Download - What Item Writers Think When Writing items: Towards a ... · PDF fileWHAT ITEM WRITERS THINK WHEN WRITING ITEMS: TOWARDS A THEORY OF ITEM WRITING EXPERTISE ... The eggs are laid in



Dennis Fulkerson

Paul Nichols

David Mittelholtz


For presentation at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

Denver, Colorado

May 3, 2010


With the increase in interest and use of innovative item types on large-scale

assessments, test developers are experiencing pressure to quickly, efficiently, and cost

effectively produce quality innovative items. The efficient development of quality

innovative items is sometimes hindered by inexperienced item writers who are not

familiar with the challenges and nuances of innovative item types. The study of expert

item writers offers the possibility of “bottling” the knowledge and skills acquired by

these experts over years of hard work. The descriptions of the identified conceptual

knowledge and skills of expert item writers could be incorporated into item writing

workshops in order to equip new item writers with the tools necessary to produce quality

figural response items.

One type of innovative item is computer-delivered, scenario-based tasks.

Scenarios consist of several related scenes that emphasize inquiry-based learning theory

and hands-on science strategies and provide students opportunities to observe a process

of science and the results of an investigation or event. Benchmark-aligned items are

presented within the scenario context. Storyboards are products of innovative test

development processes that precede the development of online scenarios. A storyboard is

a written description of the narrative, images, animation, and/or video that will be

developed for a test scenario. Figure 1 shows excerpts from an example five-scene

science storyboard (Fulkerson, Nichols, Haynie, & Mislevy, 2009).


Storyboard Title: Snapping Turtles Life Science Scene 1 Script Text: Snapping turtles are commonly found in ponds and rivers. Snapping turtles are characterized by webbed feet, hard shells, and sharp mouths. Art Description: Art consists of an unlabeled still picture of a common snapping turtle. Listed characteristics are clearly displayed. Scene 2 Script Text: Snapping turtles eat fish, invertebrates, amphibians, and carrion. Adult snapping turtles have few natural predators. Art Description: Art shows a still picture of an adult snapping turtle with a frog in its mouth. Scene 3 Script Text: Snapping turtles reproduce sexually. Female snapping turtles lay dozens of eggs at a time. The eggs are laid in sandy soil away from the water’s edge. Offspring hatch underground and dig to the surface. Art Description: Art shows a series of stills: 1) Adult snapping turtles in copulation, 2) Female snapping turtle laying eggs in a hole in sandy soil, 3) Young snapping turtles emerging from sandy soil. Scene 4 Script Text: There are two species of snapping turtles in the United States. One species, the common snapping turtle, has many subspecies. Art Description: A geographic map of North America showing the labeled ranges of the two snapping turtle species. Figure 1. Excerpts from an example science storyboard (Fulkerson, Nichols, Haynie, & Mislevy, 2009).

A cognitive model of item writing may be particularly helpful in improving the

quality of innovative items. However, cognitive modeling with respect to items has been

limited to studying test takers’ response processes and knowledge structures. This

research has overlooked the item writers themselves. No effort has been made to

construct cognitive models of item writers’ writing processes and knowledge structures.

Careful examination of item writers’ processes and structures may facilitate efforts to

improve the quality of items at an early phase of development by addressing and

resolving areas of need in item writers’ knowledge and skills related to item construction.


In an earlier study of experienced item writers’ cognition, Fulkerson, Mittelholtz,

and Nichols (2009) found that expert item writers engaged in three phases of problem

solving. In the initial representation phase, expert item writers routinely created a mental

model (e.g., Gentner & Stevens, 1983; Johnson-Laird, 1983) of the situation described in

the scene. Problem definition statements were used to capture experts’ creation of mental

models. Problem definition predominantly occurred following the receipt and initial

reading of the item writing assignment.

In the second phase, the exploration phase, the item writer purposefully explores

the problem solving space in search of content that represents a workable solution to the

assignment. Operator statements were used to capture experts moving toward a solution

to the assignment. This phase involved a sustained sequence of processes.

