Download - Welcome To The Family! · Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your

Page 1: Welcome To The Family! · Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your

Rhonda Mitchell Karen Andie

Nathan Heide

Ken Terri

Sonjia Margaret

Lexie Tim

Austin Lielt

Cathy Patrick Phoebe Leslie

January—March, 2013 Issue 32

Inside this issue:

Welcome 1

Patient Of The




Product Review 3




10 things You

Can Do



Chili Lime






A Big Thank You!!

A big thank-you to

everyone who donated

to Oklahaven Children’s

Chiropractic Center. We

were able to donate

$1720 to this

wonderful organization.

You are an amazingly

HealthWorks creates

a community of health

and wellness for our

practice members. We

believe that through

education, leadership

and unsurpassed

healthcare we give the

families of our commu-

nity the ability to reach

their full potential and

optimal health.

generous group & we at

HealthWorks appreciate

each and every one of


HealthWorks is happy to welcome our new families– we are so glad you’re part of the HealthWorks community!

Elijah Daniel Weston

Kimberly Cheryl Brent

Welcome To The Family!

Dr. Christy Porterfield, DC

Dr. Jennifer Taylor, DC

Shari Miles

Deja Erwin

Judie Dave

Aniston Young Sage Heron

Keaton Susan Shirley Brenda Terri Greer

Ashley Casey Lux

Danielle William Beth

Kim Shanna Emily John

Page 2: Welcome To The Family! · Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your

Page 2 HealthWorks

The Meridian Organ Clock comes from ancient Chinese medicine and relates the time of day to specific organs at their peak performance. The numbers represent hours (am or pm) and correlate to the organs and symptoms mentioned in the outer three circles. If you find yourself waking at a specific time every night– or struggling through a specific time of day– it may indicate that the organs related to this time of day are under stress. If you find an area that relates to you, support it with real food, detox, and let your chiropractor know– we’ll optimize brain/body communication and help determine root cause.

Meridian Organ Clock

Ever find yourself waking at the

same time every night or feeling

“blah” during a certain time of day?

Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil

Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your best choice for

cartilage fish oil. Skate liver oil is complete in its offering of many nutrients in a

similar balance as cod liver oil. Unlike shark liver oil, skate liver oil is abundant

in vitamins A, D, E, K, the full range of omega

fatty acides, plus all the unique nutrients

found in shark liver oil such as chondroitin,

squalene, and alkoxglycerols.

Skate liver oil is GREAT for connective tissue— the

stuff that “holds you together”. Skate liver is

especially good for:

growing kids (especially with “growing pains”) menopausal women osteoporosis recent injury (especially sports participants) broken bones joint pain stretch marks or skin issues

New product in


Page 3: Welcome To The Family! · Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your

Page 3 Issue 32

February & March Patients of the Month

Graham & Lisa W.

Become our Patient of the Month

We’d love to feature your success story! To

become our Patient of the Month, you must have:

Made all of your appointments

Attended the 45 Minutes to Health Freedom


Worked to complete your home exercises and


Referred your friends & family so they can

start improving their health as well.

All of our featured Patient of the

Months will receive a one-month

supply of Standard Process

Daily Essential vitamin pack and

be entered to win our Grand


How can I

become Patient

of the Month?

Maryann S.

Congratulations! All of our “Patient of the Months” are entered

to win a yearly grand prize!

Page 4: Welcome To The Family! · Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your

Page 4 HealthWorks

Westin A Price (WAP)

Tired of confusing nutrition "trends"? Learn how to prepare and eat traditional foods like our ancestors. Learn practi-

cal steps for changing your diet, meet others & share tips.

Perfect Storm

Did you know that kids born after 1999 are not predicted to outlive their parents? Kids are on an average of 13 pre-

scriptions each year. The sad truth is that if we want our kids to be healthy we have to make a conscious effort. We’ll

discuss how we got to this point, and what we can do to change things for the future.

Mindful Mommy to Be

Nutrition, overcoming fears, birth planning, and how chiropractic care benefits mother and baby-

for couples to learn holistic support tools for a successful pregnancy.

Book Club: explore a variety of health topics through the reading & discussing. Ongoing Jan-May, our current book

is, “ Our Stolen Future” by Theo Colborn.

10 Things You Can Do Today to live healthy in mind, body & spirit in an un-healthy world

1. Read the Bible Although it isn’t a medical text, it is God’s Word, and in

its pages He reveals many basic principles for good

physical, mental, and spiritual health.

2. Pray People who pray daily have been found to have lower

stress hormones which results in aging well, living long-

er and being able to handle adversity better.

3. Be Thankful Grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions,

life satisfaction, vitality, optimism and lower levels of

depression and stress of others.

