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Page 1: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

Why it’s OK to go to a different uni than your friends

Page 2: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

With all the excitement that comes with the end of high school, it can be tempting to put off those tasks that make you nervous or uncomfortable.

While you can’t wait to wear your school uniform for the last time, have a wicked summer holiday and get started with your new study experience, before that can happen you have to think about which university you want to go to.

Page 3: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

Honestly, we know it is tempting to decide to go to whatever uni your friends are going to.

After all, the idea of having to make new friends at uni can seem scary, and it’s easy to get caught up in everyone else’s excitement. Before you know it, you can find yourself going to the same uni as your friends without having time to stop and think about whether that’s really what you want to do.

While there is nothing wrong with going to the same uni as your friends, there are other things you should think about before making your decision.

Page 4: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

Even if you decide to go to a uni where you don’t know anyone, you won’t be alone.

Many people come to uni without a ready-made posse, so will be in the same situation as you. There are plenty of ways you can meet new friends at uni, whether you study on-campus or online.

Uni also provides an opportunity for those who didn’t enjoy high school to start afresh and create new friendships.

Still a little nervous and not sure where to start?

Check out:

It’s normal to worry about having to make new friends.


Page 5: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

Sure, you have hung out in class and may even receive similar grades to your friends, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have the same passions and ideas for your future.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to study engineering, while your friend wants to study English. And that’s OK. You can still be friends!

It’s important to make the decision about which uni to attend based on what you are interested in and what you want for your future.

By following your own path all the way to uni, you will be able to study what you want to study, and get what you want from your degree.

You and your friends might not be interested in the same things.


Page 6: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

We have all said it… ‘I can’t wait to move out!’

Whether you say it in anger or that’s just what you have to do, staying at home can actually provide many benefits.

Do you have enough savings to pay for a $1000 rental bond? Do you know how to cook more than a couple of meals?

While your friends pack up and move away from home, you can feel comfortable in the knowledge that you’ve made the best decision for your budget.

It can be expensive being a uni student, so make sure you factor in the cost of accommodation, food, study and travel when deciding what uni you want to go to.

Plus, there’s nothing quite like those home-cooked meals and freshly washed clothes to get you through exams.

There’s no place like home3

Page 7: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

You pretty much know who you are and what you’re about. Sometimes, though, you might feel if you had the chance to reinvent yourself, away from the people who already know you, you would do things a little differently.

Going to a different uni to your friends will give you the opportunity to reinvent yourself if you want or, if you’re pretty comfortable with who you are, give you the freedom to pursue the things that interest you.

Break the mold4

Page 8: Why it's ok to go to a different uni than your friends

Just because you decide to go to a different uni to your friends, that doesn’t mean you have to stop talking to them or hanging out together.

Here are some ways to stay in touch:

• If you go to unis that are nearby, you will still be able to hang out on the weekend.

• You can expand your network of friends – yours and theirs!

• When you need to vent, relax or just have some fun, call or get together with your high school friends and it will be just like old times.

• If you go to unis in different states, you’ll have a great excuse to travel on uni holidays, and somewhere cheap to crash!

• You can easily stay in touch and support each other online.

Going to a different uni from your friends doesn’t mean you’re no longer friends!


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While it might not seem like the coolest thing to do, another fail-safe way to help you make this decision is to talk to your parents.

What do they think is the best option for you?

At the end of the day, your parents will have your best interests at heart, so it’s worth hearing them out.

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There are lots of things to consider when thinking about which uni to go to, and while it can seem overwhelming, we’ve got your back.

At the end of the day, you need to do what is best for you and your future. So don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone, explore your options and forge your own path by going to the uni of your choice.

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