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Page 1: Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and ......wetland city, living better with our waters and environment in action 3.3.3 Monitoring the state of wetland ecosystems and water

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Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)

A CReW+ Academy Webinar

February 24th 2021

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Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)February 24th 20212

Dr. Osvaldo Jordán, Ramsar Regional


Ing. Hugo Parra Tabla

CONAGUA - México

MSc. Andrés Fraiz, Wetlands International

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Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)February 24th 20213


Introduction and objective – Moderator

Ecosystem services of wetlands and their relationship with the water and sanitation sector

Dr. Osvaldo Jordán, Centro Regional Ramsar (CREHO)

Practical cases using aquatic bioindicators to determine water quality

MSc. Andrés Fraiz, Wetlands International

Water quality standards for wetland ecosystems - Norma Oficial Mexicana para sistemas kársticos (Official Mexican Standard for karst systems)

Ing. Hugo Parra Tabla, CONAGUA


Presentations in this webinar

Your moderator today:

Julio Montes de Oca, GIZ

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4 Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)February 24th 2021

Towards an integrated approach for water management...

Landscapeapproach: IntegratedWaterResourcesManagement

Structuralapproach: Water, Sanitationand Health

Ecosystemapproach: Wetlands

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5 Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)February 24th 2021

Visualizing the connection through the SDG´s...

“The Wedding Cake”

(Stockholm Resilience Centre, 2016)

Support elements for


• Multilateral treaties

and state policies

• National regulations

• Field implementation

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Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)February 24th 20216

Ecosystem services of wetlands and their relationship with the water and sanitation sector

Dr. Osvaldo Jordán, Ramsar Regional Center(CREHO)

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Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)

Osvaldo Jordán. PhD. Director EjecutivoCentro Regional Ramsar, CREHO

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The Ramsar


• The Parties commit themselves to designate protected wetlands (Ramsar Sites), to the sound use of wetlands and to cooperation on transboundary issues.

• Member States: 171

• Number of Ramsar sites: 2.416

• Total area of designated sites: 254,551,385

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Ramsar Regional Centers

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• 2005. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. New emphasis on Environmental Services.

• 2015. Paris Agreement and Launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

• Nature-based Solutions […] (Cohen et al. 2016).

• Urban Resilience (Lafortezza et al. 2017). Grey-green-blue infrastructure/Environmental Services.

- Sustainable urbanization.- Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems.- Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation.- Resilience and Environmental Risk Management.

Nature-based Solutions (NBS)

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• Wu et al. 2018

• Ghimire et al. 2019

• Vera et al. 2020

Constructed Wetlands as Nature-basedSolution for Wastewater Treatment

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• Rodriguez-Dominguez et al. 2020. 520 experiencias en 20 países. Demanda Química de Oxígeno, Nitrógeno Total y Fosforo Total. Baja cobertura de sanitización y tratamiento de aguas residuales en ALC. Brasil, Argentina, México y Colombia.

• Noyola et al. 2012. En ALC los HC solo se utilizan para tratar 0.22% del flujo de total de aguas residuales.

• Garcia-Garcia et al. 2016. Las SBN no son el foco de las escuelas de ingeniería en la región.

Constructed Wetlands in Latin America and the Caribbean

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• Manual 8. Lineamientos de Ramsar en relación con el Agua.

• The Socio-Economics of Wetlands. 2002. Case Study of Nakivubourban wetland that flows between the city of Kampala and Lake Victoria in Uganda. Direct use and indirect use (wáter purification).

At present, a large part of the water purification value of Nakivubo is received free of charge by the beneficiaries; part of these beneficiaries -industries and wealthier households - are in a situation where they can well afford to contribute.

Ramsar Guidelines related toWastewater

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Ramsar Guidelines related toWastewater

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• 18. REQUESTS that the Scientific and Technical Review Panel, in line with its scope, mandate and priority thematic areas of work established for 2019-2021, in preparing its proposed work plan for submission to the 57th meeting of the Standing Committee, consider doing the following, in cooperation [...]

