Download - Why adventure time isn’t just for kids

  • 1. OVERVIEW Adventure Time is a show aired on Cartoon Network. It was originally a single-episode flash animation created by Pendleton Ward.

2. So because its aired on a child-oriented network means its for kids, right? Not exactly! There are a number of underlying themes that kids may not catch but are certainly noticed by older audiences. These include, but are not limited to: The Apocalypse (and how we may be causing it) Same-sex couples Gender equality and identity Sexual references Adult language/cursing REASONING 3. The land of Ooo has only been viewed from space a couple of times over the course of the show. From there, though, we can see some great damage has been done to the planet which looks suspiciously like our own. That, coupled with dogs who can talk, people made of candy, and what appear to be nukes in some areas have led some to believe the show takes place after a nuclear war destroys a great portion of the earth. The Earls of Lemongrab are a pretty obvious take on what Pendleton Wards views on same-sex couples are: hes all for them! There is not one but two canon (or supposed-to-be) queer couples in the show. The Earls find alternative ways of making children by giving every last bit of food they have life, starving themselves in the process. Marceline and Princess Bubblegum have been heavily suggested to being lovers in interviews with Ward, who claims that the backstory he imagined for them is not appropriate for the show itself. Rumor is that CN threatened to remove the show from the air if the romance was supported. EXAMPLES 4. In one episode the main characters encounter a hostage situation and attempt to infiltrate the building to rescue the hostages. As it turns out the perpetrator is an orphaned man whose only childhood wish was to be a princess. The theme of gender equality and identity used here is usually one avoided in childrens shows, but in this case it was well-received. Any adult with a colorful vocabulary would be tickled by the substitute curse- words found in the show. Frequent phrases include what the flop, and lumpin _____! There are also a number of references to rude hand gestures, such as a worm sitting in the center of a clenched fist. EXAMPLES 5. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Season 1 Viewers (in Millions) Season 5 Viewers (in Millions) VIEWER DEMOGRAPHICS Data retrieved from 6. THE END! Graphics Credits: new-gameplay-screens/ jake/images/34444893/title/adventure-time-wallpaper V4ylR1YQinUM&tbnid=PHVgd7YI1gs9AM:&ved=0CAEQjxw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fadventureti 16h34m08s79.png&ei=JhxPUqKnH6LXyAH62ICADQ&bvm=bv.53537100,d.aWc&psig=AFQjC NHRFVX_l4S57gKBUaFcaJw3PXrLng&ust=1381002342381492 Want more info? Feel free to contact me at [email protected]