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By John Varghese and Kuba Rogolski Weird animals

The axolotls is an aquatic salamanders. It is a creature that looks half fish / half lizard. It can swim and walk, but it spends its life in water. The native habitat of axolotls is in the rivers of the rainforest in Mexico, but there are very few left in the wild. Most axolotls are now found as pets, on dinner plates (some people eat them in Mexico) and in laboratoriesAxolotl

Jesus LizardThe Jesus lizards real name is the common basilisk. It earned the nickname Jesus lizard by walking (or running really) on top of the water. This lizard will run across the water to catch a meal or to get away from a predator. Although, it can only run on top of the water for 30 to 40 feet before sinking, but dont worry these little lizards can swim too.

CapybaraCapybaras are the largest rodents in the world. They can grow over 4 feet long and weigh in excess of 140 pounds. Now that is big! These rodents are semi-aquatic and have partially webbed feet. They prefer to live in groups of around 20 and can be found living in rainforests, near flooded grasslands, marshes, swamps and other water sources throughout South America.

Satanic Leaf Tailed GeckoThe satanic leaf tailed gecko gets its nickname because it looks like it has horns, but it doesnt really; it just has an unusual head shape. This gecko lives in Madagascar and is a master of disguise. Its tail looks like a leaf, which is useful, since this lizard lives up in trees. It can also change colours to match its surroundings.

Proboscis MonkeyProboscis monkeys particularly the males have huge noses. Its these noses that make the males so attractive to the females. The bigger the males nose , the more likely the female will agree to mate with him. These males keep getting more and more attractive (in a female proboscis monkeys eyes at least) as they get older because their noses never stop growing.Proboscis monkeys can be found on the island of Borneo, but their numbers are dwindling due to habitat loss.

Rhinoceros HornbillRhinoceros hornbills are monogamous, meaning they stay with the same mate for life and they have a unique child rearing ritual. The mother lays her eggs inside a hole in a tree. The male seals the hole, with the female and her young inside using a paste of fruit and mud, leaving only a small slit. The male revisits the tree daily, placing food through the slit to feed the female and her young. After about three to four months when the chicks are old enough to survive outside, the mother breaks open the hole.

Aye-AyeThe aye-aye is a solitary, nocturnal animal that lives in Madagascar. It weighs about 6 pounds, has a bushy tail, long teeth ,claws and a thin, long middle finger that it uses to catch insects. These unique features make the aye-aye look like a cross between a bat and monkey. The aye-ayes biggest predator is humans. Some humans in Madagascar kill these primates because they believe the myth that aye-ayes can bring about death.

Bornean Flat-Headed FrogYou need lungs to breathe right? Well, you might, but the Bornean flat-headed frog doesnt. This frog doesnt even have lungs. It instead, absorbs oxygen through its skin. Besides lacking lungs, this frog has hands and feet that look like paddles.The Bornean flat-headed frog is native to Indonesia and is endangered due to illegal gold mining, pollution and deforestation.

OkapiIf you happen to visit the rainforests in the Northeast region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and see an animal that looks part zebra and part giraffe, you arent going crazy; you have just seen an okapi. The okapi is a relative of the giraffe, but not the zebra, so we arent sure where those zebra legs came from. In any case, this mixed and matched animal is quite adorable. Its also quite shy, which is why it wasnt discovered until the year 1900.

Glass FrogThe glass frog is the number one strange animal on our list because it has a see-through abdomen. Yes, you read that right. While, the rest of its body is a lime green so you can actually see its organs. No need to X-Ray a glass frog to see whats going on inside; just look with your eyes. You can find glass frogs in the rainforests of Central and South America, however, their numbers are declining due to deforestation.

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