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When you should

Hire an

Employment Law


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Facing your employer in a work-related lawsuit can be an intimidating endeavor, but you don't have to go it alone. With an experienced employment law attorney on your side, you can protect your rights while making federal and California employment laws work for you.

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In which Situations, you need

Employment Law Attorney

Discrimination Sexual harassment

Wrongful Termination

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Under federal and California laws, it is unlawful for an employer to make an employment decision based on an employee’s or job applicants:

● Age● Race● Gender● National origin● Religion● Gender● Sexual orientation● Disability● Pregnancy status

If you have been fired, demoted, passed over for promotion or otherwise discriminated against at work, contact employment discrimination lawyer Los Angeles. They are always stand up for your rights.

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Sexual Harassment

Workplace sexual harassment can make a job unbearable and even end a career The law recognizes two general categories of sexual harassment:

● Hostile work environment: Offensive jokes, pictures, comments, touching and other sexually charged behaviour and material that are allowed to persist in a workplace environment.

● Quid pro quo harassment: “Something for something” demands or offers for sexual favors in return for hiring, promotion or other favorable treatment.

Los Angeles sexual harassment Attorneys are passionate for victims of unfair and unlawful treatment at work. They provide aggressive representation you need to hold all responsible parties accountable for their actions.

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Wrongful Termination

Employers cannot lawfully terminate employees because of their race, religion, gender, age, disability or other protected characteristic. It is also unlawful to fire an employee because he or she blew the whistle on illegal workplace practices.

Many employees think they have a wrongful termination claim when, in fact, they were fired for legal reasons. If you think you may have been fired for unlawful reasons, a knowledgeable Los Angeles wrongful termination Attorney can help you explore your legal options. They also help you pursue reinstatement, lost wages and other damages, depending on the nature of your claim.

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Steps To Take If You Have An

Employment Claim

Every employment claim is different, here are a few general steps you may find helpful as you explore your legal options.

● Document everything: Emails, phone calls, meetings and other interactions are key evidence in an employment claim. The more documentation you can provide, the more tools your attorney will have in protecting your rights.

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● Keep it professional: Lawyers understand that emotions can run high in employment disputes, but the more you can take the high road and avoid personal confrontations, angry emails and other inflammatory interactions, the better you will look in legal proceedings.

● Learn about your rights: There are a lot of myths and bad information out there about wrongful termination and other employment law matters. Before you make any important decisions, learn about the law and how it applies to your situation.

● Talk to a knowledgeable attorney: Los Angeles employment litigation attorney can give you the information you need to learn where you stand in terms of the law.

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KRISTENSEN WEISBERG, LLPContact Los Angeles Employment Lawyer, Kristensen

Weisberg, LLP for A Free Initial Consultation. They

understands victim’s situation. Whether it is in the

courtroom or behind the scenes, attorneys work diligently

to help clients achieve their goals. Select the Employment

law firm with a track record of helping victims recover the

money they deserve.

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310-984-129712540 Beatrice Street Suite 200

Los Angeles, CA 90066

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