In the third phase, the solution phase, the item writer successfully completes the

assignment by finding a workable solution that satisfies the set of constraints. Solution

statements were used to capture item writers achieving some desired situation such as

completing the item writing assignment or achieving a subgoal eventually leading to

completing the assignment. The solution occurred following a series of operators, toward

the end of a sustained problem solving effort.

This study extends the earlier work of Fulkerson, Mittelholtz, and Nichols (2009)

in two ways. First, this study includes writers with varying degrees of item writing

experience. The inclusion of both inexperienced and experienced item writers allows the

identification of thought processes, knowledge, and skills that may be acquired over

years. Second, this study asked item writers to develop a storyboard that would support

the development of a scenario as well as write an item for one storyboard scene. The


findings from this study extends the earlier item writing model of Fulkerson, Mittelholtz,

and Nichols (2009) to include the development of innovative, scenario-based tasks.

Theoretical Perspective

This study has adopted the theory of insight problem solving as an initial guide to

analyzing the study data. Insight problem solving is characterized by an initial period of

purposeful problem solving activity that may result in the rapid completion of the

solution. But sometimes the item writer experiences an impasse, a state of mind in which

the item writer feels that all options have been explored and he or she cannot think of

what to do next. The item writer’s continued concentration on the problem often causes a

new idea or option to come to mind. This so-called aha-experience is typically

unanticipated by the item writer and is followed by rapid progress until the next impasse

is encountered or the item is drafted.

Protocol analysis techniques (Ericsson & Simon, 1993) can be applied to explore

how experts perform tasks such as writing items. Verbal reports of item writers’ thinking

while writing test items contain information on the knowledge, strategies, and reasoning

employed by the writers as they develop items. Verbal reports offer an important tool in

examining how item writers develop figural response items because they provide

different, more direct evidence of item writers’ thinking than do other methods such as

observation and post-event surveys.


Study Methods

The participants in this study were three science content specialists from an

assessment company. The participants had been employed as science content specialists

for at least 4 years and had a range of prior teaching experience from 4 to 31 years. One

writer had no experience in writing scenarios, while the remaining two writers had some

experience writing scenarios over a three-year period. All participants had at least a

master’s degree. Demographic information for all four participants is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Participant Demographic Information Writer Assessment

Company Experience

Scenario Writing


Teaching Experience

Subject Area

Highest Degree

1 4 years 3 years 24 years Chem/Phys Master 2 5 years 3 years 31 years Chemistry Master 3 6 years None 4 years Biology Master

A training session was held four days before the first think aloud session was

conducted. The training session required approximately one hour. All participants

received information on the purpose of the study, the science content framework, and the

task they would be asked to do.

The participants were tested individually in one-hour sessions. During individual

sessions, participants received a writing assignment (Appendix A) and instructions for

completing the task (Appendix B). The writing assignment presented three sets of

assigned content benchmarks and asked participants to select one of the sets of

benchmarks as their assignment. Benchmarks are the content objectives to which test

tasks are aligned, and were selected from the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments

Series II (MCA-II) Test Specifications for Science (MDE, 2008).


The writing assignment asked participants to complete two tasks. First,

participants were asked to write a rough 4-scene storyboard based on the assigned

benchmarks. Second, participants were asked to write one rough multiple-choice item

aligned to one of the assigned benchmarks in the context of one of the previously

storyboard scenes. In addition to the writing assignment, participants received a

storyboard scene template (Appendix C), a multiple-choice item template (Appendix D),

and a copy of the Minnesota MCA-II Science benchmarks (MDE, 2008). As they

responded to the writing assignment, writers were asked to think aloud, verbalizing

cognitive information generated during item writing. Subject matter experts’ verbal

reports were audio recorded as they attempted to write items for each selected


Data Analysis

The analyses occurred in four steps. First, the verbal behaviors recorded during

the think alouds and retrospective reports were transcribed for analysis. Second, the

transcripts were reviewed and edited for accuracy. Third, the transcripts were segmented

into individual statements. Finally, each statement segment was coded into broad, general

categories of problem solving. The coding categories are shown in Table 2.