4. Forgive We are imperfect beings. Everyone makes mistakes, says

things they don’t mean and does things to hurt others. To

forgive is to let it go. It is not a feeling but a decision, a

choice. Unforgiveness is driven by selfishness.

“Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping the

other person dies.” ~Author Unknown

5. Think and Say Things on Purpose We must realize and understand the power carried by our

thoughts and words. They’re so powerful that they can

bring either blessings or curses into our lives, depending

on their nature. A negative mind produces negative

words and, consequently, a negative life. “Whether you

think you can, or think you can’t, you are right.” Henry


6. Sleep 7-9 hours of sleep is essential for your brain and your

body. Sleep is involved in rejuvenating every cell in your


7. Eat Real Food The most powerful medicine you take isn’t found in your

medicine cabinet but in your kitchen. Food has the power

to heal, it also has the power to harm. “Let thy food be

thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”

~Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

8. Exercise Want to combat depression? Exercise. Want to lower

your blood pressure? Exercise. Want to prevent bone

loss? Exercise. And on and on the list goes. Exercise has

been proven over and over to be a necessary part of ro-

bust health. “Physical exercise acts like a natural won-

der drug for the brain.” ~Dr. Daniel G. Amen

9. Serve Others The easiest way to take your mind off your problems is

to serve others. When you serve others it brings perspec-

tive and appreciation to your world.

10. Surrender In every situation and circumstance we are called to sur-

render. Identify what you have control over (thoughts,

attitudes, words, actions, reactions) and what you don’t.

Determine what you can change and what you can’t.

Start working on what you can change. The rest you let

go. Surrendering is not giving up, but quite the opposite..

Workshop Schedule

Page 5: Welcome To The Family! · Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your

Page 5 Issue 32

From Vanessa Romero’s “Healthy Living

How To” blog:

Ok, so check this out…in less than 10 minutes

you can make your own healthy jam without

any added sugar. It is so simple. all you need

is a cup of frozen fruit, water, chia seeds and

stevia to taste. The recipe makes a half cup,

but can easily be doubled or tripled. And if jam

isn’t your gig, this makes a jelly as well. All

you have to do is whiz it in a high-powered

blender upon completion and then let it cool.

About Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3*, soluble fiber

and antioxidants. Chia seeds are an excellent

source of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,

potassium, iron, zinc, and copper. They have

six times more calcium, eleven times more

phosphorus, and five times more potassium

than milk. Chia seeds are also rich in

antioxidants; chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid,

myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol flavonols.

These antioxidants are more effective than

both vitamin C and E in their protective


*While chia seeds are known for their

concentration of the short-chain omega-

3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, it is

important to note, we also need the

long-chain omega-3′s, EPA and DHA,

which are found in fish and fish oil.

Time: 7 minutes

Yield: 1/2 cup


1 c. Organic Wild Blueberries


1 Tbsp. Water

1 Tbsp. Chia Seeds

Liquid Stevia to taste


1. In small saucepan over medium-

high heat bring blueberries and water to

low boil.

2. With slotted spoon, smash blueberries until

desired consistency.

3. Remove from heat and add chia seeds.

4. Stir until seeds are incorporated and begin

to gel.

5. Transfer to glass jar, stir again and add

liquid stevia to taste (I added 21 drops).

6. Stir before serving.

7. Store in refrigerator for up to one week.


You can replace the blueberries with

raspberries, blackberries or strawberries.

About Vanessa: Vanessa was a featured guest at the recent

“Healthy Life Summit” where she talked about how she was

able to heal herself from adrenal fatigue (and several resulting conditions) through

diet and lifestyle changes. Her blog is an excellent source

for recipes and inspiration!

Page 6: Welcome To The Family! · Product Review: Fermented Skate Liver Oil Green Pasture's Blue Ice™ Fermented Skate Liver Oil is your

2317 Coit Rd.

Suite B

Plano, TX 75075

Phone: 972-612-1800


[email protected]


A Family Wellness Center

We’re on the web!

Wellness is offered:

Monday, Wednesday &


8:00am - 8:45pm

11:00am - 11:45am

3:00pm - 3:45pm

4:30pm - 5:45pm


8:00am - 8:45am

11:00am - 11:45am


8:00am - 8:45am

11:00am - 11:45am

Recipe: Spicy Pepitas

Chili-Lime Pepitas

2 c. raw, soaked pepitas

2 tbs. lime juice

1/2 tsp. ground cumin

1/2 tsp. (or more, to taste) salt

1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper


Soak your pepitas in water and 1 TB sea salt for 7-12 hours.

Mix lime juice & spices in a bowl. Add pepitas, and toss to coat. Spread an

even layer on your dehydrating sheet.

Dehydrating time: 12-24 hours, until dry and crisp

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