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Welcome to the British Academy of Hypnosis


Training Program

Power Mind Hypnosis - Module One The History of Hypnosis

David Knight – The Mind Persuader The British Academy of Hypnosis

Part of the Knight Management Group

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I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to The British Academy of Hypnosis. The British Academy of Hypnosis is a solid UK business that is built on 3 strong cornerstones. 1. Hypnotic Products and Services Hypnotherapy and hypnotic products. 2. The Training School Self-hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Quantum Pain Therapy and Stage Hypnosis. 3. The Hypnosis Circle Giving you and your business full support. Hypnosis started as a practice covered in scepticism and confusion, a pastime for amusement and sensation. Today, professionals of the highest standing are beginning to wake up to the fact that hypnosis is a natural power that we can all tap into. This power can make positive changes to all our lives. It is the most natural of all self-development concepts giving the individual complete control over their future. For ages this incredible natural power has been lying within us dormant and yet destined to perform an active part in the development of future generations. Today hypnosis is the giant within and it is powered up and ready right now. It has no boundaries, it has no limitations, allow its creativity to grow within you and you will experience delights and empowerment beyond imagination. The British Academy of Hypnosis is devoted to its members so please allow us to help you in all ways. Your success is our success. If you have any queries or comments regarding the course then please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance. Prepare to achieve the unbelievable, it is possible. Yours Sincerely,

David Knight David Knight. Ph.D. B.A.Hyp.

The Mind Persuader Founder of The British Academy of Hypnosis

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The Home Study Course Program Contents Module One - The History Of Hypnosis An understanding of hypnosis - Page 5 A brief history of hypnosis - Page 7 The cultural origins of the concept of hypnosis - Page 8 Phenomena produced in trance - Page 10 Modern history of hypnosis - Page 11 Famous users of hypnosis - Page 14 The success formula for a trance – Page 16 More about hypnotism - Page 17 Classification levels of trance - Page 22 Further reading and study – Page 30 British Hypnosis contact details – Page 32 Module Two - What Is Hypnosis What is hypnotic trance? - Page 2 Misconceptions - Page 3 The Truths About Hypnosis - Page 4 Self-hypnosis - Page 7 Alpha State - Page 9 Theta State - Page 11 Definitions of hypnosis - Page 18 Training Conference Calls – Page 24 Module Three - Applications For Hypnosis Applications for hypnosis - Page 2 4 Reasons why you must use hypnosis - Page 8 Unlocking the brain - Page 14 Plan the goal with the Client Questionnaire - Page 21 Module Four - The Mind Rules The 8 rules of the mind - Page 2 The trance formula - Page 12 Optional suggestibility - Page 13 Module Five - How Hypnotherapy Works Levels of trance - Page 3 9 Steps to Hypnotic Coaching - Page 7 Willing inductions - Page 10 Entering the Deepener - Page 13 The signs of trance - Page 20

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Module Six - Hypnotic Techniques The power of hypnosis - Page 4 Hypnosis and stress - Page 6 Re-Install the confidence - Page 18 Mend the past with Regression – Page 19 Install the mind programs - Page 24 Reframing - Page 25 Anchoring - Page 28 Abreaction - Page 32 Negotiate a subconscious deal – Page 35 Deep root the suggestions - Page 36 Module Seven - The Hypnotherapy Scripts A basic Induction script - Page 3 The full induction script - Page 5 The waking script - Page 10 Fears and phobias script - Page 12 Personal success script - Page 15 Stop smoking script - Page 32 Weight loss script - Page 43 Self confidence - Page 49 Depression - Page 50 Chronic Fatigue - Page 62 Module Eight - The Hypnotic Mind Band Operation overview - Page 2 Nutrition and mental health - Page 7 The healthy eating program - Page 9 Session one - Page 12 Session two - Page 18 Session three - Page 23 Session four - Page 29 Session five - Page 35 Session six - Page 39 Mind Band dietary notes - Page 42 Hormones and poison - Page 55 Module Nine - Questions and Answers Running a business - Page 3 What a client may ask - Page 4 A.P.I.E. - Page 8 Where to practise - Page 9 Effective advertising - Page 12 Final word and contact details / passwords - Page 22 Module Ten - Know The Business Know The Business - Page 3 The Hypnosis Circle - Page 13 Building a successful practice - Page 20