2) International Partner Organisations:

b. Develop technical guidelines for urban and peri-urban constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, which could include improving water quality and providing habitat for wildlife species based on best available standards for siting, design, construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring of such treatment wetlands as well as bioremediation;

Ramsar Guidelines related toWastewater. Resolución XIII.16

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This voluntary system gives cities

that value their natural or human-

made wetlands the opportunity to

gain international recognition and positive publicity for their efforts.


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Nearly 4 billion people now live in urban areas (United Nations, 2014).

While cities currently occupy only 2% of the Earth's surface, they use 75% of the world's natural resources and generate 70% of all waste produced globally (ICLEI, 2010).

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Wetlands should be seen as solution providers in an urban and peri-urban context, which can mitigate the risks of a changing climate, support food production for a growing population and generate income through tourism and recreation (Ramsar, 2013).

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To the planners

• Explicitly include wetlands as natural infrastructure in urban planning, including all aspects of water management, such as storm drainage management, water resources and water treatment.

• Think holistically: financial, cultural, social and environmental considerations should be taken into account from the outset.

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GraciasOsvaldo Jordán. PhDDirector EjecutivoCentro Regional Ramsar, [email protected]

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Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)February 24th 202124

Practical cases using aquatic bioindicatorsto determine water quality

MSc. Andrés Fraiz, Wetlands International

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Practical cases using aquatic bioindicators to determine water quality

February 2021

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Foundation Wetlands International

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• Indicate the quality of a habitat

• They signal the presence or absence of contamination

• Detect disturbances or changes in the environment

• Determine ecosystem type

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Bioindicators in mangrove ecosystems

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Bioindicators in mangrove ecosystems

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Project: Environmental

impact of multi-stressors on

aquatic ecosystems in the

metropolitan area of Panama.

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Panama City Resilience Strategy

Pillar 3: Rediscovering our wetland city, living better with our waters and environment in action 3.3.3 Monitoring the state of wetland ecosystems

and water quality in the catchments of the metropolitan area.

Establish an initial baseline of ecosystem status in order to use

fish as a biological indicator.

Physico-chemical indicators to determine

variations in the concentration of

chemicals, organic and inorganic compounds, metals and emerging

substances, as a means of verifying water quality

in urban watersheds.

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General Objective

Assess and manage the impacts of multi-stressors on

aquatic ecosystems in the province of Panama in order to

strengthen existing monitoring programmes in the

metropolitan region.

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Study area:

Three watersheds will be studied, located within the Political Division

of the province of Panama.

N° of


River Name Main



142 Between Río

Caimito y Juan



144 Río Juan Díaz

and between Río

Juan Díaz and


Juan Díaz

146 Río Pacora Pacora

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Development of an Index of Biotic Integrity for Fish (IBI)

• Sampling will be carried out using electrofishing equipment.

• An index of biotic integrity (IBI) will be developed, using R software.

• Data on species composition, abundance, age structure and health

status will be analysed.

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Foto :Ennio Arcia

Index and Characterization Type


(Índice de hábitat fluvial)






(Índice de Bosque de




(índice de Calidad de




(índice de Integridad

Biótica en Peces)



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Proposed management

measures (Restoration and


Provide tools to identify and assess the

level of impact of pressures on the

aquatic ecosystem.

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Wetlands International Panamá

Ciudad del Saber, Edif. 181, Of. 12 y 13

Ciudad de Panamá, República de Panamá

Tel.: +507 306-3171

[email protected] [email protected]

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Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for Water and Sanitation (WaSH)February 24th 202138

Water quality standards for wetland ecosystems - Norma Oficial Mexicana para sistemas kársticos(Official Mexican Standard for karst systems)

Ing. Hugo Parra Tabla, CONAGUA

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February 24th 2021

Wetlands as a Nature-based Solution for

Water and Sanitation (WaSH)

Water quality standards for wetland ecosystems -

Norma Oficial Mexicana para sistemas kársticos

(Official Mexican Standard for karst systems)

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Wetlands are sites for the transformation of matter and energy into nutrients for the support of multiple permanent and temporary species.

