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WHAT WOMEN MUST KNOW TO STAY SAFE! (International Women’s Day, 8th March 2013)


• Awareness. The first, and probably most

important, component in self-defense is awareness

about yourself, your surroundings, and your

potential attacker’s likely strategies.

• Use your sixth sense. Learn to trust this power

and avoid a person or a situation which does not

“feel” safe.

• Self-defense. You CAN and SHOULD defend

yourself physically. Aim for the eyes first and the

below-the-belt-area second.

• Escape. Run away, yell for help, throw a rock

through a store or car window–do whatever you

can to attract attention. And if the criminal is after

your purse or other material items, throw them one

way while you run the other.


• Pepper spray. Pepper spray, like other self-

defense aids, is a useful tool. Make sure to carry it

at all time.

• Safety in cyberspace. When communicating on-

line, use a nickname and always keep personal

information such as home address and phone

number confidential.

• Home invasions. Never, ever open your door

unless you either are certain you know who’s on

the other side

• Avoiding a car-jacking. Lock all doors and keep

windows up when driving.

• A travel tip. Violent crimes against women

happen in the best and worst hotels around the

world. Never open your door unless you are

certain the person on the other side is legitimate