Download - WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern Chad"

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009


    Project Approval Date 18 Dec 2008

    Planned Start Date 01 Jan 2009

    Actual Start Date 01 Jan 2009

    Project End Date 30 Jun 2010

    Financial Closure Date n.a.

    Approved budget as at 31 December 2009 in USD

    Food Costs 70,009,223

    Other Direct Costs 171,525,328

    Indirect Support Costs 16,907,419

    Total Approved Budget 258,441,970

    Approved Commodities Metric Tonnes

    77% Cereals And Grains 125,029

    3% Miscellaneous 5,285

    9% Mixed And Blended 14,456

    4% Oils And Fats 6,774

    7% Pulses And Vegetables 11,887

    100% Total Approved Commodities 163,430

    Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities

    and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern Chad

    Project Number 105591

    Project Category Single Country EMOP

    Reporting Period 1 January - 31 December 2009

    Total Beneficiaries in 2009 637,733

    Single Countr




  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Operational SPR








    Beneficiaries, Targeting and Food Distribution

    'Story Worth Telling'

    Enhanced Commitments to Women



    Sustainability, Capacity Development and Handover


    Resource Inputs from Donors, Government and Partners

    Food Purchases

    Food Transport, Delivery and Handling

    Post-Delivery Losses


    Lessons Learned

    OPERATIONAL STATISTICS (where applicable)

    Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors

    Annex: Commodity Transactions


    Contribution & Expenditure as a Proportion of Budget

    Project Overview

    Project Detail by Contribution

    Status of Contributions Receivable

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Country Overview


    Chad is a low-income, food-deficit country, ranked 175th out of 182 countries on the 2008 UNDP Human Development Index (HDI).

    Economic development is inhibited by the country's landlocked location. Some 80 percent of the population depends on subsistence

    farming and herding for their livelihoods. Food production is heavily affected by erratic rains, cyclical droughts and locust infestations.

    Poor farming practices and limited access to food make the population vulnerable to food insecurity.

    Almost half of the Chadian population lives under the poverty threshold with the rural population being most disadvantaged.Malnutrition is one of the main problems faced by the local population with an alarming prevalence especially in the Bahr El Gazel

    region (26.9 percent global acute malnutrition according to the 2009 nutritional survey carried out by Action Contre la Faim.) Poverty

    and food insecurity limit access to basic education, leading to a net enrolment rate of 61 percent in 2005 and adult literacy rates as

    low as 26 percent (2008 UNDP HDI report). In addition Chad has an HIV prevalence of 3.5 percent with an estimated number of

    140,000 adults and children living with HIV. Poverty has been aggravated by various conflicts during the country's 40 years of


    T i b t th i i th th d th h t ib t d t liti l i t bilit C fli t th i

    Country Overview

    The boundaries and names shown on the maps in this document do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

    TCD.gif 2009


  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Country Overview


    Since 1963 WFP has been an important humanitarian actor in Chad and lead-agency of the logistics cluster since 2007. Given the

    complexity of food insecurity and malnutrition in a politically fragile context, in 2009 WFP interventions included: relief, rehabilitation

    and development objectives that contribute to 7 out of 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

    Food and nutrition support was provided to vulnerable people in eastern Chad (focusing on IDPs, Sudanese refugees and host

    population) through an Emergency Operation; in southern Chad (Central-African refugees and host population) through a Protracted

    Recovery and Relief Operation (PRRO); and through country programme (CP) in western and central Chad. The country programme

    focuses on the promotion of primary education, the improvement of the nutritional and health status of vulnerable groups and on theimprovement of food security.

    Given the incessant humanitarian challenges, emergency assistance continued to be an important tool to support refugees, internally

    displaced people (IDPs) and returnees (through general food distribution, seed protection rations and nutrition programmes for

    children under 5, pregnant and lactating women), hence contributing to MDGs 1, 2 and 5. These interventions are also in line with the

    initiatives put forward in the framework of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and contribute to the achievement

    of four of the principal objectives of the Chadian Government's Poverty Reduction Strategy phase II (SNRPII).

    WFP faces tremendous logistical challenges due to long distances together with bad road conditions and insecurity. Difficult access

    to refugees camps during the rainy season (July to November), triggers an important need to preposition food commodities. Two

    special operations support emergency interventions: i) a UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) to ensure evacuation operations andtransport of staff and light non-food cargo; and ii) a fleet augmentation and logistics cluster coordination project ensuring

    transportation and timely food delivery.

