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Who Are the Pilots of the So-Called U

Who Are the Pilots of the So-Called U.F.O.s?

One-On-One with Dr. Wesley Muhammad

Written by Staff Contributors. Posted in Education, Reality Check

Published on July 23, 2012 with 1 CommentEbony S. Muhammad (EM):With the various books, the DVDs, the degrees that we have that are focused around God, very seldom do you see preachers teaching about God and the reality of God and Who He is. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said in Message to the Black Man in America in the first line that, For thousands of years, the people who did not have the knowledge of the person, or reality, of God worshiped their own ideas of God. You have those who find it easier to worship a ghost, a spirit, rocks, and things like that, but they have a hard time, and think its absurd, to say that God is a man. Why do you think that is?

Wesley Muhammad (WM):Well its not by accident its by conscious design. The lack of knowledge of God and Gods reality on the Earth was perpetuated as a consequence of a crime, a commission of a crime to rob the world of the true knowledge of God. The true knowledge of God isnt just that God is a man, but that the Black man is God. That basic point, I believe, is most critical in conveying to our people and to the human family. Thats the knowledge that is truly capable of the necessary self-development. You see, Christians have a concept that God is a man, Christ. However, that man, God, is taught to be so distinct from you and I. His divinity doesnt really help us. Our duty is to worship Him, not be Him. So the reality of God, that I believe is most important to convey, is the knowledge that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught; the Original Man is God, the Black man and woman is God.

That puts a burden on us to be that which we were created to be, which is God. With the Black man as God, theres no place on Earth for the White man as God. It was in their interest to lie about God, lie about the devil, lie that the devil doesnt exist and lie that God is a spook. The lack of knowledge on the world scene of the true reality about God was by design. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that Yacob taught his followers by instruction on how to deceive the world on this very point. So its by design, and the ignorance is the consequence of the commission of the very serious crime.

EM: Yes sir, thank you. Those wise men, the 24 Elders or Scientists that are spoken about (in scripture), the angels that are spoken about that are misrepresented; where are they now? What is their function? How is their knowledge passed down?WM: Well in terms of where they are, no one can say where they are. If I can say where they were the devil could, and then they (the Scientists) would be open targets for the devil. So no one can say, exactly, where they are. Thats the whole part of that cloak of secrecy, which is for protective purposes. However, the 24 Elders or 24 Scientists are gods or god-men. What they are, what they have been at least for the last 66 trillion years, was the government of Islam. The world of Islam has always had a government, even before our fall we were gods. Nevertheless, gods have order, and so we always had a government. Our government, the government of the cosmos, was in the hands of this body, this circle of 24 Scientists. They were the possessors, individually and part collectively in whole, all of the wisdom current at any particular time; the wisdom of the Earth at any particular time. It was in the hands of this circle of Black men. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that each Scientist represented every nation on the Earth; every nation was represented by a scientist or elder within that circle. This was before the Caucasian. The Caucasian isnt a nation, they are a people. What is the population of the Original Nation versus What is the population of the Colored people. So every nation on the Earth was represented by a Scientist, and this body was a governing power of the planet Earth. Thats our instruction, our governance, our wisdom, and guidance. The human family was dispensed through this circle of Gods. In more recent history we can say intelligently, meaning none dogmatically, that we can provide evidence sufficient to make our claim unfantastic that the major world events in the most recent history, these Scientists were involved with. This includes the revolutions, the wars in Europe and the development, in particular, of the Unites States of America; its early founding and development. The evidence suggests, strongly, that there was involvement from individuals of this circle.

The devil, the Caucasian, who has rooted themselves in secret council have been aware of this secret council of Black men, gods, and write about them, and acknowledge them, and plan against them in anticipation of war with them. When we talk about secret societies, white folks secret societies, well this is the Supreme secret society. Its just as real as the Masons, Knights Templars, Bilderbergs, just as real as them but operating with a much higher wisdom. They exercise a much greater power then the secret societies, the Illuminati, where theyre spooky about itthe boogeyman secret societies. Theyre real, but that one (the Scientists) is as equally real but exercises far greater power.

