Download - WHEEL WATCHER - Squarespace · 7 What, or who, is a “Wheel Watcher”? Simply put, they are Croupiers (Roulette Dealers) who have the ability to shoot certain sections of the Roulette









Before deployment of this strategy, it should be duly noted that this wager/bet placement

strategy is intended for defensive purposes only and is to be used in the event that you, the

Roulette Player, should cross paths with a Roulette Dealer (Croupier) who has the skill to make

the ball land in whatever section of the wheel that they so choose. It should in no way be

relied upon for anything other than 1-2 spins of the wheel and you are hereby warned that if

you attempt to use this strategy for anything other than defense or more than two spins, you

may be taking grave financial risk. This is gambling – plain, pure, and simple. With gambling,

there is always the possibility of financial risk. Be it known that the author of this document

takes no responsibility for the financial losses for those individuals past, present, or future,

which read and enact the instructions contained within this document. This manual is for

entertainment purposes only and should be treated as such.



Congratulations on making the right choice to purchase a strategy that will finally turn the

tables on the Casinos who have been cheating you for years!

Buckle up, because I am about to take you on a mind-blowing ride with a discovery that is as

important (or more) to Gambling as the introduction of “Dice Setting” or “Rhythmic Shooting”

was to the game of Craps!

Have you ever played a game of Roulette and thought you must have had the worst luck in

the world, because no matter where you placed your bets, and no matter how strong the odds

were in your favor, you could never win? It seemed like the Croupier would spin the ball

wherever you were not!

Well…it was all true!

I am going to expose you to a cheat never before thoroughly explored in a professional

Gambling Strategy… Roulette Croupiers who are actually skilled at shooting wherever they

want to on the Roulette Wheel! Sounds impossible? Think again! This manual will PROVE it!

In this training manual, you will learn:

• What types of balls they use.

• What type of wheel they use.

• Why they cheat you.

• Their spinning technique!

• Why the Gaming Commission won’t protect you!

• …and several different strategies to overcome it, giving YOU the advantage!


With this highly specialized and unique strategy, you will learn all of these things and how they

all work together to make you lose. Then, I will teach you how to detect it and ACTUALLY

EXPLOIT IT to make you a winner, instead of a loser! In a sense, you will be “outfoxing the

fox”, without ever cheating!

The Gaming Industry has long scoffed at this ability for years, because they have secretly

known that it works and use it to their maximum advantage by misleading the public about it.

After all, they have to protect themselves from being found out by the general gaming public.

The casinos will and have brainwashed you into believing it isn’t possible. Just think about it

for a second. If they admitted that they were cheating their customers (and have been for

decades) who would want to spend money on them? If you cried, “Cheat!” and then showed

others how it was done or, or better still, leaked it to the Media, it would turn the Gaming

Industry on its ear!

Roulette Gambling Strategies have been around almost as long as the game itself. However,

with the advent of the home computer, more and more good and viable strategies are being

published on a daily basis. The more of them that are published, the less advantage a Casino

has. To counter this, casinos employ, and teach, a skill that everyone believes is impossible.

What you never knew was that your strategy probably had a fair chance of winning, but the

Casino was cheating you by using a Croupier with skill enough to shoot the areas of the wheel

where you had no (or less) bets! In the industry, they refer to this skill as “Sector Shooting” or

“Clocking the Wheel” and will try to make you believe it is a myth.

It, however, is most definitely…REAL!

Can you imagine the frustration of honest Gambling System designers who thought they came

up with a great system, only to discover that it didn’t work in a live casino situation because of

this kind of casino cheat? Players would unfairly label them as “scammers” and “frauds” after

they lost. Although I have never been placed in this particular situation, this writer is

sympathetic to those designers nonetheless. Think about that next time you want to label

them a scammer. Casinos will do ANYTHING to trick or cheat you out of your hard-earned

money, just like a Carnival.


It’s what they do. Remember that.

I invented the term “Wheel Watching” as it accurately describes a Croupier’s actions while they

are in the process of spinning.

Pay strict attention to the part of the training in Chapter 4 called “How They Do It”. This is

where I will make you a believer too!

How did I find out about this cheat? I, myself, suspected it for some time, but it was several

acquaintances of mine who are Croupiers themselves that showed me the way and it was with

their help that I was able to write this manual. You’ll find references to them all throughout

this document, although I never name names, so as to protect them from possible retaliation

from their casino employers.

Why did they help me? Simply, it was out of guilt.

This manual was written with the point of view that you already have a basic knowledge of

Roulette game play. If you are a beginner, there is a plethora of information available at your

fingertips on the net to learn the basics.

Remember the disclaimer? The Wheel Watcher Strategy is for those individuals needing a

defense against a Wheel Watcher only! Remember, it is NOT meant to be a “regular”

strategy. Your best bet (no pun intended) is to have, not only a good working “regular”

strategy, but also this defensive strategy as well when playing Roulette.

OK. Let’s get started…!





What, or who, is a “Wheel Watcher”?

Simply put, they are Croupiers (Roulette Dealers) who have the ability to shoot certain

sections of the Roulette Wheel at will, beit an even odds bets, or all the way up to a single,

straight-up number, depending on their level of skill. The giveaway is that they watch the

wheel, waiting for the right number to come around that they use as part of their targeting

method. Some Croupiers will make it look VERY obvious. They pause … pause … pause…then

FINALLY shoot, watching the wheel the entire time. Thus, the term “Wheel Watcher”.

Others will be subtler about it. They will place the ball in the ball track and glance over at the

wheel. Once they see their target number that they use for reference, they look away from the

wheel, because they already have their timing down, and then pause and release. This type of

Wheel Watcher is obviously a little more experienced than the first type.

Wheel Watchers can be found in almost every Casino around the World and represent all

races, genders, and ages. However, ALL of them have the same low morals and values. After

all, they ARE cheating you, right? Those little old ladies behind the roulette wheel are quite

often Sharks! Watch out for them! Within the Gaming Industry, these kinds of Dealers are

referred to “House Dealers”. They are in it for the sole purpose of making money for the

casino, or the “House”. So…



F.Y.I./Trivia: You should also know that there is a different kind of “Wheel Watcher” who

haunts Casinos. These are individuals who will write down the spins of a Roulette Wheel to be

analyzed later. What they are looking for is what is known in the industry as “Wheel Bias”. For

those of you who do not know what that is, a Biased Wheel is a wheel where the outcomes of

certain numbers, or sectors, are more prevalent than others, because of some flaw in the

wheel itself. This particular weakness is usually caused by improper maintenance of a wheel,

and mostly occurs when a wheel is slightly out of balance. This method of finding the

weakness actually does work and there are MANY players who TRY to take advantage of it.


