Download - WHO’s Smarter than a Sixth Grader? Mrs. Kovac/Ms. Verdina Grade 6 SCIENCE FUN!


WHO’s Smarter than a Sixth Grader?

Mrs. Kovac/Ms. Verdina

Grade 6


Which of these is the smallest quantity of an element?

A compound An atom

A solution A molecule

Which of the following materials is transparent?

Your eyelids White paper

Clear window glass

Solid wood door

The 2 structures most plants use to gather nutrients and energy to live are…?Roots & Leaves Stems & Roots

Roots & Flowers Stems & Leaves

The process an insect undergoes when changing from larva to adult is known as…

respiration reproduction

photosynthesis metamorphosis


Which moon phase comes after a waxing crescent?

Full moon First quarter

Waxing gibbous Waning crescent

What does an anemometer measure?

temperature Speed of wind

rainfall humidity

Which unit of measurement would you use to measure an airplane?

mile yard

inch foot

What does the rotation of the Earth on its axis cause?

seasons days

years months

To the blue crab, the open bay of the Chesapeake Bay region is its…

niche population

habitat community

To learn about the temperature inside the Earth’s crust, scientists study…

volcanoes Fossil formations

earthquakes Minerals on the ocean floor

What is the line that runs through the center of the Earth from north to south called?

pole equator


Which material will sound travel the fastest through?

water steel

air cloth

In what month does summer begin the Northern Hemisphere?

March September

June December

What are all living things made ?

bones cells

atoms systems

What process causes liquid water to turn into the gas water vapor?

evaporation Water cycle

condensation precipitation

What causes the moon to shine in the night sky?

It reflects light from the sun

It reflects light from Earth

It gives off its own light

It absorbs light from nearby stars

How long does it take the moon to compete one lunar month (new moon to new moon?

28 days 7 days

14 days 32 days

Which of these is a natural resource?

plastic cloth

coal brick

How long does it take the moon to go from new moon to full moon?

7 days 28 days

14 days 3 days

Which of the following living things begins a food chain?

Meat-eating animal Green plant

bird Plant-eating animal

What is the name for a path that electric currents follow?

circuit electricity

outlet current

How do all living things use food?

To take care of young To communicate

To balance their bodies

To get energy needed for life

Which animal grows into larva before becoming an adult?

snakes kangaroos

caterpillars lions

Which pair of living things belongs to the same species?

A puppy & dog A whale & fish

A bird & worm A bear & lion

What is the job of a plant’s roots?

Support the plant Draw water into the plant

Make food Protect plant from insects

What is gravity?

Type of precipitation Part of a food chain

A force that pulls object towards center of earth

An object that moves around the sun

The weather is part of the daily news. Tracking weather is most important for people who…

Plant crops Sell televisions

Work in banks Use computers

Many plants wilt in the summertime because they do have enough…

flowers heat

water leaves

Raccoons eat fish, berries, nuts, and green plants. Raccoons are…

producers carnivores