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An Understanding of Hypnosis. Here we go let’s make a start on an amazing adventure through the hypnotic world! Beginning to study hypnosis is like starting out on a journey to discover the lost city of Atlantis or to find some incredible magic crystal deep in the jungles of the Amazon. It is a journey that may last you for days, months, years or even a lifetime and a journey that will take you right into the depths of your own mind. The possibilities of hypnosis are boundless and are interwoven with all phases of human life. Successful application of hypnosis can help, redirect and even change deep-rooted thoughts of the mind. Hypnosis is not a toy to be used or abused for fun. It is a powerful hypnotic tool that can change the way you perceive the world around you and as your training program progresses, you will see that perception is everything. This world is abundant with undiscovered delights and hypnosis is just the start of what is about to be an incredible journey. General practice of hypnosis does not take years of study. Hypnosis is easy, it is natural, it is built into us all and it is ready now. The process is simple and yet the Master of this process is blessed with a power that seems almost superhuman. The powers of hypnosis are within us all and so the devoted practitioner cannot fail in their quest to help others. Be patient and have the energy to succeed and you will shortly become a Master of the power and all the rewards it brings with it. This manual has been created to give you a good strong foundation and support from the British Academy of Hypnosis to help you build your hypnotherapy career. If you feel that you require help at any point please contact me, as I am here to help you. As you go through the course we will have at least 4 conference calls together to keep you on track with the learning program.

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“It overthrows the theories of judges and philosophers and shakes the faith of material scientists in their preconceived opinions. It replaces the physician and the surgeon, cures the afflicted and the deformed who they pronounced beyond the hope of recovery. It breaks the chains of demoralising and destructive habits. It comforts the sorrowing and brings peace of mind to those distracted by the perplexities of life. It abolishes periods of time and extents of distance. It makes the lame walk, strengthens the weak and causes the maniac to become as docile as a baby. It cheats the hand of death and snatches almost from the grave the grim destroyer’s victims. It loosens the tongue of the stammer, overcomes the self-consciousness of the backward and tempers the impetuosity of the rash enthusiast. To mankind it is a blessing, leading their innermost thoughts to higher and nobler things, developing their powers to plan and to execute and giving them social, financial and intellectual eminence among his fellow men. All this and more is HYPNOTISM”. William Wesley Cooke M.D.

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A Brief History of Hypnosis

There can be developed in a person a special state of awareness that is termed, for the sake of convenience and historical considerations, hypnosis or trance.

"This state is characterised by the subject's ability to retain the same capacities possessed in the waking state and to manifest these capacities in ways possibly, though not necessarily, dissimilar to the usual actions of conscious awareness."

"Trance permits the operator to evoke in a controlled manner the same mental mechanisms that are operative spontaneously in everyday life; this is achieved by passing suggestion direct to the subconscious part of the mind."

Modern theories of hypnosis have drastically changed the way we view this subject. Because the most common popular view of hypnosis is as an altered state of consciousness of some kind (i.e. trance), this will be used as a departure point to explain how hypnosis has been viewed since the 18th century when it was first systematically studied and mass interest first arose. The most popular traditional view of hypnosis is a sleep-like state, induced by a procedure of some kind by an operator i.e. a Hypnotherapist and in which certain special behaviours seem to result; particularly extreme responsiveness to suggestions made during the hypnotic process. Including physiological responses and where anomalies of the experience of volition (decision making) and memory are consistently reported by subjects. Therapeutic interest in hypnosis results mostly from the fact that response to suggestions includes some increased capacity to access functions, which are normally considered outside of conscious control and memory. Popular interest in hypnosis stems from the therapeutic interest, and because of the long associations of hypnosis with spiritual and secular traditions of self-improvement, self-insight, or self-fulfilment. There has also been interest in hypnotic methods in various areas of medical and scientific research along with the amazing entertainment skills shown by the Stage Hypnotist.