Casinos are VERY aware of this Player Advantage, so subsequently, a Casino will do rigorous

testing of its wheels and regular maintenance to make certain there is no bias and will rotate

out their wheels very regularly as a result. Do not depend on this method to achieve a Player


You will be both sorely and financially disappointed, I can assure you.


Look where the ball landed here. Hmmm…





Essentially, there are two schools of thought (or “camps”) about whether or not these skilled

Croupiers actually exist.

Camp #1 states it is utterly impossible because of the varying wheel and ball speeds and

directions, using different sizes of balls, ball bounce, atmospheric variances, the use of ball

deflectors (sometimes called “diamonds”) on the wheel, and just about every other excuse

they can possibly think of. This is the popular point of view you will normally find from Casino

personnel and other “uneducated” players who lost at Roulette.

Camp #2 (our camp) states that it is not only possible, but it is being done every day around

the clock worldwide to cheat players!

Our biggest arguments for their existence are:

1. If Wheel Watching is impossible, why do so many Croupiers watch the wheel and pause

before they spin? What is the purpose of that if they are not trying to cheat you?

2. Why do so many Croupiers even attempt it if it’s not possible?

3. Why do so many Casinos have a policy that a Croupier is NOT supposed to watch the

wheel as they spin? (Those Casinos that do not have this kind of policy probably

covertly encourage Wheel Watching, but would never admit to it.)

In my earliest suspicions about this skill, I interviewed several Croupiers and asked if “Sector

Shooting” was possible. Amazingly enough, they all had the exact same answer, as though it

was rehearsed!

“If I could do that, I would be rich and I wouldn’t be working here!”

It wasn’t a denial, but the logic to their answers was strange. I thought, “What do you mean

you would be rich? How could you possibly get rich with that skill? YOU are the one who is

doing the shooting! The only way you can get rich from it is if YOU are the Player and NOT the

Croupier! If someone else was the Croupier, he or she may not have your skill and then you

would lose! How can you get rich off that?”


Then I had to switch my brain to “cheat mode” to understand what they all meant.

If you were a Croupier with that kind of skill, you would have to partner up with someone who

would “play the part” of the Player. He/she bets. You spin in an area that will make him/her a

winner. He/she wins. You and your partner split the winnings later.

So…I guess there really IS a way to get rich from it.

However, no matter which way you slice it, it’s still dishonest.

I ALWAYS recommend that you carefully observe a Croupier first BEFORE spending any of

your hard-earned money at their table.





If you are a conspiracy theorist, you could easily be led to believe that Casino Bosses threaten their Croupiers with termination if they don’t make money for the House.

In reality, there may actually be some of that going on.

However, for the most part, according to my Casino Insider Source(s), the main reason

Croupiers shoot against Players has to do with, believe it or not…

… TIPPING (or lack thereof)!

Croupiers, just like any other Dealer in the Gaming Industry, rely heavily on tipping as their

primary source of income. Otherwise, they generally only make minimum wage.

Whenever they see that a Player is winning, but is not tipping, it is a sure-fire road to disaster

for that Player. It is at that point that the Croupier will actually start to shoot against the

Player out of spite or anger.

If you are lucky enough to use a Roulette Strategy that actually works, then please, please,

PLEASE don’t be a cheapskate! Share your good fortune with the person who helped you earn

it! In fact, if you are placing bets for the Dealer (as their tip) alongside of yours, if they have

the skill, then they will make sure you win as it is in their best interest too, correct? They want

and need that tip! Besides, tipping not only helps to encourage other players to tip (which

helps you out even more in the eyes of the Croupier as you were the person who initiated it),

but it also helps to lighten the overall mood at the table, meaning everyone will have more

fun! When Croupiers are in a good mood, they can be very entertaining! So…


Think about it. Logically, doesn’t it make sense that if they are skilled enough to make you

lose, then they are equally skilled enough to make you win?

Remember that.


Now, this doesn’t mean that you will automatically win. It just means that it may help increase

your odds. Generally, figure tipping to be about 20%+ of your winnings. Also, don’t tip at the

end of your session, as the Croupier has no idea if you plan to tip them or not and will

probably start shooting against you. So, it’s best to tip at the time you win and on each and

EVERY win. So, you win. You place a dealer tip alongside yours on the next spin.

It’s as simple as that.

NEVER tip when you lose. You are encouraging them to shoot against you more, because

they figure you are stupid with your money.

Now, get ready. The next chapter tells you HOW they actually do it and will totally blow your






Pay strict attention, because this is one of the best parts of your training!

There are essentially two Criteria that you must look for and that MUST be met in order to

achieve ideal conditions under which to play against a Wheel Watcher – the first being where

they are looking when they spin.

Are they looking at the wheel when they spin? If so, how accurate are they? Did players at

the table win or lose? Let’s examine this first part of our criteria from a point of view you can

easily relate to.

You probably work in a job that you are pretty good at, right? Why did you get so good at it?

Practice and the knowledge you gained through on-the-job experience. Correct? The same

holds true for Croupiers! It’s all they do – day after day after day. They easily get bored and

experiment with their spins to help ease their boredom. They try to hit certain sectors of the

wheel at first (I will use a European Wheel for this part of the example to better illustrate the

Roulette term “sectors”. See the illustration below.).


At first, they try for the largest sector of the wheel and, after a short while, they find they can

hit it, because it is a pretty big section of the wheel, after all. Then, they try for the second

largest, and then the third, fourth, and finally The Odds and Evens (Odd and Even numbers on

Roulette Wheels are mostly grouped in pairs. Refer again to the above illustration. This also

holds true for an American Wheel layout as well).

In order to do this, remember they have to watch the wheel when they spin to get their timing

down. That is the first criteria.

When they get accurate enough to hit pairs, then the next logical step is a straight-up number.

The Zero(s) seems to be the easiest and most commonly targeted straight-up number(s) that

they shoot for. Why?

