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Why Do I Need An OB/GYN Doctor Before I'm Pregnant?

It’s always a great idea to find an obgyn doctor as soon as you’re ready to begin a family. Some women often find themselves questioning whether or not choosing an obgyn doctor before pregnancy is important. For those that are unsure if choosing a doctor before pregnancy is right for you, keep these 5 helpful facts in mind about obgyn doctors and your pregnancy:

Your obgyn doctor can offer information that can help increase chances of fertility

Some women like to find an obgyn doctor before pregnancy to increase their chances of getting pregnant when they’re ready to start a family. Speaking with an obgyn doctor can prove helpful in many ways. One of which is that they can offer information on things to do and avoid that can increase the chances of fertility. Information about lifestyle, general health, and diet are things that can be discussed to ensure that you have good chances of conceiving a healthy baby.

Your obgyn doctor can offer advice on birth control

Women on birth control often choose to find an obgyn doctor before pregnancy to learn about when to begin trying to have a baby after being on birth control. Making sure that you’ve got all of the facts so that you conceive a happy and healthy baby after being on birth control is one of the many reasons some women choose to visit an obgyn doctor before conception.

Your obgyn doctor can offer diet and exercise advice

Learning the best and healthiest diet and exercise habits before pregnancy is an option you may wish to consider. An obgyn doctor can discuss your current diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits with you and make suggestions on things to improve on. Some doctors believe that it’s a good idea to reach your ideal body weight before trying to become pregnant.

Your obgyn doctor can do a physical to make sure you’re healthy

Women may wish to have a physical done for themselves and even their partners so that they know they are in a healthy state to begin trying to have a baby. The decision to find an obgyn doctor is great for people who want to have a physical done because it also gives them the chance to ask questions about pregnancy.

Your obgyn doctor can discuss possible hazards with you in the home and workplace

For first time mothers and new daddies, sometimes meeting and discussing pregnancy hazards in the home and workplace can be eye opening. Learning about things like exposure to cat feces, x-rays, and lead can be informative and also put other fears to rest.

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Another possible discussion to have with your obgyn doctor is current use of medication and the possibility of prenatal vitamins. Only a doctor can advise you on hazards, lifestyle changes, and medications or vitamins.

If you’d like more helpful information on when to find an OB/GYN doctor before pregnancy, go to to learn more. Remember to always check with a physician before taking any medical treatment or remedy.