Download - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Page 1: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Technology What does it do?

How was it used?

Problems Solutions Lesson learned

Mac The Mac is a computer developed by Apple that can be used to access the internet, store files, use applications and other computer related tasks

I used the mac to access the internet so that I could do research and planning. On top of this I recorded my research and planning on the Blogger website also accessed through the Mac. I also created my magazine on an application that was installed onto the mac, I edited images and stored my images on the mac.

I didn’t have that many problems with the mac. Having already owning one for years I already knew how the interface worked as well as how the Operating system different from that of a windows machine. My only encountered problem however was just that the font book on the mac suite didn’t have particular fonts that I wanted for my magazine that fit my genre.

To fix this I had to install my own fonts onto the mac using DaFont(dot)com . This website enabled me to add to the macs fontbook and have a font that fit my genre and my style of magazine.

I learnt how to add features to the mac that previously were not on the mac before.

DSLR camera – Canon 1000D & Sony A58

Took Photos for my magazine, set correct exposure with aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

Used in the Studio and outside for the shots all in my magazine. All images were taken either on Canon 1000D or Sony A58

Getting correct exposure with the DSLR as opposed to the mirrorless A58.

Used light meter to gauge the Aperture and shutter speed to get a correctly exposed image.

I Learnt a light meter is sometimes used when I’m having to use a DSLR in a studio.

Photoshop Make my magazine when I have all my resources. Edit an image,

It was used on the Mac to make my magazine, everything on that magazine

Not knowing some of the key shortcuts to help me making the magazine (eg

Learnt the basic shortcut commands that helped me efficiently progress with

Learn all the shortcuts and to not be at an amateur level when I am against

Page 2: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

create graphics, create text

was created within Photoshop/

Cmd + T – Transform layer), which was a time costing issue as the vast number of layers confused the computer as to what I wanted to do.

the magazine time to deliver a project.

Blogger To document my research and planning as well as development of my magazine, why I made changes, where I got the inspiration for these changes as well as my evaluation being posted on to the website.

It was accessed through the safari website browser on the Mac and then information was posted to the blog website in relation to this task, such as all my research and development is noted on that blog

Embedding certain HTML links seemed to be a problem due to the difficulty I had embedding PowerPoint through slideshare.

Research a solution online and found a YouTube tutorial that shown me how to embed anything onto blogger, from here I uploaded embedded posts as I learnt this skill.

I learnt how to embed PowerPoint’s so therefore I can embed other types of technology into the blog.

PowerPoint PowerPoint is a feature from the Microsoft Office suite of which a user is able to create a presentation with the use of graphics, mathematical graphics, text, speech and animations.

I used powerpoint for some of my research posts and is used for Question two of my evaluation.

As previously highlighted I had some issues regarding the embedding of these PowerPoint’s via the slideshare website. I did not have any issues directly with PowerPoint as it is a program I have been using for years and am confident in

Researched how to embed slideshare PowerPoint’s into my blog

I am able to use the PowerPoint software in my blog via slideshare.

Page 3: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

using.Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey is a free online survey website where a user is able to create a survey and have people online answer this survey.

I used survey monkey to conduct market research for part of my research and planning and evaluation.

Having serious answers in my Questions, out of approximately 25 replies only under half of that were answered seriously by people online.

Take these results out of my planning and instead only focus on the smaller range of answers that were serious

Don’t trust every answer you receive on the internet to be completely true, have a large number of answers and hand pick the serious replies for part of your market research.

Tripod A Tripod is a piece of hardware used to hold a camera still for a steady shot at a determined height and angle.

I Used a tripod in my shoot so that the camera could stay level with the model throughout, however I only used a tripod once, as I preferred using a free hand to get multiple heights and angles in a shorter amount of time, rather than adjust the tripod.

The nature of my shots being at all different angles meant re adjusting the tripod and moving it, this large area it takes up on the floor was impractical when moving the camera backwards or forwards, as well as impractical to change the height or angle.

Removed the tripod form my shoot and shoot free hand instead, this gave me the freedom to take my shots

A tripod restricts your freedom for shots as multiple angles but is very effective at keeping the same shot and angle when needed.

Lighting There are two types of lighting, Natural and Electronic. Natural lighting is the light that comes from the sun where as synthetic lighting is the light emitted from

I used the lighting in the studio (Electronic) to light up the faces of my models and cast shadows where needed. This was effective especially on one image where

Getting the correct lighting in the studio using electronic lighting, as there are a lot of settings and presets with the lights to get different strengths of the light.

Keep taking images at different brightness levels and then find the correct one and shoot my image in that lighting.

Almost a trial and error run in my first shoot, however in the shoots after this one I had already known the setting to get correct lighting.

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electricity. shadow is hiding the eyes of one of my models. Natural lighting was used for my double page spread as the shot was taken outside.

iShowu/ Quicktime

For recording my podcasts, I used Quicktime as opposed to iShowU however they both carry out the same function, that is video recording along with a voice. I used Quicktime as I had it installed on my computer already and I was more familiar with this program than iShowU.

I Used Quicktime to record my screen with a voiceover at the same time to detail my progress in the blog at the time it was uploaded.

I had an issue with the voiceover, due to the microphone being an input device the computer did not initially read it and I had to install drivers so that I could record this podcast.

I had to install drivers for my computer to make the microphone compatible with it.

That not all technology will work first time, sometimes drivers and some configurations are needed to make this technology compatible with software such as Quicktime.

iPhoto or image capture

iPhoto is Apples own photo storing and editing software. Image capture is using the Cmd, Shift and 3 or 4 buttons to take a screenshot of the computer.

I used iPhoto to store my photos from my shoot and I used image capture to screenshot my development of my magazine.

I encountered no issues iPhoto however I did encounter a clutter issue with screenshots being that they completely cluttered up my desktop and made it hard to find a specific screenshot I

I deleted all used screenshots that I had uploaded to my blogger so that there was no confusion or reposts on the blog

To keep a clean and tidy computer desktop so that there is no confusion.

Page 5: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

was needing.Prezi Prezi is an

online version of PowerPoint with a heavy highlight on animation.

I used Prezi in my research and planning and evaluation to show the range of technologies I had used in my task.

I had an embedding issue, like with slideshare aswell as an issue with using Prezi, as it was a complicated GUI

For this I had learnt how to embed the prezi presentation in my blog as well as learn the GUI from the help of my teacher.

I learnt how to use Prezi for future reference should I need to use it again in the future as it is a good business presentation website.

Social media Online websites that have a network that connect people form all over the world on one platform. Noteable examples include Facebook and twitter.

I used social media in getting my survey monkey the attention to get responses form my peers and people off the internet in general.

The only issue there would have been was that you need an account that has a lot of connections with other people (specifically my age) to fill out a survey

This was not an issue as I had in the excess of 400+ people approximately who could have potentially filled out my survey.

Post surveys on a website where it is populated and visited by people of that target audience.

Excel/Word These programs are part of the Microsoft office suite like PowerPoint.

I used word to type up my double page spread story, this enabled me to check for any errors in the syntax of the words or any grammatical errors. I didn’t directly use Microsoft excel in this project, however typing in this grid system here within Microsoft word is as close to excel that I have got. The excel

I did not encounter any problems with Microsoft word or excel for the same reason as the PowerPoint, it is a program I have been using for many years and I’m confident in my capabilities on these programs.

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format on word allows me to type in a grid style where the text is broken up into individual categories in fields.

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?