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Who wants to be a Ca$e $tudy Qualitative

Re$earcher ?

Page 3: Who Qual Researcher

Our Our first contestant is first contestant is Nikki, a researcher Nikki, a researcher wannabe, wannabe,

who is now workingwho is now working on a on a M.Ed. at the University Alaska M.Ed. at the University Alaska


Page 4: Who Qual Researcher

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits 9 Credits9 Credits 6 Credits6 Credits 3 Credits3 Credits

50/50 Removes two invalid responses

Triangulate with a fellow researcher Poll the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

Page 5: Who Qual Researcher

Going for THREE Graduate Credits in Qualitative


3 Credits

Page 6: Who Qual Researcher

What is a case study?

D.D. All of the aboveAll of the above

A. A research processB. A bounded system or unit of analysis selected for study C. The end report of a case investigation

Page 7: Who Qual Researcher

What is a case study?

A.A. A research processA research processB.B. A bounded system or unit of analysis A bounded system or unit of analysis

selected for studyselected for studyC.C. The end report of a case investigationThe end report of a case investigation

D. All of the aboveD. All of the above

Page 8: Who Qual Researcher

Is that your final answer?

This is my member check!

Page 9: Who Qual Researcher

You’ve earned 3 Credits!50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses

Triangulate with a fellow researcher Triangulate with a fellow researcher

Poll the audience in an indiscriminate samplingPoll the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits 9 Credits9 Credits 6 Credits6 Credits

3 Credits

Page 10: Who Qual Researcher

Going for SIX Graduate Credits in Qualitative


You are now 4 answers away!

Page 11: Who Qual Researcher

In case studies, a "boundedsystem" is key. What does that mean?

D. The researcher must study all of the events and people who are within a system.  

A. A study has limits, or bounds, so that you know what will and will not be studied.

B. The study is bound by a code of ethics.

C. As a researcher, you are duty bound to

draw generalizations from the study.

Page 12: Who Qual Researcher

In case studies, a "bounded system" is key. What does that mean?

B.B. The study is bound by a code of ethics.The study is bound by a code of ethics.C.C. As a researcher, you are duty bound to draw As a researcher, you are duty bound to draw

generalizations from the study.generalizations from the study.D.D. The researcher must study all of the events The researcher must study all of the events

and people who are within a system. and people who are within a system. 

A.A. A study has limits, or bounds, so that youA study has limits, or bounds, so that youknow what will and will not be studied.know what will and will not be studied.

Page 13: Who Qual Researcher

Is that your final answer?

Page 14: Who Qual Researcher

You’re Right!! You now have 6 Credits!

50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses

Triangulate with a fellow researcher Triangulate with a fellow researcher

Polls the audience in an indiscriminate samplingPolls the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits 9 Credits9 Credits

3 Credits3 Credits

6 Credits

Page 15: Who Qual Researcher

Going for NINE Graduate Credits in Qualitative


You are now 3 answers away!

Page 16: Who Qual Researcher

In a case study, *one* single case may be studied because

D. Your graduate committee said so.

A. There may only be one case available.

B. The researcher has a reason to learn more about a particular case.

C. It is more economical and practical; thus better for many short-term studies.

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Page 18: Who Qual Researcher

In a case study, *one* singlecase may be studied because

D. Your graduate committee said so.

A. There may only be one case available.

B. The researcher has a reason to learn more about a particular case.

C. It is more economical and practical; thus better for many short-term studies.

Page 19: Who Qual Researcher

In a case study, *one* single case may be studied because

A. There may only be one case available.A. There may only be one case available.

C. It is more economical and practical;C. It is more economical and practical; thus better for many short-term studies.thus better for many short-term studies.D. Your graduate committee said so.D. Your graduate committee said so.

B. B. The researcher The researcher has a reason to learnhas a reason to learn more about a particular case.more about a particular case.

Page 20: Who Qual Researcher

Is that you final answer?

Page 21: Who Qual Researcher

You’re RIGHT! You now have 9 Credits and two of your lifelines!

50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses Triangulate with a friend Triangulate with a friend

Polls the audience in an indiscriminate samplingPolls the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits

6 Credits6 Credits

3 Credits3 Credits

9 Credits

Page 22: Who Qual Researcher

Going for TWELVE Graduate Credits in Qualitative


You are two answers awayfrom 15 credit hours

in Qualitative Research!

