Download - What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Page 1: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

What every person should know about Tobacco!

Page 2: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

What do you know about Smoking?

• The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer?• The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?• Cigarette smoking can lead to heart disease? • Over 1,000 people die each day from smoking?• It is safe to smoke filter cigarettes?• Being in a smoked filled room for one hour is the

same as smoking a cigarette?• A women who smokes while pregnant can harm

the fetus?• Cigarettes kill more people each year than all the

deaths due to AIDS, heroin, cocaine, murder, and alcohol combined.









Page 3: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Why do people start Smoking?

• Peer Pressure

• Stress/Problems

• Advertising

What do people keep Smoking?• Addiction-

Nicotine is a powerful addictive drug!

Page 4: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

FYI-What is Nicotine?

FYI-Is Nicotine Addictive?

Nicotine belongs to a group of chemicals known as alkaloids.

Since plants containing alkaloids are usually poisonous, they produce a bitter taste when eaten in order to warn animals (and humans) of their dangerous effects.

In 1988 the Surgeon General asserted that nicotine is more addictive than heroin. 35% of young people who are just “experimenting” with tobacco end up being addicted by the time they are 20.

Page 5: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Types of Smoke….

Sidestream Smoke- comes from the burning tip of a cigarette

Mainstream Smoke- is inhaled and exhaled by the smoker.

Page 6: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?
Page 8: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

• Acetone: colorless, flammable liquid used as a solvent

• Ammonia: Used in fertilizers, explosives, and plastics

• Arsenic: Poisonous to all life, plants, and animals.

• Benzene: Flammable poison prohibited by law in products like paint thinner.

• Carbon Monoxide: Drives oxygen from the red blood cells. Stays in blood for up to 6 hours after exposure to smoke has stopped.

• Cyanide: A poisonous gas, deadly to all living things.

• Formaldehyde: Used to preserve and embalm dead tissue.

• Naphthalene: Used in fungicide and solvents.

• Toluene: Toxic. Used as a solvent.

• Zinc: Used in electric batteries and paint.

Page 9: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?
Page 10: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

How Does Smoking Affect your Body?

A. The Lungs-Kills Cilia-Causes Bronchitis, Emphysema and Cancer

B. The Heart-Speed up heart rate-Triggers blood clots-Puts carbon dioxide into your blood

C. Other Effects-Shuts down circulation-Causes Wrinkles-Increases the risk of ulcers-Causes Infertility-Weakens Immune System-Causes Bad Breath-Yellow teeth

Page 11: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Smoking and Diseases

• Causes Cancer

• Causes Heart Disease

• Causes Strokes

• Causes Emphysema

Page 12: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Smoking Related IllnessesC a n c e r s

B la d d e r C a n c e r C e rv ic a l C a n c e r E so p h a g e a l C a n c e r K id n e y C a n c e r L a r y n g e a l C a n c e r L e u k e m ia L u n g C a n c e r O ra l C a n c e r P a n c re a tic C a n c e r S to m a c h C a n c e r

C a r d io v a sc u la r D ise a se A n e u r y sm A rth e ro sc le ro s is C e re b ro v a sc u la r

D ise a se C o ro n a r y H e a rt

D ise a se

R e sp ir a to r y D ise a se C h ro n ic B ro n c h itis E m p h y se m a P n e u m o n ia

R e p r o d u c tiv e E ffe c ts F e ta l D e a th F e rtilit y Issu e s L o w B irth W e ig h t P re g n a n c y

C o m p lic a tio n s

O th e r E ffe c ts C a ta ra c t D im in ish e d H e a lt h L o w B o n e D e n s it y P e p tic U lc e rs

Page 13: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Mortality Statistics

Page 14: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

One thousand Americans stop smoking every day – by dying. 

~Author Unknown

Page 15: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?
Page 16: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?
Page 17: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Smoking Stats

• #1 Preventable Cause of Death

• 500,000 people die every year from smoking

• 90% of lung cancer deaths are due to smoking

• 50,000 people die every year from 2nd hand smoke

Page 18: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Behavior Linked

• Research has shown that teen tobacco users are more likely to use alcohol and illegal drugs than are non-users.

• Cigarette smokers are also more likely to get into fights, carry weapons, attempt suicide, suffer from mental health problems such as depression, and engage in high-risk sexual behaviors.

Page 19: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Rick Bender was a Major League baseball player who lost half of his face due to chewing tobacco.

Consequences of Smoking

Page 20: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Consequences of Smoking

Page 21: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Consequences of Smoking

Page 22: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Consequences of Smoking

Page 23: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

I’m young. This stuff won’t happen to me for a long time.

• You may think that you are young and these problems only occur when you get old, but it all starts when you start smoking. You are probably already feeling the effects.

• Teen smokers have a harder time competing in sports because of shortness of breath, decreased circulation, and rapid heart rate.

• Smokers are more likely to miss a “big game” because they get sick more often with colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Page 24: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Smoking Cessation

• Don’t start.• 5 D’s

– Delay: The craving will eventually go away. – Deep breath: Take a few calming deep breaths. – Drink water: It will help flush out the chemicals. – Do something else: Find a new, healthy habit. – Discuss: Talk about your thoughts and feelings.

Page 25: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Strategies to help you quit• Get support: ask your parents or friends. If

they smoke and are not interested then find a support group in person or online.

• Set a quit date: Mark it on your calendar and tell your friends and family.

• Throw away your cigarettes and chew- ALL of it. Get rid of the ashtrays and lighters too.

• Wash all your clothes. Get rid of the cigarette smell.

• Think about triggers:– Avoid those situations– Substitute something else for cigarettes

Page 26: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

More strategies to help you quit

• Keep yourself busy• If you are having trouble with the

strategies you may need to talk to a doctor who can give you some suggestions.

• Don’t give up!• Reward yourself. Use the money that

you would have used to buy cigarettes to buy yourself something special.

Page 27: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?
Page 28: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?
Page 29: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

FYI-Why Quit Smoking?

• With in 20 minutes- your heart rate drops back to normal

• Within 8 Hours- carbon monoxide levels in your blood drop back to normal

• With in 12 hours- chances of having a heart attack go down, taste and smell improve

• With in 2-3 Weeks-breathing becomes easier

Page 30: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Why Quit Smoking?• With in 9 months- coughing and shortness

of breath decrease

• Within 1 year- risk of smoking related heart attack is cut in half

• With in 5 years- risk of having a stroke is cut in half

• With 10 years- chances of lung cancer is cut in half. All other risks of smoking related cancers is decreased.

Page 31: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?

Why Quit Smoking?

• 15 years after quitting- Your risk of heart disease is back to that of a non-smoker’s!

Kick the habit before it’s too late!

Page 32: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?
Page 33: What every person should know about Tobacco!. What do you know about Smoking? The nicotine in cigarettes causes cancer? The tar in cigarettes causes addiction?