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The Cultural Origins Of The Concept Of Hypnosis

The creation of a distinct concept of hypnosis owes its existence mostly to a charismatic 18th century healer named Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815.) Mesmer had a deep interest in astrological principles, and the supposed direct influence of heavenly bodies on human health, by means of what were believed by Mesmer and others to be measurable physical forces. Mesmer first applied magnets to patient's bodies in elaborate theatrical rituals that often resulted in expected spasmodic muscular contractions and collapse, and often the cure of various kinds of illness. Mesmer favoured the rationalist views of his time, taking on terms like gravitation and magnetism to originally describe his theories of his healing work, and how he could influence the subtle fluids within the body. Mesmerism caught on widely, attracting followers to many spiritualist, religious, and scientific variations of mesmerism, as well as to 'mesmerise' as a dramatic form of entertainment for its own sake 'stage hypnosis.' Hypnosis was highly influential in a number of popular movements, some of which are still very popular today. The clearest transition between Mesmer's animal magnetism and modern therapeutic hypnosis was represented by UK Manchester surgeon James Braid, who coined the term hypnosis (from previous use, by French researchers) in 1843. The term refers to Hypnos, Son of the Greek God of sleep, because most forms of mesmerism at that time involved the production of an apparently sleep-like condition. James Braid, as many scientists and physicians before and after him, recognised in hypnosis certain legitimate psychological phenomena of interest, but requiring much more systematic investigation to understand. Mesmer had come to believe that it was not physical forces via magnets but he himself that was producing the cures. Others not long after Mesmer soon began to suspect that the human imagination played a much larger role in the process than did any physical forces or capacities of the mesmerist. This was important, because mesmerism went through a number of periods of great disrepute due to associations with occultism and various kinds of blatant charlatanism.

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A split arose between those interested in hypnosis as a subject of scientific investigation and as an addition to but not necessarily part of medical treatment, and those who considered it a tool for personal or spiritual fulfilment, or for esoteric (small group learning) investigations of religious or 'magical' nature. Faith healing, mind cure, and Christian Science were all heavily influenced by hypnosis, and derived much of their momentum in the late 19th century from the reputation of Mesmer and later mesmerists. Hypnosis then fell into the hands of various religions, cults and magical organisations that exploited its amazing new powers. In the early scientific study, Braid at first thought that hypnotic induction would yield a unique condition of the nervous system that was linked some how to certain cures by suggestion. This neurological explanation of hypnosis was strongly rejected by Charcot, who believed that the best hypnotic subjects were 'hysterics,' and that hypnosis was therefore a manifestation of what was then considered the mental illness of hysteria. His belief turned out to be wrong and his view of hysteria as a distinct mental illness as well, and his psychopathological view was rejected by the end of the 19th century. In the early 20th century, the early neuropathological view and also Braid's early psychological theory, that un-conflicted ideas automatically lead to actions was about to be replaced. The foundation for most new hypnotic theory was laid by the members of the so-called "Nancy school" of hypnosis (such as Liebault and Bernheim) who elaborated a theory of hypnotic suggestion based on ideomotor action. (Described in next paragraph). Ideomotor action theory says that ideas suggested by the Hypnotist lead automatically to actions, which are then experienced by the subject as unwilled. Ideomotor action is another example of a useful but incomplete model of hypnotic responding. The Nancy school was perhaps most notable in their de-emphasis of hypnotic ritual and there strong emphasis on suggestion as a useful psychological process. A brief understanding of the above will help you understand why many people do not really have any real understanding of hypnosis and how/ why it works.

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Phenomena Produced In Trance There are a number of links between the sorts of situations commonly associated with hypnosis, and the experience of what are often called 'psychic phenomena,' (extra sensory perceptions, psychokinesis (movement of objects by the mind), apparitions, mediumistic phenomena, and strange occurrences such as the apparent suspension of death.) Hypnosis has a small historical connection with spiritualism, as evidenced partly by the shared traditional emphasis on 'trance,' especially 'trance' appearing as a stupor (contrasted with the confusing notion of an 'alert trance' or 'waking trance' in some kinds of hypnotic situation). Spiritualism, in turn, has very strong associations with both the origins of various schools of psychology, and modern parapsychology, and the study of 'psychic phenomena' in general. The reason for quoting that term here is to emphasise that the term originally meant such subtleties of mental life as what we today often think of as the 'subconscious' or 'unconscious' mind, rather than specifically and exclusively such things as ESP (Extra sensory perception), hauntings, or poltergeists.

Hypnosis has thus long had a popular traditional association with such controversial psychic phenomena as ESP, PK (psychokinesis), poltergeist activity, and clairvoyance, as well as various forms of occultism and some kinds of religious healing rituals. None of which will be covered in this course! Thank goodness. It is mentioned here just to give you information and understanding of trance in the past and how trance may be used in the future.