Table 2. Labels and Descriptions of Statement Coding Categories Statement Category Description Extraneous Represent statements which appear irrelevant to the

assignment Nonconforming Represent statements relevant to the assignment that do not fit

any current coding categories. Meta-clarification Examples of asking for clarification about the study procedure Problem definition Describes creating an initial or subsequent problem

representation that includes potentially useful knowledge elements

Missing information Represents recognizing and/or searching for clarification about the assignment

Backtracking Examples of retreating toward an earlier or intermediate state or even to the beginning of the problem

Evaluation Describes evaluating an explorative or physical operator relative to some task requirement

Operators Examples of applying mental operators while searching for content and actions

Schema activation Describe the application of mental structures drawing on past experience

Impasse Statements refer to a state of mind in which the item writer feels that all options have been exhausted

Solution satisfaction Describe meeting some desired goals Constraining Set limits on the problem solving space Relaxation Describe expanding the problem solving options Decomposition Describe breaking-up problem-relevant chunks

Study Results

Initially, the frequency of different categories of statements was examined.

Separate analyses were completed for each protocol. For each category, the number of

statements in that category was computed and the number of statements was expressed as

a percent of the total statements. Differences in frequency were examined across

categories and also across protocols.


The percentages of different statement categories expressed by each writer are

shown in Table 3. For all writers, the greatest percentage of statements was operators.

However, the less experienced item writer expressed operators in 31.4% of the statements

compared to a mean of 57.1% operator statements for the more experienced writers.

Furthermore, the less experienced item writer had more meta-clarification, more missing

information, and more impasse statements than the more experienced writers.

Table 3. Statement Category Percentages for Each Writer

Writer 1* Writer 2* Writer 3** Extraneous 5.6 1.6 19.7 Nonconforming 0.0 1.2 2.1 Meta-clarification 0.0 1.2 7.6 Problem definition 8.0 15.8 11.0 Missing information 7.6 2.2 7.1 Backtracking 0.4 0.9 0.0 Evaluation 6.4 14.9 9.2 Operator 63.9 50.3 31.4 Schema activation 0.0 2.8 1.4 Impasse 0.4 2.8 4.6 Solution satisfaction 4.0 4.0 2.1 Constraining 3.2 1.6 2.1 Relaxation 0.4 0.6 1.8 Decomposition 0.0 0.0 0.0 *Writers 1 and 2 had some experience writing scenario-based tasks. **Writer 3 had no experience writing scenario-based tasks.

The data show that the experienced writers moved forward in the problem space

at a higher frequency than the writer with no experience in scenario-based tasks.

Statements that tend to move the writer forward include evaluation, operator, schema

activation, relaxation, decomposition, and solution satisfaction categories. With the

exception of problem definition, the remaining categories indicate that the writer may

have stalled or moved backward in the problem space. The category of problem


definition is a neutral category that simply indicates that the writer is seeking to define

the problem space. Writers 1 and 2 moved forward in the problem space with 75.0% and

73.4% of their statements, respectively. Only 17.3% and 11.6% of their statements,

respectively, indicate stalled or backward motion in the problem space. These data are

sharply contrasted with the inexperienced writer, who moved forward with 46.1% of the

statements and backward with 43.3% of the statements.

In addition to statement frequency, the placement of kinds of categories was

examined. The theory predicts a pattern of categories will occur throughout the item

writing process. Problem definition statements should occur at the beginning of an item

writing phase or activity. The middle of the item writing activity should be dominated by

operator statements. The conclusion of the item writing activity should be dominated by

evaluation and solution satisfaction statements. This pattern may be repeated throughout

the activity until the task is complete.