    Beneficiaries Male Female Total

    Number of children below 5 years of age 64,524 72,923 137,447

    Number of children 5 to 18 years of age 225,086 228,800 453,886

    Number of adults 95,994 197,379 293,373

    Total number of beneficiaries in 2009 385,604 499,102 884,706

    Total number of beneficiaries in 2008 360,494 431,008 791,502

    Total number of beneficiaries in 2007 267,517 341,094 608,611

    Distribution (mt)

    Project Type Cereals Oil Pulses Mix Other Total

    Single Country PRRO 6,787 365 573 724 100 8,549

    Single Country EMOP 58,702 3,098 5,771 6,841 2,327 76,739

    Country Programme 3,763 405 29 727 335 5,259

    T t l f d di t ib t d i 2009 69 252 3 868 6 374 8 291 2 762 90 547

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    The objectives of this Emergency Operation (EMOP) are in line with WFP Strategic Objectives 1, 3 and 4 (SO.) The goalsare the following:" To save lives of Sudanese refugees and Chadian Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and contribute to the reduction ofacute malnutrition in Eastern Chad (SO1);" To support IDPs returning to their villages of origin in Eastern Chad and the return of Sudanese refugees to their nativecountry through food and nutrition assistance (SO 3);" To improve access to primary education and basic nutrition and health among IDPs and host populations through foodand nutrition assistance as well as meet the food and nutrition needs of People living with HIV and affected households(SO 4.) Although an HIV component is included in the operational objectives, no HIV and AIDS activities have so far been

    planned for, nor were carried out due to limited implementation capacity of NGOs and health centers in eastern Chad.


    Beneficiaries, Targeting and Food Distribution

    WFP assisted Sudanese refugees, IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable people among host populations. While refugeesreceived monthly general food distributions of 2314 kcals, IDPs and returnees received 75-day and 90-day full rations

    (2100 kcals) respectively. WFP also provided fortified food rations to malnourished children under 5 and pregnant andlactating women, and supported primary school children with daily rations. As an incentive to enhance the enrolment andattendance of girls, WFP distributed take home rations to girls enrolled only in the last two grades.

    Refugees and IDPs were assisted on the basis of the 2008 Joint Food Security Assessment recommendations. Schoolchildren were assisted on the basis of a list of schools provided by the Ministry of Education; in order to further refineschool meal beneficiaries in 2010 WFP has initiated a joint assessment of schools. Food for Work /Food for Training(FFW/FFT) is self-targeting; only poor persons willing and capable to perform physical labour or participate in functionalliteracy programmes participate.

    Underachievement of supplementary and therapeutic feeding as well as FFW activities were due to the low operationalcapacity of cooperating partners and insecurity. In addition, the underachievement in therapeutic feeding activities and intake home rations distribution is due to a over-projection of the planned caseload at the beginning of the project. WFP andits partners were able to reach more beneficiaries than planned under Mother-and-Child Health (MCH) and FFT activitiesthanks to successful sensitization campaigns among local communities and complementary services provided bycooperating partners. It is worth noting that the needs increased since the inception of the project.

    Operational SPR


    Operational SPR

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Beneficiary CategoryPlanned Actual % Actual v. Planned

    Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

    Number of children below 5 years of age 72,243 72,243 144,486 51,976 60,773 112,749 71.9% 84.1% 78.0%

    Number of children 5 to 18 years of age 152,714 152,714 305,428 132,992 142,727 275,719 87.1% 93.5% 90.3%

    Number of adults 90,636 90,636 181,272 80,553 168,712 249,265 88.9% 186.1% 137.5%

    Total number of beneficiaries in 2009 315,593 315,593 631,186 265,521 372,212 637,733 84.1% 117.9% 101.0%

    The total number of beneficiaries includes all targeted persons who were provided with WFP food during the reporting period - either as a recipient/participant inone or more of the following groups, or from a household food ration distributed to one of these recipients/participants

    Refugees 108,250 141,750 250,000 110,574 147,432 258,006 102.1% 104.0% 103.2%

    Internally Displaced Persons 86,480 101,520 188,000 73,202 110,486 183,688 84.6% 108.8% 97.7%

    Beneficiaries of General food distribution (GFD) 196,895 246,105 443,000 183,776 257,918 441,694 93.3% 104.8% 99.7%

    Children given food under therapeutic feeding 4,853 4,853 9,706 1,228 1,385 2,613 25.3% 28.5% 26.9%

    Children given food under supplementary feeding 17,500 17,500 35,000 7,984 8,891 16,875 45.6% 50.8% 48.2%

    Pregnant and lactating women participating in MCH/supplementary feeding 29,132 29,132 36,551 36,551 125.5% 125.5%

    Children receiving school meals 44,000 44,000 88,000 46,012 40,075 86,087 104.6% 91.1% 97.8%

    Children receiving take-home rations 5,000 5,000 2,806 2,806 56.1% 56.1%

    Participants in Food For Work 16,060 13,140 29,200 2,575 3,049 5,624 16.0% 23.2% 19.3%

    Participants in Food For Training 200 600 800 1,623 1,291 2,914 811.5% 215.2% 364.3%

    Commodity Distribution



    Distribution (mt)


    Distribution (mt)

    % Actual v.


    Beans 20Corn-soya Blend (csb) 9,617 6,841 71.1%

    Iodised Salt 770 586 76.1%

    Lentils 0

    Maize Meal 2,789 2,740 98.3%

    Sorghum/millet 73,721 50,841 69.0%

    Split Peas 7,844 5,751 73.3%

    Sugar 2,678 1,741 65.0%

    Vegetable Oil 4,410 3,098 70.2%

    Wheat 1,222 1,177 96.3%

    Wheat Flour 3,891 3,944 101.4%

    Total for 2009 106,942 76,739 71.8%

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Enhanced Commitments to Women

    Women are still occupying few leadership positions in food management committees due to cultural and religious factors.Gender and protection-related issues are monitored and addressed in order to improve the situation of women in thecamps. WFP and partners are continuing to raise awareness on the importance of women involvement in all phases of theprojects so as to move closer towards the set target.

    Enhanced Committments to Women Indicators Planned Actual

    Proportion of household food entitlements (on ration cards or distribution list) issued in women's name in GFD 50% 30%

    Proportion of women in leadership positions in food management committees 50% 44%

    Proportion of women receiving household food rations at distribution point in GFD 50% 30%


    Food distributed under general food distribution and other activities increased access to food for refugees, IDPs andvulnerable people among host populations. Through the food for work (FFW) project, WFP supported the construction of acommunity warehouse for cereal storage, accessible to around 150 households among host populations. Despite

    insecurity and low capacity of cooperating partners, the project was able to implement tree planting on a limited scale,contributing to environment protection and rehabilitate roads allowing access to markets for populations in remote areas.Insecurity generally affected the identification of projects, support and monitoring which resulted in low implementation ofplanned activities.

    Nutrition and food-for-work activity achievements were negatively impacted by the low operational capacity of cooperatingpartners and security conditions. WFP carried out training workshops on FFW project cycle management for existing stafffrom cooperating partners. In the coming year, WFP will play a more active and proactive role in identifying additionalpartners in collaboration with FAO and UNDP, with a focus on returnee settlements in connexion with other WFP-supported activities such as school meals and nutritional programmes. On-the job training sessions and coaching ofcooperating partners' staff during field visits will also be part of WFP strategy to enhancing partners' capacity to implementand monitor nutrition activities.

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Output Unit Planned Actual





    Area (Hectares) protected and/or rehabilitated with physical conservation structures (e.g. terraces, stone an ha 653 78 11.9%

    Hectares of trees planted for reforestation and afforestation ha 63 8 12.7%

    Kilometres of roads rehabilitated km 440 440 100.0%

    No. of Cereal Banks created/reinforced number 1 1 100.0%

    No. of community based water ponds for domestic uses constructed number 95 0 0.0%

    No. of schools built/rehabilitated number 53 0 0.0%

    General Food Distribution

    Energy(kcal) content of food distributed (kcl/day/person) Kcal 2,314 2,314 100.0%

    No. of monthly food rations distributed with full food basket number 19 18 94.7%

    No. of WFP targetted beneficiaries that received iodized salt number 593,000 453,038 76.4%

    School Feeding

    No. of feeding days in ESF assisted schools number 160 140 87.5%

    No. of months THR were distributed number 6 6 100.0%

    No. of rations distributed to children of IDPs (Emergency School Feeding) number 6 6 100.0%

    No. of schools assisted by WFP number 332 324 97.6%

    Supplementary feeding

    No. of WFP beneficiaries that received iron, folic acid and/or vitamin A number 593,000 453,038 76.4%


    Programme monitoring confirmed that general food distribution (GFD) activities for refugees and IDPs contributed to

    reduce the risk of negative coping mechanisms that beneficiaries adopt to offset the impact of displacement, such asselling productive assets.

    The defaulter increased over the year mainly due to the inadequate management of some nutritional centres and the highturnover of qualified cooperative partner's staff managing the nutritional programme in the camps. A joint nutritional surveyled by UNHCR and WFP is underway in refugee camps, and will provide accurate information on the nutritional status ofthe refugees.

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Sustainability, Capacity Development and Handover

    Security concerns made it difficult to achieve acceptable levels of sustainability. To strengthen local partners' capacity tomanage for better results, WFP provided training sessions on results-based management. Training on protection was alsoconducted in order to enhance their understanding to deal with protection concerns as a means to improve programming

    and reduce vulnerability of beneficiaries.


