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Page 1: Who are The Newcomers At Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language?

“I hear and I forget. I see and I believe. I do and I understand” 2430 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53233. Phone: 414 934-4340, Fax: 414 934-4345

Who are The Newcomers At Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language?


KarenOther Ethnic Burmese Burmese

Page 2: Who are The Newcomers At Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language?

The Newcomers Are Refugees from Burma

From late 2006 to the present, one of the largest arrival of refugees to America, has been Burmese minorities.  Most of the early arrivals came from two distinct people groups: the Karen and the Chin. The more recent majority are an ethnic group called the Karenni. Other arrivals from Burma have come from the hundreds of other ethnic minorities in the country (Mon, Shan, Pa-O) or, in some cases, are ethnic Burmese (Bamar) also fleeing from oppression following anti-government demonstrations in 1988 and 2008. All these refugees from the country of Burma (now officially called Myanmar) have faced persecution at the hands of a military government because their communities dare to question, challenge, and fight for basic rights. Most have faced a long history of abuse by the Burmese military as forced labor or undergone dislocation as the army has taken over village areas for its own use.  Despite coming from the same country, they all have different languages and traditions and have had rather different refugee experiences in their countries of first asylum.  Now they are all arriving to United Sates to learn and adjust together. Learn more about the individual groups in following slides.


“We are Very glad to be in America because everybody has freedom.”…Karen Refugee

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The Chin refugees before they arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Chin refugees near The Thai border

The Chin refugees in a Malaysian Camp

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The Karen refugees before they arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Karen refugee camp near The Thai border

Laura Bush Visited The Karen refugee camp

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The Other Ethnic Burmese refugees before they arrived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Shan refugees camp near the Thai border

The Shan girls The Shan war refugees living in jungle

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From Thailand To Milwaukee

At Tham Hin refugee camp on the Thai-Myanmar border, the first Karen refugees to be resettled in the United States

board a bus for the start of their journey to a new life.

Karen refugees arrived in Milwaukee at Mitchell International Airport

Churches sponsor the Karen families Spending first winter in America

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In America School (MACL)

They are part of our school. They are eager to learn English and be part of America. They also bring their cultures to share with us. Their parents also learn English and about the America school system.

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ComentsAudience: Teachers, staff and students

Reason: Introduce the new Burmese refugee students to the

teachers and students in our school.

This presentation can add more slides anddetails to it about the Burmese refugees. Thepresentation can be shared with agencies,community and institutes where they have contact with refugees.