Download - What public water supplies should learn from bottled water brands

  • 1. Nebraska Section AWWA Water-Tasting Competition 2013 Fall Conference Kearney, Nebraska

2. Presented by the Public Information Committee Mary Poe (DHHS), chair Jami Cerone (HDR) Eric Obert (JEO) Brian Gongol (DJ Gongol) 3. Taste Testers 4. Scoring Flavor Scent Appearance Aftertaste (all on a 1 to 10 scale) 5. And while they're tasting... 6. Are you delivering premium water without even knowing it? 7. What makes for a premium water?People pay for perceived quality 8. So premium quality is...?Special treatment, purification, or minerals 9. The funny thing is...There's not much difference between high-priced bottled waters and many municipal waters 10. Let's glance at what's inside 11. Exhibit #1: Aquafina 12. Look! It's been purified! 13. From an exotic source? Nope. 14. Exhibit #2: Crystal Geyser 15. "Bottled at the source" 16. "Bottled at the source"Couldn't the same be said if you have storage tanks near your wells? 17. Clever marketing: "There is a difference" 18. Powerful suggestive words: "Mountain" "Spring" "Geyser" "Alpine" "Crystal" 19. Exhibit #3: Dasani 20. Purified, with minerals added... "for taste" 21. Does a "green" bottle make a product environmentally friendly? 22. Salt added 23. Dasani water quality info could not be located for this presentation 24. Exhibit #4: Evian 25. From the French Alps 26. Mineral content as desirable selling point 27. How many groundwater systems tout filtration through "mineral-rich sands and soils"? 28. Is it better because it's traveled thousands of miles? 29. Exhibit #5: Fiji 30. Better because it's artesian? 31. How many times is your public water "touched by man"? 32. How deep must a well be to qualify as coming from "deep within the earth"? 33. From Fiji to Kearney: 6,591 miles 34. Exhibit #6: Glacier Clear 35. Purified, but not really from a glacier 36. It's from Minneapolis 37. Exhibit #7: Ice Mountain 38. Is your public water "Pure", "Quality", "Natural"? 39. From Michigan 40. Do consumers use less plastic when they drink from the tap? 41. Are your well sites "carefully selected"? 42. Exhibit #8: Nestle Pure Life 43. "Enhanced with minerals" 44. From an Indiana public water supply 45. Exhibit #9: Perrier 46. Mineral content commands a premium price 47. "Mineral water" but "Low mineral content" 48. Is well-traveled water somehow better water? 49. One bottle: 8% of your daily calcium 50. Exhibit #10: Resource 51. Electrolytes "for taste" 52. "Natural spring water with naturally-occurring electrolytes" 53. Exhibit #11: Smart Water 54. Vapor-distilled, with electrolytes added 55. Positioning distilled water against spring water: Clouds vs. the ground 56. Bottled at multiple sites 57. about those electrolytes? 58. The following data comes from the websites (or labels) of the respective brands 59. Bicarbonates 60. Calcium 61. Chlorides 62. Magnesium 63. Nitrates 64. pH 65. Potassium 66. Sodium 67. Sulfates 68. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 69. Important noteNone of this is intended to denigrate the products shown 70. Bottled water brands have a lot to teach us in the public water sector 71. Take credit for your source quality 72. Take credit for your treatment process 73. Take credit for your "electrolytes" 74. Help people understand that they get bottled-water "quality" almost for free 75. Source data 76. Thanks for your attention! And thanks to our water-tasting contest participants and judgesFor details from this presentation, contact Brian Gongol: [email protected]