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Page 1: What is the Professional Year?


The Professional Year (PY) programs are an initiative of

the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to

help international students in Accounting and Information

Technology achieve permanent residency and employment

in Australia.

Performance English has been approved as a provider of

the Professional Year in Accounting by the three Australian

professional accounting bodies; CPA Australia, Institute of

Chartered Accountants and National Institute of Accountants.

We have also been approved as a provider of the Australian

Computer Society Professional Year.

The Professional Year program offers successful participants

the opportunity to gain 10 points towards permanent

residency and provides the training and work experience

needed to maximise your employment opportunities

in Australia.

The complete program is delivered over a 44 week period

which includes an internship at an Australian host company.

It includes the following core components:

• Orientation

• Professional Business Communications

• Australian Business Culture, Workplace Skills and Environment

• Achieving Career Success

• Professional Internship Work Experience (with host company)

• Graduation

The Performance English Professional Year programs

have been designed by business executives and industry

professionals. They are of the highest quality, offering great

learning outcomes and work experience in quality Australian

host companies.

The program is a cost effective solution, delivered in the

heart of the Sydney CBD with a timetable that is designed to

suit your needs and fast track you into the workforce.

What is the Professional Year?


Page 2: What is the Professional Year?


Many overseas born professionals and international students

who have learned English as their second language fi nd

it diffi cult to achieve success in their chosen careers in

Australia, despite having good qualifi cations from reputable

Australian universities.


In Australia, fl uent English at a level appropriate for

professional appointment and the ability to fi t in with

the culture of an Australian organisation are critical

success factors in business. Relevant theoretical skills and

qualifi cations are not enough.

To achieve career success, overseas born professionals

must acquire:

• Business English communication skills at a professional level

• The ability to adapt to Australian workplace culture

• Practical experience acquired in working roles at Australian companies

• Effective techniques for securing job opportunities and active career management

The Professional Year program at Performance English

has been planned with your career success in mind.

We aim to generate employment outcomes for our

graduates by building these skills to make our students

better job candidates.

During the program our students will greatly improve

their prospects of career success by developing their

communications skills to an elite level, building practical

experience in the Australian workplace through an internship

at an Australian host company and redeveloping their

resumes, letters of application and job search strategy.

Our students come from many different universities and

backgrounds but they all share in common the belief that

self improvement and planning will be the cornerstone of

their future success and prosperity in Australia.

We hope that you will consider joining our Professional

Year program. We believe it will give you the edge in the

employment marketplace that will make all the difference.

Our Professional Year (PY) programs offer the

following advantages:

Our timetable gets you into permanent work sooner!

Our timetable enables you to start the program on a

full-time basis and complete it on a part time basis.

In other words, you will be available to fi nd permanent

work and earn a salary sooner!

Flexible payment plans!

Students can elect to make 10 equal monthly

payments to cover tuition fees rather than one lump sum

upfront payment.

We are partnered with Australia’s leading internship providers!

Our internship partners are among Australia’s oldest

and largest internship providers. Each year they match

thousands of students from all over the world with leading

host companies.

Other programs are more expensive!

While our program is of the highest quality and offers

great learning and work experience outcomes, many rival

providers charge over 15% more in program fees.

New training facility in a convenient location

Our training facility is brand new. We are located in the

heart of the CBD just a few minutes walk from major train

stations and bus stops.

Additional qualifi cation

Students can complete their Cambridge Work Experience

Certifi cate while they complete their PY program and fi nish

with two unique awards. (The Cambridge Certifi cate is

optional at an extra cost.)

We are the Business English specialist!

Performance English is the language partner of Australian

business and our client list includes many of Australia’s

leading companies.

Career Mentoring

Students can book one-on-one consultation sessions with

our staff to discuss their letters of application and résumés.


Page 3: What is the Professional Year?

Professional Year students at Performance English

complete 8 subjects to graduate from their professional year.

Each subject is completed over a 4 week period and consists

of 32 contact hours. In addition, students will complete an

assignment based around the design of a new résumé and

letter of application for an advertised job in their industry.

