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Why Does My Dog Chew On His Feet.

Starring: Grandpawpaw and Kidd

By: SilverLiningHerbs

Hey GrandPawPaw! I have a question.

Yes Kidd, what is it?

Why do dogs bite and chew their feet?


There are many reasons Kidd. Let me go over a few possible reasons why a dog

might chew their feet.

Some dogs chew their paw because they are

bored. Chewing on their foot helps pass the time


Bored? I don’t even know the meaning of the word,


A dog will also chew on his paws when he is

giving himself a bath. Why would a dog

take a bath?

A dog takes a bath when he gets mud or dirt on him. Dogs like to stay clean, so during their down time they will clean themselves.

Wow, really? I chew on my paws because

they taste good.

Another reason why a dog might chew his foot is because of a sore or

hurt foot.

How does a dog get a hurt foot


Well Kidd I will tell you.

On the underneath side of a dog’s paw, is called a foot pad. If a dog injures his foot pad it will cause

him pain. When a dog’s foot is in pain he will chew on it to try and

soothe the pain he feels.

Makes sense. But how does a dog’s foot pad get


Since a dog does not have shoes, there are

many hazards that might cause an injured foot

pad. .

Sharp rocks, glass and a hot pavement can all cause

injury to a dog’s foot pad.

Also, cold can cause injury as well. Salty roads and

extreme cold can cause a dog’s foot pad to crack and

dry up.

Cold and heat are not the only thing that can injure a

dog’s foot.

What else can cause injury to a

dog’s foot?

Foreign objects are a problem as well. Foreign

objects can cause puncture wounds to a dog’s foot.

When a dog gets a puncture wound, he will

hold up the paw that hurts and limp on three legs.

Be careful when approaching a dog with a

hurt foot!

Why is that GrandPawPaw?

Because pain can take the nicest of dogs, and make

them behave out of character.

A dog will chew on his foot to try to remove the

foreign object. A dog at times might even make

the problem worse.

Why is that GrandPawPaw?

Because Kidd, it might cause an infection to occur

in that dog’s paw. An infected paw can lead to

serious problems.

Wow! Not Cool!

There are two other things that can cause a dog to

chew on his foot. They are yeast infection and


Dogs can get allergies GrandPawPaw?

Yes, Kidd. Dogs can get seasonal allergies as well.

I had no idea! So what do allergies have to do

with a dog biting his foot?

Well Kidd to put it simple, when a dog gets allergies, their body releases a chemical called histamine.


A dog’s histamine cells are located in their ears and

their paws.

I don’t see where you are going with this


Well Kidd, histamine causes extreme itchiness in dogs. Sometimes a dog will scratch and chew his feet raw to try and find relief.

Oh, I see Now!

That is not all Kidd. Histamine can cause inflammation and excess fluids between a dogs toes. This is a perfect environment for yeast bacteria.

Yeast infection can also cause a dog to chew his paws raw because of the


If the yeast infection is not treated, then it can spread to other areas on a dog.

So allergies cause yeast infection huh?

Well allergies can help lead to yeast infections.

You see Kidd, yeast infections are caused by a

disruption in a dogs normal flora.

You’re getting to scientific for me

GrandPawPaw. What is normal flora?

Normal flora is good organisms and bacteria that helps keep a dog


You see Kidd, when a dog has allergies, sometimes they get an antibiotic for

that allergy.

Yes. To help kill the bad stuff, right


Right Kidd, but the problem is, is that

antibiotics can also kill the good stuff as well. It kills the bad bacteria and the

good bacteria.

Oh, I see. In other words, it can mess with

a dogs normal flora.

Right Kidd. And when the good stuff is gone, then that is where the yeast infection will make its


So what can be done GrandPawPaw?

Well, if you think that a dog is chewing his foot because of a medical

condition then he should go see his vet.

Also herbal supplements can be used as well.

Thanks GrandPawPaw for explaining all of this

to me.

You are quite welcome Kidd.

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