There are a couple of reasons:

1. They are the “House Numbers”. In other words, these numbers are designed to make

money for the House with a 5.26% House Advantage (American Wheel). If you had a

wheel without zero(s), there would be little House Advantage for them to make money

on. These wheels actually exist! However, they are EXTREMELY rare to find. These

wheels will pay out “true” odds at 35:1 on a straight-up number and the House Edge is

reduced to 0.0%. Remember, there are 36 “regular” numbers on the wheel, plus 2

zeros that belong to the House for a grand total of 38 numbers (American). If you won

on a straight-up number bet, the casino pays you 35 units, plus your original bet stays

out on the table for a total of 36 units. As you can see from this lop-sided Math, casinos

automatically make a 2-unit profit for themselves on every player win. In the past,

before Roulette was brought over to the U.S., European Roulette tables had no Zero(s).

However, American casinos wanted to make money so they would add special symbols

on the wheel – like an Eagle. The Eagle was the extra spot they needed to profit on. At

that point, they still paid out 35:1, even though there were now 37 spots on the wheel.

If you won on a straight-up number, they got to technically keep 1 unit on the payout.

This worked out so well for casinos that they decided to add a zero, then a double-zero


to replace the Eagle for a total of 38 spots on the wheel, while STILL only paying out

35:1 – all the while keeping 2 units for themselves. It is one of the highest house

advantages (5.26%) in the Casinos today and probably pretty high on the list of casino


2. They are colored differently (Green) compared to the other Red and Black numbers and

therefore, make a visually easier target for the Wheel Watcher to focus on.

Question: Why isn’t zero considered an even number? It SHOULD be! Every number that

ends in zero is! If you have the answer, write to me!

What you also need to know is that most Wheel Watchers, as a general rule, will only spin the

wheel in the same direction only, while their ball spin is always in the opposite direction. This

might sound a little confusing, so let me clarify. Simply put, they will always spin the wheel

say, clock-wise, while their ball spin is always counter-clockwise. Most American Casinos do

not specify a policy regarding this. I assume this is so their Croupiers will have an easier time

shooting where they need to. They will almost NEVER alternate their wheel and ball spin

directions, as they should be doing, to make the game fair. If you are lucky enough to find a

Croupier who alternates their spinning directions, you will probably notice that they are better

at Sector Shooting with one hand vs. their other hand, depending on them being right or left-

handed, of course. We are ALL better at performing tasks with the hand we favor, correct?

*Another Casino Trick*: Courtesy of my Casino Insider Source(s) once again. Have you

ever noticed that the Croupier will usually leave the ball in the pocket once the spin is

completed? This is so that their timing (they call it “clocking”) will remain constant. This is

another way you will know if they are spinning against you. If they pick up the ball from the

same pocket from where it last landed and spin immediately, the ball will usually land within a

few pockets of where it last landed! The correct and fair policy is that they should actually

remove the ball from the pocket after every spin and place it on top of the turret of the wheel

or some other accessible location.


The second criteria you should look for is the Type Of Wheel a Wheel Watcher uses.

In order to explain this, you must first know a little bit about basic wheel construction. I am

not going to bore you to death with a lot of technical information, because I know you are

anxious to get into the strategy itself and you did not pay for a lot of fluff, like you might find

in other strategies. My form of “fluff” is VERY important to this particular strategy. These are

things you need to know.

Instead, I will let a diagram do the talking for me. From there, I will make reference to certain

parts of the wheel that you will be able to recognize from the diagram.


You will also need to know the difference between High Profile and Low Profile Wheels too…

The biggest difference that you can see between these two wheel profiles is the height of the

Pocket Separators. The Pocket Separator (also called a “Fret”) is the thin piece of plastic that

is used to separate and divide the Ball Pockets from each other. The Fret of a High Profile

Wheel is much taller than that of a Low Profile Wheel. Most Wheel Watchers will use a High

Profile Wheel, as the taller Frets will keep the ball from bouncing around as much, thereby

making a more predictable bounce.

In essence, taller Frets help to “trap” the ball in the pocket better.

In the world of Wheel Watching, less bounce means more predictability. Remember that, as it

is going to be a BIG and VERY important part of this section of your training.

Here is a beautiful example of a new, Low Profile Wheel by TCS Huxley of London, England.

Notice that there are no frets whatsoever. The pockets, in combination with the Cone, form a

very artistic “Sunburst” type of effect.

Very nice!


Now let’s talk about the Roulette Ball itself.

You should know that there are MANY sizes of Roulette balls, but you will find that most

casinos will generally use 3 types of balls, usually favoring only one. I will just simplify things

here and refer to them as Small, Medium, and Large.


The characteristics of a Small ball will allow it to travel between the Ball Deflectors (often

referred to as “diamonds” because of their shape) better, causing the ball to not only land

more quickly, but also with less odds of being deflected by the Ball Deflectors. When a ball

DOES encounter a Ball Deflector, it will usually bounce around quite a bit, thereby making a

less predictable bounce.

A Large ball will bounce less, because of its weight, but has a greater chance of hitting a Ball

Deflector because of its size.

A Medium ball will combine the best qualities of the small and large ball and is the favorite

tool of the Wheel Watcher. So, in other words, a medium ball will travel between the ball

deflectors better AND bounce around less, thereby settling into the pocket quicker.

Casinos like to take advantage of State Gaming Regulations in regards to ball size. What do I

mean by this? Check out the next section, Chapter 5. DON’T SKIP OVER IT! IT’S VERY


Weights of the roulette balls range anywhere from 1 to as high as 12 grams. Basically, the

heavier the ball, the less bounce, which means more predictability to the Wheel Watcher.

Casinos take advantage of State Gaming Statutes here too by using heavier balls.

Weights of Roulette Balls are determined by the many different materials used in their

construction, such as Delrin, PVC, Acetyl, Teflon, Nylon, Phenolic, and Ivorine (which is

Cellulose Nitrate or Celluloid. Ivory itself is no longer used as it is now illegal to import real

Ivory, namely because of the senseless killing of elephants to get at their ivory tusks.).

“Bounciness” of the ball is very important to the Wheel Watcher and is going to also be

determined by the material it is made of. A bouncier ball is generally going to be made of

Nylon or other lighter weight material and the least amount of bounciness will come from a

ball that is made of Phenolic or other heavier, denser materials. You’ll know if a ball is made of


Phenolic if it lands outside of the Wheel with a THUD! Wouldn’t it be nice if casinos used a

ball that is REALLY bouncy like, for instance, Rubber? This would help insure a random and

fair bounce.

Again, Casinos take full advantage of State Gaming Statutes by using balls made of materials

that are less bouncy.