They provide various environmental services, either as reducers of chemical and biological waste, or as reservoirs for them; as flood

regulation areas, as a source of aquifer recharge, protection barriers against storms and hurricanes, among others. This makes them

important sources of economic resources, both for the commercially valuable plant and animal species that develop within them and in

their immediate surroundings, as well as for their ability to buffer against extreme phenomena.

In spite of the importance of these ecosystems, Mexico does not have specific legislation for wetlands, although there are numerous laws,

regulations and norms that have, to some extent, an impact on the protection, conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.

Legislation applicable to wetlands

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International TreatiesVoluntary

International Standards

National Lawsand Regulations

Mexica Norms;Entrepreneurial and

Social Iniciatives



compulsory voluntary

Legislation applicable to wetlands

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Political Constitution of the United Mexican States

The constitutional precepts that provide the basis for the prevention, preservation and protection of

wetlands are found in Articles 2, 4, 25, 27, 42 and 48.

International treaties

• Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat. Ramsar.

• Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

• Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

• Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean

Region (WCRC)

• United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

• Convention between the United Mexican States and the United States of America for the Protection

of Migratory Birds and Hunted Mammals

• Canada/Mexico/USA Trilateral Committee for the Conservation and Management of Migratory Birds

and Game Mammals U. A. for the Conservation and Management of Wildlife and Ecosystems

• The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

• The United Nations Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural


• The Cartagena Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean


Legislation applicable to wetlands

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Legislation applicable to wetlands

General and Federal Laws• General Law on National Assets

• General Law on Ecological Equilibrium and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA)

• Law on National Waters

• Federal Law of the Sea

• General Wildlife Law

• General Law on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

• Law on Sustainable Forestry Development

• Law on Sustainable Rural Development

• General Law on Climate Change

• Law on Maritime Navigation and Trade

• Law for the Use of Renewable Energies and the Financing of the Energy


• General Law for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste

• Law on Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms

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Legislation applicable to wetlands

The Mexican and Mexican Official Standards that relate to wetlands are:

• NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, Environmental protection-Mexican

native species of wild flora and fauna-Categories of risk and

specifications for their inclusion, exclusion or change-List of species

at risk.

• NOM-022-SEMARNAT -2003, which establishes the specifications for

the preservation, conservation, sustainable use and restoration of

coastal wetlands in mangrove areas.

• Mexican Standard MX-AA-159-SCFI-2012, which establishes the

procedure for the determination of the ecological flow in hydrological


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Ley de Aguas Nacionales

National Water Law

Wetlands are defined as:

"Transition zones between aquatic and terrestrial systems that constitute areas

of temporary or permanent inundation, subject or not to tidal influence, such as

marshes, swamps and bogs, whose boundaries are constituted by the type of

hydrophilic vegetation of permanent or seasonal presence; areas where the soil

is predominantly hydric; and lacustrine areas or areas of permanently wet soils

due to the natural discharge of aquifers."

Article 3, Section XXX

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For the purposes of this Convention, wetlands are areas of marsh, fen,

peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary,

with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas

of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six


Article 1

Convention on Wetlands of International

Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat

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For the preservation of wetlands affected by national water flow regimes, "the Commission" shall act through the Basin

Organisms, or by itself, in the cases provided for in Section IX of Article 9 of this Law, which are reserved for direct action by

"the Commission". For such purposes, it shall have the following powers:

I. To delimit and keep the inventory of wetlands on national property or those flooded by national waters;

II. To promote, under the terms of the present Law and its regulations, national water reserves or ecological reserves in

accordance with the relevant law, for the preservation of wetlands;

III. Propose Official Mexican Standards to preserve, protect and, where appropriate, restore wetlands, the national waters

that feed them, and the aquatic and hydrological ecosystems that form part of them;

IV. Promote and, where appropriate, carry out the necessary actions and measures to rehabilitate or restore wetlands, as

well as to establish a natural environment or protection perimeter of the wetland area, in order to preserve its hydrological

conditions and ecosystem; and

V. To grant permits to drain land in wetlands in the case of national waters and property under its responsibility, for protection

purposes or to prevent damage to public health, when this is not the responsibility of another agency.