Page 23: Who Qual Researcher

What kind of case study is undertaken in order to gain insightinto an issue or to refine a theory?

D. An interesting case study

A. An intrinsic case study

B. An intellectual case study

C. An instrumental case study

Page 24: Who Qual Researcher

What kind of case study is undertaken in order to gain insight

into an issue or to refine a theory?

A.A. An intrinsic case studyAn intrinsic case studyB.B. An intellectual case studyAn intellectual case study

D.D. An interesting case studyAn interesting case study C.C. An instrumental case study An instrumental case study

Page 25: Who Qual Researcher

Is that your final answer?

Page 26: Who Qual Researcher

You did it again! You now have 12 Credits and two of your lifelines!

50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses

Triangulate with a friend Triangulate with a friend Polls the audience in an

indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits 6 Credits6 Credits 3 Credits3 Credits

9 Credits12 Credits

Page 27: Who Qual Researcher

Are you ready to play for 15 Credits?You are one question away!!

Page 28: Who Qual Researcher

Which adjective is used often to describe case studies?

D. Interesting

A. Descriptive

B. Sparse

C. Logical

Page 29: Who Qual Researcher

Which adjective is used often to describe case studies?

B.B. SparseSparseC.C. LogicalLogicalD.D. InterestingInteresting

A.A. DescriptiveDescriptive

Page 30: Who Qual Researcher

Is that your final answer?

Page 31: Who Qual Researcher

You have EARNED15 Graduate Credits!


You are a certified qualitative researcher using the case study method.

(Commercial Break)

Page 32: Who Qual Researcher

Awakenings” starring Robert DeNiro and Robin Williams with Awakenings” starring Robert DeNiro and Robin Williams with Julie Kavner as the nurse this Thursday onJulie Kavner as the nurse this Thursday on

QBC at 8 p.m.estQBC at 8 p.m.est A new doctor finds himself with a ward full of comatose patients. A new doctor finds himself with a ward full of comatose patients.

He is disturbed by them and the fact that they have been comatoseHe is disturbed by them and the fact that they have been comatose

for decades with no hope of any cure. When he finds a possible for decades with no hope of any cure. When he finds a possible

chemical cure he gets permission to try it on one of them. Whenchemical cure he gets permission to try it on one of them. When

the first patient awakes, he is now an adult having gone into a the first patient awakes, he is now an adult having gone into a

coma in his early teens. The film then delights in the new awareness of the coma in his early teens. The film then delights in the new awareness of the patients and then on the reactions of of their relatives to the patients and then on the reactions of of their relatives to the

changes in the newly awakened.changes in the newly awakened.

Page 33: Who Qual Researcher

Plot Outline: A boy develops a disease so rare that nobody is working on a cure, so his

father decides to learn all about it and tackle the problem himself.

Cast overview: Nick Nolte Susan Sarandon Peter Ustinov Kathleen Wilhoit

Page 34: Who Qual Researcher

Who wants to be a Ca$e $tudy Qualitative

Re$earcher ?

Page 35: Who Qual Researcher

Our next researcher wannabe is Lisa, who hails from the city of Seattle and is also studying at UAA.

Page 36: Who Qual Researcher

Going for THREE Graduate Credits in Qualitative


3 Credits

Page 37: Who Qual Researcher

How is a case study different than other qualitative

research methods?

D. It is more time-consuming.D. It is more time-consuming.

A.A. It is more contextual.It is more contextual. B.B. It is more descriptive. It is more descriptive.

C.C. It is more informative. It is more informative.

Page 38: Who Qual Researcher

How is a case study different than other qualitative

research methods?

B.B. It is more descriptive.It is more descriptive.C.C. It is more informative.It is more informative.D.D. It is more time-consuming.It is more time-consuming.

A.A. It is more contextual.It is more contextual.

Page 39: Who Qual Researcher

Is that your final answer?

Page 40: Who Qual Researcher

You’ve earned 3 Credits!50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses

Triangulate with a fellow researcher Triangulate with a fellow researcher

Poll the audience in an indiscriminate samplingPoll the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits 9 Credits9 Credits 6 Credits6 Credits

3 Credits

Page 41: Who Qual Researcher

Going for SIX Graduate Credits in Qualitative


6 Credits

Page 42: Who Qual Researcher

What is not a characteristic of case studies?

