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What Christians Need to Pray About Regarding the Pathogens


While you are rejoicing about the lifting of lock-down, not so fast my friends.

Each move from here on out is the unfurling of the global governance flag or

banner over us. This is a nefarious operation of evil. Each successive wave will

have new and shape-shifting torture and torments. This next phase includes

removing children from loving homes.

It even begins in the hospital where the birth of a baby should be bringing

untold joy to families but is silenced as the newly born baby is removed from

its mother and is told it has died, and the mother cannot see it because of


The global powers want, yea, demand your children as a sacrifice. Once

removed from your Godly custodial care, they may live to become the toys of

the elite or a sacrificed blood offering. It will depend upon their bloodline that

is secured and mined in this harvesting of blood and is presented to the

Quantum beast 'intelligence', animating it to life.

How is this? As with all predators, your Godly heritage, even before birth, is

being stalked, selected and tagged for who will go where. They obtain vital

information about your bloodline under the COVID testing digging deep into

your family, and your unique secrets that Almighty God bestowed upon you.

You must understand the foundation or cornerstone is your blood and the

blood of your offspring, holy unto God. Think about this before you

voluntarily submit your blood, your most precious asset beside His Spirit, and

breath, to the beast system. Your blood and bloodline, containing the

sacrificial Blood of Jesus, can never be willingly surrendered to the powers of


And should it be decreed by these evil tyrants to murder these children, God's

children, then they will believe they are doing God's work:

“They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever

killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” John 16:2

This COVID testing is a harvesting and mining operation. Whether you have

children or not, your blood will be used in rituals, experimentation, and

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shared with countless researchers and engineers as all the rules and checks

and balances of medical privacy, experimentation, and even the sanctity of life

have been suspended. Cry to the Lord, ye people of God:

All the while, our eyes were failing as we looked in vain for help. We watched

from our towers for a nation that could not save us. They stalked our every step,

so that we could not walk in our streets. Our end drew near, our time ran out, for

our end had come! Those who chased us were swifter than the eagles in the sky;

they pursued us over the mountains and ambushed us in the wilderness...

Lamentations 4

There is no other way to look at this than that it is global child sacrifice. This

is a war against humanity. Stand firm, my friends, refuse to consent to this

ghastly evil behavior. Persevere, whatever the consequences, for the day of

judgment is at hand. The Lord is peering down at you through the windows

of heaven to see if you will stand with Him and His Word or fall for the

deception and lies of the Beast of Prey.


Therapeutic agents being developed target weaponized pathogens such as

Ebola, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, herpes simplex, HIV, and

deoxycytidine analogues that fight cancer. Their nucleotides are similar

enough to be incorporated into mitochondrial DNA stands where they act as

chain terminators. This causes serious side effects such as bone marrow

suppression. DNA production by reverse transcriptase is different from

normal human DNA replication. Researchers are designing nucleoside


Resistance can develop quickly with as little as one mutation. Simply put,

mutations occur in the enzymes and activate the drug through a process

known as phosphorylation. Your body struggles to combat this foreign chain

reaction resulting in resistance. Physicians then must barrage your body with

other drugs of the same kind to thwart your bodies natural response to

foreign invaders.

You need to understand that these therapeutics employ pharmakeía utilizing

from the root meaning "administer drugs". They are drug-related sorcery,

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witchcraft, oftentimes include spells and enchantments, as well as the practice

of the magical-arts.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication,

uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations,

wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying’s, murders, drunkenness, reveling, and

such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that

they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5

Throughout the Book of Revelation, we see pharmakeía and various poisons

released upon the inhabitants of the earth.

We also need to examine Revelation 9, the plague of locusts that emerges from

the fiery pit of hell These were an army of demons, compared to locusts. It is

likened to the eighth plague in Egypt was a devastating swarm of locusts.

People who have never encountered these insects have little idea of the

damage they can do. When God wanted to judge His people, He would

sometimes send locusts to devour the harvests such as we are seeing today.

But these creatures are different.

