Download - Welcome - We’re glad you’re · Welcome - We’re glad you’re here Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 5, 2017 520

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Welcome - We’re glad you’re here

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 5, 2017 520 Medford Lakes Road

Tabernacle, New Jersey 08088

609-268-8383 ~

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Holy Rosary is said

every Sunday

morning at 8 am

just before the

beginning of the

8:30 Mass.

Communion Service

Every Tuesday

at 9:00 am Except

on Holy Days


Dear Parish Family,

If you didn’t get a chance to attend the Winter Wine Fest this year you really missed another great event.

This year’s event was our best ever. My thanks to a fantastic Wine Fest Committee who have been plan-

ning since September. To all the volunteers who helped on the night of the event in any way; my sincere thanks, we could not

have done it without your participation. Whether you helped pour the wine, set up for the restaurants, serve the delicious food,

be part of the fabulous band Mid Life Crisis, assist with clean up during and after, I am truly grateful for your dedication to the

parish and making Winter Wine Fest 2017 a wonderful success.

I want to call your attention to the bulletin announcement of Lenten Longings and the sign ups for Small Groups this week-

end. We are presenting to the parish this wonderful opportunity to renew yourself for Lent. Lenten Longings is sponsored by

Renew International it is a time of prayer, reflection and conversion. For 6 weeks in the Lenten Season which includes Palm

Sunday we invite you to join a small group and experience Lenten Longings and make this experience the focus of your Len-

ten journey. Sign ups begin this weekend and next weekend. You can sign up on line on our website or at the table in the atri-

um. Please give some serious thought about joining a Small Group during the Lenten Season. This is a wonderful way to en-

rich your faith.

This week we begin a new message series entitled “Tough Love” I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you over the next

four weeks.

“You are the light of the world.” Speaking to his followers, Jesus tells them of the Influence they are meant to have. Like the

seasoning that gives food its flavor, they are to be “the salt of the earth” and like a lamp on a lampstand that “gives light to all in

the house.” Clearly, their influence on the people around them is meant to be positive and substantial. But what is the source of

this irreplaceable influence?

Elsewhere in the Gospels, Jesus declares that he is “the light of the world” (cf. Jn 8:12). So when he tells his disciples that “your

light must shine before others,” he is speaking about the light that comes from following him, from believing in him, from living

their lives for him and with him. The light of Christ brightens the world, showing us the truth and meaning of our existence.

And to the extent that we have that light in our hearts, it naturally spreads out to impact those around us.

So, today we must ask ourselves whether or not we are shining the way we are meant to as Christians. Do we brighten up

our families, our workplaces, our neighborhoods, and our parishes? Are people encouraged, inspired, edified, taste of the au-

thentic truth, beauty, and goodness that comes from God alone? Or have we become a bit bland, like salt that “loses its taste” or

light that is hidden “under a bushel basket”? It’s important to be on guard against any tendency to let our faith be reduced to a

mere routine or ritual. Rather, when we nurture our faith to be a living force that defines us and our actions, it will be a source

of joy and renewal not only for us, but for the whole world.

Have a wonderful week. Looking forward to seeing you on the weekend!

Fr Andrew

Saturday, February 4 5:00 pm Cindy McConnell— Mr. & Mrs. August Zampetta

Jonathan Minder—Russ & Marty

Sunday, February 5 8:30 am Bonnie Walker—Frank & Joanne O’Brien

Ken Yates— Stephen & Barbara Herko

10:30 am Harold Schultz — Connie & Frank Marzullo

John W Parks — Marie Durbano

6:00 pm People of the Parish

Monday February 6 9:00 am Patricia Sullivan—Sean Sanford

Wednesday, February 8 9:00 am George D Soltis — Bill & Lyn Gates

Thursday, February 9 9:00 am Regina Lajkowicz—Jim, Lisa, Erin, Thomasd & Sarah Gillespie

Ken Yates—Barbara Margulis

Friday, February 10 9:00 am Joseph Innaurato—The Agresta Family

Saturday, February 11 5:00 pm Joseph & Genevieve Blanski— Jeannette Heintz

Kenneth Mooney—Dad, Mom Ed & Loretta

Sunday, February 12 8:30 am Anthony Ruuso III—Elizabeth Gaskill & Family

Bernadette Walker— SVDP Memebers

10:30 am Emma Marini — The Stephen Marini Family

John W Parks — Niffa Alioto

6:00 pm People of the Parish

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BAPTISM Your child’s Baptism is a time for celebration in our parish community! Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit & the door which gives access to the other sacraments.

