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White-headed Woodpecker monitoring on the Barry Point Fire for the Lakeview

Stewardship CFLR, Fremont-Winema National Forest,

2013 progress report

Finalized February 2014 by: USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station

Victoria Saab, Jonathan Dudley, and Quresh Latif

To: Fremont-Winema National Forest

Amy Markus, Forest Wildlife Biologist


The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration (CFLR) program is a cooperative effort to

increase the rate of restoration on our National Forests. Monitoring is a key component of the

CFLR program and our work is designed to address how well CFLR projects are meeting their

forest restoration and wildlife habitat conservation goals. The white-headed woodpecker

(Picoides albolarvatus; WHWO) is a regional endemic species of the Inland Northwest and may

be particularly vulnerable to environmental change because it occupies a limited distribution and

has narrow habitat requirements in dry coniferous forests. Monitoring in CFLR projects, such as

the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR project on the Fremont-Winema National Forest (FreWin), also

contributes to other ongoing, regional efforts to monitor effectiveness of silvicultural and

prescribed-fire treatments for white-headed woodpeckers throughout their range in Oregon, Idaho,

and Washington. Vegetation and fuels data collection also support modeling of fire-climate

impacts on future forest conditions and wildlife habitat suitability.

To meet their various ecological needs, white-headed woodpeckers require heterogeneous

landscapes characterized by a mosaic of open- and closed-canopied ponderosa pine forests

(Wightman et al. 2010, Hollenbeck et al. 2011), which are expected to benefit vascular plant and

other vertebrate wildlife populations (e.g., Noss et al. 2006). Consequently, monitoring white-

headed woodpecker populations and their habitat associations is central to biological monitoring

for the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR project on the FreWin National Forest. Prescribed burning

and thinning treatments planned under this CFLR project are intended to improve the landscape

heterogeneity required by WHWOs. Thus, the principal goal of monitoring is to verify the

effectiveness of forest restoration treatments for improving habitat and populations of WHWO,

and to evaluate the influence of postfire salvage logging. This monitoring effort contributes to

answering two questions identified by the Lakeview CFLRP monitoring plan (Markus et al. in

draft 2013):

What are the site specific effects of restoration treatments on focal species’ habitat and

populations within a project area?

What are the effects of restoration treatments on focal species’ habitat across the CFLR

Project Area?

Approximately 8% of the CFLR project area burned in the 2012 Barry Point Fire, which burned

54,440 acres of National Forest lands in Oregon. We shifted our monitoring focus in 2013 to the

Barry Point Fire because: (1) planned post-fire salvage logging potentially affects WHWO

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populations within the CFLR; and (2) the Barry Point Fire provided an opportunity to field test

and refine the WHWO habitat suitability model for burned forests (Wightman et al. 2010). Field

testing and refinement of habitat suitability models are necessary to assess and verify their

predictive value, and thereby establish their utility for guiding land management decisions and

conservation planning (i.e., practicing adaptive management). This report describes the

monitoring protocol, the data obtained during the first year, and future plans for monitoring.

Objectives of the WHWO monitoring in the Barry Point Fire were to: (1) examine changes in

WHWO occupancy before and after postfire salvage logging; (2) validate and refine habitat

suitability models developed using nest location data from the 2002 Toolbox Fire (Wightman et al.

2010); (3) monitor the effectiveness of woodpecker reserves identified by applying Toolbox-Fire

habitat suitability models; and (4) characterize habitat (trees and snags) at nest and non-nest

random locations.

Study Area & Methods

The 2013 monitoring plan relied on estimating WHWO occupancy rates and surveying for nest

locations in forests burned by the 2012 Barry Point Fire (Figure 1). We established five study units

ranging from 164 - 439 ha based on predictions of habitat suitability models developed from the

2002 Toolbox Fire (Wightman et al. 2010; Appendix 1). Each study unit contained approximately

equal proportions of predicted suitable and unsuitable WHWO nesting habitat, resulting in units

containing a range of available nesting habitat within the Barry Point Fire. In addition, each study

unit contained areas proposed for salvage logging following the 2013 breeding season, and areas

designated as “woodpecker reserves”, where no logging would take place. The monitoring

protocol for the Barry Point Fire deviated from the effectiveness monitoring protocol used for

conventional CFLR treatments in unburned forest (Mellen-McLean et al. 2013) to meet multiple

objectives stated above. The best approach to meet all objectives was to survey the established

study units as completely as possible. Therefore, we conducted belt transect surveys that aimed for

a complete survey of study units rather than point-based surveys described in the effectiveness

monitoring protocol (Mellen-McLean et al. 2013).