    Resource Inputs from Donors, Government and Partners

    See endnotes for information about data sources


    BaseValue PreviousFollow-up LatestFollow-up

    (at start of

    project or




    (latest value


    Strategic Objective 1: Save lives and protect livelihoods in emergencies

    1 Supplementary feeding defaulter rate (%) 1 5.7 12

    Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under 5 (weight-for-height as %) 2 12.3

    Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under 5 (weight-for-height as %) 3 5.8

    Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under 5 (weight-for-height as %) 4 10.1

    Prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under 5 (weight-for-height as %) 5 4.7

    Age-specific mortality rate for children under 5 (ASMR-U5) 6 0.6

    Age-specific mortality rate for children under 5 (ASMR-U5) 7 1.6

    Crude mortality rate (CMR) 8 0.4

    Crude mortality rate (CMR) 9 0.5

    Supplementary feeding recovery rate (%) 10 89.4 86

    Strategic Objective 3: Restore and rebuild lives and livelihoods in post-conflict, post-disaster or transition situations

    FCS: percentage of households with an acceptable Food Consumption Score 11 81.2 49.6

    Proportion of beneficiary household expenditures devoted to food (%) 12 52 71.6

    Proportion of beneficiary household expenditures devoted to food (%) 13 80

    Strategic Objective 4: Reduce chronic hunger and undernutrition

    Absolute enrolment: Number of girls enrolled in WFP-assisted primary schools 14 40,075

    Absolute enrolment: Number of boys enrolled in WFP-assisted primary schools 15 46,012

    Attendance rate (boys): number of schooldays in which boys attend classes as % of total number of

    schooldays 16 99.8 99.6

    Attendance rate (girls): number of schooldays in which girls and attend classes as % of total number of

    schooldays 17 99.4 99.6Gender ratio: ratio of girls to boys enrolled 18 0.79 0.8

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    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591


    Resourced in 2009 (mt)Shipped/Purchased in 2009 (mt)

    In-Kind Cash

    Austria 448 448

    European Commission 3,609 3,589

    Finland 1,048 1,048

    France 95 95

    Germany 495 495

    Japan 4,955 4,955

    MULTILATERAL 2,017 2,017

    Netherlands 1,055 1,054

    Spain 521 521

    USA 64,740 58,634

    Total: 64,740 14,242 72,855

    See Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors for breakdown by commodity and contribution reference number

    Food Purchases

    All commodities were purchased internationally and regionally. The conditions on the Chadian market were not favourableto local procurement as the country experienced 18 percent food deficit and high food prices in 2009.

    Commodity Local Purchases (mt)Triangular

    Purchases (mt)

    Other International

    Purchases (mt)

    Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) 0 1,537 7,163

    Iodised Salt 0 420 0

    Maize Meal 0 0 966

    Sorghum/Millet 0 74 35,269

    Split Peas 0 0 4,763

    Sugar 0 0 3,153

    Vegetable Oil 0 2,045 2,238

    Wheat Flour 0 495 0

    Y ll S lit P 0 0 200

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    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591


    Metric Tonnes %












    Loss vsHandled

    1 Beans 0 20 4 24 20 0 0 4 17.1%

    1 Corn-soya Blend (csb) 0 6,227 1,898 8,670 6,841 1,202 7,882 84 1.0%

    1 Iodised Salt 0 84 614 721 586 111 526 1 0.1%

    1 Lentils 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 16.7%

    1 Maize Meal 0 2,219 2,070 5,847 2,740 1,523 934 26 0.4%

    1 Sorghum/millet 0 62,169 1,523 63,973 50,841 12,653 45,577 197 0.3%

    1 Soya-fortified Maize Meal 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0%

    1 Split Peas 0 6,897 771 7,765 5,751 1,860 5,692 58 0.7%

    1 Sugar 0 1,540 832 2,476 1,741 617 2,501 14 0.6%

    1 Vegetable Oil 0 2,436 1,615 4,080 3,098 919 4,953 34 0.8%

    1 heat 0 0 1,219 1,219 1,177 2 1 40 3.3%

    1 heat Flour 0 3,827 309 4,397 3,944 171 497 22 0.5%

    Project Total: 0 85,419 10,858 99,175 76,739 19,057 68,565 481 0.5%

    * The projects closing stock is presented in two formats: describes COMPAS closing stock (WFP in recipient country + cooperating partner/s), while describes the International

    Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) compliant closing stocks, which are total stocks (inside and outside the recipient country and on high seas) as reflected in the Annual

    Financial Statement. Further information on these two values are available on the SPR Guidance webpage.

    Where applicable, see Annex: Food Transport, Delivery and Handling, Annex: Commodity Transactions, and Endnotes for information on opening and closing stocks

    Post-Delivery Losses

    Insect infestation and packing deterioration during the transportation of food are the main reasons of food losses. WFPtook actions to reduce losses, including regular fumigation activities, the respect of 'first-in-first-out' principle, the deductionof commodities value on transporters invoices, and the reconditioning in time.



