwards Dinner at The Green Lantern

    21h30 Bag-check in, at the trailer at The Thatches (this is for your non-runner bag, if you would like to off-load it already)

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    Thursday, 15 September

    Day 1 Kei Mouth to Kob Inn, 43km

    06h00 to 06h30 - Breakfast at The Green Lantern Breakfast will be available at the Green Lantern Restaurant from 06h00 (100m from The Thatches, see map).

    06h00 to 06h45 - Bag check in at The Thatches You need to check both your race bag and your non-running bag in at The Thatches find the Wildrun trailer. ONLY your adidas Wildrun race bag will be available during the event, your other bag will be available at the last nights accommodation - the Ocean View Hotel.

    07h00 to 07h25 - Ferry crossing at Kei River Mouth Unless you want to swim, there will be two ferry crossings, starting from 7h00, to get everyone over the river for the start at 7h30. If you miss the ferry, youre going to have a wet start


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    12h00 to 16h00 - Lunch at Kob Inn

    There will be a buffet lunch available as you arrive at Kob Inn, and of course the bar is always open. If you miss this time then you will need to survive off bar snacks until dinner...

    18h30 - Briefing for day 2 at the bar Briefing for day 2 will be in the bar area. There is very important information about day 2, so please drag your weary legs down to the bar that is unless you are already in the bar, in which case please stay sober enough to take in the information!

    19h00 - Dinner Also in the bar area, so you dont have to move anywhere!

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    Friday, 16 September

    Day 2 Kob Inn to The Haven, 35km

    06h00 - Breakfast A delicious buffet breakfast will be available to keep that motor running on day 2s adventure.

    06h15 to 07h15 - Bag check in Please check your race bag in at the Wildrun trailer, at the vehicle entrance to Kob Inn.

    07h30 Wildrun Start batch 1

    08h00 Wildrun Start batch 2 Check the notice board for your start time

    12h00 to 16h00 - Lunch at The Haven There will be a buffet lunch available as you arrive, and of course the bar is always open. If you miss lunch this time, youre going to have to survive off bar snacks until dinner again...

    18h30 - Briefing for day 3 Briefing for day 3 will be in the lounge area. There is very important information about day 3, so please drag your even wearier legs to the lounge.

    19h00 - Dinner Dinner in The Haven restaurant, where Mike will enlighten your taste buds!

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    Saturday, 17 September

    Day 3 The Haven to Hole-in-the-Wall, 34km

    06h00 - Breakfast A delicious buffet breakfast will be available to keep that motor running on day 3s adventure.

    06h00 to 06h45 - Bag check in Please check your race bag in at the Wildrun trailer, at the entrance to The Haven Hotel.

    07h00 Wildrun Start batch 1

    07h30 Wildrun Start batch 2

    08h00 Wildrun Start batch 3 Check the notice board for your start time.

    12h00 to 15h00 - Picnic lunch at the finish Under a beautiful stand of trees at the finish, right in front of the Hole-in-the-Wall, there will be a picnic braai buffet on the go, as well as a cash bar. Your race bag will be there so you can wash off in the river, get changed and relax while you watch others finish. Remember to carry some cash with you for that ice cold beer/drink at the finish.

    15h15 to 16h15 - Short transfer to Ocean View Hotel There will be transfers to take all runners to the Ocean View Hotel; transfers will only leave when they are full. Your non-running bag will be available at Ocean View Hotel when you arrive. *Some runners will be staying at Coffee Bay Hotel, a couple hundred meters from Ocean View.

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    19h00 - Final presentation & prize giving Find your way down to the Ocean View Conference room for the final

    presentation and prize giving.

    20h00 - Dinner Dinner will be in the Ocean View Hotel main restaurant for all runners those staying at Coffee Bay Hotel will also eat at Ocean View for dinner, but will eat at Coffee Bay Hotel for breakfast.

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    Sunday, 18 September

    Post-run in Coffee Bay

    04h00-07h00 Breakfast packs will be provided for those leaving on the early transfers.

    04h45 First transfer departs for East London Airport from Ocean View Hotel. Departure: 05h00

    07h00-09h00 Full breakfast available

    08h15 Second transfer departs for East London Airport from Ocean View Hotel. Departure: 08h30

    08h45 Third transfer departs for East London Airport from Ocean View Hotel. Departure: 09h00

    09h15 Transfer to Kei Mouth departs. Departure: 09h30

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    Transfers Sunday, 18 September

    Transfer 1 to East London Airport. Departs: 05h00

    Race # Name Surname 8 Graham Bird 12 Jeremy Botha 13 Tasha Botha 57 Dominic Cullinan 29 Martin Homan 32 Retha Janse van Rensburg 33 Theo Janse van Rensburg 64 Tatum Prins 54 Donovan Sims 55 Hanno Smit