EM:Lets talk about the 24th Scientist, Alfonzo and his Son, Master Fard Muhammad.WM: Yes maam.Alfonzo, a jet black god from Arabia, and the father of the current Lord of all the worlds, Master Fard Muhammad. We are given an understanding that Alfonzo was an Arabian, a Quraysh (Koreish) Arab, which means Alfonzo was a pure Arab from the tribe of which Prophet Muhammad was born, Peace Be Upon Him. That was a very black tribe. We were told that Brother Alfonzo was a Hashemite, specifically from the clan of Hashem, which was a clan of the Quraysh. Hashem was also the clan from which Prophet Muhammad was born. Alfonzos blackness and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stressed that Brother Alfonzo was very black, so black although he had the spirit to come and resurrect the Black man and woman in America himself, his blackness prohibited success in that regard. U.S. immigration laws, at the time, prohibited such a dark man from entering the country, and our self-hatred at the time prohibited his success in coming to us. He could not have gone door to door in Detroit and gotten inside of our homes as black as he was. His blackness is important, because his blackness is the characteristic of the Hashem, Quraysh tribe.

Its really important. He was part of that line of Islam that had been operative at least since the time of Prophet Muhammad who was born from that same black Hashemite tribe. So we are given to understand by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who got it from his teacher, Master Fard Muhammad the son of Alfonzo, that he (Alfonzo) determined it was time and the Scientists had determined it was time to locate the Lost Sheep. The scriptures have spoken of a Lost Sheep and people of God in the world but only symbolically, and the Bible had become like a cryptic map. Not like these maps (pointing to a map of Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee) where you can go right to your destination. This was a cryptic map. It gave pointers and hints allowing a Scientist to discover the location of the treasure. It took searching, it took studying; it took peeling back the enigmas.

As I understand it, Alfonzo and the Scientists had reached a point where they had determined and felt confident that they had located the Lost Sheep. They located us here in the West. They had determined that the time was good to raise the Lost Sheep. So Alfonzo initiated a process, understanding that he couldnt do it, and prepared the One Who could do it. That preparation required certain strategic moves. For example, knowing that his blackness prohibited him from entering into the country, he had to produce One Who wasnt so hindered. Whose physical constitution, at least on the surface, strategically allowed Him to get into the country.

As a matter of strategy he bore a child, took a wife, a white woman, well a Caucasian because white and Caucasian are not necessarily the same, and bore a son Who by strategic design was of such in nature that He could enter the country. He could bypass.

Its interesting, in the book of Psalms 24 it speaks of watchers who are looking for Christ, but these watchers werent divine watchers. They were watchers of the Earth, watchers working for the ruler looking for the Christ, not to aid the Christ but to obstruct the Christ. These watchers were taken aback, because they were thrown off by the appearance of the born Mighty Man, (Psalms) referring to God is a mighty man. Nevertheless, these watchers, these gatekeepers were set up on Earth to watch for Gods coming to prevent or obstruct His agenda. Their plan was foiled, because God chose to come looking a particular way. So He was able to slip through and bypass the watchers, the gatekeepers, and get in the country, locate and begin the process of resurrecting the Lost Sheep. All of that was the fruit of Alfonzos military strategy. I mean, it was a wonderful strategy as far as military strategy goes.