    To implement its operations, WFP partnered with several NGOs including CARE International, Agence d'Aide a laCooperation Technique et au Developpement, Secours Catholique et Developpement, and International Relief andDevelopment, for general food distributions; Action Contre la Faim, International Rescue Committee, International Medical

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Lessons Learned

    Eastern Chad continues to be burdened with protection and humanitarian needs and prevailing insecurity. As aconsequence, monitoring and implementation of school and FFW programmes have proven challenging. WFP has takensteps to strengthen its collaboration with MINURCAT in order to benefit from its military escorts for project monitoring andimplementation.

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    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Endnotes X

    11 Base value: Jun-2008, UNHCR/WFP Nutrition and health CP reports from all 12 refugee camps., Programme monitoring. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2009,

    UNHCR/WFP Nutrition and health reports from all 12 refugee camps., Programme monitoring.

    2 Base value: Aug-2008, UNHCR Nutritional and retrospective mortality survey, all 12 Soud refugee camps, Secondary data.

    3 Base value: Sep-2008, ACF/UNICEF Nutrition and retrospective mortality survey, Dogdore IDP&host site., Secondary data.

    4 Base value: Sep-2008, ACF/UNICEF Nutrition and retrospective mortality survey, Gassire IDP & host site, Secondary data.

    5 Base value: Sep-2008, ACF/UNICEF Nutrition and retrospective mortality survey, IDP site of Gouroukoum, Secondary data.

    6 Base value: Aug-2008, UNHCR Nutritional and retrospective mortality survey, All 12 refugee camps., Secondary data.

    7 Base value: Sep-2008, ACF/UNICEF Nutrition survey, IDP sites and host populations., Secondary data.

    8 Base value: Aug-2008, UNHCR Nutritional and retrospective mortality survey, in all 12 refugee camps., Secondary data.

    9 Base value: Sep-2008, ACF/UNICEF Nutrition survey, in IDP sites and host populations., Secondary data.

    10 Base value: Jun-2008, UNHCR/WFP Nutrition and health Partners reports., Programme monitoring. Latest Follow-up: Dec-2009, UNHCR/WFP Nutrition

    and health reports from all 12 refugee camps., Programme monitoring.

    11 Base value: Nov-2008, WFP Self-reliance study of refugees, IDPs, and returnees - IDPs & returnees., WFP survey. Latest Follow-up: Nov-2009, WFP

    Self-reliance study of IDPs, returnees, and host populations., WFP survey.

    12 Base value: Nov-2008, WFP Self-reliance study of refugees, IDPs, and returnees - IDPs & returnees., WFP survey. Latest Follow-up: Nov-2009, WFP

    Self-reliance study of IDPs,returnees, and host populations in Eastern Chad., WFP survey.

    13 Base value: Nov-2008, WFP Self-reliance study of refugees, IDPs, and returnees - Refugees, WFP survey.14 Base value: Dec-2008, Ministry of Education Statistics, Programme monitoring.

    15 Base value: Dec-2008, Ministry of Education statistics, Programme monitoring.

    16 Base value: Dec-2008, CP Monthly reports - IDPs schools in Goz Beida & Koukou., Programme monitoring. Latest Follow-up: Nov-2009, CP Monthly

    reports - IDPs schools in Goz Beida & Koukou., Programme monitoring.

    17 Base value: Dec-2008, CP Monthly reports - IDPs schools in Goz Beida & Koukou., Programme monitoring. Latest Follow-up: Nov-2009, CP Monthly

    reports - IDPs schools in Goz Beida & Koukou., Programme monitoring.

    18 Base value: Dec-2008, CP Monthly reports - IDPs schools in Goz Beida & Koukou., Programme monitoring. Latest Follow-up: Nov-2009, CP Monthly

    reports - IDPs schools in Goz Beida & Koukou., Programme monitoring.

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    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591


    Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors Resourced in 2009 (mt)Shipped/

    Purchased in

    2009 (mt)Donor Cont. Ref. No Commodity In-Kind Cash

    Austria AUS-C-00015-01 Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) 437 437

    Austria AUS-C-00015-01 Sugar 11 11

    European Commission EEC-C-00152-01 Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) 1,012 1,012

    European Commission EEC-C-00152-01 Iodised Salt 440 420

    European Commission EEC-C-00152-01 Sugar 1,127 1,127

    European Commission EEC-C-00152-01 Vegetable Oil 1,030 1,030

    Finland FIN-C-00039-07 Sugar 33 33

    Finland FIN-C-00039-07 Vegetable Oil 1,015 1,015

    France FRA-C-00065-01 Sorghum/Millet 74 74

    France FRA-C-00065-01 Sugar 21 21

    Germany GER-C-00060-03 heat Flour 495 495

    Japan JPN-C-00088-03 Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) 781 781

    Japan JPN-C-00088-03 Maize Meal 966 966

    Japan JPN-C-00088-03 Sugar 648 648

    Japan JPN-C-00095-01 Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) 1,035 1,035

    Japan JPN-C-00095-01 Split Peas 1,525 1,525



    Netherlands NET-C-00039-02 Split Peas 1,024

    Netherlands NET-C-00039-02 Sugar 30 30

    Netherlands NET-C-00039-02 Yellow Split Peas 1,025 0

    Spain SPA-C-00035-04 Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) 299 299

    Spain SPA-C-00035-04 Sugar 22 22

    Spain SPA-C-00035-04 Yellow Split Peas 200 200

    USA USA-C-00197-01 Yellow Split Peas 175

    USA USA-C-00212-01 Corn-Soya Blend (CSB) 1,885

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Annex: Resource Inputs from Donors Resourced in 2009 (mt) Shipped/Purchased in

    2009 (mt)Donor Cont. Ref. No Commodity In-Kind Cash

    USA USA-C-00369-01 Split Peas 1,160

    USA USA-C-00369-01 Vegetable Oil 1,110

    USA USA-C-00369-01 heat 2,470

    USA USA-C-00369-01 heat Flour 2,420

    USA USA-C-00369-02 Sorghum/Millet 40 39

    Total: 64,740 14,242 72,855

    Annex: Commodity Transactions



    Transaction Going out Coming in

    To project mt From project mt

    Beans Transfer 105590 4

    Corn-soya Blend (csb) Loan

    104780 (Improve

    Health & Nutrition) 373

    Corn-soya Blend (csb) Loan

    104780 (Support to

    Basic Education) 0

    Corn-soya Blend (csb) Loan 105100 8

    Corn-soya Blend (csb) Loan

    104780 (Improve

    Health & Nutrition) 22

    Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment

    104780 (Support to

    Basic Education) 5

    Corn-soya Blend (csb) Repayment 105100 4

    Corn-soya Blend (csb) Transfer 105590 2,266

    Iodised Salt Loan 105100 0

    Iodised Salt Loan

    104780 (Improve

    Health & Nutrition) 0

    Iodised Salt Loan 104780 (Support toBasic Education) 40

    Iodised Salt Repayment

    104780 (Support to

    Basic Education) 12

    Iodised Salt Transfer 105590 561

    Lentils Transfer 105590 1

    Maize Meal Loan 105100 678

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009 Chad Single Country EMOP - 105591

    Annex: Commodity Transactions



    Transaction Going out Coming in

    To project mt From project mt

    Split Peas Loan

    104780 (Improve

    Food Security) 39

    Split Peas Loan

    104780 (Improve

    Health & Nutrition) 1

    Split Peas Repayment 105100 33

    Split Peas Transfer 105590 828

    Sugar Loan

    104780 (Support to

    Basic Education) 7

    Sugar Loan

    104780 (Improve

    Health & Nutrition) 10

    Sugar Loan

    104780 (Support to

    Basic Education) 86

    Sugar Transfer 105590 743

    Vegetable Oil Loan 105100 4

    Vegetable Oil Loan

    104780 (Support to

    Basic Education) 207

    Vegetable Oil Transfer 105590 1,412

    Wheat Transfer 105590 1,219

    Wheat Flour Loan 105100 154

    Wheat Flour Loan

    104780 (Improve

    Food Security) 19

    Wheat Flour Repayment

    104780 (Support to

    Basic Education) 11

    Wheat Flour Transfer 105590 456

    Project Total: 1,340 12,198

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Financial Section

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Standard Project Report 2009

    Direct Project Costs 2009

    Figures Based on Project Overview of Financial Section

    CHAD Single Country EMOP - 105591

    C 30.93 %

    T 8.87 %

    L 42.49 %

    O 1.55 %

    D 16.16 %

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Approved BudgetConfirmed


    ExpendituresBalance of


    Reported During the Period Cumulative Total

    Direct Project Costs

    Commodity 70,009,223 45,322,956 11,596,019 28,177,087 39,773,106 5,549,850

    Transport 24,430,580 11,525,388 2,648,759 8,081,666 10,730,425 794,963

    LTSH 108,125,980 79,719,681 0 38,716,711 38,716,711 41,002,971

    ODOC 3,611,000 2,826,034 0 1,410,126 1,410,126 1,415,907

    DSC 35,357,768 26,906,347 10,398 14,727,454 14,737,852 12,168,495

    Unprogrammed Project Costs 10,561,057 10,561,057

    Total Direct Project Costs 241,534,551 209,679,238 14,255,176 123,930,818 138,185,994 71,493,243

    Indirect Support Costs 16,907,419 11,705,740 4,370,300 7,335,440 11,705,740 0

    Stock Transfer 32,817,774 0 32,817,774 32,817,774 0

    Total 258,441,970 221,384,977 18,625,476 131,266,258 149,891,734 71,493,243


    Project: 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP

    Statement of Account for the Period 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    nt ony yrre


    ontr ut on an ro ect ccounts ranc

    The project has been operationally and financially closed. This financial report is final.

