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WF Reading Champions (Reciprocal Reading Project) - Day 1 of 8Published on The Hub (

WF Reading Champions (Reciprocal Reading Project) - Day 1 of8Wed, 01/03/2017 - 15:32 -- Barry Fong Date Thursday, 15 September, 2016 Time 1:15pm-3:15pm Description Reciprocal teaching is a well-researched approach to developing comprehensionthrough the use of explicit strategies (predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarising). Thisprogramme promotes a teacher-led guided approach to using these strategies. Venue Davies Lane Teaching School, Davies Lane, Leytonstone, London, E11 3DR Body

Developing comprehension through effectiveguided reading – with Wayne Tennent

Reciprocal teaching (Palincsar & Brown, 1984) is a well-researched approach to developingcomprehension through the use of explicit strategies (predicting, questioning, clarifying andsummarising). There have been hundreds of studies which attest to its efficacy.

This programme promotes a teacher-led guided approach to using these strategies. It particularlyfocuses on the role of questioning in helping young readers engage with the 'layers' of meaningpresented in a text. The programme is led by Dr Wayne Tennent (Senior Lecturer, University of EastLondon). Wayne has worked with many schools and local authorities developing effective guidedreading practices.

Aspects covered in this programme:

Developing pedagogy: a demonstration of practice and approaching planningThe comprehension process: what goes on in a reader's head?Monitoring comprehension: making sense of texts in unique waysThe role of talk: encouraging dialogueEngaging with texts: exploring 'Text Potential'

Outcomes from previous programmes include:

Sustained progress in reading across yearsChildren demonstrating greater engagement with, and enjoyment of, readingTeachers with a deeper understanding of the comprehensions processTeachers with a deeper understanding of the role of inference makingTeachers making smarter use of planning time

Course Cost:

Fully funded for Waltham Forest Schools by The Reading Project.

Course Dates:

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Page 2: WF Reading Champions (Reciprocal Reading Project) - Day 1 of 8

WF Reading Champions (Reciprocal Reading Project) - Day 1 of 8Published on The Hub (

Session 1: Thursday 15th SeptemberSession 2: Thursday 13th OctoberSession 3: Thursday 17th NovemberSession 4: Thursday 12th JanuarySession 5: Thursday 9th FebruarySession 6: Thursday 16th MarchSession 7: Thursday 4th MaySession 8: Thursday 8th June

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