Download - wellness counseling comprehensive - Loryn Galardi · individual sessions & programs My private, individual, nutrition counseling sessions are designed to focus on your unique body

Page 1: wellness counseling comprehensive - Loryn Galardi · individual sessions & programs My private, individual, nutrition counseling sessions are designed to focus on your unique body

phone: 203.451.5468email: [email protected]


individualsessions &programs

private, customized,one-on-one health and

wellness counselingto address your

health goals

phone: 203.451.5468 email: [email protected] web: phone: 203.451.5468

testimonials: My goal was to lose 15 lbs, to feel better and reduce the meds I was taking daily for several chronic medical conditions. After about 10 days I felt 100% better. I was losing weight, felt my body getting "younger", had more energy, was not tired and generally felt great. The supplements are a huge benefit. I was chronically toxic - who knew that the food I was eating was causing me to be ill. The best thing to come from this program was that after 6 months I was able to eliminate the drug I was taking for Rheumatoid Arthritis. 5 months later I still feel great, am label and health conscious and know what to avoid. Everyone could benefit from this program and I have shared it with several people, who have seen positive results. UPDATE: I am still off anti inflammatory drugs (for 2+ years) and doing well, thanks to your program! I am feeling GREAT at 50, and the compliments are rewarding! – Norma Stockmar, Stamford CT

Loryn has a sophisticated and mindful approach to nutrition, weight loss and better health. There is no calorie counting or fake sugary sweets to buy. She works in private sessions using cutting edge nutritional science and sound principles that work. Her nutrition counsel is a valuable, thinking person's strategy to a lifetime of good eating habits. - Tedd Weisman, MD (Orthopedic Surgery), Milford, CT

What would I have done without Loryn Galardi? Metformin, for one. Two – worry, about type 2 diabetes taking over my life like it did many of my relatives. Three – endure midday fatigue, the shakes, dehydration and the list goes on. But most importantly, Four – model poor eating habits in my young son. As I write this, it is mid-afternoon and I have energy! This has not been the case in decades! (I had learned to keep only flat/clean things on my desk so that my forehead wouldn’t later have imprints on it after one of my many desk naps). I can’t believe how I bent and twisted my life around that midday fatigue. I can’t believe I didn’t consider once that it was bad/abnormal. Bottom line – I have made a radical change in my eating habits and haven’t suffered one single iota. On the contrary, doors have opened and I am happier and more energetic than EVER! I should have done this years ago. UPDATE: Continuing to follow your guidelines in the past year, I lost 10 pounds and my Hemoglobin A1C level went down into the non-diabetic zone. My doctor was so impressed. I sing your praises to anyone who’ll listen. – Joan Franzino, Greenwich CT

I am so thankful to have found Loryn Galardi! After one short week, insomnia, irritability, and chronic fatigue no longer have a grip on me. I have felt on edge and anxious for years and general practitioners have been unable to find an “ailment.” Through diet and advice alone, I have finally slept soundly for the first time in way too long. There is no going back to my old ways now that Loryn has enlightened me to the effects of my diet and how to make my body run more efficiently. – Kristin, Wilton CT








nloryn galardi, m.s.c l i n i c a l n u t r i t i o n i s t

A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul;

a sick, its prison. Francis Bacon

Page 2: wellness counseling comprehensive - Loryn Galardi · individual sessions & programs My private, individual, nutrition counseling sessions are designed to focus on your unique body

phone: 203.451.5468 email: [email protected] web: phone: 203.451.5468 email: [email protected] web:

comprehensivenutritionindividual sessions & programs

My private, individual, nutrition counseling sessions are designed to focus on your unique body type and specific health goals.

We work together to create a plan that matches your lifestyle helping you achieve and maintain vibrant health!

comprehensiveone-on-one sessionsIndividual and customized sessions help us gain a better understanding of your current health issues and how best to resolve them. Classes have many, many benefits, but don’t allow the focus to stay on YOUR specific body chemistry and it’s needs.

Individual sessions are scheduled atyour convenience and are not dictatedby the day and time of a group. Mornings, afternoons and evening and even weekend appointments are available.

Meetings typically are 1 hour in length with initial session often being a bit longer. Shorter meetings such as 20-30 minutes will be scheduled as needed to maintain structure, accountability and success.

one-on-one programs Individual, private sessions are held atmy office in Wilton and are scheduled to your convenience. For those not local, a combination of phone, email and Skype can be arranged. My fee is based on the amount of time we spend in a session based on my hourly rate. If it is more or less than the hour, I prorate up or down accordingly.

A 20-minute complimentary consultationis offered to discuss your specific goalsand health issues.

The Cleanse and Detox program is available for individuals or partners. Four private sessions are scheduled at your convenience including all powdersand supplements. Details, information and pricing are available upon request.

The 14-day Jumpstart program is also available for individual and partners.Three sessions are scheduled at your convenience with supplements and powders included. Details and pricing are available upon request.

session components Prior to your initial session, you will be askedto complete a health analysis form as wellas to track your food and drink intake for at least 3 days with a food diary. Copies of your most recent blood work will also be requested. The more detailed the information you provide, the more help I can return.

Sessions include in-depth analysis of past, current and future health concerns, family history and genetics, blood work analysis, full metabolic assessments, accountability tools, supplement review and recommendations, exercise and activity information, nutrition education and counseling, meal and snack planning, shopping lists, recipes and more.

Other topics that may be covered includestress reduction, sleep hygiene, gastrointestinal habits, emotional eating, lifestyle shift support, physician referral, detoxification, food intolerances, and children/family nutrition.