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Page 1: What you need to know about site specific chemotherapy

What You Need to Know About Site-Specific Chemotherapy

In various stages of Cancer, Chemotherapy is a major treatment. It refers to the medications that helps in killing cancer cells. This treatment destroys the cancer cells throughout the body. Like any other medicine, the use of Chemotherapy also includes a number of methods like, it can be given into a vein, can be given in the form of capsule, pill and liquid. Apart from the above methods, it can be injected into the human muscle or skin, entered into the spinal fluid, etc. Sometimes, this treatment is also combined along with the other treatments like radiation treatment, biological therapy and surgery. This combining treatment approach is more effective and increases the chances of recovery.

But whole body Chemotherapy causes a lot of side effect such as: impress the immune system, , vomit, nausea, loss hair, body built up resistant after cycles of treatment ect.

The better option to kill cancer but less the above side effect is effective site-specific Chemotherapy.

Page 2: What you need to know about site specific chemotherapy

Parts of Human Body Where This Treatment Can Be Done:

− Breast− Neck− Head− Melanoma− Some other parts

How Site-Specific Treatment Option Works?

In many instances, oral Chemotherapy medication fails to treat cancer. In such cases the site-specific option is suggested as, it reduces the tumor size in its primary stage and the remaining part is cured following adjuvant treatment methods. The procedure involves the insertion of a micro catheter into the affected Cancer region. When the catheter finds the cancer region, Chemotherapy automatically starts for that tumor. This Site-Specific Chemotherapy treatment helps in creating the path for the secondary treatment option by debulking the tumor or affected region.

Why Site-Specific Treatment?

− Cancer cells divide at a multiple and faster rate. By this procedure, other organs of the body can be protected.

− A better option and a medium for those high dosed drugs used in the treatment as it increases the drug response level.

− Toxicity level also gets down and doesn't affect other parts.

Page 3: What you need to know about site specific chemotherapy

However, it's always recommended to visit a specialist Oncologist who depending upon a patient's tumor analysis report and stage, sort out the points and put forward an effective approach for the particular kind of cancer.

Southern Medical University Renkang Hospital has a specialist Oncology department and has a team of related specialists for the better diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients.