Download - Why 4Segments

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Why 4Segments™ Demonstration

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4Segments™ helps you quickly and effectively understand and segment your market using an innovative, simple, and intuitive graphical interface.

Easily move segmented contact lists to Marketing Automation systems for nurturing campaigns or to CRM systems for Sales Rep follow-up.

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2010 2011 20122009

4Bridge Integration


Implementation ServicesSFDC IntegrationsMarketing Automation

4Thought Marketing History Timeline

4Thought Marketing


Dynamic Gated FormsDynamic Resource


Partner Relationship


(4Bridge Connectors)

2013 2014 2015

4CDO ToolKit4Clean Cloud Connectors

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There are two problems with Marketing Tools Today…

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1. Marketing Automation Segmentation isn’t Visual

2. BI Tools (Report Writers) aren’t built for Segmentation or for acting on results!

Two Problems with Marketing Tools Today…

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It means the average marketer struggles with segmentation.

What does this mean?

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The Importance of Visual

FACT: Approximately 65 percent of the population are visual learners. –Mind Tools, 1998

FACT: The brain processes visual information 60,000 faster than text. -3M Corporation, 2001

FACT: 90 percent of information that comes to the brain is visual. -Hyerle, 2000

FACT: 40 percent of all brain nerve fibers are linked to the retina -Jensen, 1996

FACT: Classroom Visual Aids improve learning by 400 percent. -3M Corporation, 2001

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The Importance of Visual

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The Importance of Visual

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The Importance of Visual

65% Visual Learners5% Kinesthetic

30% Auditory

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This? Or This?

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The Importance of VisualThis? Or This?

The 5 most western States plus key states around Chicago and Florida for a total of 15 states result in 272484 target contacts.

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Adding Criteria Increases Importance of Visual

This? Or This?Query1: “The high tech space has about 521,000”

Query2: “All contacts in California totals 66k. There is about an 8x difference in size between the markets.

Query 3: there are 13,406 that overlap across both California and High Tech.

Query 4: There are 505,000 customers, about the same number as the number we have in High Tech

Query 5: There are 2677 that overlap across all three.

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Eloqua - How It’s Done Today

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Salesforce - How It’s Done Today

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This is NOT Visual!

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It means you can’t know your market

It means you don’t segment… when you should

What else does this mean?

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Segmentation Underutilized

Source: TechAisle SMB Survey of 1200 Respondents

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Through 2017, the number of citizen data scientists will grow five times faster than the number of highly skilled data scientists. Gartne


Current Market Response?

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Target of Analytics and BI SystemsAnalytics and BI Reporting

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Goals of Current Systems

Eloqua & SFDC Filters

Analytics and BI Reporting

No Middle Ground for Marketers

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Two Problems, One Solution

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1. Marketing Automation Segmentation isn’t Visual

2. Report Writers aren’t built for Segmentation or for acting on results!

There are two problems with Marketing Tools Today…

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Turn Contacts into Action

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Down the Rabbit Hole… The Technology behind Easy

Visual Segmentation™

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You’ll remember from our previous demo …4Segments is Fast and Easy.

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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Apple’s first marketing brochure 1977

“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple”

Steve Jobs, Business Week 1998


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4Segments ArchitectureSe














Criteria Creator4Segments Database

Segmentation Server

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4Segments Architecture




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a an

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4Bridge Integration EngineCriteria Creator

List Loader

4Segments Database

Integration Layer

Segmentation Server

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4Segments Architecture

Dynamic NormalizerNext Best Action Generator




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a an

d Se




4Bridge Integration EngineCriteria Creator

List Loader

4Segments Database

Dashboard Generator

Integration Layer

Segmentation Server

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4Segments Architecture

Dynamic NormalizerNext Best Action Generator




n L



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a an

d Se




Map SelectorVenn Segmenter Funnel Segmenter Waterfall

4Bridge Integration EngineCriteria Creator

List Loader

4Segments Database

Dashboard Generator

Integration Layer

Segmentation Server

HTTPS/Secure Sockets

Criteria CrossTab

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4Segments: Fast. Visual. Easy. KNOW your Market

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Know your market spaceExplore. Play. Turn Contacts into Action

Leverage the Power of Segmenting! Fast. Visual. Easy.

