Download - WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

Page 1: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

WERCS UpgradeWERCS Upgrade5.X – 6.15.X – 6.1

Steve Giamalis

Page 2: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

Major ChangesMajor Changes•This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

•Though the general process is similar, more planning, effort, and time are required than for previous upgrades.

Page 3: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

Begin At The BeginningBegin At The Beginning•The previous WERCS environment may not be enough!

•Minimum Hardware/Software Recommendations have increased

Page 4: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

DatabaseDatabase•Structural Upgrade Process

-You provide The Wercs with a copy of your database and the Wercs generates custom scripts to migrate your structure

•Scripts will both modify structure and add/update data

Page 5: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

Software InstallationSoftware Installation•Application will reside on an MS IIS Server with .NET Framework 3.5

•The ini file is no more! Your specific non-default settings must be analyzed and input into the new system

•There will likely be changes required in Security

Page 6: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

Goodbye Phrase LibraryGoodbye Phrase Library•The historic WERCS Phrase Library tables are defunct in 6.1.

•A phrase library conversion tool must be executed after software installation to populate the new phrase library database structures from your existing phrases.

•This tool is intensive and can take several hours to execute

Page 7: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

PDF StoragePDF Storage•The method in which PDF documents are stored and retrieved underwent technological changes with the migration to the .NET environment.

•A conversion tool must be applied to your current published PDF document library to ensure it is functional in the 6.1 platform.

Page 8: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

Rules for SQL RulesRules for SQL Rules•SQL Rules historically were stored in files and accessed by the RuleWriter application.

•All SQL Rules definitions must be migrated into the database.

•WERCS 5.5.0 can perform this migration for you with the switching on of an ini file setting

Page 9: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

LabelsLabels•Label Templates created in the 5.X world are not fully compatible with the 6.1 platform

•Label Templates will have to be rebuilt in the 6.1 Label Designer

Page 10: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

InterfacesInterfaces•Interfaces are not yet .NET applications

•The functionality of interfaces is unique to each company and will have to be reviewed with your Customer Service Representative as part of upgrade planning to ensure that your current interfaces will function without issue

Page 11: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

TrainingTraining•While all standard WERCS concepts still apply and the experienced user will be able to easily adapt to the 6.1 application suite, it may be worthwhile to schedule training on the new system

Page 12: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

HostingHosting•The Wercs offers hosting services for the 6.1 application in which the customer’s database and application reside in a secure Wercs Data Center.

•Many customers find this to be a preferred solution

Page 13: WERCS Upgrade 5.X – 6.1 Steve Giamalis. Major Changes This upgrade is very significant in terms of technology, functionality, structure, and environment.

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