Download - …what the UK repository world looks like today Stuart Lewis Information Services University of Wales Aberystwyth.


…what the UK repository world looks like today

Stuart LewisInformation ServicesUniversity of Wales Aberystwyth

Contents Repositories Software use▪ DSpace▪ EPrints▪ Fedora

Big players / useful projects New projects

Where we are today:

In the UK (101 repositories):

Top repositories Cambridge – 188,679 items Southampton EPrints – 25,666 CCLRC ePublication Archive – 23,825 ECS at Southampton – 11,388 Glasgow – 3,029 … (average ≈ 300)

Aberystwyth – 255 Cardiff – 126

ROAR Registry of Open Access Repositories Harvests data using OAI-PMH Data harvested from ROAR using OAI-PMH / plain text


OpenDOAR Directory of Open Access Repositories Data harvested, categorised and described by hand Data harvested from OpenDOAR using the OpenDOAR


Growth chart From

Worldwide: DSpace: 242 EPrints: 230 Fedora: 7 Open Repository: 8

UK: DSpace: 23 EPrints: 55 Fedora: 0 Open Repository: 4

Register with: ROAR –▪ Good for statistics▪ Allows inclusion into other tools such as OpenDOAR –▪ Your record will be checked by hand – make

sure you are a compliant repository OAISter –▪ Have your contents indexed and searchable

(indexed via OAI-PMH)

Register with: Google –▪ Have your contents indexed and searchable

Google Scholar –▪ Have your contents indexed and searchable

(indexed via OAI-PMH)

SHERPA RoMEO Publishers’ copyright policies

SHERPA JULIET Research council mandates

ROARMAP Institutional deposit mandates

JISC funded proejcts: ART: An ontology-based article

preparation tool EThOSnet RIOJA: Repository Interface for Overlaid

Journal Archives Robot-generated Open Access Data

(ROAD) Simple Web Service Offering Repository

Deposit (SWORD) The Depot Welsh Repository Network More filters▪ Country▪ Type▪ Possibly subject

Search▪ See the geographic spread of results▪ Useful?

Stuart [email protected]