These are not literal locusts, because locusts do not have scorpion-like stings

in their tails. These creatures do not devour the green vegetation; in fact, they

are prohibited from doing so. This demonic army is given the assignment of

tormenting all who have not been protected by the seal of God. In fact, it is

likely that all who have trusted the Lord will be sealed in some special way

and protected from torment.

The normal lifespan of the locust is about five months (May to September),

and this is the length of time that the judgment will last. These demons will

sting people and thus create such pain that their victims will actually want to

die, but death will flee from them (Jer. 8:3).

Reading the detailed description of these creatures, we realize that John is not

writing about ordinary locusts. Yet, despite its obvious symbolism, it aptly

portrays a powerful enemy armed for battle. With bodies like horses but faces

like men, the demons’ heads are crowned and covered with long hair. They

have teeth like those of lions, and their skin is like a coat of mail. When they

fly, the noise is like an army of chariots rushing by.

Is it possible that the locusts being discussed are actually life-like demon

hordes deployed into the bodies of men, women and children who take these

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therapeutics to save their life, thus opening the door of their body, to the

plagues and judgment of God? It would explain why these locusts do not go

after green but only mankind.

The therapeutics today are engineered as hordes or swarms-marching as an

army to invade your body. They do chew up your God given body as they

assemble and multiply within the garment of your body. The rushing noise

being the propaganda that lures you by fear to take in these destroying devils.

Bring to your remembrance that there is a mighty army that comes from the


Real locusts do not have a king (Prov. 30:27), but this army follows the rule of

Satan, the angel of the bottomless pit. His name is “Destroyer.” “The thief

[Satan] cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10).

Real locusts are pervasive destroyers, but this army only tortures those who

do not belong to the Lord. Only God’s people are saved, those with the His

seal of protection. As we see the manifestation of God’s judgmental locusts

has this spiritual, demonic locust army been or about to be deployed?

As God’s people, we can be thankful that Jesus Christ holds the keys of hell

and death (Rev. 1:18) and exercises divine authority even over Satan. God has

His timetable for all these events.

In Revelation 18:23, Of their murders drugs heads the list, but “sorceries”

comes next. Pharmakon was originally enchantment, as also in Rev. 21:8, then

drug. The two other items are fornication and thefts, old word, all four are

characteristics of demonic worship and idolatry. There is a particularly bad

odor about that rises from synthetic drugs - “patent medicines,” that change

your DNA.

“Thy merchants were the grandees” once, but now these merchant princes

are gone. With thy sorcery and preparation of drugs, sorcery, and the magical

arts, such as seen in Revelation 9:21 is seen. If one is puzzled over the

connection between medicine and sorcery as illustrated by this word (our

pharmacy), he has only to recall quackery today in medicine (patent

medicines and cure-alls), witch-doctors, professional faith-healers, medicine-

men in Africa. True medical science has had a hard fight to shake off

chicanery and charlatanry. These charlatans passed off as physicians, always

find plenty of victims.

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Consider the sins that men and women will be committing:

Murder, theft, and various kinds of sexual immorality are rife in those days.

The word translated “sorcery” is the Greek word pharmakia, which means

“the use of drugs.” Drugs are often used in pagan religious rites and demon


Things will not look bright for God’s people during this middle stage of the

prophetic journey, but they will still be overcomers through the power of the

King of kings and Lord of lords!


Originally, there were a total of 48 different vaccines that were being consider

for the pathogen de jour, but I understand that it has now escalated to around

72. These vaccinations include:

Aborted babies

Humanized Mice

Humanized Plants


Carry out other operations in your body

Toxic adjuvants used to activate or make stronger the vaccine

The news is abuzz with the revelation of the Luciferinase which means bright

or light (Corona anyone) which is an enzyme that activates the binary

vaccination weapon.

Hear the Word of the Lord

I will join evils to them. My plagues will destroy them., they will be swollen with

hunger, be eaten by the birds, and plagued with evil winds, and the teeth of wild

beasts will I set loose among them with the fury of serpents that crawl in the


For a fire has flared in My fury… These are the fires of Gehinnom or hell.

They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with

bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison

of serpents of the dust.

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Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.

Is not this laid up in store with me, and sealed up among my treasures?