For the exercise of the powers referred to in this Article, "the Commission" and the River Basin Organisations shall coordinate

with the other authorities that must intervene or participate within the scope of their competence.

Article 86 BIS 1 LAN

Ley de Aguas Nacionales

National Water Law

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Existing Norms

• Protection

NOM-022-SEMARNAT-2003, Establishing the specifications for the preservation, conservation,

sustainable use and restoration of coastal wetlands in mangrove areas.

• Quality

NOM-001-SEMARNAT-1996, Establishing the maximum permissible limits for pollutants in waste

discharges into national waters and property.

• Quantity

NOM-011-CONAGUA-2015, Conservation of water resources - Establishing the specifications

and method for determining the average annual availability of national waters.

NOM-014-CONAGUA-2003, Requirements for artificial recharge of aquifers with treated waste


NOM-015-CONAGUA-2007, Artificial infiltration of water into aquifers - Characteristics and

specifications of works and water.

NMX-AA-159-SCFI-2012, Establishing the procedure for the determination of the ecological flow

in hydrological basins.

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Wetlands of the Yucatan Peninsula,

identified in the National Wetlands Inventory, scale 1:


430 Wetlands

• 5 Created

• 90 Estuary (River Mouth)

• 103 Fluvial (Rivers)

• 49 Lacustrine (Lakes)

• 181 Palustrine (Swamps)

Humedales en la Península de Yucatán

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Fuente: Peter Bauer-Gottwein & Bibi R. N. Gondwe & Guillaume Charvet & Luis E. Marín & Mario

Rebolledo-Vieyra & Gonzalo Merediz-Alonso, Review: The Yucatán Peninsula karst aquifer, Mexico.

Hydrogeology Journal (2011) 19: 507–524

Fuente: Biol. Sonia Angélica Prado Roque, Estrategia preliminar para la aplicación de la política de

gestión del agua por cuenca en la Región XII, Península de Yucatán. Gerencia Regional de la

Península de Yucatán de la Comisión Nacional del Agua, 2000

Regional subsurface flow in the Yucatan Peninsula

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Fuente: Monroy-Ríos E (2016) ¿Cómo se formaron cuevas y cenotes? Espeleogénesis.Environmental Biogeochemistry – Blog personal. Publicado el 20

de mayo, 2016. Fecha de consulta: [19/02/2021].

Diagram of the Yucatan Peninsula

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Cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula

Fuente: Monroy-Ríos E (2016) ¿Cómo se formaron cuevas y cenotes? Espeleogénesis.Environmental Biogeochemistry –

Blog personal. Publicado el 20 de mayo, 2016. Fecha de consulta: [19/02/2021].

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When proposing a standard, questions arise:

Why regulate?

What to regulate?

Who to regulate?

Who regulates?

Who is involved in its elaboration?

Who verifies compliance?

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Developing the standard, it should not be forgotten that:

• It must be efficient and cost-effective (efficiency and cost-effectiveness criteria).

• It must be just (equity criterion).

• It should provide incentives for those affected to seek the best solutions to the problem.

• It must be achievable, using the best available technologies..

• It must be supervisable.

• Sufficient time should be taken to prepare it, as it is urgent.

Keep in mind with regard to wetlands that:

• Most of the areas they occupy are not part of the territorial reserves, nor are they protected.

• They require water in specific quantity, seasonality and quality for their conservation.

• They are exploited because the land occupied by them has alternative uses of great economic value.

Keep in mind with regard to karst systems that:

• It is a very complex and fragile environment.

• The states of the Yucatan Peninsula are experiencing diverse economic growth orientations.

• It is not known how many cenotes exist, nor what use is being made of them.

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Thank you for your attention

Hugo Parra Tabla

Subgerente de Programas

Sectoriales de Calidad del Agua

[email protected]

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5-minute break and questions in chat

Discussion: Challenges and opportunities for integration

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