We determined WHWO occupancy from broadcast-call surveys and concurrent nest searches in

each study unit. We conducted call-broadcast surveys along 200-m-wide belt transects covering

the five study units (e.g., Figure 2) from 0600–1130 during the nesting season (visit 1: 25 April –

10 June; visit 2: 5 June – 9 July). We established a grid of guide points, which we used to guide

transect surveys so that transects and ultimately study units were sampled completely and evenly.

Guide points were spaced 189 m apart, aligned with transects, and distributed evenly across each

study unit. During each survey, the surveyor zigzagged between guide points, stopping at each

point to broadcast WHWO vocalizations aimed at eliciting responses by territorial woodpeckers.

At each guide point, the surveyor played the broadcast for 2.5 minutes, listened for an additional

2-minute period of silence, and then moved on towards the next guide point until completing the

transect. During subsequent visits to a given transect, surveyors followed an alternate set of guide

points within that transect (Figure 2, inset). Surveyors recorded WHWO detections at guide points

when conducting broadcast calls, as well as during the time when walking between guide points,

so sampling effort was distributed continuously across belt transects. Surveyors estimated the

location of the bird where first detected, then recorded the UTMs at that location, which could

have been in surveyed or adjacent transects. Thus, using a priori established points as a guide, we

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ensured the overall sampling effort was as complete, even, and redundant as possible to provide

the highest quality data for fitting occupancy models. One belt-transect survey was typically

completed in 1-3 mornings. On any given morning, surveyors were staggered across every other

transect to avoid biasing woodpecker behavior. We recorded the date, time, UTM coordinates

(NAD1983 zone 10N), and gender of each WHWO detected during transect surveys (see

Appendix 2).

Concurrent with standardized transect surveys, we conducted nest searches daily from April

through July, meandering at minimum within belt-transect boundaries (i.e. 100 m to each side of

the belt transect center; Dudley and Saab 2003), but often up to 1 km when following adults.

Once a nest was located, we collected UTM coordinates and visited nests only until nest initiation

was determined (i.e. presence of eggs or nestlings). Due to a limited budget, we did not determine

nest fate as suggested for effectiveness monitoring (Mellen-McLean et al. 2013). We recorded

nest locations of Black-backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus; BBWO) that were found

incidentally to our WHWO surveys, but did not actively search for BBWO.

Following nest searches and broadcast-call surveys, we measured trees, snags, and stumps at 20

points within each study unit selected randomly from the guide points used for call-broadcast

surveys and at all WHWO nest locations following a modification of the Region 6 (R6) WHWO

monitoring protocol (Mellen-McLean et al. 2013; Appendix 3). We modified the protocol by

increasing the plot size to 50 m x 20 m for all measurements to account for the rarity of live trees

after wildfire. Despite substantial increases in snags subsequent to the fire, we maintained the R6

standard protocol plot size for snags to capture future changes in snag densities following potential

salvage logging or restoration treatments.

Data Analysis

We will use occupancy models to examine changes in WHWO occupancy related to potential

management activities. Occupancy models estimate species occurrence while correcting for our

imperfect ability to detect the species of interest (MacKenzie et al. 2006). We will use 200×200 m

cells super-imposed upon transect-survey data as the sampling unit for these models (Figure 2).

Thus, models will estimate occupancy and detection probabilities for these cells. Occupancy

models require the analyst to characterize sampling effort, allowing estimation of detection

probabilities. We will use post-hoc analysis of WHWO-to-surveyor distances at the time of

detection to extrapolate the area sampled. Surveying occupancy in both pre- and post-treatment

units and in treated and untreated areas could allow a before-after control-impact (BACI) analysis,

a particularly powerful approach for establishing treatment effects. Accordingly, occupancy

models would be structured as follows:

Occupancy ~ Period + Treatment + Period × Treatment,

where “Period” refers to the pre- versus post-treatment periods and “Treatment” refers to logged

versus unlogged cells. Given this model, a significant interaction (Period × Treatment) effect

would strongly indicate an effect of logging on WHWO occupancy. The occupancy model would

also include an analogous set of parameters for detection probability to control for any effects of

treatment on detection.