Deuteronomy 32: 24, 33, 34

24/7 Surveillance and Traceability

All life must be surveilled and managed according to the global elite who

fashion themselves as gods and goddesses of this earth. It was Beta-Tested on

animals and has moved into the human sphere. The technology being

deployed will accomplish all three objectives of the United Nations global

National Animal Identification System, now mandatory, known by the name,


All property is owned by the government and has an asset number, real,

human or animal

All biological life is electronically identified, this may include DNA or

blood barcoding for more information

24/7 Surveillance

When reviewing documents from the United Nations it is critical to

understand that humans and animals are interchangeable and that, in fact, in

the early 2000’s, animals were declared with primacy over humans legally and

in academia.

In the UN’s own words:

Traceability is defined as:

Ability to follow an animal or group of animals during all stages of its


Animal welfare means how an animal is coping with the conditions in

which it lives. An animal is in a good state of welfare if (as indicated by

scientific evidence) it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able

to express innate behavior, and if it is not suffering from unpleasant

states such as pain, fear and distress.

Good animal welfare requires disease prevention and treatment,

appropriate shelter, management, nutrition, humane handling and

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humane slaughter/killing [according to UN standards, not generally

accepted and accepted animal husbandry practices].

In this light, the first program initiated both in China and the US during the

current pathogen was mental health because just prior to the pathogen going

global it was determined the Americans and people in general did not have the

internal fortitude to deal with the stress of any disaster.

Mental Health Replaces God

In the early hours of the pathogen Mental Health Frameworks, Link, were


COVID-19 Behavioral Health Resources - ASPR TRACIE -

The federal government is taking steps to protect American’s physical and

behavioral health in response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus pandemic. The

resources in this collection were created by federal agencies and their partners

to help healthcare providers, caregivers, and the general population prepare

for and manage the negative behavioral effects that can accompany a public

health emergency.

SAMHSA Awards Grants Expanding Community-Based Behavioral ...

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

... Behavioral Health Services, Strengthens COVID-19 Response ... mental

illness during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar.

HHS Launches Statewide COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line ...

This new resource offers COVID-19-related mental health support for all

Texans. People can call the Statewide COVID-19 Mental Health Support ...

The American Psychiatric Association recently surveyed and addressed Faith,

Community, and Mental Health during the COVID‐ 19 Crisis.

They concluded:

us about the possibility of getting


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ill or dying from coronavirus.

loved ones getting coronavirus.

One in four people who seek help for mental health concerns turn to faith

leaders before they seek help from clinical professionals which is why most

clergy are hooked into the demonic beast system and compromised by being:


Clergy Response Teams, now under National Voluntary Organizations

Active in Disaster (NVOAD), which is under FEMA

Faith Based Initiative

The government messaging to you people of faith is to be taken as Gospel

truth, because they are the “trusted Sources” in the war between trust in God

or Trust in Man under the auspices of Satan:

The outbreak of COVID‐ 19 may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety

about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and

children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and

your community stronger.

Prolonged stress may exacerbate already existing or underlying

psychological disorders. It also may trigger stress reactions like panic,

anxiety, and depression. Additionally, families not accustomed to

spending so much time in close quarters may see relationships strained.

It is important to remember parents and caregivers.

Parents juggling the requirements of work with the challenge of

homeschooling their children may need your support.

Community faith leaders often serve as their community’s caregivers

and should be remembered and served as they serve their community.

The CDC also has guidance for addressing stress and anxiety related to

COVID19 and specific guidance for faith and community leaders.

SAMHSA has guidance and resources to assist individuals, providers,

communities, and states across the country. Taking care of your

Behavioral Health is a helpful resource to consider the mental health

impacts of social distancing and how to address them.

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SAMHSA’s Mental Health Technology Transfer Centers are also

providing online training and technical assistance related to

COVID‐ 19.

SAMHSA’s Serious Mental Illness Advisor (SMI Advisor) has a page

with additional information.

SAMHSA also has a helpful resource for talking with children, which

includes tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers during infectious

disease outbreaks like COVID‐ 19.

