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Choose Your Own Adventure

What You See When You Go

To The ZooBy Lindsay LaBenne, Ryan Van Doren,

and Al Stover

Come and visit all of the different animals

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Page 3: What You See When You Go To The Zoo


Copyright @ 2012Lindsay LaBenne, Al Stover, and

Ryan Van Doren

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review,

without permission in writing from the author/publisher

ISBN 1-234345-002

Printed in US by Design 360 class

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This book is dedicated to our friends, our loved ones

and anyone who has ever wanted to go to the zoo.

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Today for your birthday you are on the way to the zoo with your parents.

Your parents allowed you to bring your two best buddies, Austin and Katie along with you. They both can hardly wait and are already telling you what animals they want to see.

“Pigs,” shouts Austin. “I want to feed the pigs!”

“I can’t wait to see a snake,” explains Katie. “They are slimy and scary.”

But today is your day, so your parents have ex-plained that you get to make all the decisions on how this trip to the zoo goes. Everyone else is just along for the ride.

Continue to the next page

Happy Birthday

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You’ve finally arrived at the zoo. This is your first trip and the images of elephants, tigers and gorillas have been running through your mind all morning.

After you get the tickets, you go through a big line of people and finally you get through the main entrance.

Signs pointing all different directions stare down at you and you can’t help but notice a big cotton candy billboard.

If you decide to stop and get some cot-ton candy, turn to page 8

If you decide you are too excited to eat, continue to the next page.

What to see first?

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“Where to first, birthday boy?” asks your dad.

“Well, I have been learning all about elephants in class,” you reply.

“But I want to see the snakes,” Katie responds.

If you decide to make Katie happy and look at the snakes, turn to page 12

If you decide to go see the elephants, turn to page 13

Elephants or snakes?

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“Oh yummy, mom, let’s get some cotton candy before we see the animals,” you say.

“Son, are you sure you want cotton candy?” asks your mom. “You already had a big piece of birthday cake and ice cream.”

“Yes, I’m definitely sure,” you reply. “It’s my special day.”

Your friends both agree with you. You can’t have too many good treats on your birthday. Austin and you get a blue cotton candy, and Katie gets a pink one.

You look down to see a penguin approach you. Smiling, you take a little chunk of cotton candy and give it to the penguin.

The penguin gives you a wink before waddling away.

Turn to the next page

Mmm, cotton candy

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After you get your cotton candy, you pass by giraffes and snakes, bears, and elephants but you really want to investigate the tigers first.

It’s a long walk, and before the time you even get there, you realize you have already finished all your cotton candy.

Finally you arrive at the tiger cage.

To the tigers

Turn to Page 10

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They are scary looking with their big claws and sharp teeth. You are surprised at how huge the tigers look up close, and you notice them eating some icky looking food. It’s brown and yellow and it smells horrible.

“Gross,” says Austin. “Look at his food.”

“Eww,” shouts Katie. “He pooped all over the place!”

You look behind the tiger, and there is big pile of poop. Suddenly your tummy starts to hurt a little bit.

“Let’s get away from this gross tiger,” you tell your friends.

“Yeah, my tummy doesn’t feel so good,” Austin says.

If you want to go see the gorilla’s next, turn to page 14

If you want to go see the pigs, turn to page 16

What the tiger just ate

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“Katie, it’s my birthday, and I say we look at the elephants first,” you tell your friend.

“Be nice to your friends, son,” your dad scolds you.

“It’s okay,” says Katie. “Elephant’s are neat too. Let’s go

Before you leave, you and your friends see a mon-key hanging from a branch before it swings and drops 30 feet to the next tree over, then catches himself on a lower branch.

“Wow,” you all say at the same time.

“Did you see it fly mom?” you ask.

“Yup,” says your mom smiling, “that was pretty neat.”

“Hey guys, lets see if we can find any more mon-keys on the other side of this building,” you tell your friends.

As you walk along the glass, you hear monkey noises coming from the other corner of the build-ing, not behind the glass.