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We will use nest location data to validate and refine habitat suitability models developed at the

Toolbox Fire. We developed two habitat suitability models building on the work of Wightman et

al. (2010). Using the same nest locations as Wightman et al. (2010) but different metric of

heterogeneity in burn severity (edge density instead of interspersion-juxtaposition), we developed

two models using two modeling techniques (Mahalanobis D2 [Rotenberry et al. 2006; also used by

Wightman et al., 2002] and Maxent [Phillips et al. 2006]). We will evaluate predictions from each

model independently and ensemble predictions that combine predictions from the two models. We

expect areas predicted as highly suitability to correlate positively with nest occurrence. Models

were originally developed and evaluated at a 30×30-m pixel resolution, so we will evaluate their

performance at the Barry Point Fire at the same resolution. We will use the AUC metric (area

under the receiver-operating curve; Fielding and Bell 1997) to relate the occurrence of nests within

each cell with its HSI score. In addition, we derived binary classifications of “suitable” versus

“unsuitable” based on an optimal HSI cut-point. We expect areas predicted as suitable to contain

the large majority of nests and more nests per unit of area sampled. If model performance is low,

we will develop new models for burned forests using all available nest location data (i.e., model



We visited 53 belt transects twice each for a total of 106 survey visits. During surveys, we

detected WHWO 157 times in 125 cells (200m x 200m) (Table 1). More WHWO were detected

during visit 1 (100 detections) than visit 2 (57 detections), and units with the most detections also

had the most nests (Table 1). Both males and females were commonly detected. We also located

19 WHWO nests across all study units (Appendix 1). We located 7 BBWO nests in three of the

five study units (Dog Mountain, Upper Horseshoe Creek, Lower Horseshoe Creek). Of the 19

WHWO nest locations, 5, 7, and 7 nests were respectively located in 30×30-m cells identified as

low, moderate, and high suitability by ensemble predictions (i.e., the number of models [0, 1, or 2]

classifying cells as highly suitable; Table 2, Appendix 1). Areas classified highly suitable by the

Maxent model contained a greater proportion of nests than did equivalent areas identified by the

Mahalanobis model. The number of nests located per unit area sampled was similar, however,

between areas classified at different levels of suitability regardless of the model used (Table 2).

Woodpeckers nested in areas with lower densities of small- and moderate-diameter snags and live

trees compared to random points, whereas densities of large-diameter snags and live trees were

similar between nests and random points (Table 3). Tree composition was relatively similar

between nest sites and random points. WHWO used larger diameter western juniper (Juniperus

occidentalis) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) for nest trees compared to randomly selected

trees within plots centered on random points (Table 3). WHWO used snags (n = 18) more

frequently than live trees (n = 1) for nesting.

Future Direction

At the time of this report, no bids were submitted to harvest burned timber on the 2012 Barry

Point Fire. Consequently, monitoring has not been planned for 2014. If salvage logging were

implemented as previously planned, we would have had the opportunity to examine occupancy

changes in relation to salvage logging and to gather additional data to refine the burned forest

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habitat suitability model for WHWO. Preliminary analyses reported here suggest refinement of

habitat suitability models is needed. We may carry out further evaluation and model refinement

with the 2013 data, but ideally, we would collect additional nest site data at other fire locations to

broaden the range of environmental conditions sampled. A larger and more representative sample

of locations used for nesting by WHWO in recently burned forest would provide a more robust

evaluation and more generally applicable habitat suitability models.

Data collected from the Barry Point Fire also provides a potential opportunity to develop analytic

techniques for monitoring WHWO in burned forest habitats. We will explore development of a

model that simultaneously analyzes nest densities and occupancy probabilities, using each to

inform the other. The Barry Point landscape could provide a useful platform for simulating data to

test such a model. We envision a simulation study using the following steps: 1) generate multiple

simulations over a range of hypothetical densities and trends; 2) simulate surveys of these

populations; 3) fit models to the resulting hypothetical data; and 4) examine how well models

represent hypothetical densities and trends (cf. Ellis et al. 2014). If such a model performed well

when tested against simulated data, it could be incorporated into the suite of tools available for

analyzing monitoring data collected under the CFLR. During 2014, we also plan to assist in

designing the WHWO monitoring for the Lakeview CFLR related to habitat restoration in

unburned areas.

Simulations may also facilitate comparisons of demographic parameters between burned forest at

the Barry Point Fire and unburned forest sampled by R6 monitoring transects. We are unable to

directly compare WHWO occupancy rates between Barry Point and R6 transects because

sampling designs differed (i.e. occupancy estimated for cells vs. points, respectively). Simulations

may facilitate comparisons by allowing us to relate occupancy rates with other demographic

metrics (e.g., abundance or density).