The military academy studies Hannibal. They study, Im sure, the military strategy of the Black Umayads, the first dynasty of Islam under Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that successfully toppled the pillars of White supremacy and established Black supremacy for a short time. It has not been done since Yacobs people entered onto the scene. Im sure they are studying that military strategy. The military strategy of Alfonzo is equally impressive, because the gatekeepers were at all ports looking, actively looking, for God to come with the intent of prohibiting or obstructing His agenda, but Alfonzo got Him through, got his man through. All praises are due to Allah, for Alfonzo who was a Scientist. That is just a testament to the type of wisdom found in that circle of gods. Its a wisdom thats not just spiritual, but spiritual-military; economic, social, and political. These are warrior gods. They are men, Black men who are gods. You have gods who give life and gods to take life; gods that heal and gods that kill. That was a very, from my perspective, a very impressive show of military acumen by Brother Alfonzo.EM:In your book, Master Fard Muhammd: Who Is He? Who is He Not?, you talk about an article, and theres a picture of Master Fard Muhammad with the investigators showing them the passage that was misunderstood by that brother. He told them Who He was, the Supreme Being. As a matter of fact, I downloaded that article and read it for myself. I find it interesting and I believe others would, and I think you even touched on this before just speaking, that He didnt go around saying to the world that He is the Supreme Being, that He is God. However, He told those investigators.WM: He told a selective few.

EM:Right, just a selective few. Why did He choose to do it that way?WM: Well you know, I cant say why God does what He does, but that is very consistent with the Messianic secret. Christian biblical scholars speak about the Messianic secret and the fact that the Christ was the Messiah being a secret. An enigma for biblical scholars is while Jesus prohibited his disciples from going out preaching that he was the Messiah, he revealed that fact to devils or demons in the Bible. So it was a secret, but a secret to some. Some he revealed his identity to, some he didnt. Thats what we are to expect of the Messianic secret. Thats how it played out in Detroit.

The Messiah, theres two Messiahs-well really four- but biblically there are two Messiahs; God and the one He raised to be likened unto Himself. So the first Messiah, Master Fard Muhammad, came and just as we are to expect based on scripture, He kept that a secret for the most part especially among His people whose knowledge at that time, in ways, would not allow us to receive that knowledge in a way that would not have condemned us to chastisement. If we know He is God to whom is much is given much is required. The knowledge of Him as God put a burden on us that we werent prepared to uphold. So He withheld that knowledge from us for our own benefit.

A number of devils, judges, police officers did their psychological study when they arrest Him (Master Fard Muhammad) in November of 1932 and held Him for five days in a psychiatric ward. They did an intensive study of His psychology and produced a five hundred page report, and in that report they declared that He was very sane. They made it clear that He kept insisting He was God. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that He (Master Fard Muhammad) went to Chicago and He told an audience of Black people that He was God. So this particular audience of Black people, God obviously felt comfortable in divulging that information. Yet, thats the nature of the Messianic secret. Hes very selective to whom He reveals Himself, and clearly His selections are never arbitrary. Theres a reason He revealed it to the detectives versus other Caucasians. Theres a reason He revealed it to this group of Blacks in Chicago versus most of those 25, 000-30,000 who followed Him in Detroit. Im sure His decision was very calculated, but thats what we have to expect with the Messianic secret. I know thats strategy, theres no doubt thats strategy. Thats real. These are military men. When Christ comes back, as Revelations says, Hes coming back with a sword dripping with blood. He comes back as a military man. This is military strategy that were witnessing. This is war. Not in a rhetorical sense, but in a very real sense. This history, in which we are reading and learning, is of the most profound military strategy, and it is unfolding before our very eyes.

EM:Yes sir, even with the Minister.WM: Absolutely. That is the jump-off. The Minister is the final piece of the strategy. Its the jump-off, its the set-off. As he often says, hes the dare. God is using him to dare the devil. He called him out in his speech last night (June 26, 2010), as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has indicated to us. When we met with him at the farm last week, he said that the whole purpose of it was to call out Satan, the real Satan, not the little satans but the big Satan; out of his cave. He (Minister) is the dare. His speech is the dare, and the intent is to pull Satan, himself, out of his cave so God can do what God will do. The process was initiated by Alfonzo when he conceived Master Fard Muhammad.

(EM): With so many sightings of these so-called U.F.O.s, its time to delve into who the pilots really are and who they are not. Yet, we know that these so-called U.F.O.s are actually identified (WM): They (U.S. Government) know what they are. Theyve identified them before we (the masses excluding the Nation of Islam) did. We, in the Nation, have always known what they were.

