Download - Wes recommendation


To whom it may concern:

My name is Wes Martin. I have been producing, mixing and mastering music full time since 2007. I currently teach Audio Production Techniques, Music Theory, and Songwriting at MediaTech Institute. I am also the Director of Education here at the Dallas Campus.

Joseph Steele was a student of mine from August to December 2015. I teach advanced audio production and songwriting and am also the Director of Education at MediaTech Institute (Dallas Campus).Being the valedictorian of his class at MediaTech Institute, Joey was always prepared and often stayed late after class to learn more of the craft.

On a professional note, there were a few occasions I was privileged to work alongside him in the recording studio setting. He engineered some sessions for me. He was on time, there to do the job and had a professional and positive attitude the whole time. Joey is an exceptional problem-solver and actually got me out of a few binds in the studio and saved the session! I would be proud to work with him again in the future and am happy to recommend him for an engineering position in the audio field.

In closing, I must include a personal note: toward the end of a session that he had engineered, we were finishing up and about to leave when he mentioned on the way out that his father had just passed away and that he may miss the following week of school and just wanted to let me know. I had no idea that anything like that was going on in his life. I didn't know this because he always left his ego and personal life "at the door" and was there to do a great job. That was louder than anything else to me and I wanted to share that. If you want a hard worker who puts forth results instead of excuses, Joseph Steele is your guy.