Literature Cited

Dudley, J., and V. Saab. 2003. A field protocol to monitor cavity-nesting birds. USDA Forest

Service, Research Paper RMRS-RP-44.

Ellis, M., J. Ivan, and M. Schwartz. 2013. Spatially Explicit Power Analyses for Occupancy‐Based

Monitoring of Wolverine in the US Rocky Mountains. Conservation Biology 28:52-62.

Fielding, A. H., & Bell, J. F. 1997. A review of methods for the assessment of prediction errors in

conservation presence/absence models. Environmental conservation: 24: 38-49.

Hollenbeck, J.P., V.A. Saab, and R. Frenzel. 2011. Habitat suitability and survival of nesting

white-headed woodpeckers in unburned forests of central Oregon. Journal of Wildlife

Management 75(5):1061–1071.

MacKenzie, D. I. et al. 2006. Occupancy Estimation and Modeling. - Elsevier Inc.

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Markus, A., B. Bormann, B. Yost, and others. in draft 2013. Lakeview Collaborative Forest

Landscape Restoration Project (CFLRP) Monitoring Plan. On file Fremont-Winema National

Forest, Lakeview, Oregon.

Mellen-McLean, K., V. Saab, B. Bresson, B. Wales, A. Markus, and K. VanNorman. 2013.

White-headed woodpecker monitoring strategy and protocols. USDA Forest Service, Pacific

Northwest Region, Portland, OR. 34 p.

Noss, R.F., P. Beier, W.W. Covington, R.E. Grumbine, D.B. Lindenmayer, J.W. Prather, F.

Schmiegelow, T.D. Sisk, and D.J. Vosick. 2006. Recommendations for integrating restoration

ecology and conservation biology in ponderosa pine forests of the southwestern United States.

Restoration Ecology 14(1):4-10.

Phillips, S.J., R. P. Anderson, and R. E. Schapire. 2006. Maximum entropy modeling of species

geographic distributions. Ecological Modelling 190: 231-259.

Rotenberry, J. T., K. L. Preston, and S. T. Knick. 2006. GIS-based niche modeling for mapping

species' habitat. Ecology 87: 1458-1464.

Wightman, C., V. Saab, C. Forristal, K. Mellen-McLean, and A. Markus. 2010. White-headed

woodpecker nesting ecology after wildfire. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(5):1098-1106.

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Table 1. Number of cells (200 m × 200 m) where white-headed woodpeckers were detected and

nests located in the Barry Point Fire within the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR, Fre-Win National

Forest, OR, 2013.

Study Unita


Number of cells 135 127 134 69 56

Number of cells

with detections 36 20 41 14 14

Number of nests 5 2 5 3 4

a DM = Dog Mountain, UHC = Upper Horseshoe Creek, LHC = Lower Horseshoe Creek, FC =

Fall Creek, and YV = Young Valley.

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Table 2. Preliminary model validation results for predicting white-headed woodpecker habitat

suitability by HSI models applied to the Barry Point Fire within the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR,

Fre-Win National Forest, OR, 2013. Two models (Mahalanobis and Maxent) were developed

using nest location data from the 2002 Toolbox Fire (see data used by Wightman et al. 2010).

Ensemble predictions represent the number of models predicting a given area as highly suitable.

Habitat suitability predictions Number of nestsa Area sampled (ha)

a Nests per ha





















Low (0 models)

Moderate (1 model)

High (2 models)

Moderate or High (1 or 2 models)












0.0114 a All units combined.

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Table 3. Summary statistics (mean, SE) for vegetation measurements at random points and nest

locations (all study units combined) of white-headed woodpeckers in the Barry Point Fire within

the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR, Fre-Win National Forest, OR, 2013. Single-tree statistics

(diameter breast height [dbh] and tree spp.) for random points are taken from one randomly

selected tree within vegetation plots.