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Financial Services (Largest vertical served) 1. Visa Corporation 2. First Tech Federal3. Fireman’s Fund4. Others

InfoSec (Second largest vertical served)ImpervaWhite HatAccuvantGuidance

4Thought Marketing Largest Industries Served:


*We’ve been vetted by some of the best.

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1. Anonymized Data 2. Standard Security3. Enterprise Gold Security

Three Security Options:

4Segments Security

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4Segments doesn’t require personally identifiable data to work. How?

• Don’t integrate Email, First, Last• Eloqua/SFDC ID serves as “link”• Segments can still be created and used in


• Downsides:• Can’t see Email & Name in Lists

SecurityOption 1: Anonymized Data

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1. HTTPS & Certificate (same as Eloqua, banks)2. Secure Login & Password Requirements3. Information Stored on Amazon Web Services

a. Largest in the Worldb. One of the most secure environments in the

worldc. CIA AWS Cloud went live in August 2014

4. Standards  at Trust.4Thought

SecurityOption 2: Standard Security

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1. Private Server2. Private Database3. VPN Support Available4. IP White Listing


SecurityOption 3: Enterprise Gold Security Option

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1. Anonymized Data 2. Standard Security3. Enterprise Gold Security

Three Security Options:


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Next Best Action Engine

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Next Best Action Field(s) are created in other systems…

Next Best



Next Best Offer Next Best Category

Content Preference Etc.

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Next Best



Next Best Offer Next Best Category

Content Preference Etc.

MA Uses to

Trigger Nuture Programs

Used by Adobe to Trigger Website Ads

Used to Trigger Retargeting Follow-Ads

CRM Uses to Trigger Rep Phone Calls

Next Best Action Field(s) are created in other systems…

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Conceptual “Next Best Action” Field(s)

Next BestAction


Next Best Offer Next Best Category Content Preference


MA Uses to

Trigger Nuture Programs

Adobe Uses to Trigger Website Ads

Used to Trigger Retargeting Follow-Ads

CRM Uses to Trigger Rep Phone Calls

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Conceptual “Next Best Action” Field(s)

Next BestAction


Next Best Offer Next Best Category Content Preference


MA Uses to

Trigger Nuture Programs

Adobe Uses to Trigger Website Ads

Used to Trigger Retargeting Follow-Ads

CRM Uses to Trigger Rep Phone Calls

4Segments Next Best Action Engine

What is the first, highest priority segment that a contact falls into?

Sets Field(s)

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Visual Analytics vs Visual Segmentation™

for Marketers

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Visual Analytics vs Visual Segmentation™

for Marketers

Visual Segmentation™ starts with Visual Analytics, but it goes beyond to make the contacts usable in the tools a marketer uses daily.

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• Business Analytics gives you insights

• Visual Segmentation™ lets you use those insights, immediately.

Difference Between BI/Reporting and 4Segments?

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No Middle Ground for Marketers

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 We’ve all heard the statement that “Data is the new Oil” but I particularly like David McCandless’s alteration of this in his TED presentation “Data is the new Soil.” Reporting and Charting Software has focused on helping marketers understand data for years. Now 4Segments can help you use that data in your Eloqua, Salesforce, and other systems.  8:15 “There’s something magical about good data.” 8:30 I feel like everyday all of us now of being blasted by information design. It's been poured into our eyes through the web. We’re all visualizers now, we all are demanding a visual aspect to our information.

