Download - What Is Drug Addiction

Page 1: What Is Drug Addiction

Drug addiction these days is becoming a very monstrous problem affecting the teens and the most productive section of the society. In fact this problem makes a very lasting impact economically as not only we lose a talented and productive individual but also a lot of energy and money is lost on this devastating habit. But the biggest challenge for the family and friends is to identify whether their loved one has become an addict. So here is an article that will not only tell you what is drug addiction but also the symptoms of drug dependence.

What Is Drug Addiction

According to experts drug addiction can be termed as a complex and chronic brain disease. If it surprises you, let us clarify drug addiction is not merely a social problem rather it is serious disease which can be classified along with diseases like hypertension, asthma or diabetes. In this disease people from compulsive and uncontrollable, craving for drugs.

Page 2: What Is Drug Addiction

If you are wondering what are these drugs well they are substance which when consumed gives a feeling of euphoria. In this age of instant gratification many youngsters opt for these drugs that give a feeling of false paradise. So, they continue consume these drugs even when they experience extremely negative consequences.

What is alarming to note is that prolonged use of drugs can cause a chemical changes within the brain in such a way that the reward system of the brain gets altered and results in a compulsive drug seeking behavior which is also referred to as the pathological pursuit of rewards.

So in case of addiction person has a persistent desire to use the drugs and he makes unsuccessful efforts to stop using the drug. The person starts neglecting other aspects of life because of their drug use, and they end up spending inordinate amounts of time or energy on the drugs.


What Is Drug Addiction