Nest (n=19) Random Point (n=20)

Dbh (cm) 59.1, 4.7 30.9, 4.2

Diameter Class (cm)

10–24.9 25–49.9 ≥ 50 10–24.9 25–49.9 ≥ 50

Live trees (#/ha) 19.1, 9.9 10.0, 3.7 4.2, 1.4 30.0, 15.4 15.8, 4.5 7.0, 2.1

Snags (#/ha) 151.2, 25.2 62.1, 9.3 15.5, 2.9 173.1, 26.7 68.0, 9.9 12.8, 2.4

Tree spp.(%)a




































Plot tree spp. (%)a







16.9, 5.1

0.5, 0.5

6.1, 2.3

2.3, 0.7

14.7, 3.8

21.0, 3.3

8.7, 2.8

0.6, 0.6

2.2, 1.2

0, 0.0

9.1, 2.5

9.4, 1.8

0.7, 0.3

0, 0.0

0.8, 0.3

0, 0.0

2.3, 0.8

4.7, 1.0

22.8, 5.7

2.6, 2.6

4.5, 1.8

0.7, 0.4

12.1, 3.9

17.4, 3.6

9.5, 2.6

1.2, 1.2

2.3, 1.0

0, 0.0

9.9, 3.7

7.8, 2.0

1.1, 0.3

0.3, 0.3

0.4, 0.1

0, 0.0

4.2, 2.3

3.2, 0.8 a Includes both live and dead trees, ABCO = Abies concolor, ABGR = Abies grandis, CADE27 =

Calocedrus decurrens, CELEI = Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intercedens, JUOC = Juniperus

occidentalis, and PIPO = Pinus ponderosa.

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Figure 1. Study area for monitoring white-headed woodpeckers in the Barry Point Fire within the

Lakeview Stewardship CFLR, Fre-Win National Forest, OR. Boundary of the 2012 Barry Point

Fire is indicated in black, study units in blue, and roads in green.

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Figure 2. Lower Horseshoe Creek study unit illustrating the sampling design, belt transects with

corresponding 200-m×200-m-cell grid, and guide-point locations (visit 1 = circles; visit 2 =

squares) with hypothetical survey routes established for call-broadcast surveys for white-headed

woodpeckers in the Barry Point Fire within the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR, Fre-Win National

Forest, OR. Nest-searches were also conducted within unit boundaries wherever WHWO were


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Appendix 1. Study units, woodpecker nest locations, and detections of white-headed woodpeckers

relative to habitat suitability predictions from 2 models (one Maxent and one Mahalanobis model)

developed from nest locations at the 2002 Toolbox Fire. Each model classified pixels as low

suitability (0) or high suitability (1). These classifications were summed yielding ensemble

classifications of low suitability (0), moderate suitability (1), or high suitability (2; i.e., the number

of models classifying a given pixel as highly suitable) in the Barry Point Fire within the Lakeview

Stewardship CFLR, Fre-Win National Forest, OR (modified from Mellen-McLean et al. 2013).

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Appendix 1. Continued.

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Appendix 1. Continued.

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Appendix 1. Continued.

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Appendix 1. Continued.

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Appendix 2. Detection form instructions for monitoring white-headed woodpecker populations

and habitats in the Barry Point Fire within the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR, Fre-Win National

Forest, OR (modified from Mellen-McLean et al. 2013).


DATE: ddMMMyyyy (e.g., 15APR2013).

VISIT: Visit number, circle- 1 or 2.

OBSERVER: Initials of person collecting data, 3-letter code (e.g., VAS=Vicki A. Saab).

UNIT CODE: Study unit, circle- DM (Dog Mountain), UHC (Upper Horseshoe Creek), LHC (Lower Horseshoe

Creek), FC (Fall Creek), YV (Young Valley).

TRANSECT SURVEYED: Letter of transect being surveyed.

START SURVEY LOCATION: Transect end where survey began, North/South or Point Station ID.

END SURVEY LOCATION: Transect end where survey ended, North/South or Point Station ID.

START TIME: Time survey began, 24-hr clock.

END TIME: Time survey ended, 24-hr clock.

DID YOU DETECT ANY WOODPECKERS?: Circle – Y/N, were woodpeckers detected during the survey?

WEATHER/TEMP: Record general weather conditions and temperature.

COMMENTS: Record general comments associated with the survey.

WHWO DETECTED: Record TIME, UTM Northing and Easting, and GENDER in appropriate spaces when

WHWO are detected. Record NONE if no WHWO were detected.

NESTS DETECTED: Record TIME, UTM Northing and Easting, and NEST ID# in appropriate spaces when

WHWO or BBWO nests are located.

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Appendix 3. Instructions for measuring vegetation at white-headed woodpecker nest locations and

call-broadcast stations in the Barry Point Fire within the Lakeview Stewardship CFLR, Fre-Win

National Forest, OR (modified from Mellen-McLean et al. 2013).