And there’s something quite magical about visual information… it’s effortless, it literally pours in. After navigating a dense information jungle, coming across a beautiful graphic or data visualization is a relief… It’s like coming across a clearing in the jungle. 10:00 <Paraphrased>. You have two languages… the language of the eye, and the language of the brain and if you can combine the language of the eye, with the learned language of the brain, the language of the brain, and <MTL writing from here on> most importantly if you can not just learn from this information, but you can feed it back into the software tools you use, now you’ve got power. Now you’re combining understanding, and communication, with action. 12:19 Hans Rosling said “Let the dataset, change your mindset.”  


Good Quotes to Use During 4Segments Discussions

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Marketing is now a fundamental driver of IT purchasing, and that trend shows no signs of stopping –or even slowing down –any time soon.  In fact, Gartner analyst Laura McLellan recently predicted that by 2017, CMOs will spend more on IT than their counterpart CIOs.

At first, that prediction may sound a bit over the top. (In just five years from now, CMOs are going to be spending more on IT than CIOs do?)  But, consider this:

1) As we all know, marketing is becoming increasingly technology-based, 2) Harnessing and mastering Big Data is now key to achieving competitive advantage,3) Many marketing budgets already are larger –and faster growing –than IT budgets.

McLellan’s recent webinar provided the data to back up that last point. According to Gartner’s research:

• 2011 B2B and B2C marketing budgets as a percentage of revenue were almost three times as high (10 percent) as IT budgets (3.6 percent).

• 2012 IT budgets are expected to grow 4.7 percent, while all marketing budgets, in general, are predicted to grow 9 percent, and high tech marketing budgets, more specifically, are expected to increase 11 percent.

• On average, nearly one-third (30 percent) of named marketing-related technology and services is bought by marketing already. What’s more, marketing now influences almost half of all purchases.

Trend #1: Marketing will spend more…

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Trend #3 The Gap in the Contact Analysis Marketplace Today

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B2B Contact Availability is Exploding

In today’s data centric world, we can assume that Big Data will only get bigger! While “Big” is much smaller for the average B2B marketer, they still feel the pressure of growing contact quantities.

B2B Marketer Problems

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B2B Contact Availability is Exploding

Fueled by:• Ease of Sharing Data Between Orgs• Social Media • and it’s many competitors

Inhibited by: • European Privacy Regs (not much)

B2B Marketer Problems

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B2B Contact Quantity (rows) I growing, but number of Elements (Columns) is also increasing…

Fueled by:• Data Appends are cheaper and easier• Social Media • Progressive Profiling• Data is easier to collect more than ever


B2B Marketer Problems

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B2B Target QUALITY is Decreasing

Fueled by:• Rapidly changing contact data• Marketer’s desire to keep everything• Inability to visualize data quality• Inability to easily do basic market

segmentation, aka.., slice and dice data.

B2B Marketer Problems

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How is This Problem Solved


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Today the Contact Segmentation marketplace is monopolized by 2 categories of software:

• Application Software• Statistical Analysis Software

Contact Segmentation Marketplace Today

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What happens when you use text based segmentation?

• Target too much. Target too little. Target wrong.

• Wrong message, wrong time.

• Dirty Data is harder to find

• Opt Out, Sender Score, Deliverability Issues

Targeting & Personalization

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What happens when you use Visual Segmentation™?

• Better Campaigns. Better Events.

• A Marketing Strategy based on true insights

• Improved product and feature feedback

• Right content, Right message, Right audience 

More Leads!

Targeting & Personalization

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• The Value of Playing with Data?

• The Value of real-time Modeling? Are you using an unsupported marketing model today?

• 4Segments empowers the Team to do it personally

• You can give the Team insights otherwise not possible with textual segmentation

• Better Strategy. Better Content. Better Messaging

How do you calculate the Value?

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How It’s Done Today -Hubspot

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How It’s Done Today -Marketo

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How It’s Done Today -Marketo

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How It’s Done Today

SAS’s White Paper doesn’t even mention Venn Diagrams

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Stanford Business School -Marketing


Alexander Chernev

Venn Diagrams are

early concepts in University

Marketing Classes

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Use Visual Segmentation™ to see your targeting decisions as you make them

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4Thought Marketing

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Services, Check us out at

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