Turn to page 13 to see the elephants

Turn to 21 to see more monkeys

Elephants and monkeys

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“Alright Katie, I’m ready to see the snakes now I guess,” you tell your friend.

“Lets head that way then kids,” says your mom. “Remember, snakes can be really scary.”

Passing by giraffes, and tigers, you approach the snakes den. You see the sign, “BEWARE!! Snakes Pit. Keep off the rail.”

You lean up against a short fence and stare down at the slithery creatures.

“Wow,” you shout, “There must be a hundred snakes down there!”

“Yeah,” shouts Austin, “good thing we are up here above them, they look freaky.”

As you attempt to get a better look, you step up onto the ledge of the rail and lean your stomach over the top.

“Get down from there, that’s dangerous,” shouts dad.

But just as he gets out the last breath, your foot slips out from under you and you begin to go over the ledge…

Turn to page 15 find out what happens next


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“Wow,” you shout after you see how big the ele-phant is up close. “It’s bigger than a tree mom.”

You notice the long trunk on the elephant and see the zookeeper feeding it apples.

If you want to feed the elephant, turn to page 17

If you want to see the gorillas turn the next page


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“Well, maybe we should go see the gorillas, huh guys?” you ask your friends.

They both agree. As you make your way over the the gorillas, you pass a popcorn stand.

“Dad, do gorillas eat popcorn” you ask.

“I think they eat little kids,” dad answers with a smile.

“No they don’t dad,” you say with a laugh. “But can we get some popcorn to feed the gorillas?” you ask.

After buying popcorn, you go over to the gorillas, who slam their fists on the ground and then smile at you. You throw some popcorn towards them and they throw it back.

After waving goodbye, your dad asks you,” Which animal do you want to see next?”

Before you answer, you hear some noise in the distance.

Turn to page 21 to discover what is making the noise

Gorillas and popcorn

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As you fall towards the ground, your heart skips a couple beats. “THUD!!”

Your body slams to the ground before you hear a hissing sound.

You jump to your feet, and notice the pile of snakes is just a couple inches away.

“Dad, HELP!” you scream.

“Jump,” shouts your dad.

Turn to page 19

In the snake pit

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“Hey I saw a sign that they have the world’s fattest pig at this zoo,” says mom, “Would you kids like to go see it?”

“Sure,” you and your friends all yell at the same time before following your parents’ lead.

As you approach the pig’s feeding troff, your nos-trils start to burn.

“What is that smell,” you ask.

“PEEE-EEWW,” replies Katie.

“Oh kids, that’s the pig smell, they don’t’ exactly smell like roses you know,” your mom says smil-ing.

Your tummy starts to ache again, and you aren’t sure you still want to see the pig after all.

You need to go to the restroom, go to page 20

You don’t feel so good

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“I didn’t know elephants like to eat peanuts,” you tell your dad.

“Why don’t you see if you can feed him,” your dad asks you.

“Can we feed him,” you ask the elephant trainer.

“Sorry but we only allow adults to feed the Ele-phants, sometimes they can become startled by children,” he replies.

“Pleeeeaaase,” you beg, “It’s my birthday today.”

“Well why didn’t you say so, I suppose we can make an exception if your mom and dad say it’s alright.”

Looking a little concerned your mom questions the trainer. “Well is it dangerous?”

“No ma’am,” replies the trainer with a chuckle, “these here are the safest elephants around, but they just get a little excited when someone young-er feeds them though. Don’t worry everything should be completely fine.”

“Ok then, go ahead son,” your mom says.

Turn to the next page to feed the elephant


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EndingYou reach out your hand and move it towards the elephant’s trunk, but the elephant slowly swings his trunk away from your hand.

“It’s ok girl,” you say, “eat up, they are tasty.”

As you move your hand closer to the trunk, the elephant now covers your entire hand with the opening of its trunk, and like a wet vacuum it sucks up the peanuts.

“Eww it slobbered all over my hand,” you laugh.