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A Selective Modern Western History Of Hypnosis Professionalism On the subject of professionalism, make sure you have a good understanding of the history of hypnosis. This course is only a basic course designed to get you up and running in your business with an amount of knowledge which will successfully get you by. The more you can read and study from now on will help you build your successful practise. Here is a bit more about the history of modern hypnosis 1775: Dr. Franz Mesmer developed healing by 'animal magnetism' or mesmerism, which was later, renamed hypnosis. 1784: Count Maxime de Puysegut discovered a form of deep trance he called somnambulism. 1821: First reports of painless dentistry and surgery in France using magnetism. Many breakthroughs were made by such Frenchmen as Ambrose Liebeault (1823-1904), J.M. Charcot (1825-93) a Paris neurologist, and Charles Richet (1850-1935). 1791-1868: John Elliotson, President of the Royal Medical and Surgical Society of London and a professor at London University, professed belief in magnetism/mesmerism and used hypnotic trance to perform 1,834 surgical operations. 1795-1860: A London/Scottish eye doctor and physician, James Braid, renamed magnetism/mesmerism as HYPNOSIS. 1845-53: A British surgeon in India, James Esdail, performed 2,000 operations - even amputations - with the patients under hypno-anaesthesia and feeling no pain. 1857-1926: Another Frenchman, Emile Coue, pioneered the use of autosuggestion and the use of affirmations e.g. 'Day by day in every way I am getting better and better'. 1883-1887: Sigmund Freud, father of cathartic method, free association and psychoanalysis, become interested in hypnosis and began to practise it. Not being very good at it, he went on to develop psychoanalysis instead! 1891: The British Medical Association reported favourably on use of hypnosis in field of medicine.

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1901-80: Milton H. Erickson MD, the recognised leading authority on clinical hypnosis, a master of indirect hypnosis, was able to put a person into a trance without even mentioning the word hypnosis. 1914: World War I - New Era of Hypnosis. Revival due to multiplicity of paralytic and amnesia cases with psychogenic origin and few psychiatrists available. 1925-1947: Use of hypnosis in dentistry developed in the US. 1950s Both the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association issued statements supporting the usefulness of hypnosis as a form of therapy. 1958: British Hypnotherapy founded. 1962: A brain operation was performed under hypnosis in Indianapolis in the US. 1968: The British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis was founded, exclusively for medical doctors and dentists. 1973: The Hypnotherapy Register established in the UK administered by the National Council for Psychotherapists. Later to become the National Council for Hypnotherapy. 1977: British Society of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis founded mainly for psychologists. 1977: Institute of Psychology and Parapsychology founded. Later to become Institute of Hypnosis and Parapsychology, an unregistered, non-profit making learned society in the UK and the US. 1979: During debate in the House of Commons the Institute of Hypnosis and Parapsychology is mentioned by name and recorded in the Public Record of Hansard as using a code of conduct standards and ethics and that its members conformed with the requirements of the advertising standards authority. 1980: National School of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy and the Central Register of Advanced Hypnotherapists established. 1982: Corporation of Advanced Hypnotherapy and The Atkinson-Ball College of Hypnotherapy established. 1983: The Proudfoot School of Hypnosis established.

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1984: London College of Clinical Hypnosis and the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists founded. 1987: Formation of British Society for the Practice of Hypnosis in Speech Therapy. The Soothsayer Foundation and the World Institute of Professional Hypnotherapists formed. 1989/90: The Institute of Hypnosis and Parapsychology evolves into the College and Association of Stress Management. 1991: Setting up of PSI Services plc as a commercial company to offer stress management and hypnosis techniques in employee assistance programmes to British industry. 1992: The Royal College of Practitioners invites PSI Services plc to submit a 2,000 word paper on the use of hypnosis for the lesser psychiatric disorders. Paper published in the 1992 handbook circulating to 17,000 senior GP's. 1993: New Scientist publishes results of largest survey ever recorded of stopping smoking methods, spanning several continents - hypnosis proven to be streets ahead of anything else! 1995: National Association of Holistic Hypnotherapists established in the UK. 1999: The British Academy of Hypnosis was founded! Who knows maybe even one day we will become an important part in the history of this fascinating subject!