For 2013, we will perform vegetation sampling at all White-headed Woodpecker nests (n=19) and at 20 random

locations proportioned across five study units. See accompanying materials for random point locations, nest card data,

and unit maps.

To determine random -point vegetation plots, select the first random point for a given study unit and navigate to the

coordinates using a GPS unit. Select the closest tree or snag ≥ 23 cm DBH and > 1.4 m height to function as the plot

center tree and record the UTM coordinates of this tree or snag in the space provided on the live-tree data form. These

coordinates will likely be different than the coordinates you used for navigating. If no trees or snags are within 100 m,

discard the coordinates and select the next random point from the list. If a suitable tree or snag is located, label a

metal tree tag with the unit id and random point number (e.g., DM07, see below) and nail it to the center tree on the

north side and within 5-10 cm of the ground. Additionally, mark the center tree with two bands of flagging and label

them as you did for the metal tree tag. Establish the vegetation plot (figure 1) by fixing a 50 m tape to the ground on

the north side of the center tree. Stretch out the 50 m tape for each segment according to the layout in figure 1.

When surveying vegetation at nests, use the same plot layout as described above for random locations (figure 1),

except center the plot on the nest tree rather than a random tree. Secure the end of a 50 m tape on the north side of the

nest tree as was done for the center tree at random locations, and continue as stated above. Nest trees do not get


We will collect data for live trees, snags, and stumps as described below, for all nests and random locations. Please

note that the center “tree” is always included in the north segment (segment 1). Place a flagged or painted, wooden

stake to mark the distal end of each 50 m-transect segment. Please also take digital photos of the center tree and each

segment, being careful to show the layout of the transect (position of the 50m tape) and habitat features of the plot,

especially those features that may change following salvage harvest.


TREES: If a tree has any green needles or leaves retained on it, regardless if it is upright or fallen over, treat it as a

tree. If it has no green needles or leaves, treat it as a snag and see below for snag instructions. If the central axis of a

tree is < 10m from the center transect line, it should be measured. Use the CENTRAL AXIS at breast height (1.4 m

tall) of each tree to determine whether a tree qualifies to be counted within the plot. Measure the DBH of the tree on

the uphill side in steep terrain. If using a Biltmore stick or calipers and the tree has irregular growth (i.e. one side is

flattened), take the mean of the DBH measured from two sides. For trees whose distances are marginal (can’t visually

tell how far away they are), use a tape to measure the PERPENDICULAR distance (with tape level at breast height

[1.4 m] above the ground) from the transect line to the side of the tree where the central axis of the tree is located.

Some trees may occur at exactly 10m from the transect – to avoid issues associated with the “edge effect” of plot

sampling, you should measure the first tree that occurs at exactly 10m from the center transect line and then measure

every other tree that falls exactly on the edge (10m from transect).

DATE: ddMMMyy (example: 15APR11).

PLOT TYPE (circle one): Circle type of plot – survey point or nest location

FOREST: For Barry Point Burn, forest = FREWIN

UNIT_ID: 2 or 3-letter code for unit: Dog Mtn (DM), Upper Horseshoe Ck (UHC), Lower Horseshoe Ck (LHC),

Fall Ck (FC), and Young Valley (YV).

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Appendix 2. Continued.

POINT_ID: Unique numeric identifier assigned to each random survey plot (i.e., 01, 02, 03, etc) or nest location

assigned from nest cards. For nests, see the “cavity id#” in the top right corner of the nest card and transfer this

information to “point_id” (e.g., D01).

UTM_E: Easting UTM coordinate of the random or nest plot center, using NAD83 datum (i.e., the location where

you placed the pin - the “A” stake).

UTM_N: Northing UTM coordinate of the random or nest plot center, using NAD83 datum (i.e., the location where

you placed the pin - the “A” stake).

NAD_83_ZONE: For Barry Point Burn, zone = 10N or 10T.

RECORDER(S): Initials of person(s) collecting data, 3-letter code (e.g., VAS = Vicki A. Saab). Place initials in

alphabetical order when working with another person (e.g., JGD, VAS). Print full names in the comments section of

the first datasheet.

REVIEWER(S): Initials of person(s) reviewing data sheet for legibility and completeness.

Trees and Snags

20 m


2 m

Plot Center (Random tree or Nest tree)

Figure 1. Variable-width rectangular plots at WHWO nests and random survey points.

