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What are people saying about you?

Vikki ChowneyEditorReputation Online

Jonathan WaddinghamProduct ManagerJustGiving

Listening to what people are saying about you online

is vital for engagement and for protecting your

reputation. But with constant real-time interactions

happening across a plethora of channels, where do

you start?

This session will show you some manageable, cost-

effective ways to listen and respond to what people

are saying about you online.

Listening is always step 1 when it comes

to putting a plan into action.

Listening, monitoring, and reporting are obligatory cogs

in the social media machine.

Gathering intelligence to inspire meaningful and

actionable social programs is, on the other hand,


Brian Solis, 2010 in VentureBeat

While many organisations monitor conversations

related to keywords or respond simply to those

who invite participation, the real potential of social

media runs far deeper.

This is the chance to leapfrog conversations by

learning what it takes to lead them and then

embodying the position you wish to gain.

1. Your employees.

The solution?

Maybe they’re unsure of what they should or

shouldn’t say?

Create guidelines and educate.

2. Those who disagree with what you’re doing.

The solution?

Maybe they don’t know the full story?

Create an online hub of information.

3. Those who misunderstand what you’re doing.

The solution?

Maybe you’re not communicating properly?

Reach out to them publicly.

No matter what, it’s important to address any

negative response, but also remember that you

can’t change everything.


1. One person/team should monitor what the outside world

is saying

2. Another person/team should get news out via the

quickest channels available

3. Clearing what you want to say publicly with the

lawyers/internally is always more time-consuming than the

comms team thinks it should be – so get the teams

physically close to each other to speed things up

4. A news vacuum in a crisis will be filled with

unsubstantiated speculation – which you want to avoid (see

steps 1 – 3).

Forrester’s “hub and spoke” model for social media

management bears an uncanny resemblance to a

textbook crisis comms team – with people from

customer service, PR, corporate comms, legal, HR,

marketing and operations all represented.

1. Do you have a blog template and subdomain ready to add on to your own

site – with a very accessible CMS ready for real-time updates where people

are most likely to look?

2. Do you own your own social media channels and have all those logins to

hand, so that the crisis team can instantly commandeer all the channels

available to decide which are the best to use?

3. Do you know how to stop all other commercial, especially social media,


4. Do you have people in the core team who can use social media effectively?

Chris Reed, Managing Partner, Brew

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How to listen

Monitoring sites

Monitoring sites

Monitoring sites

Keeping track of Twitter activity

Keeping track of Twitter activity

Measurement on Facebook (insights)

Measurement on Facebook (insights)

Measurement on social media

Postrank is great for blogs

Postrank is great for blogs

Postrank is great for blogs

Measurement – using ViralHeat

Measurement – using ViralHeat

Measurement on Twitter

Measurement on Twitter

Enterprise monitoring..

Listening dashboard

7 golden rules for listening online

1. Set up your listening toolkit

2. Make sure you have time to listen

3. Make sure you have time to respond

4. Take a deep breath before responding to criticism, be thick skinned

5. Welcome constructive criticism and be open

6. Be friendly and authentic when you reply

7. Measure the effectiveness of your comms

Jonathan Waddingham

[email protected]


Carry on the conversation...

Vikki Chowney

[email protected]