EM: Yes sir. With that being said, when were they built, who were they built by? Who are the pilots?WM: Yes maam. The so-called U.F.O.s are part of the contingent, military contingent, associated with the central weapon to be used in this war. That was the guiding thought of the military strategy employed by Alfonzo. All of this was in the context of that Great and Dreadful Day, that war, the ultimate war between God and Devil/Satan as Allahs called Armageddon. A particular weapon was prepared specifically for this battle. There were weapons similar in the past but not of the magnitude, not of the nature of this weapon. This is a real weapon, not a rhetorical or spiritual weapon, a real weapon. This table can have spiritual significance, and we can draw some higher truth (laughing). The fact that this oval table with one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten we can get some higher principle from it, but that doesnt deny the fact that theres a real table here with this many chairs. So theres a real weapon that was crafted. It was put together physically in 1929, and most of it was done on a Japanese island, Nippon. Yet, we know that the engine was built in China in different groups prepared by different aspects unbeknownst to the others of this that they were building and what it would be a part of. It is a ship/planet/Mother of all bombs, the bomb Uno, the Mother Ship. This is the Mother of all bombs. It is a military craft constructed by human scientists; some Japanese, some Chinese, and others. Its a half mile by half mile. It has a contingent associated thats smaller, a fleet of smaller crafts, which is, for the most part, the so-called U.F.O.s. Most of the sightings of the U.F.O.s are the fleet of smaller crafts, not necessarily the Mother Ship. Although the Mother Ship has been observed, recorded and photographed as far as the whole euphological study, it is a human built weapon and its significanceit was built with human technology that far exceeds the technology that was used to build the great pyramids. The Wests best scientists dont fully comprehend the mathematics of the great pyramid. It gives you an indication of how baffled the technology was that they were sure of, regarding this military craft.

As early as 1950 the Canadian government, and shortly thereafter the U.S. government, embarked upon a Duplication Program, which is a governmental attempt to duplicate the technology of these ships based on their scientific observations of their movement. They have the reports that suggest that Allah allowed them some access to some of it so they can study it, presumably, so they can get an idea of what theyre dealing with. So Allah allowed some of the craft to crash and subjected the craft to their observation. All of that was incorporated in the Duplication Program.

The Germans made attempts, they have documents and images of the Germans attempt, to duplicate the technology. What they were able to produce failed miserably. The Americans tried and most of their attempts, their actual physical attempts and fruits of that program stealth technology. The atomic bomb is a result of the initial attempt to duplicate the technology of the Mother Ship. So yes, all of this is under military operation. This isnt civilian research. This is military research. They understand that this is a weapon, and they are real clear on the objective of the weapon.

I am often humored by some of the U.F.O. experts who proclaim that they are sure that the pilots of these crafts are here, because they have compassion for us of earthiness. These experts proclaim we are destroying the Earth and they (pilots) are here to save us. You have no idea; they are here to kill you. The government knows that. We are positioned, Sister Ebony, to involve ourselves or be the victims or casualties of a war, the War of all Wars. I mean, it is ultimately the war between God and Devil; the Black man is God and the White man is Devil, or to not use baby language as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad instructed Brother Minister; the Black man is Allah and the White man is Satan. Its going to be a real rumble in the jungle.