We have created two program options to suit your situation

which are detailed on the following page.

component content

Orientation Session

4 hours

• Overview

• Facilities & Resources

• Student Code of Conduct

• Assessments & Certifi cates

• Internship Program

• Accounting / IT Employment Market

• General Q&A

• Introduction to Learner Guide & Synopsis

Professional Business communications

128 hours4 subjects; 32 hours each.

• Verbal, Non-Verbal & Written Communication Skills in the context of:

> Workplace Interactions

> Negotiations

> Quality, Ethics & Company Presentations

> Business Protocols

> Mergers & Acquisitions

> Building Relationships

> Business & Employment Trends

> Projects

> Teamwork

> Information Management

> Technology in the Workplace

> Advertising

> Company Liability & Law

> Global Brand Awareness

australian Workplace Skills, Business culture & Environment

96 hours3 subjects; 32 hours each.

• Australian Workplace Skills

> Co-ordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies

> Implement an Operational Plan

• Business Culture & Group Dynamics

> Cross Cultural Communications

> Group Interaction

> Leadership & Team Building

> Diversity

• Business Environment

> Management Concepts & Practices

> Organisation Structures

> The Accounting / IT Function

> Business Protocols & Etiquette

> Procedures & Policies

> Legislation in the Workplace

achieving career Success

32 hours1 subject.

• The Accounting / IT Employment Market

• Career Management Strategies

• Winning Job Search Strategies

• Mastering the Selection Process

• Accelerating Your Career

graduation Session

4 hours

• Program Review

• Your Future

• Awards Ceremony

• Graduation Social & Networking

total training component 260 hours


Professional Year – Full Time Track

The Full Time track is for students that wish to study more

intensively at the start of the Professional Year, complete their

internship in the middle of the program and then pursue

full time job opportunities sooner while completing their

studies at night. Students on this track can pursue full time

work after 22 weeks of the program.

Formal study is 16 hours per week for 12 weeks followed

by a 10-12 week internship, then part-time study of

5 hours per week for 12 weeks after your internship.

Most work experience internship opportunities will be on

a full-time basis.

Professional Year – Part Time Track

The Part Time Track is for students who wish to study

consistently throughout the program 1-2 days per week

to enable them to work part time or manage other

responsibilities. Students on this track can work part time

throughout the tuition component of the program.

Formal study is 8 hours per week for 32 weeks followed by

a 10-12 week internship. Most work experience internship

opportunities will be on a full-time basis.

Course Features

The Performance English Professional Year Program

includes a number of features that are designed to

maximise the benefi ts of your learning experience

and job opportunities:

• Program design by Accountants, IT & Business Professionals and Communication Experts

• Option to commence work experience internship within just 12 weeks

• Flexibility to work full-time or part-time throughout your training

• Training in a business environment

• Interaction with employers and the professional Accounting & IT bodies

• Career support throughout the program

> Career Training for Accountants & IT Professionals

• Tangible recognition of your achievement

> Certifi cate of Completion

> Cambridge Work Experience Certifi cate (optional at extra cost)

> A professional résumé and portfolio

> Eligibility for 10 points towards Permanent Residency (assessed at the discretion of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship).



Work Experience Internship Component

A key feature of the Professional Year Program is

the ability for you to gain valuable work experience of

at least 10-12 weeks in an Australian Accounting or

IT company.

To ensure you have access to the best opportunities,

Performance English has partnered with Australia’s

most successful internship companies that place over

1,000 interns annually.

Our internship partners will work with you to identify

a placement that suits your career goals and provides

practical workplace experience in an Australian

host company.

Page 4: What is the Professional Year?

Eligibility for the Professional Year program is based on

the following DIAC requirements:

• Have completed a recognised Accounting or IT course in Australia that provides a minimum of 2 years credit points over a minimum of 18 months

• Have obtained or applied for a 485 Skilled Graduate Visa or Bridging A visa or a visa that permits this study

• Have an IELTS score of not less than 6.0 overall and in each band

• Have a Migration Skills Assessment from the professional Accounting or IT body

Further information on a 485 Skilled Graduate Visa can be

found at:

migration/485/index.htm. Please contact us to discuss

your eligibility if you are not sure.

