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DC.(Because I had nothing else to write about)

By: Makenzie Burrus

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Ever sense I was little I wanted to go to Washington DC, so when the 8th grade DC trip came around I was very excited. We had to get up very early that day and head to the school for a 7 hour bus ride. When we finally got to the hotel in Virginia we all settled in and went to bed.

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The next morning we got back on the bus and got stuck in a massive traffic jam. The first place we stopped at was Mount Vernon the home of George Washington.

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. After that we went to the Washington monument and took pictures at the top of the monument. When we were done we walked to the Capital building and took a tour.

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Later we went to the Lincoln on memorial and had to count all the steps leading up to his memorial. The last stop of the day we went to the Iwo Jima memorial.

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Then the next we went and watched some guy talk about Lincoln’s death at the Ford Theater, when suddenly this random guy from the crowd started telling jokes while another dude played the ukulele. After that we went to the Vietnam memorial.

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Then we went out to lunch at the international buffet and there was a drunken hobo asking the teachers for money. When we were done we went to the holocaust museum.

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The last stop of that day was the at the World War 2 memorial were this guy tried converting me to some weird religion.The next morning we walked to the white house and took lots of picture

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After that we went to the Newseum. Then a few friends and I got some ice-cream from a questionable ice cream truck in front of the national archives.

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When we were done we all took a big picture on the Albert Einstein statue. The next day we went to a cathedral and the teachers surprised us by taking us to the National Zoo

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Then the trip was over and we had to go back home. That why I love Washington DC.