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Famous Users Of Hypnosis Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-92) repeated names to himself like a hypnotic mantra in order to access different states of consciousness in which whole poems came to him. Mozart (1756-91) apparently composed the famous opera Cosi fan tutte while hypnotised. Rachmaninov (1873-1943) reputedly composed one of his concertos following a posthypnotic suggestion. Goethe (1749-1832) writer and scientist. Chopin (1810-1849) pianist and composer both took classes in hypnosis at the University of Strasbourg. Thomas Edison (1847-1931) inventor. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) inventor. Henry Ford (1863-1947) car manufacturer. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) physicist and Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) novelist all used trance-like states to develop their ideas. Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) politician counted backwards in 3s in order to stay awake all night and avoid tiredness during W.W.II. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud developed modern psychiatry as a result of learning about (and practising) hypnosis. Louis XVI of France appointed a committee of investigate the healing powers of ‘mesmerism’. The committee included Benjamin Franklin. (1706-1790) US statesman, philosopher and physicist, Antoine Lavoisier. (1743-1794) Father of modern chemistry, Dr. Joseph Guillotin (1738-1814) inventor and doctor. Jackie Kennedy-Onassis used hypnotherapy to relive and let go of some tragic events in her life. Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits reportedly beat his smoking habit through hypnosis.

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Kevin Costner flew his personal hypnotist to Hawaii to cure his seasickness during the filming of Waterworld. Andy Bryant, hair care consultant, hit the headlines when he underwent a vasectomy under hypnosis without anaesthetic and immediately after the operation, went back to work. Paul Daniels, magician, lost his fear of closed spaces after hypnotherapy in 1996 with Dr. Robert Russell PhD. Paul McKenna, Stage Hypnotist, Therapist and Trainer, in his recent books, details the following who have benefited from private hypnosis sessions with him: Nigel Benn, WBC Super Middleweight champion; Robin Smith, England cricketer; Paula Yates, TV presenter; Kate Staples, pole vault champion and TV Gladiator; Bobby Davro, TV comic; Frank Bruno, WBC Heavyweight champion, Johnny Davis, British Olympic fencer and The Crystal Palace football team. You are the most important person that you know. Perhaps it is time you checked out how hypnosis could help you! Is hypnosis the key to your future?

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The Success Formula for Trance. People often ask me, what I feel are the key points we are looking for in a good hypnotic subject. Although you can never be 100% sure I think if your subject has the 4 key points below you are well on your way.






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More about HYPNOTISM I have endeavoured to place before you the facts, and the great scientific opportunities in the subject of hypnotism. In all branches of medicine, hypnotism is invaluable. Only those who use it regularly can fully appreciate its value. It is important, however, that for the treatment of physical diseases, at any rate, it should be employed only under the supervision of a duly qualified and registered medical practitioner or practised by doctors themselves, as its therapeutic effects are so certain in the relief of symptoms, that grave damage might be done by obscuring those warning symptoms of some serious surgical condition. Once, for example, the physical state has been diagnosed by a competent physician, who could also keep a watching brief in the case, then hypnotism is a very safe and effective weapon, but to use it as a cure for all ills would be as absurd as prescribing one type of medicine independent of the cause, course and nature of the disease. This is close to saying that hypnotism should be controlled by the medical profession and qualified practitioners. It must be admitted that the range of medicine covered by hypnotism is far greater than is often credited in medical circles. The practice of this art is based upon science.

Hypnotism is the master key to the mind of man.

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Suggestion is most powerful in its action upon the mind of man in the hypnotic state, and it must not be forgotten that we live by suggestion. We dress according to the clothes suggested by advertisements; we try to keep up with the times; all this means that we act upon the suggestion of others (hetero-suggestion.) We know that the bottle of medicine does as much good to a patient when a chemist has accidentally omitted to place in it the "all-important ingredient” as it did when it contained it. Of course, there are some important exceptions, but facts cannot be altered.

Hypnotic-suggestion is irresistible suggestion and is the key to the mastery of man's mind.