Baptism Dates: February 12th, March 12th & April 9th at 1 pm Baptism Prep Classes: February 24th, March 24th April 28th at 7pm

We thank you for sharing the joy and the responsibility of bringing up your child in the Faith with us.

To register for a class please go to our website and fill out the form

or call 268-8383 x100 if you have any questions.


REMEMBERING OUR S ICK Liane Heifler, Johanna van Lammermen, Betty Sleda, Marion Lauterborn, Robert Mikulski, Edith Moore, John &

Carol Urmson, Sandy Mac, Anne Marie Kelly, Karen Achey, Joyce Mueller, Suzanne Haugh, Walter Weis, Sarah Casnet, Catherine Roberts. Robert Fenton, Michael Tocco Jr., Connie Marzullo, Tony Palumbo, Anita Halber, Jovita

Danna, Yvonne Perrottett, Patricia Bradshaw, Jay Ale, John DiPietropolo, Joy DeLuca, Eileen Dianora, Patrick Spang, Doug Heiss, Danielle McCoskey, Trisha Wade, Patricia & Donald Herpen, Lori Carpenter, Melissa Carpenter,

Valerie Carpenter, Helen Siedlecki, Anthony Walsh, Lisa Trinkle, Martin Nicholson, Margaret Maina, Richard Qui-nones, Mary Meagher, Marge Hogan, Christian Zuba, Harold Moore, Brendan Moore, Judy Zurlo, Bob & Claudia

Legato, Alan Mack, Shirley Tucker, Raymond Charlton, Denise Panico, Valerie Quinn, Martin Grzechowiak, Genaro

Gonzalez, Marie Cronk, Kara McCrink Dalonzo, Trevor Wilson, Mary Parnell, Elizabeth Miller, Sally Di Bella, Loretta Nixon, Patricia Sicilia, Mary Valiante, Nancy Valaika, Daniel Cross, Frank Ryan, Darlene Stanley, Robert Rhoads, Tom Mauchly, Catherine Ferri

Please note: A continuing list of the sick will be listed in “The Book of the Sick.” Please see or visit the Book of the Sick located on the

table at the main entrance to the Worship Space. Write in the name of those you wish the community to hold in prayer. This book will be

brought up with the gifts and the prayer intentions.

January 29th Collection: $11,317.00

February 5, 2017 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your

Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

The generosity of being a good steward of your gifts has a positive effect on people and it

is contagious! Good works encourages more good works. Let your light shine! Be careful

to recognize that God is working through you and don’t put yourself above the people

you have been called to help.

Connect Now Online Giving:

Text Contribution to


Thank You For Your

Continued Generosity

The next Seniors Meeting will be held Thursday, March 2, 2017 @ 1:00 pm. All are welcome


Thank you to the many families that have signed up for Online Giving! If you manage your bills online, we’re sure you’ll

like the convenience of giving to your church online. It’s safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made and

where it goes. You can even view your giving history at any time, just by logging in. You can transfer funds from your

checking account, use your debit or credit card and even text your contribution Please visit and click the Giving link to get started or access your existing account.

The Knights of Columbus cordially invite your entire family to attend the 2017 Spirituality Series to be held February

16, and March 16, at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm in Hoffman Hall. In keeping with Saint John Paul II’s call for New Evange-

lization, and Pope Francis’s call for all Catholics to be missionary disciples in today’s world, the theme for this

year’s series is “Proclaiming the Faith”. The February 16th presentation will be provided by Jim Kukura, and enti-

tled “Proclaiming the Faith Means Knowing the Faith”. Presentations will last about 30 minutes, followed by

questions, comments & refreshments.

There is enormous potential to enrich the quality of our lives by enhancing our understanding of Catholicism.


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Each week we receive phone calls on our Hot Line from families requesting assistance from us for rent, heating,

utilities and medical bills. We visit with these families to discuss their request for assistance. As a group at our

general meetings, we decide the best ways to help those in need. All Information is confidential. If you know any-

one in need or need help yourself, don't hesitate to call our Hot Line at 609-268- 0005.

If you would like to become a member of our society, we invite you attend one of our meetings to decide if it is right for

you. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at the church. We warmly welcome you and can

certainly use more volunteers to help us assist those in need in our community.

Items needed this Week : Paper Products: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Napkins, Tissues

Love in reality is a terrible thing compared to love in dreams. Love in dreams is love is easy. It is easy to

love people in our imaginations. It is easy to love humanity, it is very difficult to love real people and

requires all we have. In this message series, we will look at some of the demands of love and work to

draw people to the conclusion that they need God’s grace to truly love others.