Christian American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) has a

resource page related to COVID‐ 19. The Beyond Disaster program from the

Trauma Healing Institute provides materials to help people recover from

natural and man‐ made disasters and may be helpful in addressing

individuals whose mental health may be affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

The program integrates best practices in mental health into a biblical



Spiritual First Aid from the Humanitarian Disaster Institute offers a

step‐ by‐ step approach to learning and providing care for others remotely

and while staying at home.

Reboot Alliance developed their REBOOT Recovery Crisis Edition based on

their work helping people overcome trauma together for nearly a decade.

Reboot Recovery Crisis Edition is a FREE, five‐ part web series to help

people cope with the current crisis.

The Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) has posted a wealth of resources to

address the mental health impacts of COVID‐ 19. This includes how to

address Mental Health Well‐ Being during a Pandemic.

Key Ministry is collecting a number of resources to address coronavirus.

Fresh Hope is hosting Mental Health Monday’s online and promoting a

resource to address anxiety related to coronavirus.

My Quiet Cave is offering online support groups.

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Why is the church going with the UN Mental Health Framework rather than

calling for their congregations to:

Believe in Jesus and you shall have eternal life


Call upon God in this time of trouble

Learn the Bible for verses on perseverance, hope, steadfastness, and all

biblical character traits

Trust in the Holy Spirit for guidance

The 24/7 Surveillance Options

BarCode for Life (CBOL)

The next step was to convene a Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) is

an international initiative dedicated to supporting the development of DNA

barcoding as a global standard for species identification. Eventually, you will

not be able to buy or sell or participate in anything unless AI verifies your

DNA providing you access to beast system interaction.

CBOL's Secretariat Office is hosted by the National Museum of Natural

History, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, DC. Barcoding was a way of

distinguishing and identifying species with a short standardized gene

sequence. The team includes the International Barcode of Life Project (iBOL),

all headquartered at the University of Guelph. The Barcode of Life Data

Systems (BOLD) is also located at the University of Guelph.

Possibly you are familiar with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. They are a

sponsor of the many of the popular survival reality television series, watching

modern man struggle in primitive environments. All the while documenting

to see if man could survive the challenges of those days. While it was

entertaining they precisely documented how mankind would fare in primitive

conditions. Since then, more than 200 organizations from more than 50

countries have joined CBOL and agreed to put their barcode data in a public


Hydrogel Sensor

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Quantum Dot

Quantum dots (QDs) are tiny semiconductor particles a few nanometres in

size, having optical and electronic properties that differ from larger particles

due to quantum mechanics. They are a central topic in nanotechnology. When

the quantum dots are illuminated by UV light, an electron in the quantum dot

can be excited to a state of higher energy. In the case of a semiconducting

quantum dot, this process corresponds to the transition of an electron from

the valence band to the conductance band. The excited electron can drop back

into the valence band releasing its energy by the emission of light. This light

emission (photoluminescence) is illustrated in the figure on the right. The

color of that light depends on the energy difference between the conductance

band and the valence band.

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In the language of materials science, nanoscale semiconductor materials

tightly confine either electrons or electron holes. Quantum dots are sometimes

referred to as artificial atoms, emphasizing their singularity, having bound,

discrete electronic states, like naturally occurring atoms or molecules.[1][2]


was shown that the electronic wave functions in quantum dots resembles the

ones in real atoms.[3]

By coupling two or more such quantum dots an artificial

molecule can be made, exhibiting hybridization even at room temperature.[4]

Quantum dots synthesized by plasma are usually in the form of powder, for

which surface modification may be carried out. This can lead to excellent

dispersion of quantum dots in either organic solvents[27] or water[28] (i. e.,

colloidal quantum dots).


Self-assembled quantum dots are typically between 5 and 50 nm in size.

Quantum dots defined by lithographically patterned gate electrodes, or

by etching on two-dimensional electron gases in semiconductor

heterostructures can have lateral dimensions between 20 and 100 nm.

Some quantum dots are small regions of one material buried in another

with a larger band gap. These can be so-called core–shell structures,

e.g., with CdSe in the core and ZnS in the shell, or from special forms of

silica called ormosil. Sub-monolayer shells can also be effective ways of

passivating the quantum dots, such as PbS cores with sub-monolayer

CdS shells.[29]

Quantum dots sometimes occur spontaneously in quantum well

structures due to monolayer fluctuations in the well's thickness.