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HYPNOTISM is the production of a psychical condition in which the faculty of receiving impressions by suggestion and the power to act upon and carry out the suggestions is greatly increased. The less the mind is occupied with ideas, the more easily can thoughts be directed into any given channel. If nothing holds our attention, the nervous system, for want of that gentle stimulation which is necessary to it, falls into a state of semi-activity inseparable from want of tone in the nervous system, and a form of sleep is produced. The purpose of "fixing" the patient's attention on a certain bright point, at a strained angle of one foot in front of, and one foot above, the eye level, is used in order to strain the accommodation of the eyes and tire the sight. The effect of the strain is to cause dilatation of the pupils and resultant dimness of vision. The feeling of heaviness in the eyelids results from the fatigue of keeping them open in a strained position. The assertion, by suggestive words in a monotonous tone, that the eyes are becoming tired and the sight dim, is therefore founded on physiological data. The eyes being tired, the natural impulse is to close them and this act calls up a previous association of ideas connected with confused sight or fatigue. That association points to sleep, towards which the patient is rapidly led, aided by the monotonous tones of the Hypnotist suggesting it to him and by his mind being free from all disturbing thoughts and his nerves being free from all external stimuli. The patient falls asleep, in fact, much in the same manner as one does when reading a dull book. The sleep may be (I) light, (II) deep, (III) or that of the state of somnambulism. The light and deep sleep closely resembles ordinary sleep, but the somnambulism is different and resembles mesmerism. If an ordinary sleeper is spoken to, he is usually aroused by the stimulating effect of the sound conveyed to the brain, through the auditory nerves, but in the somnambulistic state, he can be spoken to without being disturbed and on the contrary, the effect is actually soothing. Whereas in natural sleep the patient is in touch with his own consciousness, in somnambulism he is, in fact, in touch with the outer world. In the somnambulistic state all the senses are more or less inactive and in abeyance until called into play by the Hypnotist.

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Normal sleep is the result of fatigue and habit and during this state the body is closed for repairs; as soon as all these repairs are done, the normal healthy person wakes up with renewed energy. The hypnotic state may be brought about at any time of the day and long before any perceptible inroad has been made on the store of nerve energy laid up during previous natural sleep. It follows that during this artificially produced sleep which is the hypnotic state, there may be great accumulation of an excess of energy, all of which can be concentrated and directed into any channels the Hypnotist desires. The concentrated and directed nerve force must naturally affect the system more powerfully than any ordinary sensory nervous impression and this explains the sensation of warmth usually experienced in any part to which the attention has been drawn. The rapid production of congestion to a given part and it also may explain the success of this treatment in some cases of paralysis of many years standing. In this state suggestions have all the force of commands and the patient will strain every nerve to obey them, as they are received as true and the idea tends to be realised and to be carried into execution as actions. When the patient is told to move a paralysed limb, or to speak after months of aphonia (loss of voice), it will be noticed that he puts extreme intense effort into the attempt to comply with the Hypnotist's suggestions. We are all familiar with the stammerer under hypnosis making such an effort that he then speaks fluently and the deaf person who will hear a whisper. The force of the suggestion does not, in fact, depend on the depth of the sleep, as all that is necessary is a state of increased receptivity of ideas suggested by the Hypnotist and at the same time, an ignoring of all other sensory impressions, which is accomplished even in the lighter states of hypnotism. While it is true that only about half the population can be hypnotised to the somnambulistic state, when they can be made to act and relate a dream, or scene dictated by the Hypnotist, and in which state very accurate post-hypnotic suggestion can be made to bear fruit at the appointed time, three quarters of the population can be hypnotised into a deep sleep, and practically everybody into the first stage of light "sleep" in this first degree many will deny having even been hypnotised, as they are conscious of movements in the outside world, but suggestions will frequently act as powerfully.

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To show the critic that he is hypnotised in such a light state, first tell him that he will find it impossible to open his eyes, and to his surprise he will find that he is not able to do so until commanded to open them.

It has been found that natural sleep can frequently be changed into hypnotic sleep by making a few passes over the sleeper (stroking the forehead lightly and hardly touching it, or stroking the limbs in a like manner downwards), and whispering softly, telling them not to wake up. This method succeeds extremely well in the aged and in children. For hypnotherapy we will use only six main levels of trance. The levels we will use are listed over the following page. You may read in other manuals about more or less levels of trance. Do not be concerned, as it is only a guide.

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CLASSIFICATION Classification of levels of trance: First Stage: the patient feels a heaviness of the eyelids and a general drowsiness. Second Stage: characterised by suggestive catalepsy. When the hypnotist places the arm in a certain position, and says that it is to remain there, it is impossible for the patient to pull it down. The arm remains rigid and fixed for a much longer time than would be possible in the natural state. In the first and second degrees or stages, consciousness remains almost complete, and often the patient denies having been in the hypnotic state because he has heard and remembers every word which has been spoken to him. A very large proportion of people never pass beyond this stage. Third Stage: the subject is also conscious of everything going on around him to a certain extent, and hears every word addressed to him; but he is oppressed by great sleepiness. An action communicated to a limb is automatically continued. If the arm is rotated to begin with, it goes on rotating until the operator directs its stoppage. The term hypo taxis is applied to these second and third stages. Fourth Stage: the patient ceases to be in relation with the outer world. He hears only what is said to him by the hypnotist. Fifth and Sixth stages: these constitute SOMNAMBULISM. In the fifth stage what occurred during sleep is indistinct and recalled with difficulty. In the sixth stage the patient is unable to recall spontaneously anything that has occurred while asleep. All the phenomena of post-hypnotic suggestion can be induced in this stage.