Category placement data were analyzed using scatter plots that show forward-

moving categories placed above problem definition and categories that indicate stalled or

backward motion placed below problem definition. These graphs indicate the movement

of the writers as they progress through the problem space. The placement of categories

for Writer 1, 2, and 3 are respectively shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4.


Writer 1 Segment Sequence

0 50 100 150 200 250

Segment Number


Problem definition

Missing info



OperatorSchema active

Solution satsify












l / b





Figure 2. Category placement for Writer 1, indicating movement through the problem space.


Writer 2 Segment Sequence

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Segment Number


Problem definition

Missing info




Schema active

Solution satsify












l / b





Figure 3. Category placement for Writer 2, indicating movement through the problem space.


Writer 3 Segment Sequence

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Segment Number



Missing info





Solution satsif












l / b





Figure 4. Category placement for Writer 3, indicating movement through the problem space.


The statement analysis of Writer 1 shows category placements that tended to be

grouped into well defined stages with generally forward movement through the problem

space. A frequent combination of operator, evaluation, and solution satisfaction

statements following an initial period of concentrated problem definition can be seen in

Figure 2. A similar pattern is shown by Writer 2, whose statement analysis indicates a

frequently occurring use of varied combinations of problem definition, operator,

evaluation, and solution satisfaction statements (Figure 5). This repeated combination is

predicted by the theory.

Figure 5. Exemplar theory-predicted statement combinations shown by Writer 2.

Writer 2 Segments 85-125

85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125

Segment Number




Problem definition



Solution satsify


A comparison of the placement of categories for Writer 3, the less experienced

writer, with the placement of categories for the more experienced writers shows a similar

yet less frequent per-statement use of the theory-predicted combination. Additionally,

Figure 4 shows an erratic pattern of statement categories when compared to the

experienced writers and a relatively large number of statements indicating frequent

stalled or backward movement in the problem space.


The goal of the study of item writers is to “bottle” the knowledge and skills

acquired by expert writers over years of hard work. The descriptions of the identified

conceptual knowledge and skills of expert item writers could be incorporated into item

writing workshops in order to better equip new or inexperienced item writers with the

tools necessary to produce quality figural response items. Toward that end, this study

attempted to understand the patterns of cognition shown by writers with varying degrees

of item writing experience in constructing storyboards and writing items for scenario-

based tasks.

The results of this study suggest that inexperienced item writers need to be

supported in several ways. First, inexperienced item writers may have difficulty

accommodating the cognitive load of an item writing assignment. Item writing

workshops should explore ways to decrease the cognitive load. Perhaps the assignment

could be decomposed. Second, inexperienced item writers have difficulty organizing

their response to an assigned task. Item writing workshops could offer new item writers

templates and other supports that structure their item writing process. Finally,


inexperienced item writers have a greater demand for information. Item writing

workshops should attempt to support new item writers by making readily available

information relevant to their assignment, perhaps using pull down menus or other


In addition, this study further developed the theory of item writing first offered by

Fulkerson, Mittelholtz, and Nichols (2009). Together, the results of these studies suggest

that the development of expertise in item writing is similar to the development of

expertise in other domains studied by cognitive scientists.


Ericsson, K.A. & Simon, H.A. (1993). Protocol Analysis: Verbal Reports as Data. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Fulkerson, D., Mittelholtz, D.J., & Nichols, P. D. (April, 2009). The psychology of

writing items: Improving figural response item writing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Fulkerson, D., Nichols, P., Haynie, K., & Mislevy, R. (2009). Narrative Structures in the

Development of Scenario-Based Science Assessments (Large-Scale Assessment Technical Report 3). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.

Gentner, D, & Stevens, A.L. (eds.). (1983). Mental Models. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Johnson-Laird, P.N. (1983). Mental Models: Towards a Cognitive Science of Language,

Inference, and Consciousness. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). (2008). Minnesota Comprehensive

Assessment Series II (MCA-II) Test Specifications for Science. Roseville, MN: Author.


