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BrandingO Branding is the process of investigating, designing, and

adding to your company a distinctive feature or collection of features so that customers can start associating your brand with your goods or services. Branding is an iterative process that involves getting in touch with the hearts of your clients and your company. For a number of purposes, it’s vital I dive into these next ones. When they make a buying decision, branding may be the determining factor for customers. Nearly 60 percent of shoppers said they regularly purchase from products they know, in a 2015 global Nielsen survey, and 21 percent said they purchased a product because they liked the brand. Branding gives an identity to the company beyond its product or service. It offers something for customers to relate to and communicate with.

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What is a brand?

O Let’s go back to basics before I dive into the meaning of branding and how to create a brand: What is a brand? A brand is a function or set of characteristics that differentiate one company from another. Usually, a brand is comprised of a name, tagline, logo or emblem, style, the voice of the brand, and more. It also refers to the overall experience a client encounters as a shopper, consumer, social media follower, or mere passerby while engaging with a company.

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How to create a Brand?

O Here’s how you can build a brand or begin the rebranding process for your current one. There’s a lot that goes into a brand, and when creating a good one, there is a lot to remember. So as you pass through this segment, grab a notebook and jot down ideas. Recognize that branding is an iterative process, so when you brainstorm and develop your brand, you may be repeating some of these steps.

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Determine your target audience

O Branding contributes to knowledge, appreciation, confidence, and profits. We thought about it. But let’s take a step back and remember where they come from: customers. And the target group and clients, not just any customers. If your brand doesn’t resonate with your audience, the knowledge, popularity, confidence, and income won’t lead to it. That’s where analysis from the target market comes in. You have to understand who your brand will be talking to before you press pen to paper (or cursor to digital document). Who is served by your product? Who is the perfect customer for you? Why did you, in the first place, establish your business? Your branding decisions will be influenced by what you learn about your target market and customer personas, so make this move your first priority.

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Establish your mission statement

O In the previous phase, let’s go back to a question I asked: Why did you build your business? Answering this will help you develop your mission statement, which as an entity outlines your intent and passion. You must be able to articulate the intent that your company serves before you can build a brand that your audience understands, values, and trusts. Then the mission and vision should represent any part of your brand (logo, tagline, imagery, expression, and personality).   A building block of your brand manifesto is your mission statement, which includes why your company exists and why individuals should care about your brand.

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Define your unique values, qualities, and benefits

O In your sector and niche, there are potentially lots of companies. Focusing on your rivals is easy (and there is a time and place for competitive analysis), but let’s concentrate on you for now. What is one thing that your organization has that (er, legally) nobody else can mimic? Brand of yours. Therefore you must ensure that your brand is made up of and influenced by elements that are uniquely yours the principles, advantages, and characteristics that make your business special. Take a moment to jot down a list of what differentiates your company from others. I’m not talking about product characteristics (such as aesthetics, materials, or abilities); I’m referring to how life is improved by your goods or services and leads to success.

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Create your visual assets

O You should understand your target audience at this stage, your mission statement, and the unique qualities that make up your business. If you can comfortably say that you have mastered these moves, it is time to move on to graphic design, one of the more exciting components of branding. Your logo, color palette, typography (fonts), iconography, and other visual elements are what we are talking about. Build a set of brand guidelines (or a brand style guide) to control the composition and use of your visual assets as you develop these elements. This will ensure that everyone who uses your new brand does so reliably and correctly.

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Find your brand voice

O Next, consider your brand’s auditory part. If you had a conversation with it or if it texted you, what does your brand sound like? It is often considered part of the identity to be how you connect with your target market. You want to identify the voice of the brand that communicates and resonates with your audience, otherwise, they may not be paying attention. Because of that, don’t hesitate to go back to Phase One to get to know who you’re referring to. Ensure your tone is consistent in all your written content, from your promotional campaigns and social media captions to your blog posts and brand narrative. Offer the viewer a chance to get acquainted with your brand and learn to understand the sound of your voice. Better still, master a friendly, engaging speech, and your clients will look forward to your updates on social media and email.

