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Page 1: Why is it so difficult to improve animal welfare in developing countries?

Animal Welfare Findings from:

Global Reconnaissance of Municipal Live Markets, Slaughterhouses and Waste Systems

in Developing Countries World Bank Study (Japanese Trust Funded)

Conducted in: EAP, SAR, AFR, LAC and MENA

Study by Consultants:

Nippon Koei Co

ProAnd Associates Australia

World Bank Study Manager:

Sandra Cointreau

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The World Bank Group:

•  IDA and IBRD lending to countries, IFC lending to companies, and IMF monetary support.

•  Over 10,000 staff, over 100 regional offices.

•  Lending portfolio over 30 BB $/yr.

•  IFC animal welfare note.

•  Bank-wide environmental health safeguards guidelines include animal welfare.

•  While animal welfare is included for impact minimization and mitigation, animal welfare is yet not targeted for project investment.

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•  The world’s human population is densifying. As of this year,

there are more people in cities than in rural areas.

•  Livestock populations are also densifying…into intensive industrialized facilities.

•  In developing countries, intensive livestock producers are locating near cities for the access to markets and infrastructure.

•  Municipalities are being increasingly burdened by the need to provide livestock processing infrastructure to meet the growing local demand for meat.

•  Most of developing country production is for local demand, and affordability limits the revenue base for livestock processing.


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Growth in Human and Animal Populations, and available GNP income base: 2000 -> 2030

•  High Income Countries ($34,500/cap/yr) –  People 1.2 BB -> 1.3 BB –  Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, Goats 4.0 BB -> 5.2 BB –  Poultry 15.0 BB -> 24.8 BB

•  Low and Middle Income ($583 and $2,833/cap/yr) –  People 4.9 BB -> 7.1 BB –  Cattle, Pigs, Sheep, Goats 3.0 BB -> 4.2 BB –  Poultry 11.0 BB -> 19.2 BB

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•  Gather data on livestock markets, municipal slaughter facilities (abattoirs), meat processing, and related systems of waste management.

•  Examine the prevalence, handling, treatment, disposal, and recycling of wastes.

•  Identify and report on the problems and needs of the facilities.

•  Collect and examine available data on related bio-security and food safety issues.

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•  Municipal slaughterhouses are commonly old and operating significantly over their intended capacity.

•  The private sector owns modern and sanitary facilities, but they operate only for high-end markets.

•  The unregulated informal slaughter sector is extensive.

•  Local incomes limit meat prices and this limits municipal cost recovery from slaughterers.

•  Regulatory framework and enforcement is poor.

•  Religious and cultural traditions have a significant impact on operations.

•  Meat from freshly killed livestock is preferred, requiring night and early morning slaughtering conditions.


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•  Unsanitary working conditions and limited clean hot water. •  No orderly conveyance. •  Dark and slippery working conditions. •  Surface materials porous and hard to clean. •  Animal welfare is poor. •  Child labor is extensive and exacerbates animal suffering. •  Occupational health and safety is poor. •  Municipal management and capacity is poor. •  Veterinary inspection is inadequate. •  Most fifth quarter is recycled extensively, commonly by

informal sector recyclers. •  Blood, stomach contents and excreta are discharged to

waterways, or sent to municipal open dumps.


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•  All fundamental pillars of good animal welfare (the five freedoms) were widely abused.

•  Absence of any official animal welfare control mechanism. •  Lack of awareness of animal welfare standards or measures. •  Lack of awareness of need to improve animal welfare.

Freedom - Hunger and Thirst Freedom - Pain, Injury and Disease Freedom - Physical and Thermal Discomfort Freedom - Fear and Distress Freedom - Abnormal Behaviour

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•  Transportation •  Live Markets •  Slaughterhouses •  Waste Disposal Sites

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•  Unsuitable vehicles.

•  Long journeys and poor road conditions.

•  Overcrowding.

•  Dehydration.

•  Poor driving skills.

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Unloading: •  Unloading facilities are often poor:

-  Injuries to both animals and humans. •  Vehicular crowding.

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Cramped conditions during transportation and little water

or shade available, if any.

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•  Crowded, noisey, dirty. •  Mixed species, mixed exposure to diseases. •  Unsold animals return home, creating disease exposure linkages.

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Goats trussed at a market without shade or water and amongst debris and garbage.

Assisting a weak animal to its feet .

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Sticks used extensively by herders to keep the animals under control, for cattle in particular, resulting in pain, stress, and bruising.

Livestock trussed all day at market - poultry often carried

upside down to and from market.

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•  Poor delivery conditions. •  No sheltered place to wait or be refreshed with water or food. •  No orderly conveyance to slaughter. •  Animals toppled, beaten, and prodded. •  Pregnant animals accepted for slaughter.

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•  Slippery surfaces. •  Killing and other operations done on floor. •  Dark operating conditions inside.

•  No separation of clean and dirty areas.

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• Slaughter and processing areas overcrowded. • Noisy, stressful operations. • Children often present to assist.

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Animals waiting amidst the slaughter operations.

Some left overnight for next day slaughter.

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Stunning generally not practiced (all species) – unsuitable techniques e.g. spinal section .

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Discharge of wastes to open channels and municipal open dumps affects welfare of wildlife and domestic animals.

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•  Regulatory reform. •  Best practice guidelines. •  Stakeholder consultation and awareness. •  Slaughterer and veterinary capacity development. •  Investment in public live markets and slaughterhouses. •  Municipal management capacity development. •  Improve private sector investment climate. •  Interagency program of analytical work. •  Recognize that food safety, animal welfare, livestock disease control, and food security are public goods. •  Develop inter-governmental economic instruments to support municipal improvement.

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Ongoing at Bank:

•  Country projects to improve environmental sustainability at production facilities, improve live markets, improve slaughter waste discharges, control HPAI, and reduce livestock green house gas emissions. •  Developing a guidance document on reconstruction and refurbishment of live markets and slaughterhouses. •  Supporting the One World One Health concept. •  Developing an alliance for humane and sustainable livestock production and processing among our agency and NGO partners. •  Developing a partnership of private sector food retailers, associations and producers.

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To obtain information on these

studies, or discuss partnering, contact:

Sandra Cointreau, Waste Management Advisor, Urban Anchor of World Bank [email protected] mobile: 1-860-488-5910

A New Humane Humanity for the

New Age.