Appendix A

Writing Assignment


DP Study Writing Assignment Writer Name: Grade: 8 Type: Investigation Storyboard: Write a rough 4-scene storyboard (no art necessary) based on the assigned benchmarks. Use the storyboard scene template. Item: Write one rough multiple-choice item aligned to one of the assigned benchmarks in the context of one of your storyboard scenes. Use the item template. Assigned Benchmarks

• Choose 1 of the following: 6.I.B.1 & 7.I.B.1 or 6.I.B.4

: Please select one of the following groups of benchmarks as your storyboard/item writing assignment for the study. You may add additional benchmarks to your assignment if desired. Physical Science

• 6.II.A.3 • 6.II.B.1 & 6.II.B.2 Earth Science • Choose 1 of the following: 6.I.B.1 & 7.I.B.1 or 6.I.B.4 • 8.III.A.4 • 8.III.A.6 Life Science • Choose 1 of the following: 6.I.B.1 & 7.I.B.1 or 6.I.B.4 • 7.IV.A.2 & 7.IV.A.3 • 7.IV.A.6 Design Pattern: Yes No If yes: Observational Investigation Experimental Investigation


Appendix B

Instructions to Experimenter and Participant


Participant Name: Time: Date:

Instructions to experimenter

Begin the session.

Instructions to Participants

Thank you for helping us pilot the design patterns. In this pilot study, you will be asked

to think aloud as you create four scenes and a multiple-choice item aligned to the scene

and the selected benchmarks. You will be presented with the instructions in just a

moment. But first, we ask that you think aloud during this study:

Do not narrate

Do not explain

Do not edit

Do not worry about word choice

Just say what you are thinking

Whatever is going through your mind


Let’s practice with a multi-column subtraction item. Feel free to mark on any of the

materials. Start to think aloud as you are handed the item. Think aloud as you solve the

item. Do not pause, but continue to talk. Say whatever you are thinking.


- 344


Good. Remember, do not pause but continue to think aloud as you solve the item. Let’s

try another multi-column subtraction item.


- 167

• Write a 4-scene

Four Scenes

Now that you have completed the practice task, you will be given the instructions and

some materials. Begin to think aloud as soon as you start to read the instructions. Read

aloud the instructions. Read aloud any other materials as you read them and use them.

Finally, think aloud as you create the scenes aligned to the selected benchmarks.

rough draft

• Use the design pattern if required

storyboard supporting assigned benchmarks

• “Think aloud” while writing

Instructions to experimenter

Initially, handout the following:

• Study Writing Assignment

• Storyboard scene template

• If they did not bring a copy of the benchmarks, then provide a copy

• If they did not bring a copy of the design pattern (if necessary), then provide a



• They may bring a copy of the Training PowerPoint. DO NOT provide a copy.


Please make a note if they bring the PowerPoint.

Allow participants 45 minutes to complete the four scenes. After 45 minutes, move on to

the multiple-choice item.

Prompt the participant if they fail to think aloud for longer than 5 seconds.

Instructions to experimenter

After the participant has completed the storyboard scenes, ask them to select a scene and

a benchmark. Then write a rough draft multiple-choice item aligned to the scene and


• Write one rough draft

• Use the design pattern if required

MC item aligned to one storyboard scene and one assigned


• “Think aloud” while writing

If the participant jumps to the item, do not stop and repeat instruction. Provide them with

the template and remind them to think aloud.

Instructions to Participants

Now that you have completed the four scenes, please write one rough draft of a multiple-

choice item. Please review the instructions. Begin to think aloud immediately. Read

aloud the instructions. Read aloud any other materials as you read them and use them.

Finally, think aloud as you create the multiple-choice item.


Be sure the participant marks or indicates the benchmark to which they are writing.

Instructions to experimenter

End the session.


Appendix C

Example Storyboard Scene Template


Scene #: __________ Scene text: Detailed scene description: Content or art references: Assessed benchmarks:


Appendix D

Example Multiple-Choice Item Template


Item #: __________ Item stem text: Answer options text: A. B. C. D. Rationales: A. B. C. D.