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More about these levels There are many different scales commonly used to determine the depth of hypnosis a client may enter. What follows is a personal amalgam of several of these, simplifying and reducing the overall number of levels to five. In practice, the different stages are not always so rigidly or clearly defined, there is much overlap, not everyone achieves all the signs and indeed, some of the phenomena can be encountered in the so-called waking state. The Hypnotist will use both experience and various 'tests' to take the client down into and ensure that he/she is at the appropriate depth. Only 1 in 10 people are believed capable of entering the deeper states easily but all can achieve the lighter states where most clinical therapy is done. Note that for successful therapy, it is not necessarily the depth that matters but the repetition or number of sessions either in the consulting room or at home with an individual tape that counts. And of course, the quality of suggestion! There are a number of factors that might determine the depth that can be achieved by an individual: 1. The skill of the Hypnotist, or the induction methods used. 2. The natural ability of the client, which may be improved with practice. 3. The emotional content being dealt with. 4. The motivation of the client. 5. The degree of co-operation, rapport or trust between client and Hypnotist.

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Level, Stage or Depth of Hypnosis - Symptoms and Phenomena 1st level – No Trance

(5%) Unsusceptible: Subject fails to react in any way to a particular induction method or hypnotist, i.e. there is resistance or the subject does not consent to hypnosis. Gain consent; change the method; or the hypnotist; in order to achieve a 100% successful induction into hypnosis. Practice on the part of client and the Hypnotist increases hypnotisability. It becomes easier, quicker and you go deeper. After five or six sessions, many people seem to reach a plateau, which was once believed to be the maximum depth they were capable of achieving. There now seems to be some doubt. There may, in fact, be a number of plateaux for the individual, always deeper, always better!

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2nd Level of hypnosis (95%) - Hypnoidal - (For Accelerated Learning):

Physical relaxation. Body warmth. Drowsiness apparent. Fluttering of eyelids. Increased eye lacrimation (tears). The whites of the eyes going red. Closing of eyelids, eyeballs may roll up into head, lids may quiver. Deeper relaxation, head drops. Some heaviness of limbs. Swallowing reflex. Mental relaxation, partial lethargy of mind.

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3rd Level of Hypnosis (90+%) - Light - (For Suggestion Therapy):

Alpha rhythms of 8-13 cycles per second begin. Eye catalepsy (cannot open eyelids if told he cannot). Partial limb catalepsy or rigidity. Inhibition of small muscle groups. Slower deeper breathing. Strong lassitude (disinclination to move, think or act). Twitching of mouth or jaw during induction. Client aware of what transpires. Rapport between subject and operator. Simple posthypnotic suggestions heeded. Involuntary start or eye twitch on awakening. Some personality changes. Feelings of heaviness throughout entire body. Partial feeling of detachment. Some body catalepsy. Light anaesthesia (but will need deeper for extensive dental work for example). Imagery and awareness of altered sensations may be offered ideomotor responses possible.

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4th Level of Hypnosis (70+%) Medium/Deep (For More Advanced Therapy):

Recognition of trance. Can be deepened further by 'pacing'. Facial expression of deep repose. Simultaneous reduction of respiration rate and flaccidity of limbs. Complete muscular inhibition (kinaesthetic delusions) Partial amnesia. Glove and posthypnotic anaesthesia. Posthypnotic suggestions heeded. Tactile, gustatory, and olfactory illusions possible Personality changes. Change feeling (hot-cold). Hyperacuity to atmospheric conditions. Delusions (false belief, ignorance of actual facts, etc.) Hypermnesia (remembers experiences and events of long ago.) Full rigidity or catalepsy. Analgesia or pain control.