Segment 1 (N)

Segment 2 (E)

Segment 4 (W)

Segment 3 (S)

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Appendix 2. Continued.

FOR ALL DATA TABLES SEGMENT: Unique whole number to describe 50-m rectangular plot segment within the sampling area - segments 1

(North), 2 (East), 3 (South), or 4 (West) (Figure 1). North and South segments meet at the survey point center (e.g.,

the random point center tree or nest tree). East and West segments meet 10 m from either side of survey point center

and form a “plus sign” with the north/south segments. All compass bearings are true bearings.

Live Trees ≥ 10 to < 25 cm dbh: Four 50 x 20 m segments about the plot center TALLY: Tally all trees > 10 cm and < 25 cm dbh, by species, within 10 m of center transect in each segment. Enter

“NONE” for each segment if there are none, “9999” if you forgot to collect the data. If a tree forks below breast

height, count each stem that meets the criteria as one stem. Some trees may have more than one tally because they

forked below breast height. Trees that fork above breast height are counted as one stem (i.e., one tally). NOTE:



Live Trees ≥ 25 cm dbh: Four 50 x 20 m segments about the plot center

For all trees ≥ 25 cm dbh and within 10 m of the center transect line, enter segment as per above for each tree and

record the following information:

Species: Enter the corresponding six-letter code of the tree species. See Table 1 for tree list. If no trees are

encountered in the plot segment, enter “NONE”, “9999” if you forgot to collect the data.

CLASS: Enter the numeric value for the appropriate structural class of the tree.

1 = Sound

2 = Some decay evidence (Dead top, broken top/branch, fungi, fire scars, insect evidence, woodpecker foraging)

3 = Broomed-trees (e.g., mistletoe)

4 = Hollow

DBH: Measure the diameter at breast height (1.4 m) of the tree using calipers, a Biltmore stick, or diameter tape.

Record to the nearest cm and round up if necessary. If the dbh is near 25 cm using calipers or Biltmore stick, measure

with a diameter tape.

HT (Height): Enter the height of the tree using a clinometer or laser hypsometer, to the nearest m.

CBH (Crown base height): Enter the height to the base of the tree crown. Measure LIVE crown base height (the

height of the lowest live branch whorl where live branches are in two quadrants, exclusive of epicormic branching

[brooms] and of whorls not continuous with the main crown) using a clinometer or hypsometer. Record to the nearest


PCD (Percent of crown dead): Enter the visual estimation of the percent of tree crown that is dead to nearest 5


CENTER TREE?: Enter the appropriate letter to indicate whether the tree under examination is the central tree of

the survey station or the nest tree. Center trees should be included only in segment 1.

Y = Yes

N = No

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Appendix 2. Continued.


HEADER INFORMATION: Enter as per instructions for Trees data sheet. UTM data for plot location do not need

to be re-entered.

COMMENTS: Record additional comments.

SEGMENT: Unique whole number to describe 50-m rectangular plot segment within the sampling area - segments 1

(North), 2 (East), 3 (South), or 4 (West) (Figure 1). North and South segments meet at the survey point center. East

and West segments meet 10 m from either side of survey point center and form a “plus sign” with the north/south

segments. All compass bearings are true bearings.

Stumps < 1.4 m and ≥ 25 cm top diameter: within 1 m of the center transect line, record the

following: Natural_stumps: Record stump height for all natural stumps (n) within 1 m of the center line for each segment. For

the purposes of this study a natural stump is defined as any stump < 1.4 m in height and ≥ 25 cm at the TOP of its

bole created by breakage due to natural conditions (e.g. wind, rot). Stumps are considered “in” if the center axis is

within 1 m of the segment line. Enter “NONE” if there are none, “9999” if you forgot to collect the data.

Human-cut_stumps: Record stump height for all cut stumps (n) within 1 m of the center line for each segment. For

the purposes of this study a cut stump is defined as any stump < 1.4 m in height and ≥ 25 cm at the TOP of its bole

that was created by a chainsaw or other mechanical means. Stumps are considered “in” if the center axis is within 1 m

of the segment line. Enter “NONE” if there are none, “9999” if you forgot to collect the data.

Snags ≥ 10 cm dbh: Four 50 x 20 m segments about the plot center.