The Ball Track of the Wheel can also make a big difference to the Wheel Watcher too! The

“old” types of wheels have a ball track with a Lip on it. When the ball leaves the track of a

wheel with a lip, the chances of it hitting a Deflector are reduced, making it easier for the

Wheel Watcher to hit his/her target. Reversibly, a ball that leaves the track of a wheel without

a lip has a greater chance of hitting a deflector, thereby making the ball bounce with less

predictability. Quite often, the ball will roll between the deflectors and settle into a pocket with

almost zero bounce. If you’re a Roulette Player (and you probably are if you are reading this

right now), you may have already witnessed this happen MANY times in your experience. Now

you know why! Check out the illustrations below in order to better understand.


Also, if a wheel had a steeper angle on the Bowl and Cone, the ball will land and settle faster

in the Pockets too.

In using these types of wheels and balls, a spin will normally (the majority of the time) land in

a pocket that was VERY close to the pocket that was slightly in front of the ball when it left the

track. Look again at Path 1 above. Number 9 at the top of the wheel is only 2 pockets away

from where it left the lip at number 0. Yes, this is only an illustration for the example, but it is

nonetheless still true of a real wheel.

Speed of both the ball spin and wheel are variables to consider here too. The general

consensus among my sources is that the slower the wheel speed, the easier it is to target.


When you think of “Dealer Signature” in terms of Wheel Watching, you should think of it as

a Dealer knowing what speed they need and how many pockets ahead they will have to

target to predict where they will land the ball. Wheel Watchers are well aware of their own

skills and every Wheel Watcher will have their own “signature” or style. This is why many

times they land the ball in the same parts of the wheel that they are aiming for and other

“uneducated” Players will think this is a “signature” of sorts – not realizing that the Croupier is

actually shooting against them (or someone else at the table). How many systems are being

sold based on “dealer signature”? A LOT! Now you understand why those systems fail! It’s

because a Croupier is targeting someone at the table!

Therefore, with all of these factors in mind, ideal conditions for a Wheel Watcher will be:

• An old-style, high profile wheel that includes a track lip, deeper pockets, and taller frets.

• A denser, phenolic, medium-size, heavier weight ball.

• And, of course, their own skill…all the while spinning the wheel in the same direction.

If you were blown away with what you just learned in this section, then get ready for the next

section, because it will probably give you a Coronary!






When I was researching this training manual, my contacts at the Nevada State Gaming

Commission blew even me away with what I am about to tell you now…

It is widely known the Nevada Gaming Commission (hereafter referred to as the NGC) serves

as the benchmark by which all other States/Countries use to set their own gaming standards

and regulations. The NGC uses what it calls the Minimum Internal Control Standards (or

“MICS” for short) to help them govern and regulate each game in any given Nevada Casino.

According to these documents, there are no such gaming industry control standards

regarding sizes, weights, and materials used in the construction of roulette wheels

and balls! Furthermore, there are also no such industry standards when it comes to

wheel maintenance, examination of balls, and examination or construction of

Roulette wheels! That is to say, IT IS NOT MANDATED IN WRITING THAT THEY




One of my NGC contacts (I’ll call him “Joe” for now…) told me “If they wanted to, a Casino in

Nevada could use anything from a Golf Ball up to a Basketball to run a Roulette game.”

Don’t believe me? I realize how difficult it is to believe, but it’s all true! Check out the

regulations on their website for yourself! Here is their website:

Armed with this knowledge, I dug a little deeper into famed Atlantic City, New Jersey.

According to New Jersey State Gaming Regulations,


“Balls used in gaming at Roulette shall be made completely of a non-metallic substance and

not be less than 12/16 of an inch nor more than 14/16 of an inch in diameter, unless

otherwise approved by the Commission”.

The NJGC mentions nothing about ball weight or materials used for neither ball construction,

nor anything about wheel construction in its Statutes as well, giving Casinos carte blanche to

do just about anything they want to. However, they DO mention standards for periodic

maintenance to the wheel by checking to make sure it is level and free of any devices used to

cheat. They even talk a little bit about checking the ball for magnets too, but that is all! Here

is their website…

Additionally, in the MICS of the NGC, there are also no standards about other gaming items

such as the use of Card Shufflers (another HUGE casino cheat), Dice, Gaming tables, and

any/all other equipment used in Table Games! “How can that be possible?” you ask? Well, my

NGC contact “Joe” told me that most Casinos more or less use their own “assumed” standards,

for balls, wheel maintenance, etc. and that the NGC sees no wrongful doings with theirs OR

the Casino’s practices so far. That’s because “Joe” did not know what we now know about

Wheel Watchers and ball and wheel construction, right? Yes, the NGC may do casino

equipment checks constantly, but what are they checking against? There is absolutely nothing

in writing as far as the MICS are concerned! So, ALL of their checks must be using those

“ASSUMED” standards – whatever they are!

So what prevents Casinos from using Golf Balls, loaded Dice, etc.? Easy. It’s called “fear”. That

is to say, fear that they will get a bad rep as cheats (which they ARE)! If they get that

Attention NGC! NEVER ASSUME anything! DO THE RIGHT THING! Protect the Gambling Public! Amend your MICS and ENFORCE new standards!!! The games and the times have changed and so should you! Warn the rest of the gambling states and countries as well! We will no longer tolerate being cheated!!! It’s

illegal for Players to cheat, but why not the Casinos too?


reputation, then they lose money. How they cheat us today is much more sophisticated,

subtle, and covert compared to the ways they cheated us in the past. Conversely, the same

can be said for those individual players who tried to cheat the Casinos as well.

Casinos might not use all of the devices/methods listed here to shoot against the player, but I

am willing to bet that they are using at least a couple of them. The “old” style wheel alone is


Again, if Casinos have these huge budgets to put back into their businesses, why do the

majority of them still have “old” style, high profile wheels, instead of newer, “sexier”, low

profile wheels to impress and draw in more customers?

Take a look at the wheel below. It’s pretty obvious that’s it’s ancient. Now you know why it’s

still in use! Notice the “00” at the top. It’s American all right.


You should also know that there are those unscrupulous casinos that will try to fool you by

refinishing their wheels to make them look “new”. Casinos might even buy them that way too.

However, you will know it is still old-style by looking for the taller, high-profile frets and a lip

on the track. Don’t be fooled!

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about…

See the taller frets and the track lip? And yet the wheel looks brand new, doesn’t it?

Actually…it is. Yes, they really DO buy them that way! It should be illegal!