How do I pass the program?

You must successfully complete all subjects, assignments and

your internship to successfully complete the Professional Year.

Assessments consist of written assignments, oral

presentations, reports and presentation of a work portfolio

to demonstrate you have achieved all of the learning

outcomes of the program. The assessments are competency

based and students will only receive a competent / not yet

competent grade. You can attempt each assessment more

than once if required.

What happens when I graduate?

On graduation students attend a graduation ceremony where

they receive their Certifi cate of Completion and reference

from their host company. Your result will be reported to

DIAC where you will be assessed to earn additional points for

permanent residency.

The occupations nominated by the government for Professional Year programs offered by Performance English and the relevant ASCO codes are:

For the Australian Computer Society Professional Year Applicants

Information Technology Offi cer (ITO) –Applications & Analyst Programmer . . . . . . . . . 2231-17

ITO – Computer Systems Auditor . . . . . . . . . . .2231-21

ITO – Computing Professional. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2231-79

ITO – Software Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231-15

ITO – Systems Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231-13

ITO – Systems Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231-11

ITO – Systems Programmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2231-19

For the Skilled Migration Internship Program for Accountants (SMIPA)

Accountants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2211-11

External Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2212-11

Corporate Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2213-11

Finance Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211-11

When can I commence the Professional Year?

Performance English offers a start date for Professional Year

every 4 weeks. The intake dates are listed on our enrolment

form and website.

How do I enrol?

Complete the Performance English enrolment form and

attach the following additional information:

• copy of your academic qualifi cations (transcripts, completion letter)

• evidence of your English language profi ciency equivalent to IELTS 6.0

• copy of your current Australian visa

• copy of your résumé (CV) and Letter of Objectives for the host company

• copy of your Skills Assessment Letter

What happens next?

• Your enrolment form will be assessed to check eligibility and you will be informed of the result by phone/email.

• You will be interviewed by Performance English in person or over the telephone.

• Following your interview, you will receive a Letter of Offer and invoice.

• When you have accepted the offer and paid the invoice or the fi rst instalment you will receive a Confi rmation of Enrolment which will include your start details.

• Your program will commence on the date specifi ed in the Confi rmation of Enrolment.

Pay Upfront

We offer upfront payment discounts which cover

the full Professional Year including enrolment, tuition,

work experience, career counselling, awards and materials.

Pay in Monthly instalments

Students can also elect to pay upfront or make monthly

instalments of $1,295 over 10 months. Students must

elect to pay instalments by either Credit Card or Debit Card

and authorise Performance English to draw these payments

for their program fees in advance of tuition each month.

What do the fees cover?

The application and tuition fees include:

• Enrolment and tuition fees

• The Professional Component with the ACS and ACS Membership

• All excursions

• Professional internship (work experience) placement

• Insurance, including insurance in the workplace for the internship

• Orientation and Graduation

• All books and learning materials

• Access to online resources

How to Apply – Free Consultation!

Please contact us now for a fREE cONSULtatiON

regarding your eligibility for the Professional Year Program

and which format will best suit you. Or download the

enrolment form and return it to us.

Should you have any further questions, please call the Performance English offi ces in your preferred city of study.

Sydney +61 2 9619 5351 Melbourne +61 3 9650 8030 [email protected] [email protected]

Description Monthly Payment Plan Discounted advanced Payment

application fee $250 $250

Program fee $1,295 per month

• 10 monthly payments

$11,950 on commencement

• SAVE $1,000 for advance payment

total Program fee $12,950 $11,950




Page 5: What is the Professional Year?





SYDNEYLevel 6, 234 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000

Tel: +61 2 9619 5350 Fax: +61 2 9619 5351 Email: [email protected]

MELBOURNELevel 1, 277 Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 3000

Tel: +61 3 9650 4080 Fax: +61 3 9650 8030 Email: [email protected]

PERfORMaNcE ENgLiSh PtY LtD ABN 86 117 850 281

CRICOS Provider Code: 03109G

hEaD OfficELevel 6, 234 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: +61 2 9619 5350 Fax: +61 2 9619 5351 Email: [email protected]
