Download - What’s it all about? Malarkey goes where few websites dare to go.

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Whats it all about? Slide 3 Malarkey goes where few websites dare to go Slide 4 Malarkey follows UFOs, NASA secrets and crop circles Slide 5 Only Malarkey offers Vladimir Putin trading cards Maybe we cant get rid of Vladimir but we can get rid of his card Slide 6 only Malarkey asks the tough questions Are you being watched by British spies? Are you being watched by American spies? Is your tea kettle spying on you? Slide 7 Cures stomach cramps caused by stupid boss Alleviates the agony of hangnails Enhances the taste of Fanta Reduces headaches resulting from stupid boss Helps you tune out annoying relatives Also cures chess injuries Slide 8 http://www.bunch-of-malarkey,com