SNAGS: For the purposes of this study a snag is defined as a standing dead tree. If any green needles or leaves

persist anywhere along the bole, treat it as a live tree instead of as a snag. See instructions above for live trees. Snags

are ≥ 10 cm DBH and ≥ 1.4 m in height. For leaning dead trees, if the smallest angle between the dead tree and the

ground is > 45 degrees it is a snag; otherwise it is a log. Measure the DBH of the snag on the uphill side of the snag in

steep terrain. If using a Biltmore stick and the snag has irregular growth (i.e. one side is flattened), take the mean of

the DBH measured from two sides or use a diameter tape. If the CENTRAL AXIS at breast height of a snag is < 10 m

from the center transect line, it should be measured. For snags whose distances are marginal (can’t visually tell how

far away they are), use a tape to measure the PERPENDICULAR distance from the transect line to the side of the snag

where the central axis is located. Some snags may occur at exactly 10 m from transect – to avoid issues associated

with the “edge effect” of plot sampling, you should measure the first snag that occurs at exactly 10 m from the center

transect line and then measure every other snag that falls exactly on the edge (10 m from transect).

For all snags ≥ 10 within 10 m of the center transect line, record the following:

Species: Enter the corresponding six-letter code of the snag species. Do not guess at species, see Table 1; use

unknown species codes (e.g., UNKNO1, UNKNO2 for first and second unknown species) when species is in question

and add descriptive words in the comments that may later help identify the species. If no snags are encountered in the

plot segment, enter “NONE”, “9999” if you forgot to collect the data.

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Appendix 2. Continued.

DECAY CLASS: Enter the numeric value for the appropriate decay class of the snag (Bull et al. 1997): 1 = Snags that have recently died, typically have little decay, and retain their bark, branches, and top.

2 = Snags that show some evidence of decay and have lost some bark and branches, and often a portion of the top.

3 = Snags that have extensive decay, are missing the bark and most of the branches, and have a broken top.

4 = Burnt snag; almost entire outer shell is case-hardened by fire; looks like charcoal (not shown above).

DBH: Measure the diameter at breast height (1.4 m) of the snag using calipers, a Biltmore stick, or diameter tape.

Record to the nearest cm and round up if necessary. If the dbh is near 10 cm using calipers or Biltmore stick, measure

with a diameter tape.

HT (Height): Enter the height of the snag using a clinometer or laser hypsometer, to the nearest m.

CENTER SNAG?: Enter the appropriate letter to indicate whether the snag under examination is the central snag of

a survey point station, or the nest tree snag. Center snag is included only in plot segment 1 (north) if a snag is

used as the plot center.

Y = Yes

N = No

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Appendix 2. Continued.

Table 1. Tree species codes.

Code Code

Pines Douglas-fir -


PINALB Whitebark pine Pinus albicaulis PSEMEN Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga mensziesii

PINATT Knobcone pine Pinus attenuata SEQGIG Giant Sequoia Sequoiadendron


PINCON Lodgepole pine Pinus contorta SEQSEM Coast redwood Sequoiadendron


PINFLE Limber pine Pinus flexilis

PINJEF Jeffrey pine Pinus jeffreyi Cedar - Larch

PINLAM Sugar pine Pinus lambertiana CALDEC Incense-cedar Calocedrus decorum

PINMON Western white pine Pinus monticola CHALAW Port-Orford-cedar Chamaecyparis


PINPON Ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa CHANOO Alaska-cedar Chamaecyparis


LARLYA Subalpine larch Larix lyallii

True firs LAROCC Western larch Larix occidentalis

ABIAMA Pacific silver fir Abies amablis THUPLI Western redcedar Thuja plicata

ABICON White fir Abies concolor

ABIGRA Grand fir Abies grandifola Spruce - Hemlock

ABILAS Subalpine fir Abies lasiocarpa PICBRE Brewer Spruce Picea brewerii

ABIMAG California red fir Abies magnifica PICENG Engelmann spruce Picea engelmanni

ABISHA Shasta red fir Abies shastensis PICSIT Sitka spruce Picea sitkensis

ABIPRI Noble fir Abies princeps TSUHET Western hemlock Tsuga heterophylla

TSUMER Mountain hemlock Tsuga mertensiana

Unknown Species*

JUNOCC Western juniper Juniperus


TRECON Unknown conifer

TAXBRE Pacific yew Taxus brevifola TREDEC Unknown Hardwood

UNKNO1 Unknown Species 1

Hardwoods UNKNO2 Unknown Species 2

CERLED Curly-leaf mountain




* (Do not use for


POPTRE Quaking aspen Populus


POPTRI Black cottonwood Populus