I have had many debates with Croupiers about Wheel Watching when I have caught them in

the act. They feel they are not cheating. I, on the other hand, contend that any time a dealer

can consciously influence, with pre-meditation, the outcome of what is mandated to be a

“random” event, then it is most DEFINITELY cheating.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Think about this too: Why are Casino table limits set up the way they are? It is because they

know that if you are using a good money management strategy and bet selection strategy,

you would eventually win because of the randomness (or streakiness) of the spins –

depending on which strategy you are playing. In other words, they know they WILL eventually

lose to you, so they take steps to prevent that from happening.

Another thing that gives casinos a major House Advantage is the unfair payout table in

Roulette that I previously discussed. On an American Wheel layout (Double-Zero), there are

38 numbers on the wheel, including the Zero and Double-Zero. Therefore, logically, the “true

odds” payout should naturally be 38:1 on a straight-up bet. That would mean that you would

automatically win 1 unit on every single spin, regardless of the outcome! But that would be

VERY unfair to the Casino, wouldn’t it? A losing proposition for them and no challenge for you,


37:1 would only break even for both casinos and players alike.

36:1 would put the Casino in profit with a small House Advantage of 2.7%. But that is still

not good enough for them!

35:1, the current payout on a straight up bet on a Double (and Single) Zero Wheel, giving

them the BIGGEST House Advantage on a table game over every other table game in the

Casino with a whopping 5.26%!!! As I talked about previously, technically they are keeping 2

units for themselves on a straight-up payout. Yet they feel that STILL is not good enough for

them in that they feel they need to Wheel Watch on top of that.


There are even some casinos out there that only pay 34:1! Beware of them! ALWAYS check

the payouts on a straight-up number before playing!

My Casino Insider Source(s) informed me about other Roulette “Casino Tricks” too.

Top of the list was the use of a Marquee (the light-up board by the Wheel that shows the spin

results). As spins are supposed to be random, the Casino’s thinking here is that there are

many strategies that rely on so-called “patterns” that the spin results produce, so they mount

a Marquee to show players these supposed “patterns”, thus luring them in to play and most

likely lose their money. There are also those Casinos that believe the opposite and REMOVE

their Marquees. They think that patterns really work and will take down the Marquee, so

Players can’t see them.

I have even seen Casinos laminate the Roulette Scorecards, making it EXTREMELY difficult to

write on with anything else other than a Magic Marker. Who brings a Magic Marker with them

to a Casino? Many Casinos don’t even offer Scorecards too for that matter!

My Source(s) also explained that their direction from their Pit Bosses is, if a Player is winning,

they must change the size of ball (probably to something smaller) and change the Wheel spin

speed and ball spin speed, but NOT directions of either the ball or the wheel. This instruction

is obviously for those Croupiers who have not yet developed their wheel watching skills yet.

Additionally, the Pit Boss may even change out the Croupier to someone else – probably with

a Wheel Watcher. This happened to me personally when I was up almost $1000 at a Las

Vegas casino, using a “regular” system. That Wheel Watcher targeted the 2nd Column (which

is pretty easy as most of the numbers in the 2nd Column are grouped together fairly closely on

the wheel), and I, of course was playing a strategy that involved the 1st and 3rd Columns. He

hit the 2nd Column six times in a row and busted me, watching the wheel the entire time! This

was before I started to research the subject. I’m a LOT wiser today! ☺

Let’s also not forget the Casinos usual array of “normal” and “legitimate” tricks:


• Free Alcoholic beverages to get you drunk enough to lose your concentration

• Served by very “distracting” waitresses

• Loud noises (LOTS of Bells and Whistles)

• Dealers chatting you up

• Colorful lights

• Even the building design – inside and out!

All of these distractions are designed specifically help you lose your concentration. You will

lose more easily when you are distracted.


Interesting that this wheel is low profile, but STILL has a Track Lip. Hmmm…




Here are my suggestions casinos would have to follow to make Roulette fair once again:

1. Adjust payouts accordingly, using a 36:1 payout scale on a Double-Zero Wheel, and

keeping 35:1 on a European Wheel (because it has 1 less number). Remember, Casinos

will STILL have a 2.7% House Advantage and will still profit!

2. Use 3/4” (or larger if possible) Nylon (or bouncier material. Perhaps rubber?) balls.

3. Use low profile wheels ONLY and re-design them, using more Deflectors on BOTH the

Apron AND add them to the Cone too! No Lip on the Ball Track. Lower (or shallower)

angle on the Cone and Apron of the wheel. Raised lettering on the numbers in the

pockets to help deflect the ball more.

4. Variable, automated wheel speeds that cannot be controlled by the Croupier.

5. Croupiers should be alternating wheel and spin directions randomly too! Doing this

alone will also keep the players who cheat with roulette prediction computers at bay

too. Hard to imagine how much money casinos have already lost to this player cheat.

6. Set new rules for the Croupier to follow. Absolutely no watching of the wheel

when they release the ball! Legal action for those that do. Remove the ball from the

pocket after each and every spin!

7. Enact the “En Prison” European rule where the zero(s) are concerned. Casinos would

still profit! European Casinos have been doing this for decades and have survived so

far, right?

Can you imagine what kind of reputation the Casinos would gain by coming clean with the

general public? Once they advertise their changes, just imagine all of the business they would

get – ESPECIALLY from foreign tourists, who HATE to play U.S. rules. They are already well

aware of these stricter, high house-edge tactics the U.S. Casinos play by and, as a result,

refuse to gamble, which takes valuable revenue away from the overall economy of the

American gaming industry. Once the casinos advertised those changes internationally, I’m sure

that there would be even more revenue from said foreign tourists.

And now, without further ado, here is the second part of what you paid for - the way to exploit

this skill and get your revenge on these cheaters!





Ideally, when playing a “regular” strategy, once you initially enter your Casino of choice in search of a Roulette table to play at, you should “pre-qualify” your table(s) by looking for the

youngest or most inexperienced Croupier to play against. I find that young females are best

suited for our purposes here. In this case, this inexperienced, newer Croupier will not have

had time to develop the experience and necessary skill set to shoot specific colors, sectors,

numbers, etc., of the Roulette wheel. If you are not sure of their experience, ASK THEM!

“Hey, how long have you been a Croupier?” As you already know, it is ideal to look for a low-

profile wheel too, but especially look for a Croupier who does not watch the wheel as they

spin. If you are lucky enough to find this particularly inexperienced individual, then I urge you

to play your “regular” strategy.