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    Transfer 2 to East London Airport. Departs: 08h30

    Race # Name Surname 4 Bev Baker 75 Alistair Barge 62 Clinton Bosch 11 Sonya Bosch 71 Matt Botha 20 Craig Cowan 77 Patrick Cruywagen (adidas) 24 Jade de Hutton 53 Mark Gebhardt 72 Camilla Howard 35 Jacqui Koep 37 Anthony Lai-Lam 38 Jonathan Lai-Lam 42 Melanie Meier 70 Ron Rutland 49 Eckhard Scholtz 28 Maritz Theron 56 Graeme Trautman 80 Ross Tucker (adidas) adi Kate Woods (adidas)


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    Transfer 3 to East London Airport. Departs: 09h00

    Race # Name Surname 3 Brian Andrew 25 Robert de Reuck 63 Angelo Henry 36 Mark Laden 41 Jenny Livingstone 19 Malcolm Livingstone 50 Charmaine Scott 51 Kathy Scott 52 Gareth Sears 23 Martin Stewart 76 Diana Tanner 67 Christine Woods

    12 Transfer 4 to Kei Mouth. Departs: 09h30

    Race # Name Surname 9 Bradley Birkholtz 18 Dallas Clifford 48 Ad Cole 26 Dup du Plessis 27 Esme du Plessis 30 Eduard Herselman 21 Marnitz Nienaber 39 Matthew Norval 40 Angus Tanner


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    Crew Contact details:

    Race Director Owen Middleton 084 221 8422

    Registrations Manager Tamaryn Jupp 072 373 5081

    Logistics and hospitality Manager Chris Goodwin 083 310 1747

    Course Manager Dave van der Byl 082 885 7127

    Assisting with registration and timing Jacqui Goodwin 083 651 1106

    Safety & Communications Paul van Spronsen 083 302 3366

    Medical assistance Conrad Seymour 084 627 9619

    Eugene Miller 082 448 2321

    adidas Representative Kate Woods 083 780 2044

    Photographer Kelvin Trautman 084 257 1581

    Film - D4 Productions Andrew King 082 901 7022

    Massage Therapy Genevieve 083 565 6108

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    More about our sponsors adidas needs little introduction as a well-established leading global sports brand, and one strongly associated with trail running. adidas have been sponsors of the Wildrun since the inaugural event in 2009, and provide the infamous Wildrun event goody bags & kit! NCC Environmental Services is a leading environmental consultancy, providing environmental management and conservation services, so as to prevent and mitigate impacts to our natural environment.

    Continental makes individual mobility safer, more comfortable, and more sustainable. You need look no further than the bottom of any adidas adistar or Supernova running Shoes to see the added benefit of Continental rubber to the grip!

    Tourism Authority Host

    The Eastern Cape is one of South Africa's leading nature and conservation based tourism destinations, offering a wealth of game viewing and diverse scenic beauty. The nature reserves managed by Eastern Cape Parks cover an area of some 438,000 hectares!

    Product Sponsors Events Company

  • Wildrunner Events 2011 21

    Premium SponsorsTourism Authority HostWelcome to the Wildcoast Wildrun 2011!So whos who on the crew for 2011?Owen Middleton Race DirectorEvent RegistrationEvent welcome & briefingDinner at the Green LanternWednesday, 14 SeptemberPre-run in Kei MouthThursday, 15 September06h00 to 06h30 - Breakfast at The Green Lantern06h00 to 06h45 - Bag check in at The Thatches07h00 to 07h25 - Ferry crossing at Kei River Mouth18h30 - Briefing for day 2 at the bar19h00 - DinnerFriday, 16 SeptemberDay 2 Kob Inn to The Haven, 35km06h00 - Breakfast06h15 to 07h15 - Bag check in07h30 Wildrun Start batch 108h00 Wildrun Start batch 212h00 to 16h00 - Lunch at The Haven18h30 - Briefing for day 319h00 - DinnerSaturday, 17 SeptemberDay 3 The Haven to Hole-in-the-Wall, 34km06h00 - Breakfast06h00 to 06h45 - Bag check in07h00 Wildrun Start batch 107h30 Wildrun Start batch 208h00 Wildrun Start batch 312h00 to 15h00 - Picnic lunch at the finish15h15 to 16h15 - Short transfer to Ocean View Hotel19h00 - Final presentation & prize giving20h00 - DinnerSunday, 18 September

    Post-run in Coffee BayTransfer 1 to East London Airport. Departs: 05h0010Transfer 2 to East London Airport. Departs: 08h3021Transfer 3 to East London Airport. Departs: 09h0012Transfer 4 to Kei Mouth. Departs: 09h309Crew Contact details:More about our sponsors