Suddenly a stream of white and brown fluid comes gushing towards your face. It covers your hair, face and chest is the elephants chewed up peanuts along with some real gooey spit.

“That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen,” laughs Austin.

Trying not to talk because you don’t want the disgusting substance to get into your mouth, you mumble to your parents while trying to keep your lips closed, “Get me out of here”

“Well, I did say they get a little nervous with kids,” the trainer responds.

“Sorry kids but we are going have to call it quits here for today,” your day says. “The next stop on the agenda is the water park!”

The End

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EndingAs the snakes slither closer and closer, you jump as high as you can. Your Dad reaches out and grabs your arm and jerks you up just as one of the snakes makes a strike for your foot!

He pulls you over the rail and Mom gives you a huge hug.

“Are you alright little crazy man,” your mom asks you with a big grin.

As you wipe the dirt off your body, and the tears from your eyes, you sigh, “Yeah, but I think I’m ready to go home now, before a tiger or elephant gets me.”

Everybody Laughs. “Ok birthday boy, let’s maybe try the zoo next year.

The End

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Holding your tummy, you begin to run towards the bathrooms. When you get there your dad says, “Alright, I will wait out here for you.”

You run in, and squat down on the toilet, as you begin to go, you think, “I am never eating any-thing sweet again.”

Just then, you taste the gross flavor in your mouth.

“BLAAHHHHH” you gag as you begin to throw up on the bathroom floor.

Still sitting on the toilet a while later after you have finished throwing up, you hear your dads voice.

“Son, are you ok,” he asks.

“They are getting ready to close the zoo, you have been in here for two hours.”

“What,” you ask. “Has it really been that long?”

“Yes son, I’m sorry you got sick, but you shouldn’t have eaten all that cruddy food. Next time I bet you will listen to your parents when we warn you about something.”

“This is the worst birthday ever,” you reply


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Ending“Hey I hear monkeys over there I think,” you say pointing to the direction of the noise.

As you walk a few feet, you see a cage with three baby monkeys inside of it. There is a sign reading “Own Your Own Monkey” hanging from the cage, and a table to the side of it with a woman sitting at a computer.

“Oh mom, can I get a monkey?” you shout.

Next to the woman at the computer is a stack of books. They are titled, “All You Need to Know About Raising a Monkey”

“Lets see how much they cost,” responds your mom.

“How much are they,” you ask the woman sitting at the table.

Smiling she answers, “They cost $200.00.”

“Well, that’s not too bad,” says your mom.

“Honey, don’t monkey around,” he responds with a big grin, “its his birthday.”

“YAY,” you shout, “This is the best birthday ever.”

“What do you want its name to be?”

As you think for a moment, you come up with the perfect name before answering your dad.


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About the Authors

Lindsay LaBenne

Lindsay grew up in Spokane Washington and is a senior at Eastern Washington University. She is majoring in communications with an emphasis in public relations. Lindsay dreams of traveling the world, and eventually settling down to persue a career as a PR practicioner.

Al Stover

Al is the Eagle Life Editor for the Easterner newspaper and a writer for Rant Sports’ MMA section. He is a journalism major who has interviewed characters like cage fighters, drag queens and paranormal investigators. His dream is to work at a major magazine or newspaper and to become a best selling author.

Ryan Van Doren

Ryan is a senior at Eastern Washington Universi-ty. He is a journalism major, and enjoys writing, drawing, and painting. He grew up in Washing-ton state before around to Florida, Arizona, and California. He hopes to move to San Diego after he graduates and intends tocontinue pursuing his creative hobbies.

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Lions, tigers, bears, pigs and elephantsoh my!

It’s your birthday and your parents have decided to take you and a couple of friends to the zoo. Come along and see all of the different animals.

“Reading this adventure will make you want to go to the zoo and feed the animals.” - Jane Student of the Associated Press.

Reviews for What You See At the Zoo

“A new twist at every turn.” - Joe Smith of the New York Times