Be that as it may, you might not get that lucky to play a “normal” strategy.

So, do the exact opposite.

1. Look for a Croupier who is obvious about watching the wheel as they spin.

2. Look for a High-profile Wheel.

Doing this should give you a fighting chance to come out a winner with just a couple of spins,

using my strategy.


Look at the poor guy on the left. He must’ve placed a large bet? He’s the only one at the table NOT smiling! ☺





In this Double-Zero layout, what we are really doing is betting on 0, 00, 23, 24, 29, and 30 with their respective neighbors, including some overlap. This bet covers 26 out of 38 numbers

for 68.42% table coverage, or a little over 2/3rd’s of the wheel/table. We are leaving 12 spots

open to profit 11 units (which includes one unit to tip with).

Start by placing bets on every number except 0, 00, 1, 2, 5, 6, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, and 33.

When you are finished, your bets on the table should look like this:

The idea with this set-up is just that…a set-up.

We are setting up the Croupier for a fall by “carrot dangling”, or baiting him/her into shooting

for the zeros, which, as you recall, the majority of them love to do. We have purposefully left

open 0, 00, and their neighbors of 1, 2, 27, and 28…an EASY way for them to collect money

for the House!

By betting this way, we will appear to be betting like the average “tourist” who has no idea

what they are doing and just “sprinkles” their chips all over the table with no real purpose in



Here are the gaps that you are leaving open on the Wheel. THIS is what the Croupier will see

as well…

It is best to randomize your bet placements in the same manner that the tourists place them.

Don’t mechanically lay down your bets in order of the numbers I provided. REMEMBER, BLEND


*Additional Casino Trick*: My Casino Insider Source(s) has revealed to us that whenever

a player places bets in this manner, the Croupier is instructed to spin the wheel prematurely

(BEFORE final bets are placed on the table), forcing the player to more quickly lay down their

bets and increase the chance of making a costly mistake. This Casino rule did not have our

Wheel Watcher Strategy in mind, but rather, it is targeted to the Tourists, they refer to as

“Clumpers”, who like to place their bets in “clumps” or taller stacks on their bet placements.

This premature spin is to keep the Casino from paying out large sums of money on one of

those types of big bets. However, we are not “clumping”, as we are only laying 1 chip in the

aforementioned spots on the table.


To thwart this trick and get your bets placed in time, I would suggest a “Team Play”

maneuver. Spilt the table in half with a partner when placing your bets, thus doubling your

chance of success. This also means splitting your profits with your partner as well, so keep

that in mind too. Some Croupiers are “nicer” and will wait for you, but our source says to

expect this trick from the majority of Casinos out there. I say that if a Croupier is nice and

waits for you, it is because they are waiting to see where the table has the least amount of

coverage so they can more easily target that area.

Should they spin prematurely, your other option is to simply remove ALL of your chips quickly,

calling out loudly “No Bet! NO BET!!” Just make certain you are only removing YOUR chips and

not other Player’s chips too! You can then call over the Pit Boss and explain to him/her that

you wanted to place a bet, but the Croupier wouldn’t let you, because they spun before you

could place the rest of your bets. It is also a Casino’s general Policy that the Croupier must

also shout out “Final Bets!” before waving off any other bets before the ball lands. You can

mention to the Pit Boss that the Croupier didn’t do that as well. Remember, you are playing

with real money here, so protect yourself. Don’t just “give” them your money. MAKE THEM


Once you FINALLY are able to place all of the bets and the ball is in motion, this is where OUR

trickery of Phase Two comes in…


OMG! Look at this table coverage! Someone’s going to win something here! Where might a Wheel Watcher target? Look carefully. This Dealer

IS watching too!





The next step (and this is VERY important so pay attention) is to wait for the Croupier to


Once the ball is in motion, you will “change your mind” about where you want your chips


VERY quickly now, remove the chip that is on 34 and place it on 0.

Next, remove the bets on 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 and put them all on 00, 1, 2, 27, and 28.

Remember, you must be very fast to get these bets switched before the Croupier waves off

the betting right before the ball lands.

I find that the easiest way to remember this is by removing almost the entire Double-Street

16-21 directly in the center of the 2nd 12 (except for 16. Leave it there).

If you are fast enough, your final bet placement should now look like this:

And here are the gaps in the wheel you will be finally left with. Notice how if a Wheel Watcher

even gets close to one of the zeros, you will win!


*Important Note: If you (and/or your partner) are playing with other players at the table

(ideal to help blend in), it might be difficult for you to go digging through your bet placements

if other players have chips stacked on top of yours. I suggest laying those bets you have to

change LAST, so that they are on top of the other players’ chips. This will make it much easier

to change your bets.

I HIGHLY recommend that you memorize these numbers and practice this move at home first

before attempting to play it LIVE. Remember, do NOT play RNG (Random Number Generator)

– based online casinos! They are unregulated and will cheat you like there is no tomorrow.

Practice ONLY at a LIVE DEALER webcam Online Casino with “Fun Money”. This kind of

practice will be closer to true-to-life play. Because they play very fast however, you might not

be able to place your bets in the manner described above on time. This will force you to do

the final result bet placement only. Don’t worry about that. Any practice is better than no

practice at all. For fun, you can also go into a live land-based Casino and just observe the

Croupiers for yourself. Are they Wheel Watching? If so, would you have won by doing this






Plain and simple, if you lose this bet, you will be out 26 units. To get it back, you have two


1.) Do a negative progression and triple up your next bet (high risk) and hope for a win; or

2.) Repeat this bet again for three more wins/spins (higher risk).

As you can see from the final bet placement of Phase Two, you are leaving open two pretty

good-sized gaps on the wheel that any good Wheel Watcher can shoot for IF they were wise

to what you are doing. That’s why I don’t recommend this bet for any more than just one or

two “hit-and-run” spins only. It won’t take them much longer than that to figure out what you

are doing and will shoot for those open gaps.


THAT MIGHT BE ON YOUR TABLE LAYOUT. If you do that, the Croupier will FOR SURE see

what you are doing and take appropriate action against you! Please, please, PLEASE place

your bets manually yourself! I cannot stress this point enough! If you are not certain what a

Racetrack is, this should help:

This is an example of a European or French Wheel racetrack, but the design on the table is

similar for the American Wheel too. American Wheel racetracks are generally designed for

Neighbor betting only, whereas the European and French versions add in the sectors of the

wheel as well. To bet on it, you would normally give your chips to the dealer and he/she would


AWAY WHAT WE ARE DOING. DON’T DO IT!!! In fact, if the Croupier allows you to place your

bets on the racetrack yourself, I STILL suggest NOT using it as ANY bets placed there will

show them our open gaps they would shoot for. So, DON”T USE A RACETRACK AT ALL!!!





