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Page 1: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout
Page 2: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

Nutrition is as important to the body as gas is to a car. Without

proper nutrition our bodies can stall and suffer consequences of

mental and physical fatigue.

The nutrition an individual needs is dependent on his/her health,

lifestyle and level of activity. To optimize your health and energy,

you want to be strategic in how and what you eat to support you

the needs and demands of your body.

It is a general rule however that consuming more calories than

you expend results in weight gain, while consuming less calories

than you expend results in weight loss.

Page 3: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

A pre-workout meal should be planned with the

purpose that it will fuel your workout. It is meant

to sustain energy and endurance as you push

hard towards your goals.

A combination of protein and carbohydrates can

prepare your body to burn calories efficiently.

The intensity of your workout dictates the

amount of protein and carbohydrates you may


If you are pressed for time, go for a liquid.

Tossing your pre-workout snacks into a blender

can help you digest and absorb the nutrients

your body requires for an optimized workout.

Page 4: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

The nutrients in post-workout meals assist in

recovering torn muscles, thereby growing

bigger and stronger than before.

Protein and Branched Chain Amino Acids

(BCAA’s) help repair muscle tissue after

strenuous workouts. Aim to eat an easily

digestible form of protein, with carbohydrates,

after your workout. Be sure to keep fat to a

minimum because it slows the uptake and

assimilation of the protein and carbs.

Your post-workout meal should be comprised of

a good amount of protein and BCAAs. The

meal after your workout is the most absorbent

meal of your day – take advantage of this.

Page 5: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

“Metabolism” is defined as all of the

biochemical reactions and processes

that occur to keep your body performing

to any given demand. It’s important to

understand that all of your body’s

systems will work best when you ensure

good nutrition.

Speeding up your metabolism

helps improve your calorie burning

capabilities. Aerobic activity burns

calories in the short term, while

weightlifting increases muscle

mass to increase your metabolic

rate in the long run.

Proper nutrition helps promote optimal

metabolism. Your metabolic rate is a bit

mysterious and unique to your body. That

being said, improving your lean muscle mass

will boost your metabolism, allowing you to

burn more calories all day long, even while

you’re asleep!

Page 6: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

Protein is one of the basic building blocks of muscle recovery and growth. In fact, aside from muscle management, protein helps regulate overall health and well-being, both physically and mentally.

Protein needs are very dependent on your health, lifestyle and activity level. If you are very active and engage in strength training, aim to eat 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day. Be sure to space your protein evenly throughout all of your meals.

The chemicals and amino acids found in protein help optimize brain functions during periods of intense physical activity.

Page 7: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

Carbohydrates are necessary to replenish

glycogen in your muscles and liver for future

energy needs. Your next workout will depend

on how well you restock your glycogen

levels. Be sure to incorporate carbohydrates

in throughout the day and most importantly

in your post workout meal or snack. Glucose is fundamental for physical

activity as well as proper organ

function. In fact, your diet requires

carbohydrates to maintain good health

and simple functionality.

Both simple and complex carbohydrates

are important to your body. Complex carbs

are normally digested in pre-workout meals

to provide you with sustained energy over

a long period of time. Simple carbs are

used primarily in post-workout meals for

replenishing expended energy.

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Tracking your progress helps you compare

and set goals to develop higher fitness goals

while you workout. Utilizing smartphones and

other technology is also a great way to keep

routine and focus during your regimen.

Take some time out to get to know your body

and its needs. Try to stick to workouts that you

feel naturally inclined to do. Having fun is an

important part to keeping your workout

innately efficient. Better personalizing your

plan can make your exercise a regular award.

Fueling your body with high quality healthy

foods is your best investment in your health

and fitness. By maintaining a smart nutritional

diet, you workouts can be longer, thereby

raising the bar for you to grow and have

greater control over your body chemistry.

Page 9: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

Post-workout supplements are a great way to supply your body

with the nutrients it needs in order to take advantage of the

crucial 30 to 60 minute window after your workout session,

otherwise known as “the golden hour”.

Supplements are beneficial for speeding recovery time by

helping your muscles repair more quickly. There are a variety of

supplements geared for fitness that help the body make more

efficient gains from fitness.

It is very important to take into consideration supplements that are

developed to address specific fitness goals. Be attentive to your

body’s needs as this will help you choose the perfect workout


Page 10: What To Eat Before, During and After Your Workout

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