Download - What is social networking? Making a Facebook Training Church .pdfBlogging `Media is changing. ... Announcements, pictures, recommendations

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Page 2: What is social networking? Making a Facebook Training Church .pdfBlogging `Media is changing. ... Announcements, pictures, recommendations
Page 3: What is social networking? Making a Facebook Training Church .pdfBlogging `Media is changing. ... Announcements, pictures, recommendations

What is social networking?

What is Facebook?

Making a Facebook profile

Now what do I do with it?

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Focuses on building online communities in which users interact.“Social Networking in Plain English”◦ features:◦ Personal profile

◦ Commenting

◦ Personal entries

◦ Become part of a group or community

◦ Privacy settings

◦ Blogging

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Media is changing.◦ Becoming more personalized & interactive.

◦ $$$ Where else can you reach so many for so little?

New ways to communicate & share information.◦ Announcements, pictures, recommendations

◦ Great, easy way to keep in touch

Can be better than email!

Interesting, cool, & fun.

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A social networking websiteMost used in the world◦ Over 250 million usersMain features:◦ Friends◦ News Feed◦ Wall◦ Photos◦ Status (micro-blogging)◦ Networks◦ Applications

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Start by making a personal profile.

If you wish to make a Church or ministry page –

first create a personal profile

When you have created a personal profile you

may then create a “celebrity” page.

First things first: create your own personal


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Making a Profile◦ Internet Explorer to

◦ Enter information, then enter security words

◦ Step 1: Find Friends – SKIP FOR NOW

◦ Step 2: Enter Schools – GO AHEADBut skip the “Add Friends” part afterward

◦ Step 3: Upload a Picture – GO AHEAD (Under 4Mb)1) From “Facebook Pictures” folder on desktop.

2) From webcam.

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Very important part of your account!Bring arrow back up to blue bar at top of page, highlight “Settings,” go down to “Privacy Settings,” and click.You control who sees your information:◦ Personal info◦ Contact info◦ Pictures◦ Wall posts

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Search for FriendsPost to Friends’ Walls, your Wall, update your “Status”Create photo albumsApplications to utilize or play withFor more info:◦ Look at the very bottom of the page in the right-

hand corner◦ Click on “Help Center”◦ Tips on “Getting Started” and just about everything


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Log out of your personal page

Go to lower right of facebook home page

Click on Create a page for a celebrity

Click on category (see next slide)

Create a New Page or Celebrity Page

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Select Category – for Church or ministry I suggest “Religious Organization”

Enter name of Church or Ministry

Next slide

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Enter Security Check Words

Click on “I am authorized to create this page

Sign with electric signature - Full name – your profile name

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Scroll to the applications toolbar – lower right portion of page.

Click on this icon

This will take you to the screen on the right (no graph will be shown initially.)

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Click on “Pages”

Click on the Page name – NOT Create Page.

Add Photos Information about Church/Ministry in the box on the left.You can insert you web site details here: http://www. ******.comThis will allow your visitors to like directly to your web site.

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Invite selected friends from your personal page.

You can then click on the more arrow which will expand the selection – click on “suggest to friends” and you will be able to send email invitations to your members and target list who do not have a facebook page.

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GOOD LUCKIf I can be of any help or assistance email me:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fr. John.Church of the Holy ComforterStuart, FL

Thanks to Nikki Swindler for her guidance and help.