As stated before, when this bet wins, you will profit 11 units (including 1 as tip for the

Croupier. Remember the importance of tipping?)!

Just imagine if you were playing with $25 Green chips or $100 Black chips! It depends on your

table limits of course, but you could possibly profit as low as $10.00 and as high as

$1000.00 with just one hit!



Look at this table coverage. Targeting number 6 will make the entire table lose!





This is my absolute ideal wheel to deploy this strategy on, because the House Advantage is

lower (2.7% vs. American 5.26% edge). However, most American-based casinos are well

aware of the lower house advantage of European Roulette, so they employ countermeasures

of higher than normal table minimums and lower than normal table maximums on a European

layout. Nonetheless, you will still find PLENTY of Wheel Watchers here, if not MORE because

of that lower House Advantage.

The problem is, European wheels are pretty scarce in the U.S., again because of that lower

house Advantage.

All previous rules apply here, especially the “Additional Casino Trick” and “Important Note”

previously mentioned in Chapters 9 and 10. We are just covering different numbers is all.


The ball landed next to the zero again. Why do so many pictures show this? Isn’t it obvious the Croupier is targeting the zero?





You will be covering all numbers on the board except: 0, 1, 3, 8, 11, 15, 20, 26, 30, 32, and


I find it is easiest to memorize this in the groups that they would appear in the Dozens (i.e. 0,

1,3,8, and 11 in the first dozen; 15 and 20 in the 2nd Dozen; and 26,30,32, and 33 from the 3rd

Dozen. If it’s easier, you can also memorize them in the Columns that they appear in instead.

You can use the same memorization method, if you prefer, for the American wheel numbers

too, if you wish. Whatever is easiest for you…). Remember to “sprinkle these bets about

randomly so that you appear like any other “Clumper”. BLEND IN!

When you are finished, the board layout should look like this:

We are doing the same thing as before with the American Wheel layout – suckering the

Croupier into shooting for the Zero.

Here are the gaps not covered on the wheel that we will start off with:







Just as before, it is CRITICAL that you wait until the Croupier has spun the ball first. Once

the ball is in motion, you will “change your mind” about your bet placements here too and

quickly remove the chips on 5, 10, 23, 24, and 16. Then place them on 0, 3, 15, 26, and 32.

Remember, you must be fast enough to remove and replace the chips BEFORE the Croupier

waves off. Once completed, the table bets should look like this:

Now the only major gap on the wheel will be here:


As you can see, the uncovered gap on the wheel is pretty big, so you have to know what you

are doing…AND BE FAST!

You need to be prepared for a loss for the simple fact that no matter how good a Wheel

Watcher may be, they are still not perfect and there may still be some uncalculated, random

hopping of the ball, which could still very easily end up in this big uncovered section – the

same as the American Wheel version too.

If it would make you feel more comfortable, you can choose whatever numbers at the bottom

of the wheel you want to and break up that huge gap. Just so long as at least the upper half

still has full coverage. That way, if there is some random ball hop, you will still have a little

coverage on the lower half and decrease your chances of a loss. Just make it easy to

remember, as simple and mechanical are always the best policy when it comes to gambling

strategies. You have 11 spaces that you need to leave open down there in order to profit 10

units – maybe alternate the covered vs. uncovered by leaving open Red or Black on the lower

half or Odd/Even, High/Low. You decide!






Now that you have down the basics of the different types of bets to exploit a “Crooked

Croupier”, let’s look at another Roulette game variation called “Rapid Roulette”. This

Roulette game (usually with American-style wheel here in the States) combines both a live

dealer and computer betting at the same time. It is not available at all casinos, so you will

have to look for them. Call the Casino that you plan to visit beforehand to see if they are

offering it. Better yet, use an online search engine!

This strategy is based on the Croupier not removing the ball from the pocket (as they should)

that we discussed back in Chapter 4 and will require you to NOT place a bet on every spin, as

we will be looking for the right time to place a bet instead.

What’s most important for this method to work properly is that you sit in a position near the

Roulette wheel so that you can see where the Croupier is releasing the ball.


This Croupier actually has the ball on top of the Turret. WAY TO GO! ☺ But I STILL see a Track Lip though. :(





What you will be looking for is the release point of the Croupier’s spin relative to wheel

direction and the nearest zero. In other words, the Croupier should release the ball far enough

out before the zero, so that when it bounces around, it will finally land in our landing zone(s).

Obviously, this is not going to be an exact science for us as the spin style (signature) of each

Croupier is different.

For example, a Wheel Watcher might release ON the nearest zero because they know when

the ball lands, it will be on or around that same zero. Other Croupiers will release before the

zero, knowing that it will land 10-12 pockets farther up the wheel. Each Croupier will have

their own “zone”. I prefer to think of this as OUR “Dealer Signature”. You will have to carefully

observe each Croupier prior to betting any money on their spins. Remember, you will also be

looking for a High Profile, old-style wheel too. Only when these two criteria are met, should

you even think about playing this strategy.


As you can see on this American Wheel example, our landing zones are relatively short, so you

will have to be careful. The landing zone for a European Wheel is MUCH bigger and for this

reason I highly recommend doing this method with a European Wheel. Also, don’t forget to

practice, practice, practice at a LIVE Dealer Online Casino first BEFORE you spend any of your

hard-earned money on the real thing.

Now, you can see the importance of being able to see the wheel clearly, right? Don’t sit

somewhere where the Croupier will have his/her back to you. If they are spinning one

direction only, the fact that they are right or left-handed may also affect if they have their

back to you or not.

This illustration is only one style of configuration for a Rapid Roulette gaming area. You may

find them configured like Squares, Circles, Half-Moons, etc. Just make sure you sit somewhere

where you can clearly see where the Croupier is releasing the ball on the wheel.

What is great about Rapid Roulette is that you can punch in all of your bets quickly on the

touch-screen computer monitor. If you don’t see the spin you want, you can sit it out. When

you DO see the spin you want, all you have to do is hit the “Rebet” (or similarly marked)

button, sit back, and relax!