Jesus tells his followers that they are salt for the earth and light for the world. Salt was needed in that culture to preserve and

give flavor to food. Light is needed He tells them that their actions matter and make a difference in the world. Loving people

when it is tough, loving people in reality through good deeds gives salt and light to a weary world. God gets the glory when

we do good for others?

Week One

1. When was the last time you were rewarded in any way? What did you do to earn that reward?

2. Do you ever feel a pull towards work or putting your energy into activities so that you miss opportunities to love others?

How do we live out the tension between having tasks to get done and our responsibility to love others?

3. Have you ever been criticized for doing the loving thing? What was your reaction? Has it kept you from acting out of love

since then?

4. Love in our heart doesn’t get criticized, but love in action does. How do we live with the boldness of the woman who

anointed Jesus?

5. Read aloud Mark 14:9. How does that verse inspire us to give our best energy to loving others?

6. Has God placed a radical action on your heart or do you feel you are called to make smaller deposits? How can you put

love in action this week for the tough love in your life?


PRAYER SHAWL M INISTRY NEW Meeting Time Available! The Prayer Shawl Ministry is offering an evening session! We teach!

All are welcome! Interested? Contact Lynn Keefer at 856-630-3344 or [email protected]

Know someone in need of Prayers and Healing?

Consider gifting them with a Prayer Shawl and our continued prayers for them! Available in the Hope Office.

Free of charge....compliments of the Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Our Parish Youth Ministry would like to thank Father Andrew, The Knights of Columbus #8733 and the

entire parish for their support of our trip to the 2017 March for Life in Washington D.C. last week on January

27. A group of 18 teens and adult chaperones took a pilgrimage, by school bus, to the annual PRO-LIFE Ral-

ly & March. This year, the 44th March for Life, was filled with enthusiasm and huge crowds. Our teens

wowed the crowd! Along the march they were asked to stop for hundreds of pictures and were interviewed by

the Wall Street Journal.

Our HERO's would especially like to thank our adult volunteers who traveled with us: Jeff & Linda Siedlecki (Ministry coor-

dinators), Dr. John DePalma, Jessica Garret, Tony Elentrio, Brandon Siedlecki and Marisa Walker. Our Teens again thank

the parish for their continual support and hope to make this an annual pilgrimage.

HERO is Holy Eucharist Reaching Out Youth Ministry. All Teens Welcome, All the Time. We meet every Wednesday night

7-8:30pm in the Cafe for Faith and Fun. Adult Volunteers are asked to call the parish office or contact Jeff Siedlecki at 609-


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Instead, join a small group for 6 weeks during Lent to read Scripture and share your faith.

What is a “Small Group”?

Small groups are faith communities that provide an opportunity for parishioners to get to know one another better in a

unique, comfortable, and casual setting: the home. The groups help participants deepen your faith and integrate it more fully

into your work and relationships. The small group experience enhances the Sunday liturgy, by helping us to better apply the

teachings of the Mass to our daily lives and become more engaged in the faith community.

Sounds good but what does it look like?

The Small Groups will meet in a Host’s home or at the parish once a week for 6 weeks for about 90 minutes beginning the

first week of Lent. Small Group Leaders and Hosts will work together to decide on a day and time for their meetings. We will

be using the Lenten Longings program from Renew International. Each session will include faith-sharing, prayer, reflection,

and discussion about a topic.

How do I get more information and sign up?

This weekend and next, you can sign up for small groups and designate your preference for the kind of your group

(married with children, women only, men only, young adults, etc.). Sign up for a group that meets at a time and day

convenient for you. For more information and to sign up, please check the bulletin , our website – or visit our table in the atrium this weekend and next.

2016 Contribution Statements can be requested through our website

statements. If unable to access our website, complete the form below & place it in the Sunday Collection Basket.


Name: ___________________________ Address: ______________________________

Envelope No.: _____________________ City, Zip: ______________________________

Email: _________________________________


On January 25th, Bishop O'Connell released his final decisions for Faith in Our Future, an eight-step

initiative meant to strengthen and enliven the parishes of the Diocese. It is a process through which

the Diocese and its parishes and ministries will plan to meet challenges and respond to new opportu-

nities for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ for years to come.

