Download - Welcome to Ms. Kanter’s parent meeting Grab some snacks and find your child’s name tag to sit!


Welcome to Ms. Kanter’s parent


Grab some snacks and find your child’s name tag to sit!


Raised in Cleveland, Ohio

Graduated from Emory University

Taught Pre-K and first grade

Loves yoga and can’t cook

Who are you?

How do we create a strong year?

Classroom community Volunteer, befriend other parents, discourse on

best practices Teacher and parent on the same team Open door policy

Come visit our class We love the help and you can learn about our classroom culture

Consistent and trusting communication My cell phone number: 216 538 1387

What are our goals?ELA 1.5 years of reading growth on

the DRA Know all 1st and 2nd grade sight

words Love for reading seek out

opportunities to read Read 180 books by end of year

MATH 80% mastery on all unit tests Articulate strategies used to

solve problems – HOW? WHY? Make connections to everyday


MINDSET Take ownership of learning Understand importance of

education college Super star scholar qualities:

resilient, respectful, supportive, problem solver

SOCIO-EMOTIONAL Understand and express

emotions improve EQ Regulate emotions Solve small problems on your

own using Kelso’s choices

What would you like to add?

How will we get there? (ELA) Read 20 minutes a night EVERY night and 180 books by

end of year

Practice sight words in car, during snack, before bed

Check for comprehension by asking questions before, after and during reading and doing strategies w. sheet

Reivew ELA tests at home

Leveled center groups based on reading levels at school; IR during centers

Why is reading so important? A child from a low-income family hears an average

of eight million fewer words per year than a child from a wealthier family. That’s more than 30 million fewer words by the time the child turns four.

Students who read 20 minutes a night will have learned 1, 800, 000 words per year and score in the 90% percentile in standardized tests

Check out yellow sheet for visual

180 book club!

Go through maroon folder with parents

How can I help during reading?

Sound out strategies Review strategies on light yellow sheet

Read a loud model fluency and intonation Stop at periods, pause at commas, voice goes up for

questions and exclamations Have students find sight words and vowel sounds

in passages Have students read on level or independent

reading books Express enthusiasm and love for reading

How can we make reading fun?

Create a set time, routine to read (before bed, after play time)

1 on 1 time with child Make reading a reward Read to your students Bring out puppets or stuffed

animals IPICK

See bottom of yellow sheet Set up rewards system

See white sheet of paper

How do I know if a book is on their independent reading level?

DRA 5 finger rule Why it is

important: brain as a muscle that needs to be worked

What if I don’t have books?

Public library Classroom library Ms. Kanter’s

scholastic book club:

How can we meet our goals? (Math) Mad minute sheets for fluency Make connections to everyday:

Counting coins in purse Telling time Noticing patterns and shapes Counting forwards and backwards Cutting foods in halves and fourths

Review math tests with students Asking questions white sheet Leveled centers based on mastery of standards

How can we meet our goals? (mindset and socio-emotional)

Point out and reward resilient, respectful, problem solving and supportive behavior at home

Review Kelso’s choices Discuss college and higher

education with child Model how to articulate

feelings and use them to express themselves

The last 10 minutes… Fill out parent observation in PSAP

document Review student’s goal folder. Write down

DRA level and highlight any circled sight words on own list

Brainstorm questions about material presented

Start creating flash cardsor transferring books onto new 180 log!!