D. Too detachedD. Too detached

A. Too influenced by researcher’s bias

B. Too detailed

C. Too long

Page 43: Who Qual Researcher

What is not a characteristic of case studies?

A.A. Too influenced by researcher’s biasToo influenced by researcher’s biasB.B. Too detailedToo detailedC.C. Too longToo long

D. Too detachedD. Too detached

Page 44: Who Qual Researcher

Final answer?

Page 45: Who Qual Researcher

You’re Right!! You now have 6 Credits!

50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses

Triangulate with a fellow researcher Triangulate with a fellow researcher

Polls the audience in an indiscriminate samplingPolls the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits 9 Credits9 Credits

3 Credits3 Credits

6 Credits

Page 46: Who Qual Researcher

Going for NINE Graduate Credits in Qualitative


9 Credits

Page 47: Who Qual Researcher

What type of case study focuses on the constructs of society and socialization when studying educational phenomena?

D.D. Historical Historical

A. Ethnographic B. Psychological C. Sociological

Page 48: Who Qual Researcher

What type of case study focuses on the constructs of society and socialization when studying educational phenomena?

A.A. EthnographicEthnographicB.B. PsychologicalPsychological

D.D. HistoricalHistoricalC.C. SociologicalSociological

Page 49: Who Qual Researcher


Page 50: Who Qual Researcher

You’re RIGHT! You now have 9 Credits and all 3 of your lifelines!

50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses

Triangulate with a fellow researcher Triangulate with a fellow researcher Polls the audience in an indiscriminate samplingPolls the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits

6 Credits6 Credits

3 Credits3 Credits

9 Credits

Page 51: Who Qual Researcher

Going for TWELVE Graduate Credits in Qualitative


Two answers away!

Page 52: Who Qual Researcher

Which kind of case study uses descriptive data to illustrate, support, or challenge theoretical assumptions held prior to data gathering?

D.D. InstrumentalInstrumental

A. Descriptive

B. InterpretiveC. Evaluative

Page 53: Who Qual Researcher

Which kind of case study uses descriptive data to illustrate, support, or challenge theoretical assumptions held prior to data gathering?

B.B. DescriptiveDescriptiveC.C. EvaluativeEvaluativeD.D. InstrumentalInstrumental

A. Interpretative

Page 54: Who Qual Researcher


Page 55: Who Qual Researcher

You did it again! You now have 12 Credits and all 3 of your lifelines!

50/50 Removes two invalid responses 50/50 Removes two invalid responses Triangulate with a fellow researcher Triangulate with a fellow researcher Polls the audience in an indiscriminate sampling

15 Credits15 Credits12 Credits12 Credits

6 Credits6 Credits 3 Credits3 Credits

9 Credits

Page 56: Who Qual Researcher

Going for FIFTEEN Graduate Credits in Qualitative


You are one question away from15 Credits!

Page 57: Who Qual Researcher

Which of the following is not an an area appropriate for a case study?

D.D. The Welfare to Work program in The Welfare to Work program in Kansas City.Kansas City.

A. Determining why standardized testing is ineffective.

B. The bilingual education program in the Los Angeles Unified School District. C. Ten students participating in an 8-week experiential learning program.

Page 58: Who Qual Researcher

Ok audience…please write A,B, C, or D on the notecards in front of you.

Page 59: Who Qual Researcher

Which of the following is not an area appropriate for a case study?

B.B. The bilingual education program in the The bilingual education program in the Los Angeles Unified School District.Los Angeles Unified School District.

C.C. Ten students participating in anTen students participating in an 8-week experiential learning program.8-week experiential learning program.D.D. The Welfare to Work program inThe Welfare to Work program in Kansas City.Kansas City.

A.A. Determining why standardized testing Determining why standardized testing is ineffective.

Page 60: Who Qual Researcher

F A?

Page 61: Who Qual Researcher

15 Graduate Credits!Congratulations!!

LISA!You are a certified qualitative

researcher using the case study method.

Page 62: Who Qual Researcher

Apologies to Regis and

ABC television