Atomic resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy image of an

InGaAs quantum dot buried in GaAs.

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Self-assembled quantum dots nucleate spontaneously under certain

conditions during molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic

vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE), when a material is grown on a

substrate to which it is not lattice matched. The resulting strain leads to

the formation of islands on top of a two-dimensional wetting layer. This

growth mode is known as Stranski–Krastanov growth.[30]

The islands

can be subsequently buried to form the quantum dot. A widely used

type of quantum dots grown with this method are In(Ga)As quantum

dots in GaAs.[31]

Such quantum dots have the potential for applications

in quantum cryptography (i.e. single photon sources) and quantum

computation. The main limitations of this method are the cost of

fabrication and the lack of control over positioning of individual dots.

Individual quantum dots can be created from two-dimensional electron

or hole gases present in remotely doped quantum wells or

semiconductor heterostructures called lateral quantum dots. The

sample surface is coated with a thin layer of resist. A lateral pattern is

then defined in the resist by electron beam lithography. This pattern

can then be transferred to the electron or hole gas by etching, or by

depositing metal electrodes (lift-off process) that allow the application of

external voltages between the electron gas and the electrodes. Such

quantum dots are mainly of interest for experiments and applications

involving electron or hole transport, i.e., an electrical current.

The energy spectrum of a quantum dot can be engineered by controlling

the geometrical size, shape, and the strength of the confinement

potential. Also, in contrast to atoms, it is relatively easy to connect

quantum dots by tunnel barriers to conducting leads, which allows the

application of the techniques of tunneling spectroscopy for their


The quantum dot absorption features correspond to transitions between

discrete, three-dimensional particle in a box states of the electron and the

hole, both confined to the same nanometer-size box.These discrete transitions

are reminiscent of atomic spectra and have resulted in quantum dots also

being called artificial atoms.[32]

Confinement in quantum dots can also arise from electrostatic

potentials (generated by external electrodes, doping, strain, or


Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology can be

employed to fabricate silicon quantum dots. Ultra small (L=20 nm,

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W=20 nm) CMOS transistors behave as single electron quantum dots

when operated at cryogenic temperature over a range of −269 °C (4 K)

to about −258 °C (15 K). The transistor displays Coulomb blockade due

to progressive charging of electrons one by one. The number of

electrons confined in the channel is driven by the gate voltage, starting

from an occupation of zero electrons, and it can be set to 1 or many.[33]

Viral assembly

Genetically engineered M13 bacteriophage viruses allow preparation of

quantum dot biocomposite structures.

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A bacteriophage (/bækˈtɪərioʊfeɪdʒ/), also known informally as a phage

(/feɪdʒ/), is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea. The

term was derived from "bacteria" and the Greek φαγεῖν (phagein), meaning

"to devour". Bacteriophages are in the Black Mats during other Extinction

Level Events and in Biofilms where mats of bacterial conceal in a persons

body making treatment extremely difficult.

It had previously been shown that genetically engineered viruses can

recognize specific semiconductor surfaces through the method of selection by

combinatorial phage display.[35]

Additionally, it is known that liquid

crystalline structures of wild-type viruses (Fd, M13, and TMV) are adjustable

by controlling the solution concentrations, solution ionic strength, and the

external magnetic field applied to the solutions. Consequently, the specific

recognition properties of the virus can be used to organize inorganic

nanocrystals, forming ordered arrays over the length scale defined by liquid

crystal formation. Using this information, Lee et al. (2000) were able to create

self-assembled, highly oriented, self-supporting films from a phage and ZnS

precursor solution. This system allowed them to vary both the length of

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bacteriophage and the type of inorganic material through genetic modification

and selection.

Electrochemical assembly

Highly ordered arrays of quantum dots may also be self-assembled by

electrochemical techniques. A template is created by causing an ionic reaction

at an electrolyte-metal interface which results in the spontaneous assembly of

nanostructures, including quantum dots, onto the metal which is then used as

a mask for mesa-etching these nanostructures on a chosen substrate.