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Put your branding to work

O Your brand works only if you do. It integrates into every inch of your organization once you finish developing and producing your new brand (or rebrand). Pay special attention to ensure that it is displayed everywhere clients are touched by your company. Here are a few tips for applying your brand in your organization.

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O Splash through your website with your logo, paint palette, and typography. In your brand guidelines, don’t use anything but your predefined properties. Your website is a big part of your business identity, and it can only have a jarring customer experience if it does not represent your brand. Also, make sure that all web copies, calls-to-action, and descriptions of the product reflect the voice of your brand.

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Social Media

O Your product should represent all profile images, cover art, and branded imagery. Consider using your logo as your profile picture, which will make it easier for clients to identify your brand. As with your website, make sure the voice of your brand represents all profile information, posts, and captions.

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O If you have a company with physical goods, the most concrete way consumers communicate with your brand is probably your product. For that reason, in its design, colors, size, and feel, your packaging should reflect your new branding.

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O Since ads (digital and print) are often used to build brand awareness and introduce your brand to customers, they must represent your branding. In reality, with your brand style guide, you already know how your advertising should look and what kind of copy to write, your branding should encourage the ad development process.

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Sales and customer service

O A brand is just as strong as the people behind it and it won’t work for you until your people put your brand to work. Your name, however, refers to more than your ads. Inform your sales and customer service people and tell them to use your brand guidelines, particularly when they communicate directly with customers. Encourage them to use your logo, tagline, imagery, and brand voice, whether they post a branded product demo or address customer service inquiries.

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Treat your brand as a person

O Think of your brand as an individual to better wrap your head around the branding process. There should be an identity (who it is), personality (how it acts), and experience (how it is remembered) for your brand. Ask yourself these questions concerning your brand:How does it introduce the brand itself? Would it do that if it had to explain its appearance?

O How does your brand talk about your services or products? Would it be professional and serious, or would it be edgy and humorous?

O For the first time, what does anyone think about your brand after “meeting” it? What are a few sentences to explain it that they can use?

O Branding is intended to build partnerships with your clients. The best way to do this is to approach your brand as an entity and realize that you want to do the same for your clients.

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Prioritize consistency

O The number one branding flaw that businesses make is confusion. Inconsistency is weakening your reputation and frustrating your clients. Consistency is prioritized by recognizable, valuable brands and they reap the rewards. Customers can quickly get acquainted with, understand, and come to prefer your brand over time when your brand is a cohesive force across media and platforms. With this initiative, brand guidelines will help.

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Build and follow a brand strategy

O A brand strategy is more than the guidelines of your brand; it is a plan with clear long-term objectives that can be accomplished as your brand evolves. Usually, these goals revolve around the intent, emotion, versatility, competitive awareness, and employee engagement of your brand. Remember how I said that a continuous phase is branding? There is a great deal that goes into it. A brand strategy will help you turn the phase into a well-oiled practice that keeps the brand moving toward awareness and success.

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Don’t let inspiration turn into imitation

O Competitive research is important. It not only shows you where the competition stands and how outstanding they are, but it can also give you suggestions about how your brand can be strengthened or further set apart. Be careful, however, not to slip into an imitation trap. Keep your strategic analysis restricted and concentrate on what is brought to the table by your organization. Just because a rival (or two) has advertised their business in a certain manner does not imply that you have to follow suit. Memorable brands are modern single, provocative brands.

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Use branding to hire

O Strong branding makes the workforce proud. I know that I’m proud to be linked to HubSpot, much less to work there. Leverage branding to draw creative individuals. Dedicate some of your money to workplace branding if recruiting is a good initiative for your company. Branding for employers is how you sell your business to job seekers and current employees. If you’re proud of the company publicly, others will be too.

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O Branding is the name, logo, palette of colors, expression, and imagery of your company. That’s more, too. When they connect with your brand, it’s the intangible feeling that your consumers have. This is how powerhouse brands deviate from everybody else. A stunning logo, a clever tagline, an authentic manifesto, and a consistent brand voice add to this but genuinely successful brands excel when they concentrate on their brand’s big picture. Bring your target audience and your company to the heart and soul, and a good brand will follow