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5th Level of Hypnosis (5-20%) Deep and Somnambulistic (Stage or Waking Hypnosis):

Complete and/or posthypnotic amnesia. Able to open eyes, walk, talk and obey instructions w/o affecting trance. Fixed stare when eyes are open; papillary dilation. Bizarre posthypnotic suggestions heeded. Complete somnambulism. Uncontrolled movements of eyeballs, eye co-ordination lost. Positive visual hallucinations. Positive auditory hallucinations. Spontaneous amnesia. Extreme sharpness of senses. Negative visual hallucinations. Negative auditory hallucinations. Fading and increase in cycles of sound of operator's voice much improved memory or hypermnesia. May have taste and/or smell hallucinations. Sensations of lightness, floating, swinging, being bloated or swollen, detached feeling. Rigidity and lag in muscular movements and reactions. Control of organic body functions (heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion, etc.)

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6th Level of Hypnosis (5% or less) - Various Deep States of Somnambulism: Coma: Body very flaccid - and will not respond to physical suggestions. Catatonic: Body can be put into any positive position and can remain that way for long periods. (Resembles rigidity but muscles are not flexed.) Ultra Depth Extreme flaccidity: All spontaneous activity is inhibited. Completely anaesthetised for minor or major surgery. Completely painless childbirth. No recall at all of what is said or done - and cannot be given it. Complete time distortion. Vivid past life experiences. Mediumistic trances. Phenomenal feats of strength are possible. These deep coma states are safer than normal sleep as in an emergency experience the client will usually come out of it spontaneously - but not always! Subjects can attain a coma state known as the Esdaile State, named after Doctor Esdaile. In 1845, he did hundreds of amputations and deep abdominal surgical procedures using this deep state of hypnosis. His patients recovered much more quickly and easily than the average for surgical cases of his day. Mortality was only 8% compared to the usual 50% and more at this time. This state is one of complete relaxation and euphoria in which the subject simply does not wish to be disturbed. They accept no suggestion of any kind no matter how pleasing or reasonable it may be. For many years Hypnotists feared this state, in case they were unable to arouse the client. However, for a trained Hypnotist, it is now known that the technique for arousal is actually very straight forward, as you will discover in this training course.

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Further Reading and Study I hope you have enjoyed the first module in the training program. To complete the module, please take some time to read the section on Hypnosis Reports downloaded with this training course. The Hypnosis Reports .PDF shows just how powerful hypnosis can be and the reports give scientific evidence to the claims for hypnosis. Self-Hypnosis I believe that Hypnosis begins with you and a firm understanding of self-hypnosis is important. After all it is impossible to give from an empty barrel. I offer a free Self Hypnosis Training Program including a free self-hypnosis e-book and 3 free self-hypnosis .MP3 downloads. If you haven’t already taken a look at this free course please download it now:

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Continuing with the Hypnotherapy Course There are 10 Chapters to this training program and I hold 4 conference calls to guide you along the way. Conference Call One: Chapters One and Two Conference Call Two: Chapters Three, Four and Five Conference Call Three: Chapters Six and Seven Conference Call Four: Chapters Eight, Nine and Ten I will be in contact with you by email all the way through the course and I am always available for your support. Once you have completed all 10 Chapters and 4 Conference Calls there is a simple exam to take in order to receive your Hypnotherapy Diploma Certificate. Don’t worry the exam is open book so you can have this manual in front of you for reference and even then if you are stuck you can contact me and I will point you in the right direction. Please contact me when you are ready for the exam and I will email it to you. On successful completion of the exam you will receive a diploma certificate of professional training from The British Academy of Hypnosis. Hands on Training To accompany this training course we have a first class hands on training course available here in the UK. These 2 days of training are an optional extra for those who like the hands on approach. Training takes place on weekends throughout the year and you can find the next training dates, availability and current prices online: www.Hypnotist.Training

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The British Academy of Hypnosis Once you have completed the training course you may be invited to become a member of The Hypnosis Circle. For an annual membership The Hypnosis Circle offers you on going support for your Hypnotherapy business. From the membership web site you will be able to download over 100 hypnotherapy scripts and business support forms. You will have access to myself for business support and guidance along with regular online conference training and support. There are 3 annual memberships available: Bronze membership £96 Bronze membership offers you access to the web site support materials and access to David Knight via e-mail. Silver Membership £196 This offers the benefits of Bronze Membership plus 4 Live Video Training Conference Calls with David Knight through the year. Gold Membership £360 Gold Membership offers all the Silver benefits plus your very own Hypnosis Circle Web Site to promote your business. More details can be found on the Hypnosis Circle Web Site:

David Knight and The British Academy of Hypnosis

UK Telephone: +44 1609 778889 UK Mobile: + 44 7721 000 999

E-Mail: [email protected]

Skype: knighthypnosis