    Page 104/03/2010 15:16:15

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Incoming and Outgoing Total Subtotal AUS MOAGR

    Total Transfers Multilateral Directed 10004123

    Multilateral AUS-C-00015-01

    AUS2009-001HQ 01

    Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 38,726,500 0 0 38,726,500 0

    Cash 149,840,703 0 3,879,660 145,961,043 661,376

    Stock Transfer 32,817,774 32,817,774

    Total Confirmed Contributions 221,384,977 32,817,774 3,879,660 184,687,543 661,376


    Project Costs

    Commodity 39,773,105 0 989,896 38,783,209 172,091

    Transport 10,730,425 0 81,068 10,649,357 20,679

    LTSH 38,716,711 0 0 37,985,047 315,755

    ODOC 1,410,126 0 57,256 1,280,183 10,922

    DSC 14,737,852 0 436,371 12,013,524 96,772

    Stock Transfer 32,817,774 32,817,774

    Total Direct Project Costs 138,185,994 32,817,774 1,564,591 100,711,320 616,219

    Indirect Support Costs 11,705,740 0 199,346 11,506,394 43,267

    Total Expenditures 149,891,734 32,817,774 1,763,937 112,217,714 659,486

    Balance of Contributions 71,493,244 0 2,115,722 72,469,830 1,890


    1 2

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 2

    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP

    The following donors have provided multilateral contributions for this project:


    *This line indicates the associated costs (0USD) linked to the commodity carried over ( MT) to the subsequent operation

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C



    10009333 10009222 10004734 10003892 10004749

    CAN-C-00182-01 EEC-C-00152-01 FIN-C-00039-07 FRA-C-00065-01 GER-C-00060-03

    CAN2009F-002HQ 06 EEC2009F-001HQ 13 FIN2009-005HQ 07 FRA2008-030HQ 01 GER2009-010HQ 03

    Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 2,853,338 6,751,055 2,083,223 150,348 703,235

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 2,853,338 6,751,055 2,083,223 150,348 703,235


    Project Costs

    Commodity 0 1,890,464 974,465 41,864 158,240

    Transport 0 233,278 75,770 8,449 33,445

    LTSH 0 2,208,168 641,059 0 308,372

    ODOC 0 79,723 26,552 2,700 14,485

    DSC 0 764,682 226,678 20,553 109,035

    Stock Transfer

    Total Direct Project Costs 0 5,176,316 1,944,523 73,566 623,578

    Indirect Support Costs 186,667 441,658 136,286 9,835 46,006

    Total Expenditures 186,667 5,617,974 2,080,809 83,401 669,584

    Balance of Contributions 2,666,671 1,133,081 2,414 66,946 33,651

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 3

    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP


    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C



    10003834 10004282 10009515 10004697 10003712

    JPN-C-00082-20 JPN-C-00088-03 JPN-C-00095-01 NET-C-00039-02 SPA-C-00035-04

    JPN2008-021HQ 20 JPN2009-003HQ 03 JPN2009F-001HQ 08 NET2009-002HQ 02 SPA2008-016HQ 05

    Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 18,400 3,500,000 3,571,429 1,470,000 776,197

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 18,400 3,500,000 3,571,429 1,470,000 776,197


    Project Costs

    Commodity 0 865,984 919,720 387,329 194,840

    Transport 0 126,575 168,390 82,743 37,131

    LTSH 0 1,691,193 1,224,224 645,502 0

    ODOC 12,202 60,841 83,185 27,581 12,389

    DSC 0 518,174 553,830 228,249 112,543

    Stock Transfer

    Total Direct Project Costs 12,202 3,262,768 2,949,349 1,371,404 356,904

    Indirect Support Costs 0 228,972 233,645 96,168 50,779

    Total Expenditures 12,202 3,491,740 3,182,994 1,467,572 407,683

    Balance of Contributions 6,198 8,260 388,434 2,428 368,513

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 4


    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C



    10010596 10010681 10004484 10010104 10010773

    SPA-C-00051-11 SPA-C-00064-01 SWI-C-00087-06 SWI-C-00089-01 USA-C-00342-01

    SWI2009-004HQ 06

    Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 1,065,227 4,437,870 438,869 472,858 2,720

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 1,065,227 4,437,870 438,869 472,858 2,720


    Project Costs

    Commodity 0 0 0 0 0

    Transport 0 0 0 0 0

    LTSH 0 0 0 0 0

    ODOC 0 0 0 0 0

    DSC 0 0 7,669 0 0

    Stock Transfer

    Total Direct Project Costs 0 0 7,669 0 0

    Indirect Support Costs 69,688 0 28,711 30,935 178

    Total Expenditures 69,688 0 36,380 30,935 178

    Balance of Contributions 995,539 4,437,870 402,489 441,923 2,542

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 5


    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP

    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    USA USAID/FFP Unassigned

    Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 38,726,500

    Cash 117,004,900

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 155,731,400


    Project Costs

    Commodity 33,178,210 0

    Transport 9,862,897 0

    LTSH 30,950,774 731,664

    ODOC 949,603 72,688

    DSC 9,375,337 2,287,956

    Stock Transfer

    Total Direct Project Costs 84,316,821 3,092,308

    Indirect Support Costs 9,903,600 0

    Total Expenditures 94,220,421 3,092,308

    Balance of Contributions 61,510,979 (3,092,308)

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 6

    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP


    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C


    Incoming and Outgoing Total Subtotal AUS MOAGR

    Total Transfers Multilateral Directed 10004123

    Multilateral AUS-C-00015-01

    AUS2009-001HQ 01

    Confirmed Contributions no_hide no_hide no_hide no_hide

    In Kind 38,726,500 0 0 38,726,500 0

    Cash 149,840,703 0 3,879,660 145,961,043 661,376

    Stock Transfer 32,817,774 32,817,774

    Total Confirmed Contributions 221,384,977 32,817,774 3,879,660 184,687,543 661,376

    Contribution Received

    In Kind 33,035,666 0

    Cash 59,235,993 661,376

    Total Contribution Received 92,271,659 661,376

    Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 5,690,834 0

    Cash 86,725,050 0

    Outstanding Contribution Receivable 92,415,884 0

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 7

    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.


    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C



    10009333 10009222 10004734 10003892 10004749

    CAN-C-00182-01 EEC-C-00152-01 FIN-C-00039-07 FRA-C-00065-01 GER-C-00060-03

    CAN2009F-002HQ 06 EEC2009F-001HQ 13 FIN2009-005HQ 07 FRA2008-030HQ 01 GER2009-010HQ 03

    Confirmed Contributions no_hide no_hide no_hide no_hide no_hide

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 2,853,338 6,751,055 2,083,223 150,348 703,235

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 2,853,338 6,751,055 2,083,223 150,348 703,235

    Contribution Received

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 2,853,338 4,500,703 2,083,223 150,348 703,235

    Total Contribution Received 2,853,338 4,500,703 2,083,223 150,348 703,235

    Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 0 2,250,352 0 0 0

    Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 2,250,352 0 0 0

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 8

    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP


    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C



    10003834 10004282 10009515 10004697 10003712

    JPN-C-00082-20 JPN-C-00088-03 JPN-C-00095-01 NET-C-00039-02 SPA-C-00035-04

    JPN2008-021HQ 20 JPN2009-003HQ 03 JPN2009F-001HQ 08 NET2009-002HQ 02 SPA2008-016HQ 05

    Confirmed Contributions no_hide no_hide no_hide no_hide no_hide

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 18,400 3,500,000 3,571,429 1,470,000 776,197

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 18,400 3,500,000 3,571,429 1,470,000 776,197

    Contribution Received

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 18,400 3,500,000 3,571,429 1,470,000 776,197

    Total Contribution Received 18,400 3,500,000 3,571,429 1,470,000 776,197

    Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 0 0 0 0 0

    Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 0 0 0 0

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 9


    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP

    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    World Food Programme

  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C



    10010596 10010681 10004484 10010104 10010773

    SPA-C-00051-11 SPA-C-00064-01 SWI-C-00087-06 SWI-C-00089-01 USA-C-00342-01

    SWI2009-004HQ 06

    Confirmed Contributions no_hide no_hide no_hide no_hide no_hide

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 1,065,227 4,437,870 438,869 472,858 2,720

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 1,065,227 4,437,870 438,869 472,858 2,720

    Contribution Received

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 1,065,227 4,437,870 438,869 472,858 2,720

    Total Contribution Received 1,065,227 4,437,870 438,869 472,858 2,720

    Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 0 0 0 0 0

    Cash 0 0 0 0 0

    Outstanding Contribution Receivable 0 0 0 0 0

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 10


    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP

    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.

    World Food Programme


  • 7/30/2019 WFP Chad, Standard Project Report 2009: "Assistance to Sudanese Refugees, Internally Displaced, IDP Host Communities and Refugee-Affected Local Populations in Eastern C



    Confirmed Contributions no_hide

    In Kind 38,726,500

    Cash 117,004,900

    Stock Transfer

    Total Confirmed Contributions 155,731,400

    Contribution Received

    In Kind 33,035,666

    Cash 32,530,201

    Total Contribution Received 65,565,868

    Outstanding Confirmed Contributions

    In Kind 5,690,834

    Cash 84,474,699

    Outstanding Contribution Receivable 90,165,532

    04/03/2010 14:56:43 Page 11

    Project : 105591

    EMOP-TCD-Assis.Sudanese Refugees, IDP


    Statement of Account as at 31 December 2009

    (Amounts in US dollars)

    Note: SPR amounts are round off to the nearest dollar. Balances with (+/-) USD 1 will be round off to ''0''.