EM: Yes sir. Speaking of the pilots and what youve been humored by, why is it so easy for the masses to accept that these are not human beings who are flying these planes?WM: Well one of the reasons, which also goes into the difficulty of accepting God as a man, is that we just have such a profoundly low concept of humanity. We have such a low concept of self just as human beings. Its just inconceivable that the operators of these crafts can be terrestrials from Earth. Get out of here if you try to say that they are Black folks from Earth. So, because of humanitys currently low self concept and self hatred, its just difficult to conceive God being a man. It is difficult to conceive humans, real humans, being the authors of this craft. It was even difficult to conceive that the pyramids were built by humans. Theres this whole cottage industry of literature of how aliens built the pyramids. We just cannot attribute the thought of such high science and civilization among any people of humanity. Especially White folks. White folks were the ones discovering this stuff and they know they didnt do it, and if they didnt do itand in their minds they are the pinnacle of humanity. So if they didnt do it, none of their niggers or their people were responsible; none of those over whom they are lordso it had to be some aliens. Those of us under the lordship of Satan, its easy for us to accept that line because weespecially living under the burden White supremacy we think we didnt do and the White folks are clearly saying they didnt do it, and they are lords. So it had to be some green or gray aliens, some interstellar, intergalactic travelers. The pilots are very human as human as God is human. God is human, but God is Divine as well. God is human, not in the sense of fallen, but in a sense of Divine that true humanity. I dont want to confuse the language to suggest that the pilots are the circle of Scientists, at least not the fleet of the so-called U.F.O.s.

He (Allah) silences these pilots. One minister of the Nation taught on, as from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, about some of the pilots. They were trained from six years old to be the killers. The pilots main task is not just aviation, but destruction. So they are killers that just happen to fly as a means of delivering that death (laughing). They were raised since six, trained since six to be the pilots and deliverer of destruction so they had to have certain sentimentality about them. They were raised to be completely detached from humanity. This was necessary to deploy the type of destruction that they would be deploying. So they were raised and underwent certain rituals desensitizing them to humanity. That indicates the type of destruction they are commissioned to be the carriers of. Yet these are human beings, not aliens. They are from the Earth. The more respectable and reliable accounts, observations, and encounters all made that clear that these are human beings that are flying these crafts, not aliens.

EM: Yes sir. Okay, last question. When the Minister make his ascension, when he departs, what is your three year goal? What do you plan to accomplish while he is away?WM: Well first and foremost is to survive the fallout that there will be. To faithfully perform the task he (Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan) has given us collectively and has given us individually. I pray that I am found faithful and a hard worker with regard to the task he has given, and I hope to be there when he returns. I hope to see him again in three years. That would be my desire. However, regardless, and I find myself saying this often doing all I can to help repair Islam. Islam is ours.

Islam isnt just the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhans. The elevation of Islam is not just the burden of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Islam is as much yours and it is his; its as much mine as it is his and yours. Islam is in a terrible condition. We are in a terrible condition as a Nation, as a community of believers, and as individual Muslims. Islam is in a terrible condition. Thus, the need for Dianetics.

Thats your testament to how bad our Muslim condition is. The burden of reviving Islam, the burden of repairing our Islam, is all of ours. We shouldnt restrict ourselves to the direct instruction to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He has taught us well. If we learned well we would know what our instructions are. We would know what we are to do and we must do it. This is our Islam, and its really going to be the case in his absence. When hes not here, what are you going to do? We have to do what he has raised us to do, be Saviours. In this case you have to be Saviours of Islam.

My prayer is that Im alive in three years (laughing) to see him again. My pray is to be faithful and dutiful in guarding the task that hes given to me and to us, and I hope that Im found dutiful in regards to doing my part in reviving, repairing and save Islam from its current, and I cant think of another word but, retched condition.

H2H: Yes sir. May Allah bless you.WM: May He bless us.

Dr. Wesley Muhammad is an Islamic scholar and author of a line of books centered on the reality and truth of God and the People of God. To learn more about Dr. Wesley and his work, visit him online at and Dr. Wesley Muhammad on Twitter @wesleymuhammad)************************************************************************1 Comment

There are currently 1 Comment on Who Are the Pilots of the So-Called U.F.O.s? One-On-One with Dr. Wesley Muhammad. Perhaps you would like to add one of your own?

1. Bro Kenneth 8X

February 10, 2013 at 12:01 AM

That interview was so insightful, I sat here and read it to my wife while she preparing our dinner. She, like so many of our people, is not familiar with the valuable history associated with our nation. So when I come across this kind of info I am so happy. I will be sharing this! Thank you so much!

As Salaam alaikum