You can find the Bishop's decisions and his pastoral letter that explains the context, rationale and principles of his decisions on

the Diocese of Trenton's website -

Holy Eucharist is part of COHORT 3, along with St. Joan of Arc, Marlton, St. Mary of the Lakes, Medford, St. Isaac

Jogues, Marlton, and St. John Neumann, Mt. Laurel.

The Bishop's decisions for Cohort 3 are as follows:

1. Collaborative Model for all five parishes in the Cohort

2. Continue current Linkage Model for St. Isaac Jogues and St. John Neumann Parishes

*COLLABORATIVE PARISHES Model: Parishes within a Cohort enter into formal, collaborative relationships, working

together on specific, agreed-upon shared areas of ministry, shared programs, shared staffing, shared resources; parishes remain

distinct with their own pastor, pastoral and finance councils, finances, census and sacramental books; collaborative parishes

work together whenever possible to do what a single parish cannot do effectively alone.

The decisions on these collaborative relationships will be made in the coming months through the work of an implementation

team. The Holy Eucharist core team will include Father Andrew, John DePalma, Dave Walker, Monica Lee & Paul Giblin.

Please continue to pray that we may be strengthened and enlivened, further improve our stewardship, develop fruitful

collaborative relationships and join together in unity to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Welcome to Church of the Holy Eucharist. May you encounter Jesus Christ in His church and in His

sacraments through your participation in our Parish community. Visit our Welcome Center before or after our week-

end masses for any information on our parish, it’s ministries and it’s community.

We sincerely welcome you!

Pastoral Staff 609 268 8383

Andrew Jamieson, Pastor Ext. 102

[email protected]

Dottie Connelly, Communications Coordinator Ext. 107

[email protected]

Joseph DeLuca, Deacon Ext. 114

[email protected]

Kelley Derricott, Maintenance Ext. 109

[email protected]

Kenneth Domzalski, Deacon Ext. 116

[email protected]

Justina Fenton, Administrative Assistant Ext. 100

[email protected]

Anne Marie Kelly, Rectory Assistant

Regan Peiffer, Music Director Ext. 105

[email protected]

Donna Remaley, Faith Formation Coordinator Ext. 106

[email protected]

Jack Schell, Facilities Manager Ext. 109

Mary Warner, Business Manager Ext. 101

[email protected]

Christine Webb, Protecting God’s Children Ext. 104

[email protected]

Mass Schedule Saturday Evening Vigil: 5:00pm

Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am & 6:00pm

Weekdays: 9:00am (except Tuesday & Saturday)

Tuesdays: 9:00am - Communion Service

Holy Days: 9:00am & 7:00pm

Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday 9:30 am

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Saturday 5:00pm and Sunday

8:30am, 10:30am Sept. through May

Preschool Kidzone: Saturday 5:00pm and

Sunday 8:30am, 10:30am Sept. through May

Stay Connected Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm

Food Pantry Hours Tuesday & Thursday 10 am-12 pm

Office 609-268-8383

Fax 609-268-3294

Music Office 609-268-1119

St. Vincent De Paul 609-268-0005

HOPE 609-268-1818


E-mail [email protected]


WIFI password in building—hepublic520


Visit our website for complete details—


Saturday 3:30-4:30pm or by appointment.


Your child’s baptism is a time for celebration in our parish. It is our mission to guide parents to bring your child to the waters of baptism.

Stop by our Welcome Center on the weekends, call our parish office

for more details or complete the form on

Marriage: Couples wishing to celebrate and consecrate their love

are asked to call the parish office or complete the form on

to request a wedding date a year in advance. At least one person

should be a registered member of the parish. Congratulations!

Faith Formation

Holy Eucharist parish is totally committed to family life and to help-

ing you foster faith in your children. Our Faith Formation Program is created to assist you in doing just that. Our program creates oppor-

tunities for families to pray together, grow as disciples and develop spiritual habits that will lead them into a deeper relationship with

Christ. For more information contact us at 609 268-7742, visit our

website or email Donna Remaley at [email protected]

RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Anyone who is searching and may be thinking of becoming a Catho-

lic Christian or a baptized Catholic who is interested in continuing

their own journey of faith and have not received the other Sacra-

ments of Initiation (Eucharist and Confirmation)

Please call the parish office at 609 268 8383

Sacramental Sponsorship Certificate This is a form

required to be a Godparent or Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation.

A certificate can be obtained from our parish office. Please call for

more details ( 609 268 8383 ext. 100)

Funerals We ask you to first contact your Funeral Director.

The Funeral Director will contact the Church to make the arrange-ments. For more information about funeral planning at Holy Eucha-

rist visit