Remember all of the Casino tricks I talked about earlier? Well, I have a few tricks of my own

for distracting the Croupiers. You can do this if they are getting uncomfortably close to an area

of the wheel you don’t want them shooting for, if you are using a “regular” strategy, of course.

When the Croupier is in the act of spinning, you can:

• Ask for change.

• Call out their first name…then ask a question.

• Cough, Sneeze.

• “Accidentally” spill your drink.

• Use a cell phone (this one gets EVERYONE’S attention in the Pit too! BE CAREFUL WITH


• Stand up suddenly.

• Ask the Croupier, using their first name, for a Cocktail Waitress (loudly of course).

• Act “drunk”.

• Ask them what they are watching and pausing for when they spin. This will make them

uncomfortable and nervous.

• Better still, ask the Pit Boss what the Croupier is watching for when they spin and then

ask what the House Policy is regarding that.

• And, as always, place your bets AFTER the spin, whether there is a Wheel Watcher or

not. Always better to be safe than sorry, right?

Obviously, the name of the game here is to somehow distract the Croupier while they are in

the act of spinning. However, don’t make an idiot of yourself by doing these distractions too

much. Time them out properly. Be nice. Play dumb. Apologize. But remember, I AM ONLY


If you really insist on being greedy with this strategy, go to another casino, find another Wheel

Watcher, and use the same strategy on him/her. A few casinos per night would make anyone

happy with the possible money it could make with only 1 or 2 spins.


Also, do not make a jerk of yourself at the table if you think it will make the Croupier angry

enough to shoot against you, so that you can use the strategy to profit from them. All that will

do is get you kicked out! They will remember you too. You want to blend in and be nice!





As stated at the first of this publication, should you lose, you have only two choices. You can

either triple up your bet (be wary of the table limits) on the next spin and hope for a win

(risky) or use the same bet and bet three more times (riskier).

As far as bankroll is concerned, your buy-in is, of course, dependent upon which units you are

using. Just remember that you are risking 26 units, which should be your 1x buy-in. I

recommend 4x that is what you should come to the table with. Lifetime bankroll should be 4x

that as well. This should give you a solid cushion to work with.

However, if you are only doing 1-2 spins, one buy-in is sufficient right? If you should lose on

your very first spin (or the second), that’s where the additional buy-ins will come in handy.

However, if you DO lose on the first bet, take it as an omen and leave! Make up the loss on

other tables/casinos.

Play it safe!





.OK I know that for some of you, the bet placement for my main method might seem

a little bit complex and you are looking for something a bit simpler that doesn’t require too

much thought.

I have the answer for you.

The bet I am about to layout will cover almost the same spots on the wheel – and then some!

In fact, you will be covering 84.21% of the board!

Here it is:

When this bet wins, you are profiting only 2 units and risking even less money – only 16 units.

What I would do, is lay down the High (19-36) bet first. Once the croupier spins the ball, then

lay out the other 2 bets. I would recommend placing High (19-36) first because the zeros and

most of the neighbors are being left uncovered, which will sucker that Wheel Watcher into

shooting for them. Remember, we are trying to bait them, right?

However, I feel there are still a few key spots left uncovered when you compare it to the first

method. Those numbers are 13, 14, 15, and 16. They need to be covered to help insure a win.

Can that be done a still profit?


Of course! ☺

This next alternate bet covers all spots on the table, except three.

Here it is:

It covers a whopping 92.10% of the table and you can lose on only 3 numbers!


If you noticed in the picture, you are risking 35 units. Big risk to only profit 1 unit, correct?

Although the odds are in your favor that you will win with this bet, I don’t think I can

recommend it. My personal philosophy is all about being conservative. If you want only 1-2

hits to make your profit (and I hope you do), then I would still stick with either the main

method or the first alternate method.

As far as overcoming this to get better coverage and still profit, there is no better bet than the

one…mainly because of the way that the payouts are set up. I’ve labored over this bet for

years. This one has the most coverage, using the least amount of money, and still profit.



I can still do one better! ☺

Here it is:

As you can see, this is the same bet a little bit switched around and is designed for the

European Wheel. There are only 2 numbers you can lose on…and they are on the extreme far

end from the Zero!

Still uses 35 units.

Still profits only 1 unit.

…but it covers 94.59% of the board/wheel!

The House Advantage is only 2.7% too!

This is the one you want if you are lucky enough to find a European wheel. ☺

Remember what you are risking though, and use these bets cautiously!





Wow! That was quite a ride, eh? I can assure you that in the making and testing of this

method, it was as big of a ride for me too! I hope you aren’t overwhelmed right now. I realize

that I gave you a LOT to absorb. I recommend to read the manual again, practice, and only

play it if the two conditions are met, which, remember, are Wheel Watching Croupiers and

older, High Profile Wheels.

For some of you, I know I may have scared you into not ever playing Roulette ever again.

Please don’t be turned off. I KNOW I said some pretty scary, incredulous things – ALL of

which I can back.

Roulette is a GREAT game and you can have LOTS of fun with it! I am most definitely not

saying that they are going to cheat you each and every time you gamble at the tables. In fact,

you may find an equal amount of honest Croupiers, as you will Wheel Watchers. Just please

remember to TIP them. Remember, tipping might increase the odds into your favor, but it’s

NOT guaranteed.

In fact, not long ago in Las Vegas at an Off-Strip Casino, I tipped a Wheel Watcher BEFORE I

even put out my first “regular strategy” bet, but it did not matter. He busted me in 15

minutes, watching the Wheel the entire time. No matter where I placed my bets, he hit those

areas where I was not. It was that particular Wheel Watcher that prompted me to finally

research this “Whistle-Blower Strategy”.

On a final note, I want to remind you that the method described here is for those Wheel

Watchers who are shooting for Zero(s) as this is their favorite number to shoot for. However,

please don’t forget, they may be shooting for something else on the wheel entirely – most

likely an area of the board that has little or no chip coverage. So, be VERY cautious of that.

The purpose of writing this manual was to raise the gambling public’s awareness of a

particular cheat that the casinos are currently employing to bilk their customers from their

hard-earned money.


If you believe me, great! I did my job. You now have a level playing field once again and I can

rest easier knowing that I helped you avoid possible financial disaster.

If, however, you DON’T believe me, then I STILL suggest that you play it safe by, at the very

least, placing your bets AFTER the spin.

After all, what could it hurt, right?

I VERY much appreciate your business and look forward to your success stories!

Good Luck!!!!


“It’s not just for Sports. Casinos love ‘em too!” ☺